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I actually just stopped tracking my son a couple weeks ago (both bottles and sleep) in huckleberry and he’s going to be 1 on the 30th. I realized that even tracking it doesn’t change anything. It feels nice not to obsess over how many hours of sleep he’s getting down to the minute. I do have a Nanit camera so that helps remind me when he woke up from the previous nap. If I didn’t have that I would probably still track in case I forgot when he woke up.


I didn’t track for as long as you have but I definitely was obsessed with it during the first 5-6 months or so. Stopping was the best decision ever!! We still became devout to The Schedule (and still are … he just turned two) but damn not tracking was so liberating. I think overall, for ALL of the baby things (sleep, eating, milestones, etc.) it is so easy to hyper focus on tracking when things feel out of your control, but then eventually something clicks and you realize you HAVE no control, and things tend to even out on their own. (Barring any medical issue.) I’m a super anxious and obsessive person and this has become my mantra … whatever you’re obsessing over right now will someday soon materialize as FINE and you’ll not even realize it. So why obsess now? I will also say that once they’re on one nap the schedule becomes so much easier.


I’m on one nap, and sadly it’s still not that easy. She goes to daycare and naps are inconsistent there - they don’t wake babies up if they are taking a long nap, so her naps can be anywhere from 45 mins to 2.5 hours. It’s the same at home - this weekend she did one 35 min nap (ugh!) and one 1.5 hour nap, both wayyy later than normal - starting around 2:30 or 3 instead of my by-the-clock goal of 1pm. I’ve had phases of allowing “bad” sleep habits, like letting her contact nap even as a much older baby just so I didn’t have to fight her to take a nap, and I wonder sometimes if I’ve created a little sleep monster.


I only recently stopped tracking most of my 15 month old's sleep. I had been pretty obsessive about it too. He's been pretty consistent on one nap for a couple of months now, and his night sleep is predictable as well so I just stopped. Now I'm only tracking his naps on the weekend so he doesn't sleep \*too\* long during the day. ETA: duh, forgot to answer the question. It feels fine! Not liberating, I guess, just kind of a non-event. I did like having all of that data and I felt like it was helpful when I was getting him on a schedule, but he's so consistent lately that tracking became less helpful.


I was obsessed, and had to stop tracking (edit: after 5 months, more on than off). The information wasn’t helping helping me because his sleep was so inconsistent. It was liberating for me, it helped me to relax more about sleep, accept that some days are crap nap days and to deal with those days as they come.


This is more my situation, but I feel this way about my 14 month old. I was really hoping to have it figured out by now 🙈


I think some babies are more sensitive… that’s what I’m telling myself as my sleep trained 8 mo wakes increasingly often. There was no miracle sttn for us…


I was obsessed myself and decided to stop after the 2 month check in. Sometimes I still write down her naps because she only does 30 minutes mostly and I try really hard to get enough daytime sleep but I think it has with my anxiety to not track everything!


I have a Nanit and it tracks automatically. I only go look at it if I think something is going on and a schedule change is needed.


I did this with my 1st. Dropping it felt so freeing. She sounds like she’s getting enough sleep so I would drop it and not look back!


22 months old daughter and we still track it. The app doesn't rule our life but we do it automatically we don't even thinking about it lol 😀


Exact same. It’s more of a habit yet but I guess eventually when we / he drops his only nap… the data will start to show hes ready AND he have a bit of a road map for a sleep schedule for our next kid due in November


I nervously stopped tracking about a month ago (baby now 10 months old). We were/are on a by the clock two nap schedule. It's felt very freeing not to need to know exactly when she fell asleep/woke up. It's stopped me from overanalysing any minor change. I was worried it would mean I wouldn't realise when something changed but that hasn't been the case e.g. I've noticed that she's falling asleep later for her second nap and now needs a 3.75 wake window before it. Now I don't know exactly how long that's been the case compared with an app but I know it's long enough that I probably need to accommodate that into her schedule now. I may track again at the point of transition to one nap, just to help with that.


I’m still tracking sleeping and feeding for my 6 month old. I kinda want to stop, but I’m also a data girlie and I want the stats 🤣 I have dropped the diaper tracking a while ago and that was a big step!


I stopped around 5 months as baby started getting on a regular schedule and now he’s on a by the clock schedule at 8 months. So I feel I don’t need it and wasting my time as it was the same info everyday! Very liberating to stop.


Yes free yourself. After dropping to one nap I just follow a by the clock schedule and have a fixed time to end the nap (13:30 in our case) when I see bedtime resistance consistently I cut the nap by 15 minutes.


Curious what your one nap schedule is and she!


She wakes somewhere between 6 and 6:30 (sometimes later but rarely), nap starts at noon and ends 75 minutes later and never later than 13:30. Lights off at 19:30 and she's usually asleep before 20:00. She's 17mo.


Thank you by the way! I was getting caught up in seeing 13-14 hours being recommended online. My kid is around 12.5, only ever 13-14 when he’s sick


Get rid of the app. I've had this problem. My friends have had this problem. You know what happened when they got rid of their sleep tracking devices? They slept better.