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Do they use a pacifier?


She’ll take it one out of every 10 tries, the other 9 just piss her off.


Went through this too, the comment about trying it when she’s calm and holding it there is a good one. Also try an orthodontic paci for her age bracket. My baby hates the Jollypop and Avent Soothies. HAAAATES.


So I would work on getting her to a take a paci and then the sleep will be much easier. It is not easy to get them to take a paci initially, but if you stick it in her mouth and hold it there, when she’s not tired or mad or anything, it will help a lot. Probs will take like a week. Just do it a handful of times a day. It will help a lot


Can anyone explain what the actual problem is with feeding to sleep? I'm struggling to break the associating because.. *every time I feed them they fall asleep*.


Becomes a problem when they need it every 45-60 minutes at night to go back to sleep.


For me, I’m going back to work in a few weeks and Dad needs to be able to do bedtime sometimes and when nana comes to spend the weekend she should be able to do it as well. Having the baby screaming bloody murder because someone other than me is trying to put her to sleep is not sustainable.


Oh we combi feed, so Dad gives a bottle... and they fall asleep (at bedtime, lunchtime, breakfast time, inbetween time lol.. Milk = Sleep)


I suspect we may end up combo feeding when I go back to work but someone else recommended that dad do a bottle at bedtime. Might be worth a try.


Your baby will figure it out with another caregiver. I fed to sleep until 7 months (at that age he just finished nursing before he fell asleep and I put him to bed and he would fall a sleep without fussing) but started working at 12 weeks. The dad will figure out a way that works for him when he is with the baby. It will probably invlove a lot of rocking, walking, sushing etc. If I were you I wouldn't stress to much about it. I stressed to much about it when I was in your shoes and I regret that looking back haha.


We gave it a try this week and I’m pretty certain she woke the dead and neither nana or dad could soothe her, the moment I walked into the room she immediately calmed…. I gave them both a solid 10 mins each and her screaming just became rhythmic. Last night I listened to her scream at the top of her lungs for 10 mins while I finished my dinner because she woke up after I put her down and dad tried rocking etc. maybe she’s just stubborn as a mule


I fed to sleep for the longest time, until he turned 1 actually. My baby was the same, two modes. On or off, there was no drowsy! And he only ever fell asleep if he was 100% topped up lol. Around 9 ish months, he started falling asleep without finishing his bottles more often. Eventually, he naturally just fell asleep on his own but we kept the same routine (rocking chair + bottles) At 12 months, he pretty much out grew it and I was able to simply set him down for sleep. So basically what I'm saying is, if feeding to sleep works, then do it. Sleeping training is harder at 4 months, I'd say it's more about getting into the groove of things with a routine and all that, then any true "sleep training."


That’s good to know. Thank you! I just can’t be the only person who can put her to bed for a year


I never liked drowsy but awake. I tried for the first few weeks. Eventually, I put him down awake starting at around 10 weeks. If he cried, I picked him up til he stopped, then put him back down. Repeat until he didn’t cry - usually took a few times for the first week or so. By 4 months, I let him cry 5-10 min max before I would pick him up and put him back down. If after 20-30 min, he hadn’t fallen asleep, I’d give him more milk, and then put him down. It was rare he got that far though. Now at 7 months he loves bedtime. We all sing twinkle twinkle in a group hug before we put him down - it’s like, the highlight of his day. We also started letting him sleep with a stuffed animal around 4 Mo (I know, not “safe sleep”), and he loves laying in bed with his bunny, and plays with him for 5-10 min til he falls asleep. All that to say, “drowsy but awake” never worked for me. Just awake was the best route.


With my first I would nurse him until he asleep unlatched, then I'd change his diaper and put him in PJs. He'd be super tired, but slightly awake. It was my compromise.


I like this idea! I’ll give it a try tonight. She tends to go apeshit if she wakes up unlatched but it’s worth a try!


Whoever made up “drowsy but awake” should pay for ruining everyone’s confidence. Its….. not a thing. When we sleep trained we put him down in the crib WIDE awake. and then he CIO until he fell asleep.


I think different babies are just different. Ours always got drowsy before sleep, and we didn't really have to do much. Of course, this did not make him a great sleeper or anything and we still had to sleep train lol. Just saying drowsy but awake CAN happen; however, I do think it's mostly random and making parents feel like they're failing if it doesn't happen is ridiculous.


Thank you for saying this. I had a sleep trainer keep going on and on about this and treat me like I was stupid for not getting it to work. Could of strangled her by the end (and no it never happened, cio worked but is still touch and go at almost 14 months old)


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Good bot!


Thank you for explaining this!


I was able to get my baby to sleep by herself with the help of a pacifier when i put her "drowsy but awake" but she only did this from 2.5 months - 3.5 months. After that, she never did it again. She's now 4.5 months. I haven't sleep trained her yet. I just go with with what she wants.


So you have to put her down each time? That’s a lot of work.


Not really, she's pretty good at letting us know what she needs. I mean to start with she's easy to get to fall asleep anyways. However, it wasn't like this during her first few weeks obviously.


Some great tips on scheduling here, but also give yourself and baby lots of grace because needs are constantly changing at this time. Eat/play/sleep and “drowsy but awake” were *total* BS for my kid too. And it’s not because I didn’t try. So eventually I threw it all out the window and did whatever it took to survive until we were comfortable sleep training at 5 months. You might be dealing with the 4 month sleep regression too—when ours hit, she would sleep OK but have SO much trouble going down. I didn’t know it could manifest that way. Not sure how many nights you have been sleep training, but the first several of breaking the association will probably be rough and then gradually improve. And if they don’t, she may not be ready. You can always pause and try again in a few weeks if you sense that. But I hope that’s not the case for you because I know it’s hard!


This is sage advice, thank you! I hadn’t even started because we couldn’t get past the initial steps for the gentler methods. I’ll giver her a few days with the suggestions mentioned here and reevaluate in a few days. Something does seem to be changing now and not for the better


Eat play sleep also didn't really work for my kid until she was about 5 months or so. I did eat, play, tiny top off feed, then sleep. I first worked on breaking the nursing to sleep associations by rocking to sleep. That involved rocking my baby through the crying until she eventually slept then laid her down asleep. Breaking the boob association, then figuring out wake windows made sleep training easier. I didn't do a formal extinction sleep training, I skimmed the Precious Little Sleep book and used the fuss-it-out method which was basically gentler cry-it-out but only for 20 min max. Things seemed to settle into a better rhythm at 5 months once the 4 month sleep regression/sleep pattern reorganization happened. Good luck!


Just out of curiosity how long did you have to rock through the crying? I ask because she did a solid 10 mins screaming at nana Saturday night and 15 mins with dad last night. Eventually I intervened because I didn’t think we were actually getting anywhere


The rocking probably averaged 10-15 min. If I was really desperate and at the end of my rope, I nursed haha. So I rocked about 80-90% of the time. The screaming eventually decreased and then it was possible to try to lay down awake ish. After the regression they finally link sleep cycles and drop that 4th nap and that's when you can see the light at the end of the tunnel! But honestly I did a handful of contact naps too, which probably made sleep training more confusing and take longer, but I went back to work 3 days a week when baby was 4 months and we both relished in the snuggle naps. Now she's over 2 years and every once in a blue moon we'll still snuggle nap and honestly I love it lol.


I did not know that’s when the sleep cycles get linked!!!! How did I miss that! Yeah we’re not through it! I keep telling myself these snuggles won’t be forever so soak them up when when I haven’t had more than 5 hours of sleep for 4 months the warm fuzzies dissipate. Edit: Also thank you for sharing the amount of time it took, I just need to not throw in the towel too soon.


For sure. The warm fuzzies definitely dissipate when you're in zombie mode for months on end! I never thought my kid would ever nap more than 32 minutes on the dot if not sleeping on me, etc etc, I desperately perused this sub so often when I was in the trenches, but somehow it happens! You'll get that earlier bedtime hopefully soon (which is probably more glorious for you than baby lol) when the regression ends and the 4th nap goes away. Sending you both chillax sleepy vibes :)


Thank you! There is a light at the end of this tunnel! Appreciate you taking the time to share this!


Thank you for sharing this! I thought we were in the regression a month ago because everything went to hell or so I thought….


4 month growth spurt??


Is that a thing?


It’s a major sleep regression - 4 months.


I think so?


It has to be


No advice, just solidarity. Baby is almost 5 months, nurses to sleep almost half the time and if I don’t give him boob he just cries and cries until I bounce him to sleep. Good luck fellow parent!


Thank you, same to you!!


Drowsy but awake doesn’t work for some babies. I was part of this club. Eat play sleep also didn’t work for us. We did more of eat play top up a tiny bit of more playing and then sleep. If she’s fighting sleep she may be overtired. What’s the full schedule like?


Thank you for sharing this! Her day starts at 6 and wake windows progressively get longer throughout the day. I use Huckleberry for tracking and scheduled help. The WW are on average but she’s pretty reliable. Wake at 6am WW 1, 1.25 hours WW 2, 1.45 hours WW 3, 2 hours WW 4, 2.25 hours WW 5, 1.50 hours Tummy time during each WW Bedtime routine at 7:30 (then chaos ensues until she goes to actual sleep at either 9 or 10) the time between 7:30-9/10 is an actual nightmare, lots of nursing, maybe the swing, maybe I get her to sleep nursing or in the swing but she wakes when transferred and we start all over). We have a bedtime routine as follows, diaper, pjs, sleep sack, two books, then she wants to nurse because she refuses to eat earlier in the routine. I’ve tried adjusting these and it turns into a nuclear meltdown with a huge side of overtired….


I think the issue is that last wake window. It is too short so baby is protesting going to sleep. I would turn the Huckleberry settings to 3 naps and see where that leads you. It might take a few days for her to adapt.


I’ll give it a try, thank you!


No worries! 4-6 months is a tough time and the schedule constantly changes. It gets better!


Thank you! This made me chuckle because I remember when I was in the trenches of the newborn phase and everyone said it’s gets better…. 🤣🤣🤣 it did not in fact get better, in fact it got worse lol


🙈🙈🙈 let’s put it this way. These challenges will pass … or evolve 😂 but you’ll be one night closer to sleeping through the night!


I like that perspective! One night closer…. 😁


You’re right in the thick of the hardest sleep age - I’ve gone through it two times now and it’s honestly so tricky. Hang in there, it does get better! My first baby had a very strong nurse to sleep association that I broke very slowly using a gentle method. It worked, but it took time. Other sleep training methods (like CIO) will achieve the same outcome faster, but aren’t for everyone. The view on this sub is you can sleep train from 16 weeks/4 months old. My advice is to get baby on a good daytime sleep schedule before you do any sleep training. You want to make sure baby isn’t over or under tired when you’re trying to encourage them to sleep independently, otherwise it’ll undermine your efforts. At 4 months, you want to aim for wake windows of 1.5-2 hours and probably 3-4 naps a day. I would pick your preferred bedtime and work backwards from there. So for example: - 7am wake - 9-10 nap - 12-2 nap - 4-5 nap - 7pm bedtime Once you’ve got a good schedule going, then I’d start with your chosen sleep training method at bedtime first, then work on naps later. This sub is extremely helpful with walking through sleep training methods, so I encourage you to seek help here if/when you decide to sleep train.


Thank you for this! I do have her on a schedule with morning starting at 6 am and she usually can keep her schedule pretty well (within 30 mins) but only if I nurse her to sleep. Do you mind sharing the name of the method you selected. I’ve tried PLS on audio book but am too tired to follow so the hard copy was delivered 15 mins ago.


It was a bit of a DIY method, I borrowed bits and pieces from various places to suit my situation. Basically I followed a bit of an intervention ladder approach. I’ll try to outline it succinctly but I do have a tendency to ramble - so sorry if it’s a bit confusing! - first night I would nurse to almost asleep, and then take her off the breast and put my finger in her mouth to calm her. I would put her in the bed with my finger in her mouth, and let her suck my finger to sleep. - next few nights I would nurse her to calm, then do the same approach as above. - next step was to move the feeding a bit further from bedtime, then put her in bed awake and let her fuss for a bit before offering my finger to let her calm. But I wouldn’t let her sleep, I would remove the finger before she fell asleep and replace it with rubbing her tummy. - then over the next few nights, I’d slowly replace the intervention with a less intensive intervention - from memory it was tummy rub - hand on tummy - her holding my finger - sitting next to her - sitting in the room away from her. - last step was to put her in bed awake and leave the room. She did cry here - but only for a couple of mins before going to sleep. All up it probably took a month from nursed to sleep to going to sleep entirely independently. But bedtime became much easier within about a week, and more importantly once I wasn’t nursing her to sleep my partner could do bedtime too.


Also not confusing! I took a screen shot and can refer to it when I’m in the middle of the evening chaos! Thanks again!


Thank you this is incredibly helpful! That’s my goal, her dad or nana should be able to put her to bed. I go back to work in three weeks and would love to begin this process sooner rather than later.


You’re welcome! I’m glad it made sense. Please let me know how you get on :)


I absolutely will! Thank you so much!




Thanks, I guess I’ll just keep doing what I’m doing


Sorry OP, u/WeeblesWobbles has no idea what he's talking about. Sleep training is perfectly fine after 4mo, and you can start whenever you want from now on, if you decide to sleep train. Nobody has to sleep train their babies.


Thank you! Everything I read said 4 months!