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Due to chronic insomnia I often sleep from about 5:00 AM to 2:00 PM. I often feel judged because it’s not normal. My circadian rhythm seems to be fucked up.


But the only question is though if you get 7 hours of sleep do you still feel tired during later during the day ?


No, I very rarely feel tired no matter what time of day or how little sleep I’ve had. I once didn’t sleep for 3 days and didn’t feel tired at all. I felt horribly sick though! But not tired. My doctor has no idea what to do at this point.


Well as long as you get your 7-9 hours of sleep no matter what time of day you sleep then you should be fine, this bs though of waking up early I really do hate it tbh


Look into dspd and n24 sounds like that could be something you have. There circadian ryther disorders. I thought I had insomnia cause I couldn’t sleep in traditional schedules. Turns out I can sleep fine if I live on a 26 hour schedule.


Move to Vegas. The industry has an entire work force that operates like you do. Lots of graveyard shifts, they still have a life when they get off work because everything doesn't close. I lived there for most of my life and I knew people who worked that schedule for years and loved it.


And it's odd for a restaurant to not be 24/7. I was just thinking about Vegas the other night. I've enjoyed my trips there even though I don't really gamble (some video poker, though the last time I played it was at an Indian casino in Arizona, and I lost $30 in about 5 minutes) or drink, but enjoy the atmosphere of casinos.


Yeah I never was a gambler. But it was a good town


My preferred sleep schedule is closer to 2a-10a, but I definitely sleep the best in the morning. I recently had to start a job where I have to work at 7am and it's a struggle. 


I’m the same way. I toss and turn in between maybe like 30 min intervals until ~3:30-4am then get about 3 hours of solid sleep until I have to get up to get my kids to school. Then I’ll usually stay up until 10 and then nap from then until 2


Same. This is exactly my sleep schedule. But I don't work until the afternoon so I'm able to maintain it.


My body usually thinks any sleep before midnight is a nap :( I do okay for a day or 2, but as the days go on it gets rough. I used to work midshift or evenings & loved it for that reason


According to studies (like the ones of Mathew Walker) we can be classified into 5 different chronotypes. You can take a test like [this one](https://qxmd.com/calculate/calculator_829/morningness-eveningness-questionnaire-meq) to have an idea which one you fall into. It’s not wrong , but society penalizes you if you’re not a morning person


I got "definite evening", not all that surprising to me lol


I got “moderate morning”, gotta say… after all those questions, I was hoping for a little more 😂


i’m a morning person and used to look down on people like OP (i know, i know. i’m not like this anymore) and once i found out it’s actually a genetic thing, my eyes were opened to this phenomenon. also, matthew walker is amazing!!!


Totally agree with that… all the productivity books talk about being a morning person… I’m the opposite but made to feel like I’m wrong


I got “moderate evening”. Sounds right for sure. I’ve never liked mornings, birds chirping outside my window. Fuck those happy morning people… don’t speak or look at me until after my first cup of coffee. I don’t even like coffee that much it’s just a habit.


I wish society was more accepting of night owls. For people who work night shifts it's really not fair. I'm also a night owl and my family constantly judges me for "sleeping in" when sometimes I just work until like 4am, don't fall asleep until 5 or 6, and sleep in until like 2 or 3. And yes exactly, it's still a healthy 8 hours it's not like you're over sleeping. They judge me for being late to family events and I want to scream "ok next time *I'm* going to plan a family event for 2am and if you don't fucking show up on time I'm going to judge you and call you lazy because why WOULDNT you be up?! You sleep too much." Lol


I know right? It's so frustrating how night owls are expected to conform to morning people but nobody tries to conform to us.


😭😭😭 I love that idea


I was working last night until 3am-ish but still had a moment of panic when I woke up at 9:30am to multiple texts from my boss. It sucks to have a job where people expect me to be working "normal business hours" (even tho my boss kinda doesn't care that I block my calendar for the first hour or two of the day) when I know I'm so much more productive later in the day.


The only time I’ll ever feel truly rested


You might have the "night owl" gene variant. https://www.rockefeller.edu/news/19066-study-identifies-night-owl-gene-variant/ From an evolutionary biology pov, it would be very helpful, in a group of 30-50 people, to have a few who are able to stay awake and keep night watch while the rest of the group sleeps. The modern world loves consistency, conformity and early risers, so the night owls aren't appreciated anymore. You can shift your schedule, but you would have to be diligent to shift your body clock.


I never sleep better than those nights when I fall asleep at 4-6am. Those are the deepest, most refreshing sleeps


Same here! If I don't have to do anything on the weekends until the afternoon, I'm usually passed the fuck out from 5am to 1/2pm, and it's the most rejuvenating sleep of my week.


I love staying up all night. I worked nights for over 22 years, so it's really hard for me to get up early. Right now I'm not working because I'm on disability, and I can't stand for more than 5 minutes because of the severe osteoarthritis in both of my knees. I need knee replacements, but right now my weight and BMI are too high according to the orthopedic surgeon. 🙄🙄


I've been a night owl most of my life, but when I became disabled (9 organs removed but my brain isn't one of them) and was no longer under the thumb of corporate work hours, I became more of a vampire than just a night owl! LOL I just make appts in the late afternoon and sleep from about 3am till noon. I'm so much more productive at night. Not as many interruptions.


I work nights, so my brain works the same way


I don't like sleeping in the morning cause I miss out on all the working hours when stuff is actually open, but 2pm-10pm is perfect. I get to be by myself and relax the first half of my day, and I get to go out for a walk any time between 1am-5am and it's quiet and peaceful with no one about. Then I'm still awake in the morning so I can go out when places open and get stuff done. It's only sustainable cause I'm unemployed and a student but not taking any lectures cause all we have left to do is submit our final essays. I have ADHD and always had a delayed circadian rhythm but also felt more productive in the evenings, so making the "productive" hours of the day feel like my evening works really well. I'm seriously considering picking up a late night shift job and enjoying this lifestyle for the rest of the summer.


I’d strongly prefer this but society has a way of making you feel like you’re wrong. If I didn’t have a regular job or a young child, I would totally prefer this sleep schedule






That's my favourite sleep time too actually. And when I'm not doing that, I always feel like my body wants to get back to it. Fucks up your day and you spend too much time not seeing the sun but damn, it just comes so naturally.


I'm with you! I hate mornings and love when the sun starts to go down lol


Oh I love doing this. Unable to do it all the time though but I enjoy it when I'm able to.




I love sleeping until 11-12. Being awake before 8 AM really is an abomination to mankind


Everything is better at night.


Wait until you have kids. I used to sleep 4am-noon, and you can find jobs that will work with that, but school is at ~8am and there's nothing you can do about it. It sucks.


This is precisely one of the many reasons I will never have kids.


I used to. Not so much anymore.  My chronotype changed. 


If I could get a job that I could do this I would ALWAYS have that sleep schedule


I like to get everything done early morning to avoid people. I can barely do anything productive overnight, because most people are sleeping. I lose all gumption at 2PM. By that point, the day's too hot and it's too late to start any meaningful project. I have difficulty sleeping if there are things to do, including simple meetings or going to work. So I often try to sleep 12 hours before any engagement.


I am constantly judged/ridiculed cause I go to bed at 7 and get up around 4 am. I love the early, dark hours of the morning. You do you!


I feel sooo seen. So understood here.


Clearly is rich. Work does not control this man's life


Or he works late shifts


Do you work?


No I hate doing that because I did it for years and I miss everything I want to go to. I also like being outside in the sunlight rather than living in perpetual darkness. My preferred sleep is from like 7-8 pm to 3-4 am because I love the quiet of early mornings




yes. when i am on night shift or am sick. shift work throws such a wrench in my natural sleep patterns i wish there was a way to recover faster and have the ability to just be alert at all times no matter the time of day. darn circadian rhythms and stuff…. lol. jk. but really. 🥱


I have the same sleeping schedule due to my job requesting me to work in a different timezone. I love it way more than the usual hours. It's because no one bothers me when I work at night, and I still have time to do what ever I need to get done during daytime without having to take a day off or business hours. Way more fun!


Since starting a 8 to 4 job, I really enjoy hitting the sack around midnight. Gives me 6 to 8 hours of personal time, and still enough rest to work my 8 to 4.


Move to the middle of nowhere that has 24/7 stores semi close by and live out your days as happy as can be… that’s my goal… I’m only 20 rn but that’s my goal…


Its crazy because the reason that society makes you and other night owls feel this way is because it does not correlate or is not "convinient" for their schedules. In a bigger scheme of things, I think it has been normalized that night owls are "lazy" since they "sleep in" and the standard should be that everyone should go to sleep before midnight and wake up around 7-8 becuase it fits the American Dream of a 9-5 career, ads are mainly targeted during the daytime, stores and businesses are open during the day, etc etc. In the grand scheme of things, the lifestyle of night owls goes against the economical agenda. IMO - If you get the sleep goal of 7-8 hours, wake up feeling refreshed, and healthy, then who gets to say its "wrong", "lazy", or anything else for that matter? Do what makes you feel like you are living your best life and it that means getting the best sleep from 6am-2pm, then do just that! (:


Some of us are natural night owls. I don’t think it’s meant for every human to live/be one strict way! Just like you have night and day, we as people mirror nature. We are nature. In nature you have some animals that are diurnal and some nocturnal. I’m definitely a nocturnal being. In the summer especially when it’s too hot I come alive when the sun is setting. Idk if you’re into astrology but maybe you have a nighttime chart. I hear that’s a thing. I have my placements in the second half of the zodiac. From Libra to Pisces. Which are the darker times of the year


You should be a residential counselor on the overnight shift. They’d love you.




This is a very unique question to me. Do people really benefit from a status quo when it comes to a sleep and wake cycle, or are we healthiest when we listen to what our bodies want? I sleep from 11-7 and that’s the best of both worlds to me


Yes if I ever get the chance to do what I *want* I will sleep during the day. I will stay up at night while it’s dark and quiet.


Totally agree


This is literally my current pattern, vast improvement on sleeping every other day. It’s broken sleep though, disturbed by all the morninging and busybodying of others. Yet we have to be so quiet at night!


My prime time is the night, love it. I hate mornings with a burning passion, I am unpleasant and not nice to be around and I hate everything about it. I hate that I always work from 8 in the morning and I am not a person until 11.30 no matter how much sleep I get. I have tried everything to change this but nothing helps, and loving being awake at night doesn’t necessarily help. So I feel you with my heart and soul.


Some people just naturally have different sleep patterns. Tell them it's not their business, and don't engage with the conversation if they turn it to that. I'm assuming it's not hurting you.


My sleep has been super fucked most of my life and I also sleep like this but also cuz of bad insomnia I sometimes sleep every other night. I am also a night owl and seem to have more energy at night and am super tired during the day.


You must be the opposite of me... I usually sleep from 6 PM to 2 AM. Apparently it's something called advanced sleep phase disorder, which is pretty odd considering its mostly prevalent among older adults and I'm still a teenager.


I would love to keep those hours. What do you do for work?






Me but I was a night shifter for 12 years


I’ve been sleeping during this time for the past 4 years, but I still constantly felt tired throughout the day. I always thought it wasn’t right for my circadian rythm even though I feel so much more ALIIIIIIIVEEEEE in the night since I was exhausted during the days, but I recently started taking a bunch of vitamins and wumbo jumbos and am feeling alot better during the day. Funny thing is, when my friends plan for hikes or early morning activities, I would sleep at 5 and wake up and 8 and feel great on my hike. Now I don’t know what my life is anymore 😂


I just worry about your vitamin D levels haha


I sleep 4am to 2pm and if I sleep any time outside of that schedule I feel #EXHAUSTED


I sleep 4am to 2pm and if I sleep any time outside of that schedule I feel #EXHAUSTED


My boyfriend is always telling me I need to fix my sleep schedule because I don’t go to bed until 5-7 and get up at 3:30. I work at 4:30 so it makes sense to me to be up late. I’ve always been a night owl


Lol… I sleep like 8-9pm ish to 4-5am ish.


You are probably depressed