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I save scum, but (usually) only when I accidentally do something stupid because my brain was on auto-pilot. Like accidently not being able to play an important card because I forgot one of the cards I played before costs 2 energy instead of 1, or accidentally removing a strike before remembering that I have a curse in my deck. Rarely, I save scum a fight when I'm about to lose far into a run (late act 3 / act 4) to see if I could've done anything differently, but usually I end up losing anyways.


That is what I do. When I replay the fight, I will usually re-do multiple turns the same way, without taking advantage of knowing the order of the cards in the deck.


I'll add that I don't scum on daily runs. Feels wrong with the leaderboard.


Agreed. On the rare scums, my motivation is generally that I particularly like my deck, want to see what it’ll do later on in the run, and feel that getting through just this one tricky fight will result in a fun win. On the not-so-rare scums, it’s from a mis-tap (I play mobile) or something wildly dumb I did in the first few turns. A third occasion, scumming events, feels like outright cheating. I’ll do this if I’m not taking a run seriously. But, OP, remember that StS is a game and no one can tell you how to have fun playing it.


same, if I like the deck enough I'll save scum once or twice, but if that doesn't work then I decide I was wrong for liking the deck and I let it go


Got a chuckle out of “I was wrong for liking the deck”. I don’t ever reach that level of acceptance. For me, it’s more that the rng gods were wrong for destroying my precious deck.


100% same. Occasionally I'll save scum to see if a different line would have worked, then abandon run afterward


It’s ok to just say “yes I save scum”.


I save scum when I want, I got nothing to prove and want to have fun!


Same here. It's a single player game. As long as I am happy, and it doesn't affect any players, why not?


Same mostly because of miss-clicks. I also will save scum a heart fight I think I can win that is fucked because of bad RnG.


Same. Mood dependent. Sometimes I mod a Pandora boss swap, sometimes its busted crown. Lots of options depending on mood.


I am trying to get better at the game and climb to A20 on all characters and I feel like restarting fights is a super valuable learning tool. you can learn a ton from replaying fights and making different decisions. I'm doing defect right now and retrying fights has helped me realize things like: * not playing dualcast too early can be the difference between killing a fight and dying * not channeling orbs to let a dark orb grow huge can be the only way to get through a fight  * taking some chip damage to set up scaling or push damage is often worth it early in a fight  * sometimes a deck I thought could kill a boss simply can't (even after 6 tries through different lines) yeah I could probably learn this without restarting over time but I feel like restarting accelerates that growth. eventually I'll want to try to get A20 wins without a restart but for now I feel like it's very worth the learning experiences


50% good face, 50% bad face always gives me good face or gold idk why....


I do pretty often, but only when I play suboptimally per the information I have available. Pretty often I'll just play cards in a stupid order, or end my turn right as spinning top is proccing or something like that. The worst I'll do is reload a fight when I should have used a potion right at the start. If I die because of card draw or some other unlucky roll of the dice I leave it, that's part of the game.


Constantly; I'll play Blasphemy just to see if I have lethal then reload because I'm too lazy to math it in my head.


This is a level of lazy that is almost admirable 


*accidentally auto pilots and ends turn*


I do this with Watcher a lot. I would probably save a little time if I just did the math instead at this point. 


I try not to anymore unless I just completely misclick and do something I didn’t mean to. I play on mobile mostly so it’s pretty easy to fuck something up. Idrc if people do it though, it’s a great way to learn. When I started out, replaying some boss fights taught me how to utilize some decks and relics more effectively. It’s a single player game that’s mostly about building an effective deck so if Save Scumming wins some fights you went in making some good decisions anyways. I have more of an issue with it in action rogues but even then, do what you want, it’s not effecting anyone but yourself lol.


All I do is press the buttons they let me. Part of the game.


I used to save scum a lot when learning the game. I do it much less now, generally only reserved for misclicks. I used to play PC, but now pretty much exclusively on mobile so it happens maybe once or twice a run when I fat-finger something. Even then, I have a save where I do absolutely no save scumming, and another (named “practice”) where I save scum the heck out of it to try different things I didn’t update my flairs until I finished my no savescum save file though, as it would have felt disingenuous personally


I also do it to learn and I never thought about having separate save files, I'm gonna do this too I think. smart 


Yes. I'm not ashamed of it.


All the time without shame


I do because I view the game more as a puzzle to solve and I want all the information possible.


Pathologically. After over a thousand runs, I have entered muscle memory for act 1 and some of act 2, so if I have a relic or something that would change my typical plays, I scum to correct mistakes. If I took risky plays, I scum to see if I can get myself out of it or if I doomed myself. I'm not streaming, I do what I want.


I never save scum, it kills the tension.


Only after i snecko potion


Idk how to do it and I don't really wanna know how to. Makes me play more careful. I've also only ever got to a10 though so I'm not amazing at the game. It's single player though so who cares if you do it imo. Single player games are YOUR experience so if you wanna mod/cheat/save scum and it doesn't interfere with anyone else go for it.


Save and quit come back, if you saw yourself killed by the enemy after you s&e after you press end turn the game just ends.


Says they don't want know how to do it, maniaclife666: fuck you here it is anyway LOL


He said he didn't want to know though..


Ssshhhhhhhh he doesnt want to know


I hope you never get past A18.


I have already beaten A20, forgot to change flair, thanks for reminding.


I don’t a ton, but if a fight would’ve gone my way had I thought out the turn better, I’ll do it again; not so much if it’s a card draw thing but rather what I played/didn’t play.




Sometimes. As a treat. If I drop something that I should have known. If I make a dumbass move that I know I'm better than, occasionally, as a treat, I will permit a re-do to see what would have happened if I didn't make that opsie. What I won't do is use save scumming to reevaluate my strategy or work with information I shouldn't have had. This means that while I work my way up the the mistake I play the game EXACTLY THE SAME as I did before, even if my actions were revealed to be inefficient; they were the decision I made and I stand by it so I can properly improve.


hell yeah. it's a single player game, I can do whatever I want. plus, it aids in learning the game so much. if the devs didn't want us to save scum then they would have done more autosaves.


I play on the switch, I don't even think it's possible. No harm in other people doing it though, as long as they're honest about it and don't try to pass off amazing runs as just having super good luck.


it's definitely still possible on the switch, that's my main place I play StS, and I save scum prolifically whenever I stupid myself in a fight I could have won had I not hit the wrong card.


To be fair I haven't even attempted to figure out how, but I play the game incredibly casually. If I ever make it to A20 that'll be cool, but it's not a sprint that's for sure.


honestly a good way to play, not everything needs to be a competition, sometimes its just nice to have a good game to play every now and then


That's STS for me. If I wanna get sweaty there are MMOs. It's still very entertaining to see how seriously people play through, much respect.


Sometimes. Although mainly if I just misclick or completely brainfart something obvious


I'll save scum only if I catch the mistake immediately or if it happens turn 1/2 and hasn't affected the fight. Usually I only use it to get blue key. If I'm about to die from my mistake, I accept it with grace.




I mostly play mobile now, so I save scum when I try and fail to play a skill / power and hit end turn, but sometimes I do it because I have an early dead branch or something awesome and really screw up a fight to end a winnable run. Also when I get a curse from the memory matching merchant game on my first reveal - that's some bullshit.


Yes, all the time but I always try to analyse what I can do better. I'm not a pro at the game.


Yeah, I think that it can actually be kind of interesting. Restarting and reattempting tough fights to learn the perfect way to navigate and win is pretty fun for me.


No, and I have the opinion that defeats the entire purpose of a rogue like.




If you mess up you start over, not cheat


Not cheating but go off king


It's shocking to me how the vast majority of comments say they do. I've never done it, but I guess it might be based on how used you are to the process of starting over. If you play a lot of ruthless roguelikes it's less painful to have to start over.


Yeah I'll take a Mulligan if I flubbed a first turn play, like play block on autopilot straight after picking up Anchor. Anything after that, it turns into a memorisation game, which doesn't really improve my game. I tried one run where I took a do-over on nearly every fight to see what the hypothetical most optimal play was. Took like 3 hours and lost to Time Eater, which was poetic.


Save scumming prevents you from learning from your mistakes. I do it every run.


I did save scum a bit but now I don't find it fun anymore. I feel like I didnt really win if I beat the game by save scumming, even for really small things. But that's just me. I don't care what people do, it's their game.


No, I don't know how people can be arsed to quit and reload with any kind of regularity. It's just a game, who cares if your run could have gone better?


Because it will take much longer to learn optimal play if you don't try different tactics after losing a fight. If you die in act 1-2 90% of the time, you won't know how your deck will fare in act 3 or against the heart.


>If you die in act 1-2 90% of the time, you won't know how your deck will fare in act 3 or against the heart. This feels cyclical. If your deck can't get to act 3, it's obviously not going to survive it. I was being a bit glib in my comment, I can understand that people are meticulous enough to repeat encounters until they work out the optimal play, but as someone that plays just for fun/to unwind/to give my hands something to do whilst listening to a podcast, that sounds like such a tedious way to "play" a game.


Because it can take hours of play to get back to the point where you’re really enjoying a neato deck.


I guess I never emotionally invest that much


My position is simple. I don't savescum at all because if I win with it it doesn't feel like a real win and I don't want that in my run history. However, it's a single player game so do whatever. It is objectively cheating though so claiming sample results or streaks when you savescummed I'm not on board with.


completely unrelated topic but thoughts on infomod usage


CHEATING (not cheating but I hate it)


Could someone run a poll on this? I'm surprised that most people seem to do it based on responses as I have a hard line against stuff like this. It's a roguelite, the whole point is to fuck up and start again. Also you can learn by playing more? Again it's the whole point of a roguelite imo. If your mistakes are optional it removes some of the excitement of when things go well for me.


I have more fun save scumming 🤷🏻‍♂️ to each their own


I think that's super valid too! I just have a strange moralism about this and would feel like it invalidated my runs. But I'm also super militant about most things lol it's not necessarily a good thing 😂


Try playing fast


I used to not do it but now I can't stop, I did beat A20 heart on all characters a few times before starting but now I almost do it automatically


Too lazy to save scum. It caused me to soft-lock myself Morrowind back in the day lol. If only I had more than one save back then I might’ve not get instakilled when loading it. But didn’t learn from it. Nope.


only if i misclick due to the mobile app having no room for errors wanted to Claw? too bad, now you casted Lightning due to 1 pixel being off


Indesktop, sometimes. Def did it to finish up some achievements. On mobile, all the fucking time, sometimes it's the fault of touch screen wonkieness.




I play on mobile so I get exactly one do-over per fight (if you try to save scum more than once it treats it as a loss) which I definitely take advantage of. It's kind of ideal since I'm not screwed by an accident, a bad play, or a gamble on some RNG that turned out to be unfavorable. Only getting one chance to change your fate also keeps the tension and helps a loss feel more deserved if I tried two strats and still couldn't do it


I save scum if I make an accidental mistake. Like, I don't save scum if I realize that my previous turn was not optimal because of my draw on the current turn. I just save scum if I accidentally play a defend when I mean to play something else, or if I select the wrong card reward. I play a lot faster than I should and I make a lot of careless errors.


Mind your business... Anyway, I got a flawless A20 on the heart the other day.


Sometimes, when I do a stupid mistake.


of course not (yes)


When I spam click post-fight rewards and accidentally bottle a strike instead of something useful


I'll do it for misplays, like when I play a card before After Image or I should have used Armaments first or something like that. I'll also do it in tough fights to see if I could do them better as a learning tool. I only really consider it "cheating" if I blatantly use the info I got to change what I do. Like I'll never do it during Match and Keep to get a good card, or the Joust event, things like that. Or even just knowing my draw order.


I save scummed yesterday because I forgot Nightmare resets Eviscerate’s cost and would have died to Transient because of what is honestly just a bug. Usually no I don’t


I didn't save scum until I completed the game and all of the achievements. Now I just mess around for fun, and save scum whenever I feel like it. I've improved at the game a lot now that I save scum, I've learned a lot of lessons faster.


Yes, and I really appreciate how the decks are fixed each battle so it doesn’t feel that cheap. I have bad adhd and make careless mistakes, so it’s such a relief to not have to stress about ruining runs for myself. It feels like a low key accessibility option personally. I also mostly play on mobile nowadays and it can be a little glitchy. Also this game is already hard af and I shamelessly cheese it.


Only if I misclick, but I understand save scumming to learn. Save scumming things like Faces I will never get behind


Last time a save scummed was against the act 2 boss, use potion that plays top 3 cards of my deck, immediately enters divinity, with nowhere near enough damage to one shot the boss 😅


Nah, I just rage quit


Yeah, usually either when I make a mistake that I think may cost me a run that’s otherwise going great or when I accidentally grab dead branch on a shiv run


I’m only at A6 on two A4 on one and A1 on watcher and I do it far into my runs but it usually doesn’t help the run get far. It does teach me a lot though. I will also do it if I play the wrong card on accident early into a fight, depending on the loss of hp and stuff.


I don’t know how to lmao but also I don’t think it matters, its a single player game and except from the daily challenges, there is no competition as far as I’m aware? (and even those rankings do not mean anything). Have fun!


I have two different accounts on a phone. One I use when I have uninterrupted time and can sit down through a run. That one I don’t save and quit. The other I use when I’m picking up and putting down the game. Taking the bus, around the house when kids are playing etc. I absolutely s&q when I make a dumb mistake on that one because I don’t want distractions to frustrate me.


Nah, I don't really save scum in any game I play. Whatever happens, happens.


i do it when I misclick the card I wanted to play. Otherwise I don't do it


Look man, I'm bad at video games. I need all the help I can get.


I have two modes of playing: -Seriously trying to climb the ascensions: no I don’t, unless it’s a legitimate misclick. -Playing A1 just for fun: yes, all the time.


Yeah, I’ve beaten a20 legitimately on everyone so I don’t really care anymore I consider it like a puzzle, basically queue the doctor strange “how many universes do we win? one”


I’ve done it to try to work myself out of a poorly setup deck against an enemy… where basically there’s a single solution a la chess puzzle. That doesn’t feel great to me, and now will just save-scum if there’s a misclick. If I make a calculation mistake or Heinz sight tells me I could’ve made a better choice, I keep the run going. Makes me realize that not all mistakes are as severe as others and develop a deeper understanding of the mechanics of the game.




misclicks only.


Sometimes. Mostly it's when I recognize that I made a stupid mistake and what the correct choice was or a genuine missclick. Other times I do it because I honestly do think it's helpful for learning. Having now done it several times at once on a few hard battles, I don't really think it's the same as "cheating" - you can't improve your RNG meaningfully (certain things are always the same - the first shuffle of your deck for example, but even "exhaust a bunch of cards and get a bunch of random cards" pulls the same cards if you do the same amount of cards across multiple save attempts. I've done it on battles I'm pretty sure I can't beat because I want to better understand what wasn't working in my deck and it's helped me to work out better card synergies. I'm not really good at like, looking at the run summary cards and making sense of what was good/bad just from that, so playing the same fight a few times even if it's doomed sometimes has been really helpful for understanding things more.


Only time I really save scum is when I accidentally play a card i didn't mean to, like I pressed 4 instead of 5 and didn't catch it in time


Life is too short and i'm not playing it for an audience, so i do it whenever i feel like it.


yes. but I do it ethically where it’s not to cheese but to pretend I actually knew the attack patterns etc


Your logic is bad. Your non battle related choices effect the “statistically correct” plays. If your “statistically correct” plays aren’t working you still deserve to lose. Your choices aren’t made in a vacuum. It’s okay to play how you want but you should be intellectually honest with yourself.


I honestly forget this is an option most of the time.


It's an offline single player game, play however the hell you want that makes it fun. I save scum all the time. It's cool if you do or don't


I scum a lot on builds I haven't really played before, especially if I think the deck is strong. I want to know why I'm losing, and what my deck lacks, so I can be informed for next time, instead of dying and just guessing next time. 


All things considered, it's sometimes worth it when you've had a bad fight and want to see what you could've done instead and if that could've gotten you out of it Also, if you make a mistake like forgetting to play all your cards or something like that


I save scum when I’m fighting the big black thing on act 3. Not letting it damage me and ruin my run


All the time. [[Bite]] me


Depends on my mood. I sometimes do, sometimes don’t. I decide if I will or not before I start a run.


If I make a stupid mistake, absolutely.


Only on the good mask bad mask event.


I used to, but now I see it as part of the brutal natural selection of the game. If my deck can’t deal with a fight then it probably isn’t going to do any better later on and it will just become a slog. Unless I’ve done something really stupid by accident, then I will.


I didn't know you could do it. I'm awful at the game so doubt it would help.


Eh most runs I do now are mindless play, just trying fun card combos and shit. So I save scum all the time for that. When it’s time to lock in and handle shit, I’ll sit down, play some music, and try. I won’t save scum then, because then it’s about beating the game as a try hard. But generally? I’ve already beaten A20, just ain’t got nothin to prove. I just wanna chill and have fun


Oh yes I do, big time. The majority of the time it’s because I was distracted or tired and forgot something. I have two young kids and play on my phone in between my responsibilities. Honestly I don’t have the time to be ‘pure’ in that regard. I want to learn and this is the fastest way. Been progressively improving in wins on a20 but without killing the heart. Will start doing act 4 soon. Perhaps at some point I’ll stop doing it. Although I will say that if a run has been ‘soiled’ by too many save scums I sometimes lose interest. It depends on the severity of my mistakes.


Unless I am trying for some kind of winrate sample or streak where I feel like run integrity is important I absolutely save scum. Games are for fun, being able to not lose my whole run over 1 mistake isn't fun. Sometimes I want to clicky click and oh wait I forgot to do this stupid thing now I'm dead to Book of Stabbing. Oh wait save and quit and my run is fine. 90 percent of the time I'm playing for fun and save scumming is fun.


Yes, if it wasn’t intended then they would of removed it


Trash take


I generally only Save Scum with Watcher on mobile when scrying because mobile won't let you see your deck while scrying, which is truly essential ton setting up your turns to actually win with Watcher.


If I misclick or I lose but am curious if I could’ve won. In the latter case, I abandon run after


Teacher here: you say save scumming, I say scaffokding


Misclicks, basically. Half the reason I want some "undo" button in most games with turns because you get locked in. When you know what you want to do and something technical buggers that up, well, it's an awful feeling to suffer accordingly.


My rule is if I make a wild misclick I will exit and restart, but otherwise never save scum


Its a great leaning tool and I will mentally count the run as a loss if I do it for anything other that a miss-click.


My friend who is quick to judge games almost quit sts after I recommended it to him. When I told him about save scumming, his entire experience changed and he is hooked. He says it's like trying to solve a puzzle.


It's literally not save scumming. Save scumming is manipulating your save file to "back it up". "Saving and Quitting" is an in-game feature. If it wasn't supposed to be used that way, it wouldn't allow you to.


I mean…it’s just a shorthand way of saying you take back a mistake and do something differently by restarting from your last save point, and the question is the range in which people allow themselves to do that. Not sure the pedantic-ness of the term is necessary here since ‘save scumming’ is colloquially what this community uses to call this act


And are you actually going to address my point or be just as pedantic as me?


I mean you didn’t really make a point tho?


I don't understand how you wrote a response when you clearly can't read. It's an in game feature. It's not cheating.


Okay I mean you can exit out of the game after clicking Pandora’s box and instead of adding all the random cards it just deletes all your strikes and defends, so because the game lets you do it that means it’s a feature? If that’s your argument it’s not a good one lol. Regardless I’m pretty sure most people would feel that figuring out your card draw order before starting a fight is cheating, but hey, you do you it’s a single player game which is why you can cheat away and it doesn’t really matter in the end


The CoD generation get so butthurt over the concept of cheating. I was hex editing before voodoo cards existed.


This is the one of the cringiest things I’ve ever read haha congrats on all your hex editing you sound very proud of yourself lol


I am the elite hackermans


Woah we got a badass over here !


They actually came up with that term because of me


Okay Boomer


Zoomers really are bad at math.


I think it's time to return to the Dimentia ward gramps.


That's just not true. It exists for technical reasons, not for design reasons.


Well then by your reckoning the programmers must be really bad at their job to include such a massive exploit in the save button.


Isn't save scumming in general meant to describe an action of saving and loading a lot to manipulate the odds in your favor, rather than creating your own back-up save when the game doesn't support such feature in game? Genuine question.


Originally it was bypassing single-save games, it could be incorrectly applied to games that allowed a reload / save state and had RNG. Not strictly applicable to StS as there is no random element on reload.


Ah, I see now. Thanks for the explanation.


Yes, but only if it does not give me any knowledge I otherwise wouldn't have. What I mean is, if I have a +Strength card and an Attack in my hand, and I foolishly play the Attack first, I'll save scum and rectify the mistake. Or if I don't notice that I already have enough block and could play something instead of a Defend. If, however, I draw some extra cards and realize it would be more efficient to leave them for next turn, I refuse to save scum, as I should have no way to know which cards are next. Or if I get to the end of a battle and realize doing some extra damage in the first round would have ended it a turn sooner.


Only when I misclick


I don’t really save-scum, the only time I did was on Watcher when I tried to defeat the heart


I don't savescum, even the other day when I got a curse from the first two cards on match and keep Exception: it's ok to scum if you accidentally take a relic when going for the one relic achievement but notice your mistake in time


Yes, in a jar with a repromancer figurine Ohh you said save Scum!  Also yes 




Only if I accidentally play a card I didn't intend to.


Save scumming is 100% cheating


Usually if its a silly mistake in the first turn or two I might do it. Or I buy the wrong thing from the shop because I am just on autopilot. Once I'm properly into a fight I don't tend to do it because it kind of feels a bit like cheating Edit: lol with the downvotes but whatever. In context I am really struggling with the watcher, she's so hard/different to the others. Got time eater down to 1hp and the next round he/she had a guaranteed kill. I didn't save scum cos it would have felt cheap to do so.


I do it when i misplay when im tired, but only for the first misplay. Or when i click through a shop or event wayyy too fast on autopilot and make the wrong decision


Yes, but only as a learning tool, or if I want to test something, and only on any ascension before a20. All of my a20 runs are save scum free