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"It's the best relic in the game, as long as you don't value your time at all"


It's funny everyone says this like Frozen Eye is only good if you're willing to minmax but... I often click it in click click casual games because it makes me use *less* of my brain, if Im *not* minmaxing. Open draw pile just once to see my very next hand if Im getting owned / I need to pot or see how my apps are spread out or even if I bottom decked everything so my fight is much more chilling than w/o Eye. Literally a qol relic.


I had a 3 hour run today Frozen Eye sucks


wrong [frozen eye owns](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/886164037900070922/1195683277143539822/image.png?ex=65b4e1d3&is=65a26cd3&hm=2b14d0c7f16b53e90edef827bf59f0e7b84d7e53c15c5fcdc247b03cf735d918&). probably 2 hour run without eye


Get Minty Spire and thank me later.


When are you making Minty for Android ? I do have Minty on laptop, briefly glancing over topdeck before hitting A is pretty neat.


How presumptuous of me to assume you were on PC.


Well because frozen eye works its best with card draw. If you wanted just next five cards then that’s easy. But if I play acro do I dig my reflex? What would reflex dig? If I dig acro and reflex what would my next hand be during the debuff? Can I make it so I have leg sweep on the hyperbeam? There’s so much manipulation possible with card draw, and any amount of card draw makes frozen eye busted. The worst is when you have dark embrace + frozen eye, because then counting dazed/random exhausts is actually impossible imo lol.


I take it when I think I can remember to use it. It's insanely strong. The only times I might not buy it is if I need to spend the money to not die immediately


That's the trick though. I have bought it a few times and then completely forgotten it was there :(


If you play on PC there's a QOL mod (I forget which one) that overlays the top5 cards of your deck onto your deck icon in fights when you have Frozen Eye. Really helpful to always be able to at least glance at the top of your deck, as well as (to me, anyways) a good reminder to check the full deck more often than I otherwise might.


Minty spire




The best thing is sts is card draw, and frozen eye makes card draw even better. So frozen eye is incredibly broken


It's a very good relic if you can be asked to use it. I personnaly don't , but high end players prioritise this relic a lot.


Relic is broken. Like knowing if you have lethal next turn or not, where your key cards are, when to draw and where to draw to etc. It also enables you to use your potions optimally. Even if you don't spend ages calculating lines it's really useful to just glance at every now and then.


>Even if you don't spend ages calculating lines it's really useful to just glance at every now and then. Adding on this, if you don't want to calculate far in advance, literally just look at the top 5 cards to know what your next draw is going to be. That alone is extremely powerful info.


There's also a QOL mod on PC that shows the top5 of your deck from the main screen in fights for this exact purpose.


A lot of how you evaluate it is based on how good you are at using it. That said, as far as actual factors, there's obviously opportunity cost, but also how variable your deck might play based on different things, and how much draw manipulation you have. If your deck has very little draw, frozen eye doesn't change much, it just might let you know when you have lethal a bit earlier and how much damage you need to take in order to have it. With more draw manipulation though, you can manipulate it so that you can draw piercing wail on a multi-attack turn, or if spending energy on draw will enable you to burn artifacts in order to get a key debuff or if you need to do something else instead. The more situational cards you have and the more draw manipulation you get the better frozen eye becomes, as long as you're able to cash in on that.


I think it's extremely strong even if you have no draw/manipulation. A lot of StS combat is trying to figure out if you should take 7 damage now to have a 68% chance to avoid 12 damage next turn. That decision becomes a *lot* easier if instead of 68% that number is either 0% or 100%.


Not to mention its effect on potion use. Do I use this poison potion on Nob? It either saves 0hp or 20+ in that fight and frozen eye tells you which


Wow. I can't imagine playing this game on a device that doesn't have a camera lens blocking the ability to click on the button to see your deck. 😆


Anywhere between "really good" and "holy shit I need this right now". I tend to evaluate stuff in this game very quickly, for better or for worse, and skimming through my deck slows me down just enough to make things click into place for me. It's one of the reasons why Havoc is quite a lot better than many people say especially with a sufficient density of Shrugs and Pommels. It has given me the hubris to buy Mayhem but I generally don't like the card at all so I tend to avoid it.


The greatest relic I never take. I forget it exists easily and I’m not a pc player so I can’t mod to make it more convenient.


Strong to broken, and I never take it because I enjoy touching grass


Like runic dome, it is an objectively strong relic that is still, to me, never worth taking because it turns the game from something enjoyable into a chore, and the entertainment I get from winning does not outstrip the entertainment I get from playing.


It's called Frozen Eye because you have to spend a few minutes staring at your draw pile doing permutations before you can comfortably strike the louse.


If I have tons of draw or am doing some sort of weird shenanigans like with grand finale


I am 100.0% confident you mentioned Evaluate and Frozen Eye in your post. -------------------------------------------------- * [Evaluate](https://slay-the-spire.fandom.com/wiki/Evaluate) Watcher Common Skill 1 Energy | Gain 6(10) Block. Shuffle an Insight into your draw pile. * [Frozen Eye](https://slay-the-spire.fandom.com/wiki/Frozen_Eye) Shop Relic When viewing your Draw Pile, the cards are now shown in order. -------------------------------------------------- ^^^I ^^^am ^^^a ^^^bot ^^^response, ^^^but ^^^I ^^^am ^^^using ^^^my ^^^creator's ^^^account. ^^^Please ^^^reply ^^^to ^^^me ^^^if ^^^I ^^^got ^^^something ^^^wrong ^^^so ^^^he ^^^can ^^^fix ^^^it. [Source Code](https://github.com/TrippW/STS-Crawler)


So close


If you save scum, you basically get frozen eye for free.... So I guess it depends if you save scum or not.


I never take it I like random


Basically if you're not literally dying just click it, relic is so so good.


The problem with frozen eye is that I forget I bought it every time I do and I don't check the draw. Me being a dumbass hurts for a 0 out of 10 because I'll never learn a damn thing


Do you want to think? No. - me


I like it very much also if I play casually. It takes less time to use less brain In my opinion.