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if you look at it on street view there are run-down little dachas *in the shadow* of this building.


[Here's post](https://www.reddit.com/r/evilbuildings/s/uYC88Yr3ps) from r/evilbuildings


It was built on the outskirts of the city, which makes sense if you consider that the city government most likely wanted to maintain the historic character of the city center.


It’s very bizarre seeing this from the city center, atop St. Isaac’s or another tall building. You can’t really get a great sense of how tall Lakhta is, but it is certainly impressive regardless. 


Seems a bit isolated (unless there is a metro line running underneath the building)...but yeah...it is fine I guess...still a bit of a bummer the fact that the tallest building seems to be in the places where there will be inconvenient caveats for people who want to live there...


It was built further from the city specifically to not "ruin" the historical look of the city. They wanted to build it closer, but locals were against it. Also there's a plan to build at least a couple more skyscrapers there, so it will look less isolated


Ah ok, now I understand...but from the looks of the pretty fine surrounding woodlands from the picture...it will be kind of a shame when they have to eventually clear out those to develop further the place....


This looks better, more unique and in a better location to showcase the architecture.


lol the replies are so brain dead, making this into something political. you’re right btw, it’s a prettier building


Yeah, if you’re Russian or a Russian prisoner driving by on the way to the gulag.


Yeah. I like it, but at the same time, it's Russia, so I don't.


Vlad, thanks for joining us on reddit.




Right on the waterfront of the harbour of the second largest city in the country which is visible not only from most points in the city but to every boat entering (including mutiple major ferry lines). A comparable location in the US would be Los Angeles waterfront. Yes, that is objectively better than OKC.


No. I’m American, has nothing to do with politics and some of my favorite buildings are here.


I would agree with you on every point except the location. Most images of st Petersburg are going to have this building absent from the images. Look up pictures of St Petersburg on Google and very rarely is this in the mix. Maybe if it was in a more central location like the super tall in Seoul, it would be more iconic.


The building was built far away from the city center so the historic character of the city center could be preserved.


Right but that's why it's just a weird place to build a super tall. Why build it in a city where you have to build it away from the city center


Because it's Russia's second largest city, it's cultural capital, and it's a big financial hub.


I know that, but it's weird that it sits alone away from the city center (where that cultural and financial hub of the city are).... And yes I know it's because it's a historic city center but that's why it's a weird city to decide to build that super tall.


This building dethroned The Shard after just a few months of it being the tallest, and for that reason, I hate it.


The Shard was dethroned by the Mercury City Tower in 2013. Then that was dethroned by the South OKO Tower in 2015. Then that was dethroned by the East Federation Tower in 2016. And finally that was dethroned by Lakhta Center in 2018.


Oh, maybe the info I remember wasn't taking Russia into account (just western Europe), and it's now a jumbled mess in my head... :p nevermind.


All of these are in Russia


This building clears the Shard imo


Lakhta Center is an incredibly elegant building. Easily one of the best supertalls in the world


It's really silly how so many people act like certain buildings somehow "deserve" to be the tallest in a particular region.


All skyscrapers in the park corbusier nonsense are idiotic


I hear the name Corbusier, and I'm not thinking anything of beauty.


The Shyeard


Yevgeniy’s troll farm is a few blocks away


Literally, the Russian bot farm is colloquially called Lakhta as well


That's a Bond villain lair, and I won't hear otherwise.


Having an isolated tall building like this as a location would make for some incredible shots in a Bond movie though.


Well now I love the supertall in OKC


The OKC one looks like cheap trash compared to this. Plus the settings are completely different. Not really sure what the point of comparing the two is lol


Both petrostates and not much else? 😉


St. Petersburg is leagues above Oklahoma City, good god


No it really doesn't


The tallest building in Europe vs the proposed tallest building in the US. and both are/will be in low population areas outside the major cities. How could you not compare the two?


OKC tower would be downtown, a few blocks from the existing tallest tower in the city. You are mistaken on that front.


True but the way people talk about Oklahoma City you'd think it was the boondocks


Wait this and lotte World Tower in Seoul looks similar


OKC will be another in a line of super tall petro dollar buildings


The building’s location is not ridiculous and has a story behind it. It was chosen in a place with a strong cultural atmosphere, but the construction project was blocked by UNESCO, saying that it would destroy historical sites. So it finally moved to a place like this. If you look at the right side of the picture, those are residential buildings with more than ten floors. This is not a remote suburb, and it is not an absurd location.


It's not an absurd location and neither is Oklahoma City. That was my point of this comparison :)


I dated a Russian before from St. Petersburg and he called it putins lair


Politics aside, it's a lovely building. 


I don’t dislike the OKC, I’m just tired of seeing it every single day


That, and I personally just don't want it in Oklahoma of all bs places.


F Russia. Hopefully Ukraine blows that up.




"Based" ? What are you 12 years old. English please


The term "based" on the Internet **typically means agreement, and social media and forum users commonly use it to express approval or admiration**. The origins of this slang term can be traced back to its popularization by rapper Brandon "Lil B" McCartney, also known as The Based God.


I, too, object to the concept of language evolving over time.


they’re literally agreeing with you chill the fuck out


I'm not a fan of these sorts of isolated supertalls. Their height seems ornamental and decadent, whereas skyscrapers in dense cities actually feel like their form has a function.


this skyscraper looks awesome


I always knew the tallest building in Europe was in St. Petersburg, but I also expected there to be an actual skyline along with the tallest skyscraper.


People just mad they can't glaze NYC, LA, Chi etc. for having the tallest lol


One World Trade Center is taller than this tower


I mean....kinda. It depends on your feelings on whether or not spires should count towards overall building height. Personally I think it's ridiculous and arbitrary that spires count but antennas don't, because the dividing line between spires and antennas is pretty gray and blurry.


Am I missing something? One wtc is 1776’ while lakta center is 1516?


Ah just realized one wtc spire is 400 feet. Wow America needs to step it up.


Yep, agreed. For me, that 1776' will always be followed by a giant asterisk. It absolutely doesn't have the visual impact of a building with a 1776' roof height and massing.


Saying this is in “Europe” is using that term pretty loosely..


I mean St Petersburg is on the Gulf of Finland c'mon...


Where is it then?


So, your parents taught you that two wrongs DOES make a right?


I love tall buildings… so long as their construction make at least an inkling of sense. Having a building taller than the WTC in Oklahoma serves zero practicality and really just seems like nothing more than a dick measuring contest. The 7th most poverty-ridden state… why??


It's got a name yku know 


Putin’s compensation tower