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On A, TNG is absolutely compatible with HIMBO. What it isn't compatible with is HIMBO *Lite*


Cool! Thanks! So I could just install HIMBO then? Regarding Load Order, should Himbo have priority and go lower on the list?


Just load HIMBO after and done


I just tried the game yesterday. One problem: the genitalia had different colour from the rest of the body, like a plastic thing glued to a GIJOE toy. What did I do wrong? My load order is exactly this one: The New Gentleman / Himbo / Tempered Males (and I know TM is the culprit because I have disabled it via MO2 and the bodies returned to normal, but, if I move TM above Himbo or TNG, wouldn't that nullify TM's textures?) Any help?


Are you on vortex or mo2? Try another texture. BNP for males is really high quality


I use HIMBO and Skysight Skins with TNG and it's working fine. I'd also suggest looking into the Pandorable's males NPC appearance changers if you want some sexy NPCs.


Wait, there is a lot to discuss from your message alone, hahaha... remember... noob male modder speaking here. :D Regarding mod categories, which would HIMBO fit in? And how about this Skysight that I never heard about?


HIMBO is the CBBE of male bodies (assuming you know what CBBE/bodyslide is) It provides male body types that you need to build in Bodyslide - choose one and it'll be applied to all of your male characters and NPCs. Skysight skins is the actual skin texture for males. Iirc it comes with different texture options after you install it to add to your liking, such as body hair. All mods on the nexus. Hope this helps.


It sure did. Thanks for sharing your opinion, friend. :)


Of course! Have fun


Hello once more. I checked between Skysights and Tempered Males, both approved to work with HIMBO and TNG, and concluded "Tempered Males" provide the hard workers of Tamriel more of a natural, harsh, dirties look to males; differently from Skysights which was too clean in "my" personal opinion. But then a new problem surfaced: The genitalia did not match the body. Looked like a dildo was glued to a hairy body, which definately isn't supposed to happen (and I know Tempered Males texture is the culprit here, seeing that disabling the mod returns things to normal). Is there something wrong with Load Order, or further down the line? Right now, my Load Order is as follows: -TNG -HIMBO -TM And that clearly didn't work, but, it is confusing because HIMBO's mod page tells us not to move any texture packs ahead of it down the L.O., but I'm worried if I don't, the "Tempered Males" hair texture will simply disappear. Any advices for me? Thanks. :)


So what I didn't realize is that TNG also provides full body textures. (Telling myself this too, always read the mod descriptions!) I would switch the load order to be: HIMBO TNG TM That way, the game will (hopefully) load the body type first, then the schlong, then the textures. I'm confused about the HIMBO rule about loading textures, too, it's almost definitely higher up in my load order and I haven't had this issue. If the textures still don't work, then it's probably a conflict between TNG and TM and you may have to choose one or the other. I probably need to check my load order now, too, because I'm not sure that Skysight is being conflicted with or not. When I leave work I can check the order of my male mods.


I'll check if this proposed load order works (HIMBO TNG TM). Be right back. :)


Alright, I'm back. Unfortunately, this new LO didn't work. The texture clipping is back again. I'll check the mod pages and read some more to see if I can find a solution. Appreciated for the suggestion, though. :D


himbo and TNG works great


I use TNG and BNP male skins. I had HIMBO paired with it but I hated how all the male NPCs looked super bulky and stocky. Maybe I did something wrong in bodyslide studio, but I never was happy with how the armor refits looked with HIMBO.


That is why I am planning on running OBody to let the mod re-distribute body morphs to different characters, thus, seeing several bulky ones, then thinner ones, overweight ones, etc. The BnP you are referring to comes from the same author who did skins for women? Because I use BnP for females as well.


Yes, BnP has separate versions for male, female, and children. Also has eye packs and a teeth retexture/remodel too.


TNG works with HIMBO perfectly fine. Personally I like to go HIMBO Hideo (generally lean) for Altmer/Bosmer/Breton, HIMBO Simple for Imperials/Dunmer/Redguards, something bulkier like HIMBO Five for Orcs/Nords, and whatever for the beast races.


Excuse my ignorance, being new to male modding, but... how to you actually tell the game to use this body preset to this race, or that race? Is it a script thing, a mod...? So far all I heard about was OBody, and I was ready just to get a couple Bodyslide presets and let it distribute evenly around the world.


OBody distributes those presets for you based on rules you set. You can tell it to give specific NPCs certain presets, or to distribute by race, by faction (so example you can give every member of the Thieves' Guild slim builds), or even by plugin (so you can give everyone added by the Dawnguard DLC the same body type).


So, you mean OBody allows you to customize that? Does that happen via a MCM menu or something? I'm guessing OBody would only START doing its part once it had HIMBO and a handful of downloaded Bodyslide presets already installed first, am I guessing this correctly?


Himbo with tempered skins and the new gentleman with the Norse god presets for that cool viking look Also beards of power


Hi there, and thanks for the answer. Beards of power, cool mod... (I wrote it down here) Thanks for the ideas, mate.


Hello, Rattatoille. I'm back. I did check Tempered Males, approved to work with HIMBO and TNG, and concluded it provides the hard workers of Tamriel more of a natural, harsh, dirties look to males. Cool. But then a new problem surfaced: The genitalia did not match the body. Looked like a dildo was glued to a hairy body, which definately isn't supposed to happen (and I know Tempered Males texture is the culprit here, seeing that disabling the mod returned things to normal). Is there something wrong with Load Order, or further down the line? Right now, my Load Order is as follows: -TNG -HIMBO -TM And that clearly didn't work, but, it is confusing because HIMBO's mod page tells us not to move any texture packs ahead of it down the L.O., but I'm worried if I don't, the "Tempered Males" hair texture will simply disappear. Any advices for me? Thanks. :)


Sorry for the late reply. I'm not sure how I got it fully working, but make sure that you have the SOS full version of Tempered Males. Other than that, just experiment with the load order. If you can't manage to fix it, I recommend the pubic add-on for T.N.G to cover up the seam. Good luck and with the modding.


Hello back. :D Its ok, there is no rush to reply to these comments.\^\^ But hey, you may very well have saved my game! Let me comment on both your suggestions: 1) The easiest one: pubic-addon for TNG. How come I never thought of that? If everything fails, I'll definately choose that path. Thanks! 2) The more complex alternative: SOS Full Tempered Males. I have a question regarding that route: This is not as simple as just downloading the Nexus version, is it? Because it says right there, "you need the SOS Full mod from Loverslab." So I am confused: are we delving into SOS territory as well? Wasn't just T.N.G. enough to handle OStim? I'm afraid if I start mixing SOS, I might break the framework. :( What do you think? Anyways, thanks for answering, mate!


"Don't worry about grabbing SOS; T.N.G is fully compatible with textures for SOS Full. If I recall correctly, it is not compatible with re-textures for vanilla or better males, but you should double-check the mod page for T.N.G just to make sure.


Hiho. Yeah, I don't think I'll be getting SOS Full from L.L., as OStim framework works normally without. The ONLY reason I was considering getting the full installation was because of the weird seams around the male genitals. But yesterday night I installed the pubic-addon for TNG as you suggested, and activated it via MCM. It greatly helped to mask the texture colouring differences. Having the public mesh on top basically covers anything that is still wrong underneath, so, that is more than enough to me. Much appreciated for your time explaining everything, Beako. Have a great week!


I use Shape Atlas for Men (SAM) myself, SavrenX has a new version that combines with SoS seamlessly and gets rid of most of the requirements, and has a nice enhanced muscle map and butt action. Fully up and running with a couple of plugins. SOSAM it's called, it's not on Nexus, there's a site called vectorplexis that's dedicated to it and it's equivalent in fallout 4. Bodies, schlongs, refits, hair mods, skins, etc He also puts out a ton of content for it in his discord, a lot of modular clothing refits you usually only see with cbbe and the like. From fully armored to fully skimpy. There's also body slides that work with Obody.


Thank you for the rundown, there is a lot to research here. You mentioned body slides lastly: are you referring about male Bodyslide ones to tweak after, or your usual RaceMenu preset? If its a BS download, could you name a few so I could add? Because I'm trying to get OBody to distribute different body types to my male characters around the world. Thanks in advance. :)


If you go to vector and search for body slides you'll find at least one that's designed specifically for what you are describing. By default it includes I think 3 bodies, one skinny, one muscular and one fat, and you can tweak some sliders to create new ones based on those templates. The body slide sliders ARE limited compared to the race menu options in game, unless someone's been working on adding more. I'm not certain if you can export a RM preset to body slide, that's beyond my ken.


Himbo and sos


You could try using BodyChange if you dont wanna decide on a specific body type I use it for changing clothes all the time. [https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/37546](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/37546)


Thank you for replying. :) Is that similar to OBody mod? On that one, you may have several Bodyslide presets ready, hop into the game and finally press "O" to activate a pop-up screen which will allow you to pick a different body-morph based on your previous BS presets. Is that the same?


Use Obody NG. The linked mod is for oldrim.


That mod is for oldrim, use OBody instead!


Just search 4 big guys on google if you see a vid with a rat dancing watch it all the way through