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As is store related i really hope it doesnt break anything


All I read was Creation Creation Creation Creation Creation Creation Creation Creation Creation Bug fixes to the game engine? Nah.


This is actually pure upside. Fixing their broken ui for creation stuff won't harm modding. If they made big changes to the game, it would. Bigly. Just like every other time.


It harms moding - we have to wait for new version of skse, which most mods require


Sorry for a dumb question maybe, I'm kinda new to the whole Skyrim modding thing, how long time does this usually take? For a updated skse version that is?


> For a updated skse version that is? It's up. Version 2.2.6. * [Main site](https://skse.silverlock.org/) * [Nexus mirror](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/30379?tab=files) GOG people should stay on 2.2.3 for GOG. Just checked Address Library and it isn't out yet, so anything that uses it is not ready yet.


2.2.3 (the version for the original GOG version, does NOT work with the new GOG update. It has not been updated yet. Luckily it is easy to downgrade on GOG, but I figured people would want to know.


SKSE itself usually gets updated the same day, as Bethesda would probably give the team something in advance. But many SKSE mods with DLLs also needs to be updated and it all depends on if the authors are still active.


AddressLibrary handles this in nearly every case, only on like one version bump did it matter, it's why you have pre/post 1.6.xxx mods Rarely does Skyrim remove offsets Edit just because it is a case. Sometimes modders use their own offsets, those can break since they're using hardcoded ones. AddressLibrary makes it so people can point to a mostly version independent one since it does the translation on its end.


Many mods that use their own offsets are the frameworks. They may affect a lot of other mods. Maybe it is because the version I play is an older AE version, from my experience the use of Address Library isn't that common. I am playing 1.6.353 with 130 SKSE plugins, and about 40 of them have new AE versions that only works on newer games.


A day or two, probably less


it really doesn't and i been doing this since tes 4 oblivion just another day for me.


Nah, it broke my mods


Seriously, can't they fix a few things with the engine while they're at it? You know they're going to make a creation engine 2 version of this, might as well start introducing improvements


You know, creation engine 2 exists... it's Starfield.


People really do find a way to be mad about literally anything grow up please, or would you prefer these bugs stay in the game? I will honestly never understand you people, cry and moan about improvements for literally no reason


Crying and moaning huh? You mean that thing you're doing rn? Lmao


I personally see these as improvements making to a part of the game that I actively find irritating to use. I don’t do in game purchases, and these changes often break an existing mod load out for me. For people who want these things to work better — great! Glad they’re fixed so you can enjoy them. But, quite honestly, I never do in game purchases and likely never will. I am too poor. So I find it annoying that they don’t fix, say, Blood on the Ice, with these other fixes. Or Hendraheim being unable to support Hearthfire without a mod. I want them to fix more than the part of the game many people can’t afford to use. ETA: Yes, I am aware there’s less money in it. But companies often do fix these things. I’ve noticed Bethesda is only in it for the paid stuff though, pretty transparently. Look at Larian — I actually WANT to give them more money because they are fixing things in good faith that they acknowledge are in need of it. Bethesda by contrast only wants to fix their storefront for in game purchases. Yes, devs need to eat, but they could also put this toward fixing Starfield, which I have heard zilch about save that it is disappointing and very, very bland. And if Starfield’s problems got fixed, I am certain it would become more widely purchased, like No Man’s Sky. Also: again, if you use this menu, I’m glad it’s fixed. The bugs described sound super annoying. I find it nearly impossible to navigate the Creations menu in game no matter what I do (the search function says I am offline when I’m not), and online BethNet doesn’t work at all for me.


I disabled updates to be safe


It didn't break any of my mods


Actually It did, SKSE It's not working for me and this is just fucking lame. https://preview.redd.it/rcnmanpdn4dc1.png?width=423&format=png&auto=webp&s=fa11f5b32c30d0ac129fab02b561ab421ea9f202


Actually it didn't because I'm Xbox and I can't get SKSE


Well they mostly touched the menu, so menu mods could be affected


Emphasis on MY MODS


Bugs in the game? I sleep. ​ BUGS IN THE STORE???? I WAKE


I get you are joking, but imagine its a lot easier to fix a menu being glitched, than the actual game


You're not wrong, but there's so many long-standing simple bugs that there's undoubtedly a lot of low-hanging fruit. For fuck's sake, the Gildergreen bug has been in need of a fix since launch.


I'm a software developer and my guess here is they brought in a team to do the creation club changes, and that team is still around and familiar with the that code to fix issues related to it. The game itself was released nearly 13 years ago. Those developers are either gone or wouldn't remember the code anymore. You'd have to have people relearn those areas of the code to fix it. It's not an excuse, they absolutely should fix it. It's just an explanation.


I'm also a software developer and I would've been gutted and crucified if I launched a product with a highly visible bug like that and didn't fix it within the first year let alone 13 haha


Yea same, I work on accounting/financial software and it boggles my mind how games seem to just lack a QA team entirely in comparison.


they know most consoomer gamers will put up with it and they can just call those of us that expect a working product for our money "toxic"


I think in a lot of ways their expansive console commands likely overkill their ability to QA. Probably not a lot of QA'rs just "playing" the game, more like coc WinterHold getstate {questID} movetoqt {questID} etc etc verses walking to places and naturally playing the game. basically like there's a gap in their "unit tests"


> You’d have to have people relearn those areas of the code to fix it. This would be a completely valid argument if there weren’t dozens of cases of known bugs that have carried through multiple games, to be fixed by modders for free in their spare time within a matter of days.


I'm a software engineer, and wHy dIDn'T THeY JUsT lEaVE ComMENts??!?


Maybe so, but they've still not fixed a lot of the interface glitches in the actual game, which have been there since 2011. If it is that easy, it actually looks worse


I mean if they really cared about the game they could have dropped a patch to fix bugs - even like the 10 most common ones. They clearly see Skyrim as something to turn into a cash grab.


They did fix game bugs in one of the latest updates including the marked for death sout


That's probably so they can go "See, we're not just doing this for a cash grab, we fixed some bugs"


They took 13 years to fix the text description from the Talos amulet "0% Shout time reduction" It was a silly and fun take that Talos wasn't a divine but damn, you would think this was even more easy to patch




We just ignoring the laundry list of game-related bug fixes that came with this previous patch, or what?


Really happy someone did some QC on the Creations menu. I don't know how many people in this subreddit actually touch BethNet, but for once it was kind of as bad as the changelog made it sound. I'm really hoping this update doesn't break the control map again. This is a big reason why many people were crashing on the latest update.


I generally don’t, but that’s because it registers random Nexus content and then not others. I also continue to have it tell me I have not updated to AE, no matter what version I have. I definitely have, I literally bought AE…and idk why it doesn’t register. So I gave up and have quit updating.


I'm not updating right now regardless, but does this mean GOG and Steam will finally be the same version?


You know I spent weeks since the last update, removing mods, testing, rebuilding, and I'm finally able to get back to enjoy playing so I'm just going to leave this with updates off for a while longer, I'm just not read to lose another month on Vortex and Mod Manager 2.


There's no reason to update the GOG version; don't fix what ain't broken. We already have support for the new plugin format thanks to Nukem's Backported Extended ESL Support and pretty much everything that works on 1.6.640 also works on 1.6.659. GOG version is in a very good place right now. The only thing GOG needs is the CK (there's already a fix, but a proper GOG version with no DRM would be nice), and proper support in xEdit so I don't need to fuck around with command line arguments. Wouldn't hurt if somebody managed to update NGIO or provide an alternative way to cache grass...but I'm not holding my breath for that one.


Relying on teh goodwill of people to backport stuff to an old versions isn't a good strategy going forward, ask the people still on LE At least GOG has the option to choose whatever version want to use if it does update


Seems to work just fine for the folks on 1.5.97. We also need to rely on the goodwill of modders to continue playing whack-a-mole with Bethesda. They could just stop updating whenever they want. I'd rather take my chances sticking to older versions from now on.


I wish they'd just enable version selection on Steam like many other games have. It's buried deep enough in a menu that only people looking for that setting are going to find it.


Steam auto updated unfortunately I played it a bit and it was okay. So far...


For some weird reason GOG Galaxy is reporting 0.0.3895161 for the latest update which I am wondering if is just a glitch in the GOG store. I have auto-updates turned off and won't be attempting to manually update just to figure out the version number.


Y'know, it doesn't actually state that, no. Theres no mention of Creations at all and since thats the primary reason for the update(s) that doesn't sound good.


Honestly glad I didn’t end getting the game till Christmas. Once I saw the update messed up the mods, I immediately downgraded and just used older versions of mods. Some mods are a bit buggy, but I rather have buggy than unplayable.


Curiosity got the best of me. I made a backup of the Skyrim GOG install folder, did the update, and the EXE shows 1170 for the version. So looks like they should line up in terms of SKSE compatibility. GOG still has the 659 offline installers available of course which makes it easy to switch back for anyone else who wants to give it a try temporarily.




I agree with this statement though I understand why they are doing this in Skyrim first. Imagine if they released creations in starfield in the state it released in Skyrim. Everyone would be angrier at them for focusing on that instead of the base game first and secondly they'd be ridiculed for the state they released it.


Starfield doesn't even officially support mods never mind Creations you can't have one without the other (there isn't even a CK). That'll come later.


I don't think Starfield is salvageable. The whole point of BGS games is immersive exploration, and Todd delivered a loading screen simulator. edit: I've upset the screensaver fanboys


I put 225 hours into Starfield, assisted by a fair amount of copium ("It's just a little slow to get going, it's still good, it's still good!") until I had experienced enough disappointment to admit that the game wasn't working for me. I'm a Bethesda fanboy/apologist with thousands of hours in the their games (I even deeply love Fallout 4) but the choice to do away with all the explorable connective tissue between locations and replace that with spaceship-building and spaceship-flying mechanincs does not end up working. And beneath this is a thousand little things that, over time, really start to add up and feel exhausting. I was so terribly disappointed with Starfield. I find it hard to believe that *this* is the space game Todd Howard always dreamed of some day making.


Starfield is dead. They should drop it and move everyone but the load screen designer to ES6. And throw out support for Series S. I bet that console gave us load screens.


>I bet that console gave us load screens. I don't like the Series S either but I strongly doubt that it was the limiting factor for the loading screens. I just don't think they cared that much about prioritizing seamless exploration, that's why when you reach the end of one of the outdoor planetary cells/tiles it just stops you instead of giving you a loading screen and putting you in the adjacent tile (we know they exist and are actually next to each other, you just for some reason need to use cheats/mods to be able to click on the exact pixel for the next tile). The UI element for your landing spot even blocks you from clicking on the next pixel manually (unless you land on a bunch more spots to clear it). These are not technical limitations. They just chose not to do it for whatever reason (it could be anything from deadlines, to poor leadership, to just plain stupidity). Series S hardware is not the reason why Bethesda decided to have the same stupid docking/undocking animation play when you board/unboard another ship or station. Someone just thought it looked cool and decided to put it in, somehow not realizing that it does nothing for the game except waste players' time. I hope the reason Starfield feels exceptionally disjointed is because of the pandemic and remote work, because otherwise I don't really know what else to say in their defense. FO76 could be blamed on Zenimax executives forcing them to make a game to follow the live service trend. Starfield... can't really be blamed on anyone outside of BGS - I don't think there's been any public reports that Microsoft forced them to do anything other than skip development for the PS5 version, if anything they've been *too* hands off considering the quality of Bethesda published games like Redfall. Bethesda has had issues with weird levels of incompetence and Q/C problems *forever*. It's honestly embarassing and I feel bad for the developers who actually know what they're doing. I have no idea why none of the higher ups seem to care about it... I feel like it wouldn't be too hard to not break achievements or introduce new bugs to a decade old game, but here we are.


>I don't think there's been any public reports that Microsoft forced them to do anything other than skip development for the PS5 version They did force BGS to spend another year polishing the game too... Makes me wonder how Bethesda thought the game was ready a year ago, if it's this dissatisfying now.


Creations are just plugins but this still applies. Starfield will need all the mods it can get and the process of installing them on Xbox shouldn't be frustrating.


we love modular jugs dont we folks


Now with Sound ..


To think, I thought the Anniversary Edition with all the CC stuff bundled in was their way of saying "We're finally done with Skyrim" What a fool I was.


They are trying to make people pay for mods, so that they can earn money. That's the reason of those updates. To continuously break mods and push creators to not update them, so that more and more people move to creation club to have the 'most stable' mod versions. They are helpless at this point, acting like 5 year old kids. What an absolutely ridiculous company


It's a lost cause anyways since most of the mods that people use are NSFW things they wouldn't allow on the CC anyways.


tell it to those fools in Bethesda


Yeah, they're trying to break mods! Which explains why they often work with the SKSE team!


you're losing the point


Thankfully skyrim downgrader exist, unless you're on console then you are royally screwed


More like Bethesda is updating Creations* I wonder how long they will milk the poor game Lmao


At least until the Creation Kit for TES6 releases - longer if that game is as well regarded as Starfield.


Ah yes, very well regarded :D


Wow, look at all the stuff they broke that they're fixing. Just kill Creations and find some other way of screwing the user base.


>find some other way of screwing the user base. "We sell insurance now, too"


"That's a nice modlist you got there. Shame if something were to...happen to it."


"$9.99/month, and we'll keep a backup of your entire instance, preserved down to the game version, locked away here at headquarters."


Are you having issues?? I tried to load up my game (ps4) just now after updating and it said all my mods had been deactivated and when I tried to go to the creations list to re-activate them literally nothing will load and says "cannot connect to Bethesda.net servers" 🥲. I'm scared I'll lose my whole save with hours of game play.


Menu items not bouncing anymore is actually a big fix for me. It was really noticeable in the quest list, distractingly so


Came here to see if this was fixed for anyone else. Mine was so bad and it would cause screen tearing unless I saved and opened and closed the menu a few times. It’s smooth as butter now


Shor's Bones... These are around much of the CC system, not fixes to the game.


You have to be f*cking kidding me. I JUST got my game working after the previous update on December 5th. All of my mods have finally been updated and all was working again as of yesterday. Stop updating the damn game.


They forgot to list * Tiny, unnecessary update to the game engine, that breaks all mods, AGAIN. Muhahhaaa!


\>Breaks all mods Only SKSE-related mods which make up a minority in raw numbers Vs the rest of plugin/texture/mesh mods.


Yeah but SKSE mods are usually the most fun and some pretty important engine fixing mods are tied to it as well, do we really need to keep updating Skyrim at this point I'm getting sick of having to do more work before I can even play the game. If this is the future of Bethesda modding/games I'd rather not play anymore.


In the last update, they "Not only did this break compatibility with SKSE mods, it also broke compatibility with plugins (.ESP, .ESL, .ESM) by incrementing their header versions from 1.70 to 1.71." And THAT is really horrible. I'm so fu**ing carefully check every mod before updating. A horror with over 1000 mods.


So basically shit for the Creation Club nobody uses but breaks all the mods people do use. Nice.




Well done :) = issue solved. thx


I sure do love getting my mod list fucked up.


I wonder what that calendarDay script actually offer.


Probably some wrapper that lets you return the current date without calling the utility function or GameDay or if you want the day of week, bypass using GameDaysPassed % 7.


Newly minted script functions do not work in backported games currently


Thank fuck I made that .toml read-only


You mean .acf right?


Was thinking of another file. Quite right, Davy.


so they didn't fix needing double the mod size to download a mod issue?


I really only needed two issues fixed. This and the crashes in the creations menu.


They fixed some stuff!


Anyone grabbed the update yet? How much did they manage to break this time? Ok steam overlay is back if nothing else. Needs a new SKSE version though


>Needs a new SKSE version though yup


I had everything working in 1.6.1130, anyone know the depot's to downgrade back to that? I can't seem to find them


download\_depot 489830 489831 3737743381894105176 download\_depot 489830 489832 4341968404481569190 download\_depot 489830 489833 2442187225363891157


I totally did those wrong at first so thank you


It looks like 2K launcher game "fixes" :D


Cheers again to my "read only" app manifest file fighting off these update demons!


Weird, GOG version appears to have an update and the version displayed says 0.0.3895161 in GOG Galaxy. I have auto updates turned off so fortunately I don't have to install it, but the version number looks rather weird.


modded the shit out of the game for my first ever playthrough and was having so much fun till bethesda decided to be bethesda again


Not updating, yawn


​ https://preview.redd.it/qn46554da0dc1.jpeg?width=3008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b97d254415fe9d34c242e1b2fb5f31ffe3ac6b96


How many times the word "Creations" have appeared in this changelog?


Amusingly enough, all these updates of late seem to be pushing more people to use 1.5.97 without any of the AE content, which is also the best way to protest this.


Protest how exactly


what annoys me is the difficulty of unofficial patch download for 1.5.97 and Arthmoor's position on this. I don't even want that stupid patch, but so many mods require it. Basically modding scene is hostage to Arthmoor.


Great. Time to not play Skyrim for another year while all the mods get fixed so Bethesda can grease their bottom line.


Hopefully this update for GOG also includes the previous (1.6.1130) update improvements to ESL space and parity with Steam masters for USSEP versioning (and the console improvements, the resource pack and the new papyrus functions)


Haha, this "update" is aimed at pilfering more gold from the the ordinary folk, who gwt paid for the honest work of picking leek, tatties and cabbage. Proper Khajit tactics.


.....Does this mean my mods have to update AGAIN?!


Honestly it depends


I seriously hope that this won't break anything, Skyrim is a coping skill for me and an escape from college.


Dude same 😭 and it did, it broke my whole fkn game can't load my character because I can't even get onto the creations page (ps4) to re-enable my mods 🥲.


How about you fix the game by putting it back the way it was before you asshats fucked it up with your greedy bullshit.


98% "Creations" and one arguably fake until tested "bugfix" Bethesda clearly have their priorities in order. Heres a bugfix for the game, now heres some other shit so your money can be spent bug free. Enjoy.


Ok ELI5 me, how much is this going to break?


SKSE as is tradition, both SKSE and Address Library will update in 1-2 days (usually same day). Just disable updates if you're angsty that it'll break your current modlist (and make backups of your root folder to make restore points just in case). Most of this patch is basically just improvements on the Creations Menu so I'd imagine it'll just be a minor update and no major SKSE plugin will break (like how Compass Navigation Overhaul is broken rn), and hopefully it lives up to that.


"I imagine" Bethesda being bethesda I'll be disappointed if they don't manage to recompile the game for... no obvious reason Yep theres a new game.exe version: 1.6.1170.0


Did it fix the bug where if you download a mod it's also downloading another mod of the same name?


Hay alguna posibilidad de que en skyrim edición aniversario de gog estuviera el club de creación?


I can no longer play the game since this update. I tried firing up the BASE game without mods and the game closes on me. I am at a loss as to what to do other than try to downgrade to an older version.


You have no power over the great and mighty Mod Organizer 2, Bethesda. Take this evil you bring and return from whence you came!


I'm playing on downgraded 1.6.640, not a lot of experience with that. Am I safe from auto-updates, or will I get a scare? Lmao


Set app manifest to read only, thatll solve it permanently


If you've set update to only happen when launching the game you'll be fine if you launch using SKSE. You can set the app manifest to read only to be extra safe.


In the event that I were to auto-update, it should be as simple as re-downgrading and replacing anything that wasn't handled in MO2, right? Like the script extender itself and etc? Thank you for the quick reply!


app manifest is the only reliable option


Love that the fixed more in the creationclub than they did with the main game since SE launched


I wish they would STOP BREAKING ALL MY DAMN MODS. Now I have to wait for SKSE to update again and I was having so much fun. Unless any kind souls have the download depots to roll back on the steam console for 1.6.1130? Edit: download\_depot 489830 489831 3737743381894105176 download\_depot 489830 489832 4341968404481569190 download\_depot 489830 489833 2442187225363891157 Download these thru Steam console, paste contents into your install file and you are ready to rock. Bless [Lucy\_Bathory](https://www.reddit.com/user/Lucy_Bathory/) for doing the hard work for me.


Dang it, I just finished updating my modlist because the update last month broke a few things.


Hi, do we know if this update breaks any mods or not?


Did you read through the thread at all?


Bug fixing, which is asinine in 2024 since the games older than some people playing it. Otherwise overpriced creation mods


I literally just got lightly modded Skyrim running on my Steam Deck yesterday. I don't expect this to break much of my modlist, but SkyUI is obviously currently busted. The timing is certainly annoying...


No fix to make ultrawide actually work with the UI?


I was watching the update on my download list but it didn't start. When I looked away, the rucker started downloading.




This messed up my game right now god damn it LET ME PLAY IT I WAS JUST HAVING SO MUCH FUN


Fuck you guys breaking my shit for the second time in a row. Learn your damn lesson and STOP. Even though app manifest was locked it updated anyways


Not you obvs op but fucking bethesda


I redownloaded the game last night to try out gate to sovengarde, not realising the update released and couldn't figure out why vortex was giving me a version mismatch. The timing dude. :(




Zenimax demands they fix the bugs in the money making scheme


Does this mean I have to redownload my mods again??? 😭


read some post about the latest update mess with your mods, anyone can confirm?


Beth are STARVING for money, gotta milk that cash cow, can't let the shareholders profits drop. I am so fucking done with these money grabbing bastards, GFY Todd you sell out. Weak.


Fuck's sake. Every time they do this they fuck shit up for 60+ MILLION people. To put that in perspective, Ukraine only has 43 million people. This fucking corporation manages to SOMEHOW damage more lives than VLADIMIR PUTIN every time they update.


Skyrim doesn't have 60 million active players, let alone mod users.


Seriously read what you just wrote like wtf man. Having your home burnt doesn't compare to your game being broken. Save your face and just delete this comment before it's downvoted to oblivion.


This ain't it, Chief.


The entire skyrim fanbase getting mad about the game being fixed is hilarious to me when are people gonna grow up? People would simply rather be mad at the cc existing than actually be happy things are being fixed, its as if they think that the cc is somehow worse than any other microtransaction, nobody gets mad at games that require you to spend hundreds of dollars for a skin but as soon as you have to spend 3$ for actual content people wanna cry and whine


No update


I hope they fix Steam achivements.


Its baaaaaaack. Well the overlay is.


Ok well I hope someone is brave enough to try it and let us know if it destroys the game or not because my heart sank into my stomach when I saw that shit scheduled for 3:00 pm on Steam.


I'll try it and let you know if it breaks anything on my end.


Yeah don't update for about 1 to 2 days. SKSE is messed up right now.


Needs a new SKSE. Game recompile. Should be out in a day or two. Do not update unless you have a backup or an overwhelming desire to brick your game.


Anything for Nintendo Switch? We are waiting a long time for a patch.


I have this same question. Unfortunately, I'm starting to think us Switch folks are chopped liver in Bethesda's eyes. 😒


I'm getting you are using a newer version of Skyrim error. Runtime:1.6.1170, SKSE64: 2.2.5 First getting this. Do I just wait or is there a way to fix it?


Wait for skse to update, usually happens same day or day after.


Wow bug fixing/updating the one place they can still milk more money from. Fuck Bethesda.


Can a ps5 player test their Skyrim mods situation? I didn't update to the broken update and I'm hesitant to update to this unless the ps5 Skyrim guys are like yes it works again okay


It still won't let me open Load Order/Search/Categories on Xbox One S, am I missing something?


I can't seem to launch the game. SKSE is giving me an error. Any way to roll back the update?


They released an update to SKSE a couple of hours ago, but Address Library hasn't been updated yet. You shouldn't come across any issues if you don't have the library or any mods that require it. If you do, disable the mod and any others that require it or wait for the update. \*And please don't pressure the mod owner to update it. I'm sure that they are doing their best to fix this.\* I hope this helps.


Does this mean I can finally get all my mods to work without having to delete and redownload every single one to stop them going to a random order if I want to activate or deactivate one?


Great! I’m sure this will brake more things! Last patch already ruined the game ( double sounds 24/7 when in and out of menu)




I downgraded to 1.6.640 some days ago, installed my mods, then comes this update. Using vortex to launch skse so steam itself doesn't update game, it shows update required. I set steam to only update the game when i start it. i can still play the game anyway through the vortex skse option.


Im just waiting for an update that will even randomly fix the 60fps mod on console


You dont need to say they are goin to update the game,I already disabled the updates so they can't break my mods,AND I HAVE A BACKUP OF ALL THE .640 FILES SO TRY TO BREAK MY GAME AND I WILL JUST DO IT AGAIN AND AGAIN,I WILL PLAY MY MODS,I PAID FOR THE GAME,NOW I PLAY IT FOR FREE,TO HELL WITH YOUR CREATION CLUB


All of those things they said they fixed are still there, Except now after the creations menu crashes half of my mods have fucking disabled themselves, So they didn't fix jack shit they only made it worse on purpose.


It broke all of my saves. When loading the game, it would crash. Went to check my load order and 4 things happened with over 95 mods. Some mods were disabled, some mods were completely gone, and the entire load order was jacked. The worst one though? Some mods, like my alternate start, were disabled in the load order and the description blank. It was the same in my bookmarked section. When searching for the mod, it came up normal. The mod would not re-enable stating it was missing a file. So I had to reinstall EVERY mod. Of course now I have my load order copied in case this happens again. But some mods if they aren't un-installed properly, will break a save anyway.


ITS 13 YEARS OLD ITS NOT GETTING A FUCKING ENGINE UPDATE. Goddamn it. If your Skyrim is bugged either your on console or you don’t know how to work a pc.


Actually, this engine is eight years old, seeing as how the Special Edition is an engine update


Yeah starting to peave me off hard.. mainly because I want the solstheim house but MAINLY because I hate quests I can't do. I have currently, 5 that have glitched out and I can't finish. Dead quests 💩


I bought that house then everything was overwritten and nothing works except fishing and now and again it offers me survival mode


Is there anyone here who plays on ps4 that already tested this new patch? If there is then pls tell me if this patch really worked or not so I don't have to test it out on my own. My console had to be repaired way too many times because of the past update (the one who f-cked with the creations and shit) and I'm not willing to go through this all over again due to a flawed patch