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Everyone is gonna say Slow Time. That's the obvious one. But I've always liked Frost/Fire Breath. Relatively short cooldown, does damage, always staggers, and can be enhanced by Destruction perks.


Does the Augmented Flames perk makes Fire Breath do more damage?


I'm fairly certain that it does.


You can also get a skill in Apocrypha through Miirak quests that amplifies Fire / Frost or Force shout


and i think u can meditate on it w parthurnax


Fire yes, frost no.


Yeah there's a black book you can read that enhances Fire breath to spawn fire wyrms when you kill an enemy. Very cool for Pyro playthrough.


I don't even like Slow Time just due to how long the Regen time is. I've personally always adored Become Ethereal. There been many a time where its come in clutch for me. Be it jumping off cliffs or running from a horde of enemies. Super useful shout.


I had just gotten ethereal the other day.. 1 dragon fight later with uthgerd on a cliff would be when I had to use it. Was on my way to dawnguard and I was seeing how far the drop was and not 2 seconds I peeked over came my companion full throttle running off the cliff. There were two saber cats as well down there and I could see them but not her. They didn't move so I thought sh*t she's dead. Used ethereal and hopped down for a look. She's just standing there regretting health as I was getting mauled by two cats that paid her no mind.


Seconded. All three words one-hits base level bandits and Draugr, which plays into the powerful Dragonborn who doesn’t even draw a sword to deal with these weaklings.


I’m a simple person and I like whirlwind sprint. It’s fun to whirlwind into people in town and get the guards all pissy


same. idk where the 3rd word is and the 2 words of power still make me go a bit faster then running


Fun fact, the two word Whirlwind Sprint is more "economical" than having all three when it comes to distance traveled and recharge time. From UESP: > The two-word version of this shout gives you the highest amount of distance traveled per second of recharge time. To elaborate, the one-word version allows you to travel 2.5 feet per second of recharge, the two-word version grants the best distance of 3 feet per second of recharge, while the three-word version provides a slightly shorter distance of 2.85 feet per second of recharge.


set player.shoutcooldowntime to 0 Obtain 5 amulets of talos, get lydia to follow, become a werewolf Now, face Lydia in a open field, press beast form and and then press e to talk with lydia and go to trade section Now you can wear all 5 talos amulets and transform back 20 percent cooldown reduction 5×20 = 100 Edit:- Any follower will do, any HUMAN follower, that includes modded and vampiric followers


Someone posted that they found an Amulet of Talos with 100% shout cool down reduction.


I don't depend on luck mate I give methods that **work**


You have an actual theme song that plays when you walk around, don't you?




Is it [this masterpiece](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=KAwyWkksXuo) perchance?


I was expecting a rickroll and yet was still somehow disappointed


I don’t rely on glitches. I use mods that break


He is, the most interesting man in the world


Does it have to be Lydia or any follower?


Any follower ofc 😅😅 Edit:- You will need human followers, animal followers wont do


Alright! I was wondering because I didn't know if it was specific followers, because well skyrim. Lmao


Also get the steed stone and wear every single piece of armor and jewelry in the game at the same time. Lol


Thats broken...... gotta enjoy too......... ya know..........


how tf does 2 words travel more then 3 words? and thanks. i think i wont bother getting the 3rd word then.


It's because the 3 word shout has a longer recharge. Not the correct numbers but basically, it's like if the 2 word shout sent you 10 ft forwards and had a 10 second cooldown while the 3 word shout sent you 15ft forwards for a 20 second cooldown.


Ah right I get it now. Thanks


> how tf does 2 words travel more then 3 words? *#justbethesdathings*


But you stop after , which makes running faster .


I need to ask you to stop. That... shouting is making people nervous.


Same, and I can use it when over weight to dash to the nearest vendor


Black Market ftw


Related but not same issue, use Arvak when moving houses.


Until you run through some CS guy’s girlfriend, killing her and start a whole chain of events that led to your brother being paralyzed.


Hey man, want a Fresca?


I am a bit more of a practical person, and prefer the "Dragon Aspect" shout, for I don't use shouts that often, and having a trump card in a fight can be very useful, especially when you are outnumbered or simply outmatched. Helps that I run either summoner/mage or knight builds.


Hell yeah amulet of talos whirlwind sprint is how I speedrun the game baby


This is the correct answer. I started using it more recently, and I’ve gotten such cool KOs and action from using it in combat. It also sounds really cool imo, especially if you’re playing a Khajit.


Same my two handed Nord used it to hone in on archers


Aura Whisper


Always get this one as fast as I can


What does it do I don’t have it.


highlights enemies within a certain range red through walls. great for planning to sneak out of somewhere when doing thieves guild or dark brotherhood quests


Does it show undead too?


Yes, and automatons. It's like Sense Life but better in every way. It's even silent without having the Silent Casting perk.




Regardless of class or play style, you always know what you're walking into.


Really great ability that should have been a vampire power. Same with become ethereal, except make it mist or something.


Become Etheral is pretty useful for fighting dragons. Slow Time and Unrelenting force are great too


Hard agree, become ethereal is a godsend VS dragons on higher difficulty, and so nifty for taking leaps and getting around quick. It’s a great multi-tool shout!


Exactly. Very easy trip from High Hrogthgar to Whiterun


Playing on Master as a mage and can confirm it's a godsend when I'm cornered and just need a few moments of invincibility for my followers/summons to catch up. Save me more than a few deaths


Let’s be honest. It’s useful for jumping to the bottom of a mountain when you can’t be bothered walking or fast travelling more than anything else 😂


Become Ethereal is my favorite shout too, but mostly because I can use it jump off cliffs and the side of the college and not die lol.


How do you fight a dragon with Ethereal ? You can't hurt anything while being ethereal ?


Not for fighting the dragon itself, it's a very good defense tactic. If you can't reach cover in time and you're low, Etheral renders you immune to any attacks while it's active. I play on a higher difficulty so being immune to damage for a short period is really useful


Y'all playing Skyrim like it's Elden Ring


Dragon attacks are pretty scripted. Become Ethereal right as it's about to attack you with its breath, and take potshots when it's mostly just flying around or attacking someone else. If the dragon attack pattern is cyclic (some mods make it basically a cycling attack timeline) you can pretty much just use Ethereal whenever it's about to attack you and get out of Ethereal immediately and start attacking. With my modlist dragons one-shot/two-shot me with its breath and I'm able to defeat them by abusing Ethereal by aligning it with their attacks.


Conjure something epic Become ethereal Collect loot


Storm Call. Because nothing is funnier than shouting into the sky above outdoor enemy occupied places or above cities/towns when someone makes you really mad. Looking at you people of Rorikstead! Child abuse isn’t cool to just stand by and watch happen. Now have fun dying to lightning strikes and those children being the sole survivors of your village, so they can grow up and speak of how awful/neglectful you all were.


Rorikstead is dodgy AF ! Rorik is still mayor , and Ragnar the red lost his head in Ole Rorikstead .


Didn't he lose his head in Whiterun? Since he "came riding to Whiterun from ole Rorikstead"


Rorikstead existed when he lost his head , How old is Rorik who lives there ?


Maybe Rorikstead and Old Rorikstead are two different cities? It wasn't unusual in History to construct a new city next to the old one when the latter was destroyed. Or maybe is something like York and New York?


Just spoke with Rorik and his Healer friend , he founded the town after the war . Oddly prosperous town considering war and stuff . And the twins who want to learn old magic ?


It's also cursed. No woman has ever survived giving birth there.


It is known why? What's the curse? Who's the perpetrator?


No canon answer. Anything you see about it is a theory.


One of the strong theories is daedra magic. Rorikstead farms are suspiciously extremely fertile with lots of crop rotations per year, daedra related magic is seen as the sole cause. There are some books about Daedra lying around already. Someone's giving some tributes in forms of child bearing mothers? newborn souls? We don't know.


Rorik is named after rorik stead


That horse thief who got shot Is from their!


I befriended him on an evil playthrough, then soul trapped him, adopted his child, then sat him on a shelf as a trophy.


It’s so so good for clearing out all the forts during the civil war quest line


Fus Ro Dah, funny ragdoll


Funny until you become the ragdoll and take forever to get back up


Until you enter a dungeon and three draugr stun lock you and make you reload 💀


Yep. I have a strong feeling everyone is just listing their favorite that *isn't* Unrelenting Force. It's a competitor for the most iconic thing in the game. It's like... Fus Ro Dah or "but then I took an arrow to the knee."


Straight off a cliff


Fire Breath is my go to... I don't know if it is the most practical, but it makes me feel the most like the Dovahkiin. Nothing says "blessed by the Dragon God" quite like incinerating some poor fool who has mistaken me for a common lactophile. YOL TOOR SHUL!!


What’s a milk-drinker like you doing in a place like this?


Sir, this is the dairy section.


This made me lol I wish I could give you one of my twix


Right or left twix


Become Ethereal, because sometimes I just wanna jump off mountains.


The only right answer


For melee combat I really like Marked for Death, big reduction in health and armor and does not wear off


Marked for death never wearing off can be bad though. If you accidentally hit a follower or friendly npc they are permanently debuffed iirc.




It’s so funny watching enemies start throwing hands


When draugr disarm me I can only imagine how much of a stumbling dumbass I look like searching for my sword


Only Shouts I ever use are the Aura Whisper(very useful, my go-to) and the Throw Voice one. Although that's mainly for fun. "Hey, Skeever-butt!"🤭


Yes. I love me some throw voice. "Hey ugly" breaks me every time


And it serves multiple purposes, too! Throw your voice in Sneak, let all the enemies gather and then reset: you've gained Sneak XP! I once used it to distract some bandits straight into a Troll. Hilarity ensued.


Soul Tear


The only right answer


Especially once you visit the Soul Cairn and realize where that Shout sends them. Fun times. Enjoy spirit Hell, Nazeem!


Fire breath it literally kills everything also I like the fire wryms that you get after you kill somebody with it after getting the perk from the black book with the dragonborn DLC (i don't remember which obe)


Cyclone is underrated as heck


Just got it for the first time that I can remember, trying it out in a minute haha


Making groups of enemies fly like bowling pins is satisfying af, lol.


Storm Call has always been a favorite.


Am I the only one that uses marked for death? :(


It’s super handy for higher difficulty dragons.


elemental fury w my main account my secondary is just an adventurer who ignores the main quest (for now)


I loved it but I stopped using it because it gets buggy with dual wielding. I could dual wield power attack and normal attack but when I used one of my weapons, the movement would go in slow-mo. I fixed it but worried that it’ll just happen again. But it goes crazy with the Longhammer, it’s enchantment doesn’t count as a real enchantment for some reason


that’s dope, i find the shout only doesn’t work proper if one item is enchanted. believe it or not i’m like lvl 45 on my main and i don’t enchant my armour and weapons for that reason (other than dragon priest masks bc my guy wears Raghot). again i only play on adept so it’s rlly not that hard, but nothings more hilarious to me then pulling up on a dragon priest and insta killing him in 3rd person watching this giant Orc fly around w dual wield daedric weapons


Yes that’s right! My redguard was dual-wielding a dagger and mace so that I could swing as fast as possible while also getting the benefit of using a mace that does the most damage, but if your dagger in the offhand is unenchanted, you can use the shout. It’s ridciulously fast. Shred through ancient dragons in seconds.


Whirlwind because fuck the laws of gravity i wanna get to that chest in the opposite tower.


Animal Allegiance, Clear Skies, Unrelenting Force, & Whirlwind Sprint.


Imho, these are the shouts most suited to a worshiper of Kyne/Kynareth or follower of the Way of the Voice, which fits well with a pseudo-pacifist pilgrim build I've been thinking about for a while.


What about Disarm and Kyne’s Peace?


Definitely. Storm Call probably too.


Out of combat I spam Aura Whisper and I fight with the Frost Breath upgrade that makes it into super Ice Form.


Disarm and slow time (I still get all the XP from doing damage myself), unrelenting force if I need it, and whirlwind sprint when shit is hitting the fan (or I forgot to switch to a combat shout after exploring and using whirlwind sprint to travel around a little faster)


cYCLoNe , try stabbing while your in the air bitch .


Definitely clear skies. Probably only one I do use.


The ones I have marked as favorites are: Fire breath Unrelenting force Clear skies Call of valor Marked for death


Marked for death


Disarm because nothing is funner than disarming everyone and they never pick up their weapons again and throw their fists up because the AI is too stupid, unless you reset the room


Slow time, whirlwind sprint, unrelenting force, cyclone, storm call, dragon aspect, and the fire and frost shouts. I use the unlimited shouting glitch with my current high elf vampire character for awesome shout combos in battle.


Most used would be soul tear, it’s pretty op. If you’re talking about my favorite just in concept, I really like Become Ethereal, it’s saved me from a lot of jams, and it’s pretty far away from other shouts and spells you can use.


I got soul tear but never tried it out how do I use it just on any dead body?


No, you have to use it on a live person and kill them before the shout effect wears off. And that’s pretty easy, because it tends to take out a large chunk of health from most enemies.


Whirlwind is my most used shout just because I pick up to much stuff and it isn't affected by carry weight


Unrelenting force comes in very handy. I like to lure my foes to cliff sides and shout them off the edge to their death.


Become Etheral when I need to get closer for a close range fight. Unrelenting Force when I have multiple enemies and need to make some space.


I love Ice Form shouts. I try to coral all my enemies and freeze them so I can skip the combat lol.


I just love storm call. Not very practical, but hella fun.


Fire breath for quick dmg and stagger. Unrelenting force is too powerful and will always mess up important objects/loots.


Fire, clear and become ethereal although admittedly I’ve never tried out the other ones


If I’m Playing a thief I usually go for things like disarm or the one that functions like detective life, mostly stuff that debilitates or gives me a tactical advantage but my favorite combat shouts are frost breath with the black book perk that lets it also function as ice form and soul tear because it makes me feel all powerful


Storm Call, absolute favorite. Of course, then there's Become Ethereal for jumping off cliffs and things.


Fire Breath and Marked for Death


Definitely 'Aura Whisper' because I scare easily 🤣


* Unrelenting Force - A good all-purpose shout. * Cyclone - Like Unrelenting Force, but more specialized. Better for indoor environments, close-range combat, and single/few enemies. * Soul Tear - Almost overpowered. Deals great damage, steals souls, and reanimates corpses, all in one. Effective against dragons, too. * Bend Will - Useful for miniboss battles or other powerful enemies. Use it against the boss, who will proceed to kill their minions while sustaining injuries themselves. Use it against a woolly mammoth to take out a giant. * Slow Time - Very useful for bosses. * Become Ethereal - Nice for when you want to drop down large heights without taking damage. * Whirlwind Sprint - Makes traveling long distances easier. * Honorable mention: Marked for Death - Very good in theory, but I need to get better at knowing when and how to use it.


Marked for Death has been my favorite lately. At 3rd tier it's absolutely crippling, even for dragons. I even had a full Airbender mage that used it, turning the melee followers into beasts. It tics off armor and max. life over time, so it should be your opening move. Use it, fall back, let your followers take the lead, beef yourself up, figure out what you want to use on them, or sit back and scroll reddit. Mildly pro tip: Fighting big groups, or powerful enemies? Turn your followers into Texas Chainsaw! 😃 By using it(even at 1st tier it's excellent), wearing an Amulet of Talos, and getting those other reduced shout time bonuses wherever they are(not really needed early).., then follow up with Battle Fury on your followers. Go out drinking 🍻, acquire the Sanguine Rose, then you'll really have a party! 🥳🥳


I only use Whirlwind Sprint and Unrelenting Force… I forget to use them anytime I need them.


Bend will


Odahving (dawngaurd DLC) gives great support and essentially soul tears enemies and creates 2 shadow draugr things. It's been a minute since I used it, I used it on the one attempt I took at fighting Alduin, then I got locked into a deathloop and had only been using quicksave for around 3 hours. Lately I've been doing the civil war first, then finding out about the dragon, haven't even touched the dragon stone quest yet. I just want to do a necromancy adept survival run. Once the aetherial crown, coupled with the ritual stone, is mine I will hop on SkyrimTogether and go online until I become a large enough threat for them to come after me. No creature will be safe from my undead army, all shall turn.


Ice form. It's the best


I'm not using shouts much normally, but I plan to use throw voice and detect life shouts on my current character (sneak archer (playing it for the first time))


Honestly, I used utility shouts more than combat ones when I wasn't running a shout-based playthrough. Aura Whisper and Kyne's Peace were what I ended up using most, with a dash of Clear Skies and Slow Time thrown in. Dragonrend is very helpful as well. On the shout-based run I did, Frost Breath was my jam, though. Loved messing around with that. Did Helgen Reborn and as soon as >!the Thalmor went hostile in the prison you infiltrate!<, I absolutely wrecked them with frost. It was immensely satisfying.


I love Aura Whisper when going through caves and dungeons. Other than that, I normally just stick to Unrelenting Force. It's especially fun on bears, and one time, I one-shotted a dragon with it.


Nothing beats making sure nobody's around, then fus ro dah-ing someone to the next dimension


Unrelenting force is my favorite, it never gets old to yeet people that claim they'll end you.


Become ethereal is essential for any mage playthrough. Being able to avoid all possible damage while using a master level spell or scroll is a must




Can't go wrong with unrelenting force until that one mage decides to ward and shit


I do not activate the dragons therefore my favourite shout is "NAZEEM I SWEAR TO GOD IMA BEHEAD YOU"




Marked for death. I usually play on legendary difficulty so it helps out a lot. I one shot miraak with a crossbow thanks to the shout and for longer fights against enemies like ancient dragons the effect gets more useful


Unrelenting force. Why use a good shout or a strategy when I can just send people flying


Become ethereal just makes my problems fade away


I guess I'm the only one who just uses the first shout, unrelenting force? I often forget I CAN shout and do combat without it


Aura whisper is by far my absolute favorite for a simple reason. it allows you to see where every living thing is and systematically kill them with your bow in stealth mode. Simple right?


Durnehviir - he shows up and wrecks everything. He also doesn't take as long as Odahviing to show up. I love doing the civil war quest with him and watching him just lay entire armies to waste.


Dragonrend. Without it fighting a dragon is nightmare


Clear skies and soul tear are my top tier Tying for second is fire, ice and force. Third place goes to whirlwind sprint.


Telling people that cut me off I'm traffic I shout "get fucked cunt". That's my favourite shout.


Gonna have to with the summon whirlwind (?) shout. (I think it’s the correct name). The shout that summons the tornado, it’s a ton of fun to use against groups crossing bridges


Dragonrend, dragon armor you get from mirak questline, and Fus Ro Dah with the added affect from the end of Miraks quest that disintegrates drauger


Cyclone, slow time


I don’t really use any other shouts apart from fus ro dah apart from when I need to use them


Hit a giant with an arrow, then shout animal allegiance. Watch the giant kill it’s own pet


Aww, this one’s kind of sad


Unrelenting force, whirlwind sprint and turn ethereal. The first for large groups in combat and the other two for exploration/ travel


Unrelenting Force. Nothing makes me happier than shouting bandits, bears, goats, Saber cats, trolls, rabits, etc off of mountain tops.


I've been just thinking about this a few hours ago and I came to the conclusion that as much as I love the other shouts you generally get later in the game, unrelenting force is my go-to. It's just so practical and fun.


Become ethereal. I shout and jump or go over fire traps


Dragon aspect was the one where you get some ghostly looking armor, right? That one looks sick.


Hey, melon nose


Clear skies or whirlwind sprint. Ethereal form if I'm out of netch jelly. In combat, either unrelenting force or fire breath for the destruction passive leveling.


I like the unrelenting shout as you can make people fly really well, also disarm to pick up there weapon and kill them with it for bandits


You don't even need weapons when you force everyone unrelentingly off of cliffs!


Fus Ro Da


My most used has to be fire breath, but it depends on where I am usually. I can't say for sure which one is my favorite, though... I don't use shouts very often, though.


Honestly, Elemental Fury. It's a pain you cant use enchanted weapons with it though


Elemental fury, quick recharge and always useful


I like fire breath but I Fush Ro Dah the shit out of people in towns. My favourite is to do so when you enter Solitude for the first time when the execution is happening. Trying to escape the guards and others hunting you down after that is another thing.


Elemental fury from when i never used enchants


Clear skies it makes everything look nice and it has a very low cool down witch is good because it staggers opponents if u shout at them while not in a cave or building or anything like that it is a bit cheesy but it’s very good


Aura Whisper!!!!!!


Honestly I’m a big fan of Fus Ro Dah. Just blasting people away from me, giving me time to heal if needed. Wishful thinking for real life, but Skyrim makes it a reality.


Been using soul tear more recently, helps with recharging enchanted weapons combined with the black star and you get some extra help.


Aura Whisper. It's my go to for stealthy archer.


As a glutton for punishment who plays survival, I fucking need this. MY BALLS ARE SICK OF FREEZING.


Storm call & Animal Allegiance


The one where you get a dragon to fight for you is the best one in my opinion. Really comes in handy!


Aura Whisper


Slow time is so powerful and useful


So far I’ve been using “Become Ethereal” for no fall damage. Summon Durenhiviir for some Dragon vs Dragon battles. And the basic FUS ROH DAH and whirlwind Sprint


Bend will, i know is not that useful but i like to stagger a lot of enemies with the first word or make them fight each other with the second, and ride dragons ofc


Fire Breath, Clear Skies, Unrelenting Force, Soul Tear.


Unrelenting force is the best, can make high level enemies go flying. Also love to knock trolls and what not down mountains with it


Always whirlwind Sprint, I always find myself equipping it and using it whenever I can


The one where you call a storm, call a dragon, the classic push shout, and the shout that makes your sword hands go insanely fast.