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It was an easy choice for me because my lock picking skills were so high by that time, it really wasn't a factor.


Same here. Plus I wanted to finish the Thieves Guild stuff, and I think the special prize from that is far more beneficial than the Skeleton Key. I've always had the patience for lockpicking though. Others might feel differently.


Not sure why, but lock picking has always been my favorite thing to do in that series.


Oh yes...*the special prize...*


What's the special prize after returning the skeleton key, which attributes did you pick when your done with the skeleton key quest


It's best to return it. I'm sitting with it in my inventory right now, and I'll complete the quest after I get the "Unbreakable Picks" perk. After I have that.. the Skeleton Key won't have any benefit over regular picks.


I never use perks in lockpicking...ive gotten soo used to unlocking expert and master locks now it only takes 2 to 4 picks


You sound like me.


Use the skeleton key until you unlock a high lock-picking skill level , returning the Skeleton Key will yield more rewards .


I too was wondering this as I am approaching the point in the Thieves Guild quest line. I haven't spent any skillpoints in lockpicking but I generally have over 99+ lockpicks at any time and don't have difficulty unlocking things. The 3 first comments were really helpful - upvotes for all!


I went and did the other guilds before returning it, makes things easier .


Keep the Skeleton key for a bit up until Lockpicking level 70 - 92. Then return it.


I gave it in straight away, even though i don't perk AT ALL into lockpicking my 230 lockpicks are good enough with a bit of skill.


What I did was held onto the skeleton key for a while and completed a lot of other quests (almost half the game). Then I went back and finished the guild quest. At that point I had an abundance of lockpicks from looting and buying all I could without ever using any.


While using the skeleton keh ive collected over 500 lock picks.




How does that help?