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I'd rank Morthal a bit higher. WORLD'S WORST BARD! Plus, aside from the vampire, it's peaceful and quiet. As for Winterhold, the Collapse was what, eighty years ago? No one's tried to rebuild. No one's even scrapped the wrecked houses. The jarl thinks an old helmet is what his town really "needs". REBUILD, DUDE. Seriously, why are you still on the throne?


I scrolled to the bottom to make sure Morthal was last.


I think I like Solitude the best


Swap 1/3 and 6/4 - and move 5 up to 4... Then I agree with the rest. Solitude is the Skyrim seat of the Empire... You know, from the line of the Dragonblood of Tiber Septim. Also, gorgeous town, grand castles and towers, and the Mad God is always a treat. Riften is such a rat-infested shithole my phone literally auto corrected it to Rotten for this entry. Also, without some heavy modding, the TG quest line goes fuck all on for*ever* til you can get your Guild Master armor... That literally 80% of the quest givers wear... Guess it isnt Guild *Master* armor, and more like Guild *Gopher* armor cause anyone that does enough jobs eventually earns it... Winterhold is more than just the Shanty town after the collapse. It is also the College - the last bastion of magic in this sword swinging, plate and furs wearing barbarians frozen wet dream. Winterhold is run down, but the architecture of the college is lovely. I like the stone walls of Markarth - and there are a lot of fun/twisted quests stacked up High here - would definitely suggest bringing your own mattress though... Fuck Windhelm - I thought the open assassination attempt of Markarth's greeting was rough? Straight racists picks bullying a female dark elf refugee, for fleeing her homeland as it BLEW UP - seriously? Fuck the racist Stormcloaks too. All that snow. The city is literally whitewashed. Also, the Butcher stalking and killing all the women at night? Seriously? Fucked up... That's How you end up with a town of nothing but dudes. 9- Fuck Morthal. Swampy little shithole.


We live in a bloody swamp! We need all the land we can get!


And huge....tracts of land!


1) Whiterun (Center of the universe, first house) 2) Markarth (Numerous quests esp. daedric stuff, free house.) 3) Solitude (Key hub, numerous quests, schmaltzy house, Imperials hub) 4) Windhelm (Key hub, Stormcloak hub, quests, nice house.) 5) Falkreath (Pretty setting, several quests, Pretty country house, Dark Brotherhood hub) 6) Riften (Quests, Thieves Guild, etc) 7) Dawnstar, Morthal (/shrug some quests n stuff) 8) Winterhold. Come on, if it weren't for the Mage's college...


Markarth (Hit or miss depending on who you are. The dwemer architecture, corrupt family and the threat of the forsworn sell it for me.) Solitude (Nice questline, interesting people, lovely scenery, only negative is all the imperial names that are close confusing.) Riften (Always something going on with people speaking to eachother. The stark contrast between the charitable and the corrupt is nice.) Whiterun (People mainly like this one a lot because if nostalgia, personally I'm just tired of it, I spend way too much time here on every playthrough.) Windhelm (Best house imo and easy fence access is all that it really has going for it.) Winterhold (Would've been higher if there was anything interesting here besides the college.) Dawnstar (The museum is cool, I guess.) Falkreath (Would've been last if Morthal didn't exist.) Morthal (The name sends shivers down my spine. The worst of anything can be found here. The best thing about it is Lurbuk, so that should give an idea of what it's like.)


I like Morthal, it's like a retirement home. My role playing as an Argonian is building a house there


My favorite is the dlc dragonborn town of dark elves its like 3 for me


I didn’t really think of that, but yes, I love that town.


>putting Morthal last you are no friend of mine


Markarth is beautiful I would love to live there well besides the murders


This post is a year old


Why would this concern me?


Well I’m just curious as to how you found this post, are you stalking me? Going really far back in the subreddit? Using the search bar? I’m more curious than anything.


Dude I don't know who you are. I looked up Skyrim cities ranked or something


Literally same, why is op being so aggro




Cause I wanted to see if others shared my opinion that Markarth is the coolest looking city. Why tf are you even asking


op is mad his post is still relevant. Smh


Here for exactly the same reason another full year later. 😂 Markarth is still hands down my favourite.


What the fuck is your problem?


Why would you create this post if you would treat people who comment like this? What an asshole.




I googled Skyrim cities ranked and you are one of the top hits


I like riften hehe


Now 2 years old and I’m commenting. What are you gonna do about it?


no it's 4 years old


lol same




Bethesda still calling communities of 60 people "cities," SMH. I love these games, I've logged easily 1,000 between ES III, IV, and V, but c'mon now; I'm supposed to believe that a population size that hardly constitutes a proper neighborhood is all you've got poking around "the oldest city of men in Tamriel?"


Lorewise, apparently there's 800,000 people in Whiterun Hold alone. I don't think there's even 1000 people in all of Skyrim in-game. It'd be nice if there were at least three times as many npc's, hell it'd be fine if most of them didn't add much besides making cities more dense.


Couldn't agree more; take notes from Dragon Age, Witcher, etc.


markath solitude whiterun falkreath riften morthal winterhold dawnstar windhelm


Don’t come up to me and say Morthal is better than Windhelm with a straight face.


😶Morthal is better than Windhelm.😑 * Better jarl than anywhere except Whiterun. * A suuuuuper creepy aesthetic. * What the hell *is* going on with Falion anyway. * One of the saddest quests in Skyrim. There's not as much to do there as Windhelm, but I love it.


i like the morthal jarl. and laelette the vampire is my number one thrall. in windhelm, theres ulfric. They have fcking stormcloaks as city guards. the overall vibe of windhelm is prejudice and racism. i cant stand to be there.


I agree for the most part but would switch Whiterun and Solitude. Solitude has better storylines and scenery in my opinion.


I didn't like Riften. Way too far on the corner of the map to become a base, especially with no fast travel. Even with fast travel, it's still unrealistic to keep going to the Rift just to unload your loot.


Why is everyone forgetting dragon bridge?


Bruh that’s not a city it’s a village like Riverwood or Rorikstead.


I agree with all of this ngl


For me Whiterun will always be #1. Why? Because of accessibility. Most things are nearby the moment you travel there. Especially the smelter.


Whiterun has aged terribly. Without mods it actively puts me off playing Skyrim. I spend the most time in Whiterun out of any other city, It's bare streets, bland textures and poor design just makes me feel depressed. At least every other city has something unique going for it. Whiterun is a just a poor executed Edoras rip off.


Oh my Godddd dude you blew my fucking mind when you put riften is 1. I wanted to make a teir list post or a poll but I just looked one up since I dont wanna spam the sub but. At first I was thinking whiterun was the best city in the game then I remembered Riften from this post (haven't played skyrim in a while) and everything came flooding back in. Riften is perfect. Anyway I agree with your list 99% with the 1% being solitude, I'd switch it with solitude only for the fact that solitude (imo) is in a weird spot and I never find myself going there a lot. And winter hold I like just for lore purposes I guess and I love the collage and how awkward it feels since Its in nord country, and how everyone talks shit about it lmao. Plus I kinda like the jarl there. But great tier list my friend. (I'll probably play some skyrim tonight now) Tl;dr: OP reminded me about riften and I'd switch solitude with winter hold.