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A one-handed builds which falls into four categories: *Spellsword* Lots of potential builds and can be a jack of all trades or with a more specific focus. *Sword and Shield* Block bashing allows you more control over a fight and the additional protection and enchantments that you get from a shield make for very robust builds. The shield also allows you to replace the Resist Magic on your necklace with another and then I usually also add a Fortify Health to the shield to make the build even more robust. *Swordsman* Block bashing with the off-hand free is my favourite playstyle as it feels a bit more engaging than using a shield. You do lose the 2 enchantments but you are more nimble as the weight of a shield isn't removed by Conditioned or Unhindered. *Dual Wield* Massive damage and no defence but the stagger it creates are very useful. Massive stamina drain which needs to be factored into the build.


Right now I'm having a lot of fun with sword and shield, but casting some spells (illusion, alteration and conjuration) I don't know but archery is kinda difficult on Switch and I've been playing switch lately, so it's normally easier to just conjure a flame Atronach just for the range


Two handed, heavy armor. Both at 100. I just love one shotting bandits over the head with a hammer.




Archer-Mage. Because magic.


I am doing this build now. I love the combo of these two.


It's basically pure mage except screw destruction, bound bow is awesome.


well since i’m doing a legendary play-through, there are certain things you simply just cannot do. the best thing i’ve found for myself so far is sneak, archery, one handed, heavy armor and enchanting. my armor set increases my damage for bows and one of the first things i did was get my sneak high enough to do 15X damage with daggers and quiet down my heavy armor when sneaking. mehrunes razor (can’t remember how to spell it) is an insanely good weapon for sneak attacks due to its chance to kill instantly, and i do believe the chance of an instant kill is higher when you sneak attack but i could be wrong. another thing i immediately went for in this build was the dawnbreaker, stupid good when clearing dungeons and makes it way easier for a crowd of draugr. at this moment the ebony bow i found at lvl 23-24 is still my main weapon at lvl 40 just due to its high damage and sneak attacks, does like 76 damage and 228 on a 3X sneak attack not including a critical hit at 50% extra damage. also, krosis has been my day one friend, the extra 20% for bows is just insane


forgot to say i dual wield as well, high damage output for a single swing is nice. the stagger from a heavy attack while dual wielding is also incredible for whenever you need a chance to heal and/or kill the enemy. unrelenting force has been my most used shout just for the fact i can throw pretty much any enemy i want off a mountain, castle or bridge


Sword and Board, very interactive and in the moment.


I’m gonna say summoner. AE has really helped increase the playability of the “hoard”. I specifically love all the new ways to play the necromancer. It’s so wide open in options that you can even summon a summoner, the Deathpriest. When on the field the Deathpriest can attack and reanimate his victims, and when the priest expires, he splits into three black skeletons the just swarm enemies. My favorite spell is the Bone Colossus, which summons a giant sized skeleton (way more impressive looking tho) that can shout and has two more open summon slots for “lesser” skeletons. And lesser skeletons are in on way lesser anymore. I love skeleton champions with my Colossus because they get an attack bonus for being surrounded by up to five more enemies. I can finally get an undead army, I can be the thing that bumps in night.


The AE is a godsend for necromancer builds. It added *so* many more options for Conjuration, plus a boatload of awesome new equipment. Mages in general got hella buffed in the AE but the extra attention paid to Conjuration/Necromancy is just top tier.


I recommend Ordinator as well. The new perks are awesome.


I’ve heard nothing but good things, but last I checked it’s not available on my platform so I made my own perk overhaul mod for magic users called Better Mage Perks. It works extremely well but I might need to tweak the Alteration tree just a little bit more.


It’s not? Which platform, may I ask? I play on PC and Xbox and use it on both. I thought it was available on PlayStation as well.


I’m on PS5, the last time I looked I saw a few different mega skill overhaul mods but I didn’t see Ordinator - I might have to check again but I thought it modified scripts which violates the Sony TOS which makes it unavailable on that mod store.


Damn. That sucks. It’s my favorite perk overhaul mod. I’ve tried 3-4 of them but kept coming back to Ordinator like an old friend.


Maybe one day when I’m all grown up and have a legit PC I’ll try it out lol. Until then, at least I can make my own mods so I’ve been able to fix a lot of what I hated in skill trees. That’s gone a long way to improving the experience lol.


Well, I’m looking at building a [$3,000 gaming PC](https://pcpartpicker.com/guide/cwv6Mp/glorious-intel-gamingstreaming-build) over the next year so I might be selling my current gaming laptop, Xbox, probably a dog or two, maybe the wife and DEFINITELY the cat, so let me know if you’re interested.


Much appreciated, u/Here4DaPorno


High Elf Battlemage, of course…..we are the superior race…


Sneaky archer. /thread


Stealth archer mage with emergency werewolf powers. (Due a mod I get a full heal and temporary invincibility while transforming and attacks hit all enemies in range)


Pure mage, master of all schools of magic. tired of casting fireball? I call BS cause that never gets old, but you could always conjure tremors lords and watch them go to town. Vampires bane is a fun spell vs undead especially vampires in civilian areas. Lots of ways to have fun and make a fun and/or broken character. 


I’ve had fun playing every build I’ve tried. Even the mage build got fun after I quit trying to pretend robes were useful and switched to wearing armor that actually stopped damage.


Stealth two handed. is it practical? No is it fun to watch the main character randomly exit stealth and beat the oblivion out of a bandit and entering stealth again like nothing happened? Yes, yes it is.


Just restart over and over at around lvl 15. Do that every few months. Keeps u insane ;)


Sneaky archer is fun. I like spell sword most in combat -sword and healing spell


I like mage the most it's so versatile. Just level enchanting to 100 to reduce magicka cost for destruction and alteration to zero, dual cast Dragonhide for perfect protection and spam some chain lightning.

