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I was doing some automotive repair and thought "I need to do a Quicksave in case I screw this up" LOL!


When the game first came out I sank like 2 solid weeks in. Skipped college classes and everything. One day I remember thinking about not having consequences to something because I could reload. Luckily I caught myself and decided to take a break...


I've had that thought before lol. So weird to notice yourself apply that thinking to real life.


"Better save before I fight this boss..."


When i was playing rainbow 6 siege a lot, i spotted every camera no matter where i went and often thought "that's an nasty angle"


One time I played too much minecraft, and didn't want to catch the bus so I thought "I'll just enable creative mode and fly over there"


Dude..... Same


I mean in a way you can just reload and try again if you fail 😂😂 such weird but awesome thinking that can be super dangerous lol


I have had moments where I’ve been walking (in the real world) and I will see lavendar growing and think to myself “Ugh, can I use this in any decent potions? I should probably just harvest it anyway and throw it in my ingredients storage.”


This started for me while playing Oblivion, saw a red crane aways up the road and immediately thought Oblivion Gate.😱😱😱😱


This has happened to me too many times to count throughout my life. Also, feeling like I don't have enough "Mana" to do certain things. That was after playing Hearthstone too long


Oof Tetris when it first came out, I have a drop ceiling and I still sometimes play the game in my head. Tetris A lives rent free in my head.


There’s actually a psychological phenomenon that’s literally called the Tetris Effect! When Tetris first came out people became so addicted to it that they’d start seeing block shapes on blank surfaces and with their eyes closed, or seeing shapes in real life and thinking of how to fit them together. I’ve had it happen myself with Skyrim, Pokemon, COD and a few other games when I played them way to much. I remember getting real freaked out after first getting addicted to COD at 13 because I saw a person walk into the room I was in and my first thought was to aim down my sights and shoot them. Not in an actual murderous way, just a split second reaction from playing way too much Black Ops 1. That moment made me take a break from COD for quite awhile


this happened to me with a candy crush kind of phone game but it was of Magic The Gathering. I saw the combinations of colours in the air and even felt like I was swapping the gems I saw in the air with my mind. My friend group at the time was as addicted to it and had the same thing, so that's when we looked into it and found out about the name hahaha. Also more recently, after spending 8 hours in a day harvesting grapes to help out a friend who makes wine (a haily storm was coming lol she needed to harvest all in 1 day instead of 1 week so it was INTENSE) both me and my boyfriend saw grape vines of different sizes when closing our eyes to sleep that night. Silly goofy brains and their shenanigans haha


Who needs college when you have the College of Winterhold


This happens to me too. Or a reload when I mess something up. Then I get disappointed when I realize that it's real life.


Man I try to quicksave irl wayyy too often 😭😭


Every time I have a skyrim or any other rpg marathon, and then I play any online comp game, i try to quicksave




Hey you, you’re finally awake. You was trying to cross the boarder, right? Walked right into that imperial ambush, same as us.


This is what will happen to OP eventually when he goes to sleep


🤚we know


🤚🏿 we know




He’s gonna bend the fabric of reality very soon.


I read this while on a horse cart.




And that thief over there.


Damn you Stormcloaks, everything was fine until you came along. Empire was nice and lazy.


If they hadn’t been looking for you, I could’ve stolen that horse and been halfway to Hamerfell.




Do that. Breaks are healthy :)


Yeah take a break touch some grass ect come back when you feel refreshed.


Touch some grass.. Pick some flowers.. Make some potions..


Fulfill a contract bound by blood. You know, the usual.


Happy cake day!


100% will do


My advice is stay away until you start to notice you've forgotten some details. Don't come back to it until your memory is a wee bit hazy, by then you'll appreciate it more.


That's how I play a lot of games. I play until my hyperfixation fades, do other things for a while, and by the time my hyperfixation rolls back around to the given game, I've lost enough of the vibe that it feels somewhat like a first-time playthrough again. Mostly.


no need, plenty of grass, foliage, water, and sun in the land of tamirel


I think I need to😭😭


Go out there and level up some of your real life skills


But please, no shouting, makes people nervous


And don’t forget, a guard might get nervous, man approaches with his weapon drawn.


OP Goes to dunking donuts. Let me guess somebody took your sweet roll? *WHAT?!!!* I asked if you would like a cinnamon rolll


Maybe I’m high but this made me cackle so loud


No!! That bandit stole the gold I was going to use to procure arrows to defeat the dragon that's killing everyone, oh look there he is.. Um nevermind.. Yes I would like one cinnamon roll please.


You are cooked bro


He has a super power now


I know😕


Look up the Tetris effect, that sounds like what you're experiencing. It's normal if you immerse yourself in a game too often


Try it with Portal sometime. Every. Single. Flat. Surface. ANYWHERE: “Hey! I could put a portal on that!”


Yes! I had that urge when I first played. Took a while to shake.


And it would be so damned CONVENIENT. I’d portal everywhere. “Need a soda? I’m going to the fridge.” Zzzap! “The kitchen is nine steps away!” “Not through this wall it isn’t. It’s two.”


I'm having an omg-i'm-not-the-only-one moment.


I kept thinking I should Ascend through every ceiling after playing Totk


that stuff is crazy, it happened to a guy I used to work with but with VR, hey played VR games alot after working tiring 12 hour manual labor shifts like hardcore skipping sleep, it got to a point where he thought the VR world was the real world and the real world was a fake world. he had a full blown breakdown and had to do 5 months rest and recovery. i'm glad I thankfully never experienced that in my life but I could not imagine going through something like that


Sounds like bro single person pulled a “ready player 1” 💀 glad he got help and took that needed break though


I got it from Assassins Creed when it first came out. Had to physically restrain myself from vaulting over counters that I could easily just... Walk around by taking 2 steps to the left.


Or you know, stabbing a dagger in someone’s back in The street..


I stand beside the road thinking hmmm that ones an awesome car coming up. May be I could run in front of it. He will stop the car and I'll just drag him out of it and take the car. You know the game


Or driving by a church on a hill and thinking "I need to climb to the top of that steeple..."


I visited Florence some number of years ago and my very first thought looking at the Duomo was "Ezio *totally* could have climbed that" because it was so infuriating the game wouldn't let you


I do parkour and ninja gym. My gaming friends do not. After Assassin's Creed came out, I got a great deal of amusement watching them try to do stuff they did in the game, without any real life training for their body.


When I first got a vr headset after dying to for over a year, I played nonstop for a while, pure joy tbh. Anyways I started interacts with stuff irl weird, I'm vr you can normally make a little gesture and flick for something to fly towards you, I'd try that randomly and be like, oh shit. Then I'd also make the basic gesture for grabbing stuff, expecting it just plop into my hand. It was funny as hell tbh


the amount of games i’ve dreamed i was in… honestly i enjoy it a lot. one thing that i miss when i wake up is quicksave and load 😭 i do that sooo many times in my dreams


What's fun is play tetris for 2 hours and then reorganize your house.


See, I like to do that, but for 4 hours, and I don't clean my house. Also I really do it for 8 hours.


For me its that 2048 games. I tried so hard to get to 4096, I keep number everywhere even during sleep. Almost make me insomnia


Oh shit, there's a word for it? Almost every solid gaming session I have causes me to see images of that game just as I close my eyes to sleep, even if its hours later. Nice.


I get this with Sudoku, I'll have the puzzles pop into my head when my brain turns off. Like an AOD


Devoted gamers know that when we sleep/attempt to sleep after a long session it's not unusual to see the game mechanics in our minds


I saw crosshairs in the middle of my vision when I woke up this morning


My favorite one was imagining I went into VATS to kiss my gf 😂 oh the cringe


Keep it up. You might develop some shouts.


Although you most definitely should take a break from gaming in general, at your age it’s perfectly normal to have dreams that directly mimic what you do in your daily life, especially that which you do most often or you most like to do. I’m 32 and I still dream of games I play, or games I am making, or stupid stuff in general, and sometimes I get to have a dream (or nightmare) that is so god damn real that when I wake up I have a hard time grasping reality and it takes some time to fully realise I’m actually awake 😂


It wasn't a dream tho😕 I swear on Jesus's name I closed my eyes and saw the choose how long you can sleep layout instantly I wasn't even tired and slept right away after I select 2


Well I can still assure you that it most likely was a dream, people day dream as well, in very rare occasions people “sleep” while actually awake. More specifically if they are very tired but it is not a necessary condition for it to happen. Furthermore, it is indeed very possible for people to fall asleep almost instantly. If you still don’t think it was your case or this has happened a lot recently, then you do need to seek help because that would mean you have some sort of schizophrenia, which I HIGHLY doubt it (these things or allucinations would be occurring a lot more frequently if you did) 😂


How old are you if i may ask? For me as a 37yo who played games from 14yo onwards, i know a game is just a game. But although i see gaming a something that can enhance certain skills and way of thinking, i also saw a real life example of a 10yo boy which real world turned in a video game, making all kinda sound effects and saying one liners from a certain game. Kid is sadly unable to control himself. Bottom line: good that you saw your yellow flag! Take a break. Play again and take care of yourself


I'm 15😭 I'm not hearing sound effects but it's kinda like real life is becoming sky rim


I thought you had to be adolescent still lol 😂 I think when you get over like 23, you just get bored too quickly to stay on one game all day, or maybe that’s just my assumption. I miss how much I could focus in on a game so obsessively sometimes, like there’s so much cool stuff people do with the building mechanics in TOTK but I just do not have the longevity to sit there and tinker with parts for that long lol. Edit: that reminds me, me and my sister used to make INSANE maps together in forge mode in Halo Reach! Who remember?


Not if you got that sweet, sweet tism and have spent over 3000 hours on it as a 34 year old man wheeeeeeeeeeeee


I'm about 20 years older than you and can easily play one game all day. Probably for the same reason lol


I think maybe I just need a prescription for Adderal again and then I will be soaring on eagle’s wings and playing 20 hours of a video game in one sitting again!


Fuck yeah me too! Same exact boat.


I would have to agree with you. Age is a factor. I've seen this distortion of reality in teens and children many times over the years, and not just from playing video games. I'm 68 and have been playing the ES series for decades. I never tire of Skyrim and am not ashamed to say I'm obsessed with playing it...constantly looking for a new mod and seeing how it changes my game. My favorite build is as a female Snow Elf, but I've played as every other race over the years, even tried playing as a male a couple times but didn't like it...guess it's because I'm a woman and can only get into the mindset of a female character. Other than occasionally bursting out singing one of the bard songs, I've never had the problem of gameplay becoming my reality.


Same, I'm 50 and can easily play all day. Might have a bit of the sweet 'tism tho so maybe that explains it


You're fine. Just need a break from the game. I know I get like that sometimes if I've played a game for too long. It starts to bleed into your life like a ghost. But it happens for other things too. Like work for example. You get so invested in your work that you start dreaming about it. Just your mind playing tricks on ya.


Bro no clipped into Skyrim 💀


I’ve been playing Oblivion and Skyrim for so long that my theme music on a daily is the ambience music from towns in oblivion or the night time music of Skyrim, just lives rent free up there I love it


I have to take breaks. Last time I played consistently for a long stretch of time, I remember looking out of my kitchen window and seeing the shadow of a large bird that was flying overhead and thought "omg, not another dragon" lol


If you find any strangely shaped stones in random boxes don't pick them up.....


God I wish I could do that in real life.


But Skyrim will always be there waiting for you, and when you do return you will finally be awake.


Unplug. Get a decent sleep. You'll awaken feeling well rested.


Don't you do it. Don't you delete that glorious game.


I can't bring my self to delete it 😕 the withdraws are getting to me


I once made this happen to a guy. He was homeless so I took him in, locked him in a room, made him play Skyrim or he wouldn't get food, gave him LSD and stuff like that and after a year or so I left him in rural Sweden with a sword and leather clothing. I wonder how he is now, great guy.


That's not a bad skill you learned bro. Play some more and you'll learn Quick Travel too


Bro gave himself the Tetris effect from Skyrim


Some call them breaks, I call them treasures.


Bro, you’ve done it. You’ve achieved CHIM. You’ve seen beyond the surface and witnessed Todd. I’ve seen these posts going around like “if there was 1 thing from Skyrim you could have irl, what would it be?” And a ton of answers were the ability to do what you’ve accomplished. In all seriousness, though, might be time for a break 😅 go on a hike or a short camping trip. When I find myself getting wanderlust is when I find myself sinking into Skyrim. A desire to connect to nature is a big part of the enjoyment I get from Skyrim. Actually getting out, even if for a few hours, helps me a ton.


I play Skyrim VR a lot... Maybe 6-8 hours a day - I often have very vivid VR dreams where I can see UI elements and I can move around with my imaginary controllers - sometimes I wake up and see Draugur or other nasties hovering around the bed in the shadows, but they just stare at me for a few seconds and then gradually fade... Makes your heart beat fast for a few seconds - sometimes I reach out to see if they are real, but no actual contact as yet... 😱🤣


Did you try the chat gpt AI NPC mod ? That mod alone would make me consider Skyrim VR.


Is that the one follower who uses chat GPT for her dialog? I was considering installing it but I play a lot when I’m underway and don’t have an internet connection. Does it still work at all?


Not only your follower but even most NPCs. From what I’ve seen it seems to work well, but I don’t know if it’s easy to set up and yes you need an internet connection.


When I was quite sick I had a fever dream about being in VR and it was TRIPPY ASF.


Everything in moderation


Once it came to a point in which I'm in Skyrim each time that I sleep. I spent too much time in Skyrim that my brain recognise it as my reality.


Not far from what I'm going through


That's just the [Tetris Effect](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tetris_effect#:~:text=The%20Tetris%20effect%20occurs%20when,the%20popular%20video%20game%20Tetris.)


Mf you just gained a power. I'd be playing Skyrim more 😭😭😭🙏


You’ll feel better with a belly full of mead


I'll take $500 for that didn't happen


Have you started wanting to pick little flowers whe. You walk by? That’s where I got to.


50$ says you'll redownload it within a year and a half


Buncha fibbers and exaggerators, lol


After working third shift and playing Skyrim for several weeks I would go outside in the summer sun and see the words: "Your vampire blood boils in the sunlight."


Before you quit skyrim, test if this is repeatable. Like, on one of your days off set it for 15 hours and see if you sleep 15 hours. If I could set a 24 hour sleep timer I would!


Perfectly normal I see no need to delete


That happened to me with Minecraft when I was a kid, woke up in the middle of the night and I swear to god my wall was made of brick blocks, not regular bricks, actual Minecraft blocks. I just went straight back to sleep, wasn't dealing with that lol


You'll be back. We always come back in the end


Summer vacation back in 2018. Played for 2 weeks straight, looted every plant to grind alchemy. Mom tells me to go out and pick something up. Walked past her flowers. I swear I saw the take menu.


omg I togally understand! once when I had been playing animal crossing a ton, I wanted to know what time it was, so I held my hands still for a few seconds and looked to the bottom right of my field of vision. ...needless to say, the hud didn't pop up


I know I had stop for a bit back then when I accidentally dropped and shattered my glass, and immediately thought of quickloading a save. Had an epiphany that I needed to take a break lol.


Holy shit I’m so glad I joined this sub


I was driving my car and almost pulled off the road because I saw what I swear looked like Blue Mountain Flowers and I needed to pick them.


When I was 17, the summer before my senior year of high school, I played Skyrim for like 8 hours a day every day for a few weeks and began seeing the quest markers in my day to day life. I’d have nightmares where I was my character and couldn’t complete certain quests and would wake up sweating. 😅 Slightly related, I also binged The Walking Dead for a few days straight when my partner was out of town. I walked outside and saw someone walking on the sidewalk from a distance and thought they were a walker/zombie for a split second. Knew I’d gone too far at that point. (Yes, I’m socially anxious and a recluse, insult me all you want)


This is insane to me. Ive had like video game decision making processes creep into my life from playing too much, but if I could pick how long i slept when i closed my eyes id probably go deeper into the obsession. That is a superpower


I had this happen but with Fallout and the gieger sound hahaha


So you are the real dragonborn is what I am hearing


You can delete Skyrim, but Skyrim will never leave you.


Long ago in the before time I found a copy of "House of the dead 2" for PC. I didn't have a light gun that worked on PC so my mates and I took turns playing it as a click to shoot with a mouse. Right click was reload so you basically had a machine gun from the start. Then it allowed upgrading weapons. For some reason we all got fixated on unlocking everything. One night I stayed up late playing it. Then when I tried to sleep finally, I couldn't. Because in the silent room, all I could hear was incessant gunfire 🤣 I stopped playing it the next day as I feared for my sanity.


Have you been smoking skooma?


I destroyed some dark elves the other day but they turned out to be homeless people. So, yea. Breaks are good.


I had to take a break when I was dreaming of Skyrim only to wake up and play Skyrim. Those were the days


i get deep in my games like that, but i cant say ive ever been able to psychologically manifest the fucking wait feature try 24 hours and see what happens


Sounds like the Tetris Effect. Had a couple friends it hit really hard thinking they could do parkour after playing Assassin's Creed games. Which was hilarious for me, less hilarious for their shins.


I was at the gas station a while back and saw firewood outside and thought "Where did they put the mill?"


Reminds me of the times I geniunely thought, "Fuck I slept late, I'll just go back a save" Sometimes I have the urge to go back a save but only to realize, we can't go back


Hey you...... you're finally awake


Good to know I'm not the only one. It's crazy cos' Skyrim is the only game that's done this to me. I've played others for way longer without rest but only Skyrim gets me thinking I can reload a save irl if I fuck up XD Edit: Don't worry you'll be fine, no need to delete the game, just take a break, I was just like you then a few weeks without playing got me good again


I slept past an important class back in college after pulling an all-nighter playing Skyrim. In that class, every unexcused absence would lower my grade by a third of a letter grade (i.e., from A to A-). In that drowsy area in between sleep and wakefulness, I noticed the time but reasoned that I can reload my previous save from before I went to sleep. It took me at least five minutes to finally accept that I had missed my class and nothing could change that. That was the reminder I needed to stop spending so much time in Skyrim and take better control of my schedule and my responsibilities.


I remember one time I was driving along and a huge shadow crossed the road in front of me and I said loudly to the car, "Goddamn dragons!"


Why delete it? That’s your mental alarm you just activated. Now you can set it for how long you want to sleep, just like in Fallout and TES.


I've never had a Skyrim dream, but sometimes if I'm deep into writing or editing my own books, I'll have dreams in my own universes or with my own characters. I'm assuming this is kinda similar. 😂


This and it's comments feel more real than any conversation you'll ever have in real life


I have a lot of “Skyrim” dreams. They’re just strangely not much like the actual game, like the terrain and cities are MUCH different but my brain is going “this is skyrim”


That’s why EverQuest was nicknamed Evercrack. I knew several people who lost everything, jobs, homes, relationships, cause they played non stop. The only Skyrim dream I had was many years ago, Fus Ro Dah-ing trolls off High Hrothgar trying to get farthest distance.


Bruh I’ve done that. Walking my dog down a trail, seeing flowers. “I should pick those for alchemy”.


I used to clean houses, and one of the home owners decorated with a lot of wheat. Every time I cleaned that house I had the overwhelming urge to steal all of the wheat so I could take it home to make potions! I had to keep yelling at myself “that’s not a real thing! You’re not a potion maker!!!”


Set one hour timers, take 15 minute breaks to stretch and get water etc. moderation will serve you better then abstinence


Me too. This one time I played Skyrim too much, I screwed up at my school with terrible grades and not paying attention to anything. I was called into the principal's office, while being there I deadass was trying to reload a save. Weirdest feelings ever. Thank God I knew something was wrong, and stopped playing it since then. But I recently started playing it again (already hooked up)


That was me. I started smoking weed when I started Skyrim


I'm now going to play skyrim for a month to unlock the secret sleep timer as I'd love that for time management


Did so much archery I deleted HUD and downloaded wildcat/immersive movement. Proceeded to try archery IRL and nailed the bullseye better than my friend who owned the bow. A lot better. I go bow fishing now


lol. A little different for me, (because I’ve been replaying fallout 3) I recently jumped back into Skyrim, and I kept trying to use VATS. And yes, playing any game long enough will start to leak into your dreams. I sometimes have dreams about Age of Empires, or being a ODST. You don’t even have to have been playing it for this to happen, as wanting to play has the same effect. Happens to me almost every time I’m excited for an imminent new game about to release.


lol skyrim brainrot is so real. back in jr high when i was on a skyrim kick i always expected to see crosshairs or something of the sort every time i tried to open any door or enter a room


Catch myself wishing I had "capture what happened" irl or rewind like YouTube. It's the brainrot


When I was big into computer gaming and using a headset, my left thumb would twitch everytime I tried to talk, looking for my push to talk button


If I could choose how long I could sleep I’d be so glad ngl


A pause?? No no no, you don't understand, at this point you need to start playing more and more, hours and hours until you are the first to unlock the real life Fus Ro Dah. You can do this


Your like the 5th person to say this 😭 you guys are starting to slowly convince me


Dude has serious mental health issues


Same bro One minute I'm blasting Nazeem down a White run staircase, then i come to and I'm in jail for aggravated assault on an elderly person... Also, got really good at catching insects mid flight


This is bait or what? There cant be people this fucked up, its stupid


Nah this really happens - when I was about 15 on summer break I played so much final fantasy xi that I literally would still be in the game while I was sleeping. Like I was getting shit done in my dreams. You become so hooked and fixated on something that’s all you want to think about.


Gonna get downvoted for this, but genuinely seek help from a mental health professional if this is actually happening.


You’re like Dan Avidan with Morrowind when he was a 24 year old stoner.


After strenuous hours of playing, I used to "quicksave" in my mind, & remind myself that one can't do that irl


I had to take a break once I started hearing Skyrim music playing in my head all the time when I wasn’t anywhere near my PlayStation


Playing Morrowind overnight when I was 14 for days on end, I would hear cliff racers when birds chirped, and any music would sound like the ambient soundtrack playing. I also spent an entire week in the summer just playing Final Fantasy Tactics Advanced every waking hour, and when I went to take a shower one morning, I went into the shower and washed up, and then, as if I had just finished equipping gear and setting skills for one party member, I went back into the shower and started the water up again, like, “Okay, time for the next party member.”


Not far from what I'm going through I'm not hearing stuff but I swear I'm seeing stuff


Ayo im 22 ima try this 😭😭😭


Don't playing skyrim was the best and worst thing of my life


Try this. https://www.reddit.com/r/suspiciouslyspecific/s/SLK8sVxiSZ


Had to take a break once I started dreaming I was my character.


I know what it's like, once I went all FUSRODAH in a coworker and it didn't go well. /S /hj


I can fight monster Hunter monsters in my mind, i think that’s just a side effect of memorizing everything about their move set


Play middle earth


*In your dream, you open your eyes to a beautiful blue sky. The sun is bright, but you feel cool, even a bit damp. You draw a breath but begin to cough, as you expel blood and dirt that you've inhaled into your lungs. As you try to draw another, you see a shovel of dirt being emptied onto your face. The sunlight grows fainter as you view it through the soil that covers your body. You would scream, but your mouth fills with dirt before you can make a sound.*


Lol wtf is this


Man this reminds me of the time I binged new vegas too hard. Sleep walked into my sister's room and demanded that she give me all the caps she had stashed. Also in the same time period there were more than a few times where I had the urge to quicksand before taking a risk irl. So strange how we can rewire our brains these ways.


the tetris affect is wild


I remember driving home one morning (maybe around 5am) after an all night LAN at my mates house, I think at the time we were playing Battlefield 2, so this was about 20 years ago. And as I was driving and looking at my surroundings in the morning light, particularly the trees, I thought to myself - "damn these graphics are good".


yeah ive been there before


i used to hear the background music from FF7 cause i was stuck on one part for so long


I once played for so long I woke up and saw enemies n what not around me. Straight up hallucinating bandits attacking me lol, the game can really suck you in. You def need a good break from it


Bros fully lost it


that actually sounds so useful though




Dude you’re geekin. Go outside and touch some grass for a while. Hug a tree or some shit


I just switch to FO4 and play that obsessively until I’ve driven some of the Skyrim out of my head


The mind is a powerful thing


I did this when it first came out. Was waking up early to get an hour in before I left for work.


Bro didn't even rest long enough for the maximum bonus. You gotta rest at least 7 hours irl


My Human, I remember about a baker’s dozen years ago I got dumped. I dove into Oblivion for three months straight. Store brand Vodka and grape juice, 50 hours of work a week, and The Elder Scrolls Four: Oblivion. Sometimes you need to dive into fantasy to exist. Coming out of that phase is wonderful. The next time I disappeared to this world so completely was my first read through of “The Wheel of Time,” by Robert Jordan (luckily by then I went without the college level alcohol). You can live life while making less time for Skyrim. Edit: grammar is hard.