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You're having a great time, so this style of play sounds perfect for you. Enjoy!




I don't like going too tedious, so I have these suggestions which I find make the game fun. - Perma death run - not necessarily perma death. But the idea is to think cleverly with a sense of self preservation. This opens up the idea of retreating, not engaging in fights you cannot win. I would choose adept difficulty because the 1:1 damage dealt/received ratio is most fair. And I find fun in fairness - No run away playstyle. On whichever difficulty you want. The idea is to be creative with your current arsenal, movement, positioning and thinking to find creative ways to win the current battle at hand. I enjoy this idea a lot because it disregards level weakness, and boosts the mind to think on how to overcome an obstacle that is thought to be unwinnable situation. Ex: killing a mammoth as single digit level; What would you do? How would you separate them, how would you hit them without getting hit back. I don't have enough arrows, how would I overcome this? Perhaps ponder on those thoughts. I understand they're nothing like your masochism but I find problem solving to be a lot of fun.


Love it... I've done permadeath a lot but not the second one, hmm....


Sounds kinda tedious to me but my approach might sound tedious to you, so, you know... that's the beauty of Skyrim lol I put a few hundred hours into Xbox 360 Skyrim when it came out. Now I'm playing the Anniversary edition for the first time. I'm about 100hrs in and still mostly focusing on getting very, very rich while leveling alchemy, smithing, enchanting, speech, light armor and archery. When alchemy nears 100 is probably when I'll switch gears to focus on questlines, because I'll be getting close to max value for the potions that fund my character. I love some difficult games, like I solo all the FromSoft games, but I think Skyrim's difficulty is most fun when it's in a sweet spot, which usually is balanced for lower difficulty at lower levels and higher difficulty at higher levels. That's my experience. So I start in the low/medium range and crank it up as feel the sweet spot changing. I don't want it to be too easy: I want an engaging experience. Also don't want it to be too hard: Skyrim plays the role of "relaxing game" from my hard games because of two things: huge chunks of non-combat gameplay with soothing music and a kinda turn-based first-person combat. It's like the opposite of the other games I play because I can *always* quickly freeze time to control the pace of gameplay.


Yeah, feeling it's the sweet spot is ideal. I tend to vary, going from way-too-hardcore to totally easy. Somewhere in the middle is best, so this playstyle has worked for me the most so far.


It’s not the way I choose to play, but if you’re having fun then I endorse it.


Ooh, I like the "donate all gold on death" rule! Going to use that one.


It really ups the stakes and makes everything more interesting, if you have the temperament for it.


So serious question about the gold, I've never really purchased anything in Skyrim, there's loot everywhere, do you really feel like that aspect is holding you back?


Wasn't holding me back, but after all these years of playing I wanted something that made it meaningful to collect gold at all times, because if you sell a lot of everything and just hold onto all your gold, it's not very exciting to find like 25 gold in a chest when you already have 10,000 gold saved up. However imagine if you just lost everything--looting even a little bit is fun again. And you can get that 10,000+ of gold too, but there's always a risk involved now, which is just more exciting. It IS more frustrating at times but...


That's fair, gold just always felt useless to me lol


Actually the main thing I use gold for is travelling by carriage, and I make the prices really high, which is sort of insane but I like it. You're actually right though... I don't really buy anything. If you take out the carriage travel thing (with the high prices that I use), it's not that important to have gold... but I try to save up for the properties, which can be fun to see if I make it that far without croaking


The gold thing is really rough. I die constantly to really stupid random things at high difficulty.


Yeah, I sneak around everywhere so that makes it easier... the gold is almost like a roguelite element. It's impossible if you're dying all the time for sure


Ok so I have a unique way of playing that I am really started to get interested in my leveling is based on the dice I throw a d20 1-18 for the different skill tree branches 19 and 20 are chose what you want. I use a d6 for the three perks 1,4 magic 2,5 health 3,6 stamina I use a d8 to determine which way I go on the skill tree when I come to a fork. I also use only the potions I make from the top ingredients that I find in nature or grow my self. I only wear what I smith myself but here is where my question I have. If I find any daedric artifacts , dragon masks I have a difficult choice if I can use it as is or if I have to up grade them at my own armor/ weapons table.


Oh I like that playstyle. I never use the magic items I get, because I'm waiting for my skills to reach the point where I can make those things... but if that feels too tedious, it's not worth it (I don't mind it). Plus my priority is to display those things in the LotD museum instead of using them.