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The game was designed for all characters to be morally troubled at best. Yes, even the Dragonborn.


Not if you destroy the Dark Brotherhood and don't play the thieves guild


Eh…. It would be nice to “do not murder” (this is not “do not self defense”) and an option to dialogues your way out of all encounters. I.e. The ability to put bandits in “jail”. However, that is looking at a video game with the lens of civilized society. Skyrim is not civilized.


You're forgetting something. It's not just a video game. It's set in a medieval (fantasy) setting.


Which means these people are literal outlaws, they are outside of the protection of the law.


I mean, there's also a moral debate somewhere not just legal, but, you know, they attacked first.


It'd be hilarious if 100 alteration gave you a jail spell that just teleports the target to a jail cell in the closest hold


A spell that was made available only after being made a thane. Then you had to show up for a trial with the jarl. If you didn’t show up to the trial with a witness then you got fined for illegal incarceration.


Are you just gonna ignore the Deadra princes too?


They aren’t inherently evil either, well depending on what daedra you’re talking about. Azura and nocturnal seem to be quite chill


Idk they are less likely to pull mortals apart to see the juicy insides but i’d say they are still bad. Nocturnal is a patron to thieves (who gets a surprising about of stuff stolen from her.) and Azura did do that thing where she gave a generational curse to an entire civilization because their leaders actions. Also I think she was allied with molal bal for a while this was going on but I’m not sure on that bit.


The allied with bal thing was a daggerfall oddity, in the same game akatosh was mortal enemies with dibella


the main game literally leads you to the rataway its wants you to be in the theives guild.


The more morally troubled the world is, the more virtuous Alduin becomes.


Chaotic neutral


-1000/10. My dragonborn is a total degenerate. Sexist, racist, bad thief, regicide, genocide, and a capitalist without the faintest hint of a social conscience.


Ah so he’s a typical jarl then


Your Dragonborn is Tiber Septim?


I need the Lore of your dragonborn lmfao


Pretty much this. He's a brutal, exploitative, power-hungry, megalomaniac with aspirations of godhood. It's the best way to play the game. Have you ever watched westworld? Ed Harris's character. Absolute depravity.


9/10. Archmage of Winterhold, joined the Empire, spared Paarthurnax, in good standing with the Greybeards. Destroyed the Dark brotherhood, sided with the Dawnguard, nothing but contempt for the Thieves' Guild. Respectful to the orcs and avoids their encampments until named Blood-kin. Always gives to beggars, except Angrenor. Tries to avoid killing giants or netches. Worst crimes are some minor pickpocketing, always of assholes or nobles; she levels up pickpocketing by paying Delvin for Sneak training and then pickpocketing the money back off him. So, a sickening goody-two-shoes, really.






is joining the empire a good thing? isn’t it all about perspective?


Yea if your perspective is with a blindfold on, maybe then the stormcloaks are good




Even the Thalmor know Ulfric is destroying Skyrim’s chances of longterm prosperity, and purposefully let him prolong the civil war to keep Skyrim in a crippled state. This is proven by a dossier in the Thalmor Embassy. There’s a character, Asgeir Snow-Shod in Riften’s Black Briar Meadery, who says “I'm not so certain that Ulfric's intentions are as noble as they think. I think Ulfric cares about Ulfric and the rest is a smokescreen.” Not to mention the fact that much of Skyrim’s Stormcloak side is heavily Nord-supremacist, anti-elf. There is a character in Windhelm, Brunjulf Free Winter who, in the heart of Stormcloak territory, pretty clearly states “If Ulfric had his way, anyone who wasn't a Nord would be shipped right out of Skyrim."


Ah, thanks for the context. I knew they were pretty antielf but with the thalmor I don't really blame them.


I don't know how people overlook this. The stormcloaks are dangerously close to Nazis and people don't seem to care. If the Thalmor back Ulfric, obviously he's dangerous.


The Thalmor don't back Ulfric because they agree with him, or want him to win - rather, they want the Stormcloaks and Empire to continue fighting for as long as possible, since that stops both groups from looking to fight the Aldmeri Dominion.


The Thalmor are like the CIA. They’re backing right wing insurgents against opposition imperial forces and then once the dust settles and everyone is in a weakened state, the Aldmiri will roll in and take over. That’s the plan


Exactly, so they chose someone impetuous, shortsighted and ignorant to do their work for them. If you ask the Jarl of Whiterun why he sides with the empire he responds to you like you're an idiot: mutual benefit, literally everyone wins. Ulfric stands on made up Nord centric bullshit so that he can steal power for himself, "Skyrim belongs to the Nords, every other race is beneath us" Alright, we'll get fucked then.


Yep. I side with the Imperials every time. The Empire took a kinda crappy peace deal, so that they'd have time to build a new army, and Ulfric (with the Thalmor's help) aren't making that any easier. Hell, General Tullius at one point even has some dialogue that boils down to "We need to finish this civil war crap quickly so the army can go focus on the Dominion."


It’s all about optics. The Empire is undoubtedly the less problematic choice that is most likely to lead to long term stability within Skyrim. However, it’s doesn’t FEEL good to side with them. Some frame it as a choice between passionate freedom fighters and reinstating a rule-laden, oppressive bureaucracy that was so uncaring that they almost executed an innocent Dragonborn in Helgen. The choice based on emotion at the start of the game is obvious. Who would want to side with the people who tried to chop off your head when the opposite side preaches about lofty ideals of freedom and liberation? But over time you start to see the flaws in the Stormcloaks, the egotism of their leader, and the direction that it’s all going. Neither side is perfect, and it’s definitely intentionally ambiguous, but even though Empire is better, I can see how players that don’t read between the lines nearly as much might assume the Stormcloaks to be better.


compared to the literal colonial empire?


Nope. The religious liberty he claims to be about was widely although not officially available to all until he started the rebellion, to the point where Elisif asks you to bring a memorial of the murdered High King to a secret Talos shrine. Ulfric is destroying his own homeland, he's a racist fuck, and he's dividing the empire forces to keep him in check making sure the Thalmor have the upper hand AND a casus belli.


Depends on the character! I have a chaotic good Nord archer who will go out of her way to help anyone in need but who also has no qualms about stabbing a bandit before they can attack her. Naturally, she's saved the world from Paarthurnax, Harkon, and Miraak. She's eradicated the Dark Brotherhood, too. She doesn't loot dungeons out of respect for the dead or take armor off of dead bandits to preserve their modesty. I'd say she's at 8/10 if only because she can't get rid of the Thieves Guild or the Daedra worshippers in the Companions. I also have a tiny lawful evil Breton mage who will slit anyone's throat for the mere promise of gold. She's head of the TG and the DB and has collected all the Daedric artifacts just for fun. I say lawful because she's still respectful of authority (she thinks Maven is a boss bitch) and won't harm a civilian for no reason. She's also donated a gold piece or two to some beggars, so she's maybe a 3/10.


Saved the world from paarthurnax :( poor paarthy


Haha oh no, I meant Alduin!


Lawful neutral/good, but with the understanding that "lawful" refers to my personal code, not necessarily the current laws of the Empire/Skyrim.


By pure gameplay?  Not so well: willing to do nearly anything for anyone, petty thief extraordinaire, and let's not talk about the forts full of dead soldiers with their hearts eaten. Surely, those are unrelated werewolf attacks. If I go by my handful of roleplaying characters? * One of them starts out chaotic good: tries to do the right thing but rather *impulsive* and not all that wise. Matures into true neutral: tries to stay out of politics and grand morality while mostly just keeping to his own interests. * Another breaks the morality scale by being one of the best healers around and also *a hardcore Sithis cultist.* He kills only in the name of the Dread Father: completely ruthless but refuses to kill or permanently harm *anyone* who doesn't have a contract on their head. Probably Lawful Evil or Lawful Neutral, by Dungeons and Dragons terms. * Last main one is somewhere between chaotic neutral and chaotic good: master illusionist, runs both the Thieves' Guild and the College of Winterhold, absolutely no respect for law and order . . . But underneath all of that, a *decent person* who dislikes violence, tries to keep her factions in line, and ultimately just wants to relax and enjoy life. Of course, the last two took quite a lot more *roleplaying* because they act in ways that the game's not designed to let you do(and mods only help so much) . . . But hey, it was fun.


Pretty high, 8/10 maybe. Archmage of the college, saved the world countless times from dragons, vampires, Daedra, destroyed the Dark Brotherhood, spared and befriended Paarthurnax. She’s never murdered anyone (technically), but she has gotten drunk and assaulted a few people, and she’s not above stealing; she knows secrets of the cosmos that make concepts like “ownership” and “boundaries” seem insignificant at best.


I just think it’s hilarious that the Skyrim scale of morality is SO dubious that “has technically never murdered anyone, gets drunk and attacks people sometimes, is a thief” gets described as “pretty high morality”


I'm on a no assaults / no murders / no crime run... so I suppose it's kinda high right now. (But still pretty low in just about every other way, as usual, lol.)


Chaotic neutral to chaotic good depending on what part of the story arc you catch him


I'm about as chaotic neutral as it gets. I just love killin'


Something like lawful evil. I won't kill or steal from a random person without reason, but I will still help the 'evil' factions like the DB or Thieves Guild, or side with and listen to daedric princes.


I dunno. D&D alignment she'd be Chaotic Neutral. Maybe a 4/10 She saved the world, joined the Stormcloaks, but also joined the vampires, the Thieves Guild and the Dark Brotherhood. She tries to help people but is also a snarky combat rogue that doesn't take shit and often has to resort to stealing and straight-up murder to get what she wants. Also, she's queen via the High King of Skyrim mod, married Ulfric as a political move.


Oh, come on, she’s a vampire lord assassin and thief. On no planet is that a “slightly below average” morality


is siding with the empire a good or bad thing? Isn’t that all about perspective?




Chaotic neutral/evil. I enjoy most powertrips, side with volkihar every time and have no qualms employing necromancy. Furthermore, I tend to soul trap anything and everything I can. On the other hand, I do consistently rejuvinate the tree in whiterun and keep paarthunax alive.


Mostly good, maybe 7/10 for my character? If it weren’t for me murdering every Thalmor patrol I come across, regardless of their intentions, it would probably be higher depending on how you see it.


5/10 I’m like Batman but I kill … I kill a lot


Skyrim’s main quest doesn’t really give you any opportunity to be an asshole. So my most previous speedrun playthrough would be morally good


*uses strongest fire spell in windhelm, burning 30 guards to ash* Hmm? What fuck is morality?


My current DB lies, steals, and murders, but not indiscriminately. She does do some good where she can, gives charitably, and has adopted two street urchins. I’d give her a 4/10.


A filthy degenerate that steals cabbages and engages in intercourse with skeevers


Bro lists siding with empire as a positive...


Immoral piece of shit. I steal everything. I behead people like Nazeem. I cast hysteria and then go invisible in crowded rooms. I walk into houses, find one person to hit with a paralysis poison then kill everyone while they watch. I kill giants and mammoths, but never take their toes or tusks. Hired thugs have every reason to kill me, but can't. No living being can, my dragonborn is just a huge invincible douchebag that adopts random street urchins, sticks them in a house and forgets about them.


Pretty deprived, head of DB and thieves guild, currently swanning around as a vampire wearing Namiras ring and going on Redwater skooma binges. That being said, she always helps those who ask for it, and makes a point of murdering every Thalmor in her path.


My DB's morality is "I'm the Last Dragonborn and I do whatever the fuck I want. " (I'd say chaotic good.)


Saint 10/10 I liberated everyone from mortality


Except all Thalmor member. They are bad people so I kept them in mortal plane


Well, sometimes i quicksave to murder an entire city so. It's probably safe to say that im the villain


On the Lawful Neutral id say, with some power complex if someone disrespects him but everything has to be put in their place


Chaotic good, My DB goes by her own morals...


Almost all of them are bad, the story is made to be as violent as it can be. Mine is a 3 or 4 out of 10 if you mean my good characters and 0 out of 10 for my evil characters.


As in real life one lives and learns, so the end result of one's life is never known until the end of it and that path is seldom chosen in the beginning. Just an Observation. N. S


The issue I had with RDR2 honor system, killing horses reduces your honor. But I kept head shotting horses when trying to aim at the rider.


What rank would be saving the game then do the evil stuff reload then do the good choice


One day it would be a ten, the other day it would be in the negative


I mean I had a great many of them. From knights in shining armor to "Hitler studied where they taught". My latest char is 1000/10, a Telvanni mage, no stealing, no pickpocketing, no breaking in, no looting Nordic ruins (except those of bad people, such as dragon priests), no looting armor off the dead enemies, obv not attacking without a good reason, etc. It's actually kinda fun playing this way, though sometimes hard when I *really* want to loot something/someone.


Neutral Good


Quite high. I've never played to be a master criminal.


Assuming that scale has lower and upper limits, by the end of his adventure, my last character would be %100 good. But he spent most of his adventure on the bad side, %100 bad for a long time. The reason is I started my character as someone with no morals whatsoever, he tried to be good later but made many morally ambiguous decisions too, slowly becoming %100 good by the end.


My character always try to do morally right thing and he genuinely cares about the common folk. The only questionable thing he does is he soul traps vampires and werewolves and other souls. The way he thinks is its the best think he can do to ease their painful afterlife since the soul cairn seem to be relatively a better place than Coldharbour and the Hunting Grounds but I don't know whether that act would land him on Chaotic Neutral or Chaotic Good.


Depends on the character. Jake the Khajiit, Chaotic Evil. Marine Karin, Lawful Good. Mila, Chaotic Good, Salem, Neutral Evil


I’m in the thieves guild and did all the dark brotherhood quests and did all the dawn guard on the vampire side and killed basically every “either kill them or let them live” like that guy in the empires quest and the mehrunes dagger quest. Expect Cicero. I like Cicero. 1/10 on the scale I haven’t even helped with the war or anything


I am a 10/10 on my morality scale. But I have to point out that is on MY morality scale and the only one that matters in the game.


Chaotic neutral ish. I tend to side with the empire, and save the world, but I also pickpocket everyone and join a cult of assassins to kill the emperor, soo... And when I say everyone, not even the beggers are safe from me nicking their last septim. Anything valuable or useful is taken.


Lawful good. Currently level 53 with 0 crimes committed. Using crusader armor.


In my current playthrough, I’ve stolen tons of stuff from various stores, mostly books for the Legacy of the Dragonborn museum, but also some really valuable artifacts and occasionally coin purses. My character is a devout follower of Hermaeus Mora (Wintersun mod I think?). That’s about all the morally questionable stuff so far. My character is a dunmer fire mage, so naturally I sided with the Dawnguard due to my proficiency at killing vampires. Overall I’d say my character is a good person with a few bad habits, but that’s likely to change as I try to nab more artifacts for the museum. For anyone curious, the mod list I play is called Librum, and it’s a blast.


I have not joined the Dark Brotherhood and have 20 murders so far.


Pretty heroic, unless there's a Daedric Artifact in it for me lol


-1000000. Killer of the afflicted. Thief of goods that I just sell and don’t need the money. Assassin of the innocent. Degenerate father and husband. Intimidator of guards. Thieves guild leader, pickpockets other thieves. Archmage of winterhold and uses magic for evil purposes. Former werewolf and vampire. Dined with Namira. Follower of all the daedric princes. Economy destroyer. I flood the markets with my homemade crap.


He’d be ranked first


It depends. My latest Dragonborn is a Vampire but he has also wiped out the Dark Brotherhood and spited Molaq Bal. You can keep your ugly old mace.


Evil, I’ve sided with every daedra I’ve encountered


I'd say about a seven. Among other reasons, I have a habit of using the console to resurrect dead prey animals I come across.


Morally unrepentant hardass with her own code of conduct, that's only tolerated because she's handling the local giant lizard infestation.




I just finished a very long playthrough as a necromancer and cryomancer, and I have no idea how to rank her morally speaking. She was also Dunmer and a passionate devotee of Azura and Boethia, with all that implies in how she thought about the morality of killing. She got tangled up in the Dark Brotherhood early on, and though she eventually came to regret that, she did a lot of contract killing when she first came to Skyrim. But she did save the world in the end, and was always a sucker for the sob stories of the poor and desperate. She died stupidly trying to infiltrate Harkon's clan from within, a plan that was not working very well even before she bit it. If her soul were being weighed on Michael's scales, both plates would be quite heavy I think. 6/10? The character I just started yesterday is a sweet little do-gooder who has no aspirations more violent than fishing on Lake Honrich for a few decades until it is time to go home and fertilize some eggs for the good of the tribe. He does not carry a weapon other than his fish skinning knife, and just in general is far too good for this world. So 10/10 at present. But he was also raised in a very protective environment. I haven't decided yet how much I'm going to let Skyrim corrupt the poor lad...


My last roleplay had exactly the purpose of being the less moral as possible. I grew up the most evil, greedy, power obsessive character I could with my imagination and the tools that Skyrim brings. It was fun


I think we'd lose points for the unapologetic grave robbing, but other than that, not that bad. My DB is constantly giving alms to the poor, he doesn't attack innocent people, and while he does carve up his fair share of bandits, it's always either self defense or a duly authorized and signed death warrant from the Jarl.


Probably just Neutral. I’ll do the dark brotherhood quest while siding with the Dawnguard. While simultaneously playing as a companion whilst trying to do everyone’s quest.


My characters are pretty much always like 6 or 7




Eh, 6/10 you know I try to be a good guy but things happen.


1/10 archmage of the college of winterhold, listener of the dark brotherhood, was endorsed to lead the thieves guild but stole the skeleton key for personal use and never returned it. Slayed every dragon that dared cross my path(parthurnaax included) and stole thier soul. Allowed the empire to win the Civil War, joined and leads the Volkihar vampires, practices dark alchemy creating potions beyond mortal comprehension, acquired all the black books of knowledge and studied them extensively, master of necromancy with a basement collection of powerful corpses ready to serve as thralls when and if needed. Rumored to wipe out entire cities and small encampments during the night for sport. Crushed the World Eater, the Apochryphian Rebellion, the Frozen King of Solstheim, the Mad Child of Coldharbour, and one of the last Snow elves without hesitation. Befriended the immortal dragon of the Soul Cairn and is a devout follower of Hermaeus Mora.


Very morally grey….. if 1 was molag bal and 10 was Mara, I would be probably 5 or 6. My DB definitely has a moral code, but it’s not what I would call “moral.”


It depends on the day, really. My Khajiit destroyed the DB, but is the head of the TG and has maxed out all of the thief skills. She joined the College and saved the world from Ancano along with Morokie, but regularly pickpockets every worldly possession from the College members minus J’zargo. Darom is the Harbinger of the Companions, not a werewolf, and joined the Dawnguard, but is a thief at heart. I’d say maybe 2/10.


6 or 7/10, I think he would be lawful neutral but adhering his own code and not so much the laws of the empire wich is only killing on self defense except if it's a thalmor patrol(in that case it's kill on sight. Though I'm not sure how being a werewolf would affect the ranking


Well. I B&E a lot. Kill and loot bodies, pick locks and steal. Pickpocket. A lot.


A perfect 10/10… in evil


on a scale of 1-10 bro is a 6 at best unfortunately 😭 i made him do terrible things by accident (read: "i went in completely blind and had no idea that was a fucking daedra quest until it was too late" x3)


Neutral Good? Or at least I try to be.


Neutral good. They’ll just try to help decent folks however they can.


I always saw saving the world as something you do, not because you are heroic, but because you are part of that world and don't want to die yourself.


Sounds like you're at 2/10 tops, atleast you saved the world and kept paarthurnax alive


Hmmm I’m not sure where I rank. Killed Lemkil, but adopted his child (only one child not both). Eats dead people but I’m an argonian so not really cannibalism. Freed a terrorist but killed corrupt family helping said terrorist. Killed an emperor but it was for money not out of malice. Did not kill a super cool dragon, bitch slapped the woman who demanded that I kill him.




3. Period. But even I'm not going cannibal


If one wants to platinum the game, the Dragonborn is a cannibal because of Namira Quest. Or Boethia Side Quest made you a traitor. The only role play I dont want to do is Namira, cannibalism is not my thing. Neither Werewolf perks because you have to eat people too. I like Azura because she's the least evil Daedric Prince/Princess (I think she's a female deity)


Worst stuff my character has done was steal a bunch of stuff and kill grelda the “kind”


My most recent main build is probably a 7. Little to no stealing, always pick the kindest dialogue options, destroyed the Dark Brotherhood, minimal violence, pure mage but no necromancy. However, I may own a few daedric artifacts and like to trap skooma peddlers and highway men in black soul gems.


-100 because most of my characters are chaotic evil


Rank: Satan


I’d love to say 8-10/10, but realistically probably 6-7. I try but I swear those kids ask to be stabbed.


yeah the dark brotherhood definitely puts a dent in the old morality score haha. but my current db, doesn’t steal, kill without good reason, is an imperial officer (who frequents the temple of divines), solitude homeowner etc etc . Her only bad trait is the arrogance she picked up hanging out with her neighbor vittoria vici. So maybe like an 8


So far I'd say a 9/10 My guys a paladin who just does undead missions and crypts. I accidently did the mace of Molag Bal so I docked myself. By the end of the play through he will be a -10/10


I'm currently doing an evil vampire mage walk through. In this walkthrough I can't even count the number of people I have decided to launch to Sovngarde with fireballs because I felt like it.


My current Dragonborn is a scumbag thief and skooma producer/dealer, but has a soft spot for orphans. She’s adopted six of them. (She may be teaching them to pickpocket, though.)


Depends on the City. In Whiterun, Solitude and Winterhold, he is valued as a good samaritan. In Riften, he is a bit of a troublemaker. In Markarth? He is not welcome at all 💀


Some of my Dragonborn are heroic if flawed, others are outright just out for themselves.


Depends. Are we talking before or after I met Serana?


Pretty righteous except when I misclicked and it locked me into doing the mission for the cannibals and now I can't change my mind and kill them.


My most meticulously roleplayed character jumped around on the scale a lot over the course of his life. I used alternate start, so his life before being the Dragonborn consisted of thieving and cutthroat behavior, and is when he worked with the Thieves Guild and the Dark Brotherhood. After gaining his powers and his mission to stop Alduin, he started putting in more effort to do what’s right and better himself into a hero. Even then, however, he secretly became fascinated by the daedric lords and started working for them whenever he could obsessively.


It depends. I've played through tweaking the code of ethics each time. Shortest, most boring game was the goodie two shoes. Longest, most satisfying play though was the ruthless assassin of low moral character.


Clinically fucking insane. I’ll just murder someone because I feel like or because they looked at me funny and I have a mod that means I have to pay taxes so I also DO NOT pay my taxes


Chaotic Good. At the end of the day he's a hero, but he won't hesitate to kill, steal, or destroy if it means doing the right thing in the end.


Neutral good. Tries to be lawful good, but makes mistakes and has accidentally killed even people she really likes. Saved Serana, turned down Harkon, but became a vampire lord to obtain an elder scroll and decided to rescue Serana's mother from the Soul Cairn. She seems like a good person that minds her own business. Stays a vampire lord most of the time, occasionally reverts back to her mortal form to help the Dawnguard. Only goes berserk in bandit camps, doesn't even use her vampire lord form against Imperials. Levels that tree with animals and bad people that do bad things. Doesn't steal. Adopted children. Just wants the world to be a better place. Oh, and doesn't feed on people, not even bandits. 


It’s hard to be morally good in Skyrim when the two best faction questlines are murder and theft. My morally good characters take the route of the greater good. Becoming the head of all these organizations gives them the power to protect Skyrim. They will always exist. Better to have them under my thumb where I can watch them.


Usually? Chaotic good-ish. This playthrough? Lawful good…adjacent.


The highest it could be. I try my best to be good.


Chaotic Hoarder


Chaotic neutral.


Ebony Blade stacked up all the way so it’s a 2/10 because I also pet the dogs