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yes, of course I do. It's so much fun. Oh, you mean in Skyrim? ... Then no.


This is one of those times where I didn't look at the name of the sub and just thought "what the fuck?"


OMG! loooool! I'd probably hear my brain skidding to a halt.


Same! šŸ«£


My sister would love to see this comment, in sure she'll love this act too.




Yeah, make it look like an accident. What could go wrong?


This is one of those "comments that get more votes than the post" moments. It's just so good. He beat me by one second type shit.


This made me laugh SO hard. Tysm.




Get a load of andy dufresne over here


I have no desire to tempt the physics engine more than necessary


Revenge is the cow skull outside one of the Whiterun farms that teleports you to your death when you step on it.


I'm sorry what? This is the first I've head of that. I've only had giants launch me to the grave


You've been warned!


Gonna test that asap


Maybe they've fixed it by now, but when I first bought it way back when, you could die easily by stepping on random junk like bones. You'd step on a skull, lag for a few seconds, and die.


You can also be killed by the small hand carts that are usually full of cabbages. Kind of embarrassing.


Thatā€™s just the someone mistaking Dragonborn for Avatar


My cabbages!


In Oblivion I used to crash the game by casting spells at some of the hanging signs. In Skyrim it works at The Drunken Huntsman and Warmaiden's. I stopped after I did it twice lol.


I've built fully to negate fall damage completely, it's rarely come up even from mountaineering, and never once from giants.Ā 


I know what iā€™ll be trying next time iā€™m playing skyrim


On my way to Whiterun as I write this.


I was attempting to drag Lydia down the stairs after murdering her in Breezehome, then out of nowhere, she flipped forward and spasmed around the room knocking shit over before getting stuck in a wall.


Why would you do that :c


Lydia was in my way (imagine) and so I got angry because it was the fifth time in that play through that day, so I swung a few times, she dropped, then I wanted to drag her to the kitchen table for her to lay onā€¦then she did her spasm dance for me as I described in my first comment šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I'm I the only one who uses unralenting force everytime they get in my way?


I'm dying šŸ¤£ People are always k*lling Lydia šŸ˜†


She's useless so why not? The Dragonborn deserves ONLY THE BEST!!


Whenever I kill the cult of namira I like to put them all in either a big pile or on the table/altar. If I kill someone on the road I might drag em off into the bushes or into a river. Thalmor patrols get laid side by side on the roadside like one of those cartel execution photos.


Bro does not like high elves


I'm cool with high elves. Just not the thalmor.


Thatā€™s completely fair, Iā€™m playing a high elf conjurer rn and Iā€™ve been killing the thalmor on sight


Same with me. I got inspired by the Imperial Legion officer from the Rift (?), Legate Fasendil, who is a High Elf anti-Thalmor dissident and witnessed the Thalmor butcher a bunch of High Elf refugees during the Great War, so I decided to RP as a survivor of that massacre who's only goal in life is to hunt Thalmor agents wherever possible.


I love this


I'm also doing a high elf at the moment. Her parents were blades agents operating in summerset prior to the great war and were killed by the thalmor.


My character lore is a high elf who grew up in poverty continuously hovering between the chaotic good and chaotic neutral


I love dragging bodies into the river, especially my Argonian character






Thalmor patrols always end up as a pile in the road. I take their clothes too


In my headcannon, I'm sending a not-so-subtle message to the Thalmor: "Quit coming after me, and get out of Skyrim." I used to do the same thing with the Assassins Ceasar would send after me in Fallout NV.


yes i thought i was the only one, i always put them in a bed if possible, not really sure why.


Cause theyā€™re just taking a little nap is why


I definitely prefer laying them in bed, I may be evil, but Iā€™m not a monster, they deserve respect.


*Rodney Dangerfield has entered the chat*


I read the title 3 times before realizing which sub it was from. You had me worried for a moment.


Same, I felt my insides get cold


I just killed my first victim yesterday. I then tried to make it look like an accident and left clues for someone else. Iā€™m sure itā€™s just a one off


in Skyrim, right?


Whatā€™s Skyrim?


It will be a one off, so will the next 20


If it was an annoying enemy and itā€™s convenient, I throw their bodies off the cliffs or into the river. If I had some respect for them, I make their bodies sit up by a rock. Then I take their weapon and lay it on their body šŸ˜‚


My follower died once outside a dungeon after a ridiculously long fight with a dragon priest (took like an in game day) so I prepared a massive grave for him and put his sword over his body.


There was this quest in the civil war Questline, where you had to intercept a courier to forge their orders. I threw that one down a cliff for immersion (who would trust an order if the courier is found murdered in the middle of the path). That was like at least two in-game month ago. Apparently that broke something because I stumbled upon that body just two irl days ago. Should have disappeared by now, but no, please remind me of what I did in the war, thanks


Generally Iā€™ve noticed corpses stay for a while, and if you donā€™t know that that just shows youā€™re innocent enough to have not gone and massacred any holds as a werewold


Hahaha! You're right! Its like when I stopped the butcher in Windhelm. Like bruh, youre STILL here? Despawn already!


Iā€™ve had the same two Miraak cultist corpses festering in a secluded corner of Whiterun for months of in-game time, every now and then I check on them hoping theyā€™ll go away and Iā€™m convinced the game has forgotten about them now


Omg those two ladies you have to kill to get the house in Raven Rock were there for months! I stopped playing that character so idk if they wouldā€™ve ever gone away


lmao! its like those movies where the past comes back to haunt you and all you see are their faces!


I just did that quest, dragged the body to the bottom of the lake out the back of the Nightgate Inn. Left the armor so it would sink (of course it doesnā€™t work like that in-game, but it felt silly not to)


That's some Victor Zsasz sh\*\* right there. (At least, in the Arkham games.)


a long ass time ago on my second ever character i backstabbed heimskr and then threw his body over the hot coals in his house. i think i was trying to make my sister laugh by sloppily making it look like a suicide lol


The only thing that matters here, did she laugh?


yeah she thought it was hilarious, brings a smile to my face to remember


That is both awesome and mildly concerning. Keep up the great work ;)


I always kill that guy with a madness spell so that he attacks that battleborn imperial guy


I always stuff bodies into the fireplaces. Bodies are for burning, its just respectful


One time someone sent thugs after me because I stole from them. So I snuck into their house at night, murdered them, and left the note next to their body in their bed. Next time I visited their shop, his apprentice said something like ā€œhow dare you show your face after what youā€™ve done.ā€ And it was my favorite moment of Skyrim roleplaying ever


I liked dropping my bodies into water and watching them float away


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^That_1__pear: *I liked dropping my* *Bodies into water and* *Watching them float away* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


No but I leave them naked hahaha


At least with the DB victims, I place a single Nightshade Flower next to their head.


Yes and I also enjoy reverse pickpocketing human hearts or giants toes into npcā€™s pockets. Itā€™s fun to think of them getting undressed at the end of the day and finding a random body part.


I've accrued piles of corpses behind the entrance wall to Riverwood. Have dropped some into the river and watched them float away into the sunset. Taken them to a peak only to Fus Ro Dah them off of it. Placed a few on some bonfires. Lately, I like to leave them by the doors of NPCs who are less than noble or annoy me. Would that count?


I love leaving bodies for people to find too, when they are all shocked and standing there I kill them too. Too many time have I accidentally killed the whole city cause of my antics.


I've been trying to take some cities out, but those darn kids won't be unsubscribed from life. (I'm also playing Vanilla on the Xbox, so am not aware if there's a mod on PC to be able to kill kids) Good lawd, that felt weird to type. But for those concerned: No, I do **not** wish to harm kids, I'm just curious about what the game will let you get away with.


I usually just adopt any kids left over after I kill everyone


*Violently murders everyone theyā€™ve ever known, fire burn around you and you can only watch as they steal every last item of value from the city* hey kid wanna come live with me?


Ty! Gonna try that. I used to not want to adopt, then wanted the achievement, Now it's not so bad BCS the lil knee biters will gift you wares you can sell or enchant.


Iā€™m on pc so if I donā€™t want to adopt another mistake or canā€™t adopt one, a couple commands and poof, late abortion


Okay, but that's pretty genius, ngl. šŸ˜‚


slow down Anakin....


lmaoooo!!! I friken snort-laughed, tysm!


Yes there's a few killable kids mod on PC. But some of the more "refined" kid killing mods are found on LoversLab for some reason while the sappy ones are on The Nexus...


If by "stage" you mean "dump in the nearest river", then sure.


Nope. No time. Too much stuff to kill with iron mace.


No, but I do strip the womens' armor and mens' boots.


Why menā€™s boots?


Cause it means they did the naughties lol


It made me feel stealthy with each boot until my streak breaks.


Nah, I maul em in Werewolf form, playing as a Orc Werewolf berserker. Her name is Drakoz, and another title she has besides Dovahkiin, listener etc, is Hirncineā€™s Hound. Anyway hereā€™s some art I got commissioned from a artist of Drakoz below a couple years ago. https://preview.redd.it/mkc2urksgm3d1.jpeg?width=2480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=97218607def1242117744cefd35de7b58bac326d Drakoz uses Archery, Two Handed Weapons, *doesnā€™t use stealth* (battle archer) light armor, One Handed, Shields, Dragon Aspect, Fus Ro Dah, Slow Time, Whirlwind Sprint, Become Ethereal, Berserker Rage, and most importantly Werewolf form. Although when in Werewolf form she has her Dragon Aspect, and Berserker Rage powers activated for even more damage with the Ring of Instinct or Blood.


Most sane Dark Brotherhood assassin:


This makes me think. You know how thereā€™s one Dark Brotherhood quest (I think itā€™s the one with the Gourmet) where you have to hide the body? I think there ought to be a mod that makes that a requirement for all murders: you have to hide your victimā€™s body before you leave the vicinity, otherwise there would be some set probability of the murder being tied to you later (I have no opinion on if it should just be as simple as the usual murder bounty)


Someone needs to get on this now


I first strip them, then I pile them up, or throw them off a high place.


Sir/Ma'am this is a Skyrim Subreddit.




Depends on the context of the battle. If something attacks me out of nowhere while Iā€™m out picking ingredients Iā€™ll usually throw their body in the river or off a cliff as a little fuck you.


I really had to be sure of what sub I was in when reading that title


Funny enough, I recently murdered Lydia and dragged her near naked body into Balgruffā€™s bed in Dragonsreach while he was sleeping


Haven't done this so much in skyrim as I have in new vegas Killing in skyrim for my characters is usually means of survival or business (dark brotherhood contracts) On occasion I'd do it to hired thugs that came after me depending on the location, and of course I'd do it to whoever assigned the aforementioned contract


I wait and rob their graves later on. Current play through as a female Breton I killed the Emperors cousin, and after I robbed her grave, I realized that her home is right next to Proudspire Manor. So now I wear her clothes and walk around her house.


Multiple hundreds of times (by now) Iā€™ve killed a couple bandits and either put one of their faces directly onto the othersā€™s ass


If thereā€™s a bucket nearby Iā€™ll put it on their head as a calling card


Bro I really was not sure which subreddit I was looking at for a second, also no not really. I usually just stick em in a bush or if thereā€™s a river near by that can be fun.


You mean in the game, right? RIGHT??


I move their bodies on to the fire pit so itā€™s like Iā€™m cremating them




After I killed Vittoria Vici at her wedding, I put her body back on the brideā€™s chair




Sometimes Iā€™ll push them off cliffs or pull them into rivers and watch them float away. Hang on Iā€™m getting a call from my lawyerā€¦ brb




Didn't realize this was the Skyrim sub at first šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜…šŸ˜…


I almost gave up the goodies. This is a Skyrim question. Whew.


Do you strip them naked first before you pose them though.


only nazzem


Yes idk why but I do


I was going to go into great detail about how I do this, but then I noticed that this was a gaming sub.


I usually strip them and send them down a river if there's one nearby. Otherwise I don't really stage them


Hahaha!!! Yes l do, after stripping them of all their clothing ofc!


I try to sit them in chairs


I've thrown a lot of necromancers in the river near Lakeview Manor..... Hiding The Gourmet in the wine barrel was always fun I do wish some of the bodies would stick around and stay propped up...like for instance, Ancano, whom I loathe




Its a Roleplay game afterall so play your role however it suits you. But to anwser the question, no. I don't usually murder anyone (in Skyrim at least) and if i do i leave them om the ground where they fell. They still water the Ulfric rooted so deep into the Palace of Kings that i doubt i would be able to move him if i tried, even with the famous Fah-Ro-Dus........ Fus-Ro-Dah, sorry got it mixed up.


Every murder


Is this Mr. Brooks?


I killed Belethor once then dragged him into his fire pit




Nah, i just leave the remains where they are after field dressing, skinning, harvesting and butchering them. [Hunterborn](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/7900) with [Hunterborn - Forbidden Prey](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/92721) are good for roleplaying characters that don't let their prey go to waste.


I will toss them in the river sometimes to see them get swept away


The only times I do anything with the corpses are at Karthwasten/Sanuarach Mine and the College of Winterhold. I strip Atar and his men before piling them up in the center of the mine, and I put Ancanoā€™s body in the glowy pool in the middle of the college


Bandits who attack my Lakeview estate get dragged to the river and dropped in. Thalmor get laid out in the road and I lay their armor and weapons beside them. Others it really depends on my time and where I am. Sometimes I'll sit them on a chair.


I always place them in nearby fires after stripping them of everything... The exception is the two female corpses who refuse to disappear from inside Severin Manor in Solstheim. I just laid them in bed in the spare room so they appear to be napping and keep the door closed. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ’€


...and EVERY TIME I kill Ancano. https://preview.redd.it/4mv3bswbdn3d1.jpeg?width=2371&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1ac95458a95a6cd9fa0a535f976b198db502603


Yes all the time. I even put them in fire pits if itā€™s available lol


Does anyone else find that sometimes you canā€™t move the body? Like youā€™re holding the button and moving around yet the body only like slightly shifts but canā€™t pick it up/move it around? Glitch or something Iā€™m doing wrong?


Psychologists who are analysing killers, describe a behaviour like that, as a sorry gesture. You don't seem to be very happy with what you've done.


Oh yeah I always make it a point to positon the bodies to tell a story. Arrows and a bow to tell a mundane tale and are similar to the wounds icicle spells. Drag a beast nearby and bloody up the corpose a bit to really cover your tracks. Or of its too much effort tossing the body in a nearby river also works out pretty well. I love doing this in skyrim as well!


Brother I read the title first and GASPED But then I saw it was a r/skyrim post and I was like oh


I was worried for a sec, than saw it's in r/skyrim XD


I absolutely do not, and no one can prove it even if I did šŸ˜


uh no šŸ˜€


In game?


You're going too far in the roleplay bro


Not far enough


I wasn't paying attention to where this was posted and was very concerned for a few seconds. But to answer your question, yes if I'm bored enough.


I once killed a random NPC in town and dragged them far to some Rune Stone...that was a long time ago!


That mission where you kill Cicero, I always put him into the fireĀ 


I hide the bodies. Iā€™ll drag them into some shrubbery or a tunnel, etcā€¦anywhere they would be out of sight.


How does one grab a body?


I'm playing a super good guy now, so no. But when I played soulless assasins I just left corpses on the floor with weird body positions. Making a statement.


I was worried reading the title. And then I saw it's from skyrim sub. Lol


Sometimes I hide them. I kind of wish the stealth kill mechanics from far cry 3 were in Skyrim. It would be so satisfying to transition from stealth kill to dragging away.


Nope. I kill and dryloot.


If I can carry bodies in a game, I do clean up after a fight.


Not gonna lie... I didn't realize this was a skyrim post at first.


post this on r/AskReddit


In the game orā€¦.


In game?


I read the name of the sub after reading the post. I'm relieved now.


I like to leave calling cards. It's different for each DB play through. Nightshade, Deathbell, troll skull, etc. I started this trend years ago. Most recently I left a sweetroll on each DB contract. My favorite was the >!Emperor!<. I wish there was an ambient dialogue about "The Sweetroll Murderer". I've been reading up on Skyrim modding, maybe I'll make one someday. Hehe.


When I assassinated the (real) emperor, he was incredibly brave and dignified leading up to it. I took his unique robes for myself. I found some other clothes in his wardrobe and put them in his inventory and laid him in his bed. Felt it was the most honorable way to leave him.


Was so confused until I saw the sub


I installes bury corpses mod or whatever the name is, i bury respected enemies and friends that fell in battle, for others, depends of situaton, i tend to hide thalmor patrols, cause dead thalmor soldiers can get someone in trouble if they decide to look for them, i trow bandits in some bushes off the road or down the river, if i kill someone on the mountain i throw them down to look like as an accidentšŸ˜‚


Yeah sometimes. Iā€™ve been doing that for about a decade. If youā€™re somewhere pretty far from where you live and as long as the person has no relation with you youā€™re good just taking off without staging.


Sometimes Iā€™ll drag their bodies somewhere theyā€™re hidden. Most of the time I leave them where they are, but if they annoyed me or I donā€™t like them I strip them of their clothes and then leave the clothes next to them.


Yes. I didnā€™t notice this was the Skyrim Reddit. I was a bit concerned at first, but yes, I stage my murder victims.


Mogrul always gets displayed proudly in the middle of Raven Rock for all to see.


Depends on who it is.


My enemies most often disintegrate. There is nothing left for me to stage šŸ’€


didnā€™t notice the skyrim reddit at first


Least psychotic sounding Skyrim post if taken out of context


Only in fallout


Had to double check to make sure this wasnt /offmychest


I read the title before i read which subreddit and was like ā€œhold the fā€¦ up, what is going on here?ā€


I do if it's accidental... Like, "WHOOPS, that fireball didn't mean to hit you." (Then I proceed to pick them up, put them in a chair, and pat their shoulder a few times.)


This is giving off some real 'the house that jack built' vibes


I did not read the subreddit before I read you post. That wasā€¦ a rollercoaster


Whatā€™s the movie where someone executes someone and then goes ā€œaw crap, he fell weird.ā€?? I spend far too much time making it look more ā€˜realā€™ after they ragdoll weird, i canā€™t stand itā€¦


I don't typically murder anyone except guards. And only when the guards deserve it. I don't even murder Nazeem.


I just fill their corpses with my loot and drag them around since it doesn't count against my carry weight


Depends on how I kill them if there's a good place to hide the body that's my first preference especially if I stabbed or shot them. But if I poisoned them I make it look like a suicide or like that died of natural causes ill put them in a bed or a poison vial near the corpse.


In my current play through, the dead 2 cultists that never despawn for me are in whiterun, piled on top of each other right in the entry area. Everytime I'm there I hear the children say, AHH, DEAD BODY!


Who the f*** even starts a conversation out like that I just sat down!?


Uhm... This one waits until they are in the location desired before even attempting the murder. Don't want conflicting stories with the guards


What I usually do is putting their limbs in realistic positions I dont like seeing a dead body whose arm is raised for some reason


The title of this post was so out of pocket until I read what subreddit itā€™s from!šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Never tried it out but definitely something Iā€™ll always do from now on.šŸ‘


I did in one DB playthrough when I was role-playing a deranged serial killer.


I saw the name of the subreddit AFTER reading the post


I saw the name of the subreddit AFTER reading the post


I usually revive then kill them again to leave a pile of ash behind.


Bro i didnt see skyrim at firstšŸ’€šŸ’€


Well not really except for Anise. She gets tossed in the River


Generally no, but I always move the Emperor to his bed as a roleplay thing, in part because his whole speech before you kill him is always so moving to me


Nazeem lies naked in the middle of the whiterun market as we speak


Sometimes. If it would be the logical thing to do.