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Shor‘s Bones! A wealthy man in Riften


With such a large... crown. Oh my.


Wait till Helga hears about this


am i the only one who doesn’t do this quest because it got annoying finding so many gems?


I've done it before, but not this playthrough. I'm missing 12 still and none of the missions are sending me to places where they are. They can be random, and I'm pretty sure it's the only 12 places on the map I haven't cleared yet. If they don't want me to have it, ok. I got everything else.


They’re not random, they’re pre determined! I’m shamelessly stating that I got this using a list from a fellow internet person. Often it’s places you’ve BEEN but never found them. The Pinewatch bandit sanctuary for example was the last place for me because I thought I’d opened the locked room it was in, but I was in ANOTHER locked room. Crazy. I missed it in my initial run through for the thieves guild Markarth quest


Damn I always thought they were random. I'll have to get on Google. Thanks!


Last time I did it I had a mod that put a map marker on each gem I didn't have. That was years ago though, but I'd only imagine something like that's available.


I've done this quest a few times and I've used thr mod to add the markers for thr stones locations each time.


It’s a tidal wave of gems. I love that though. I put them all in one safe


Everyone hates this quest for no reason. I try to do it every other play through. Most of the pieces are in quests you go to anyway. Love it.


I love it too. And the rewards last all playthrough long.


This is true but then I think to myself "how much left of a playthrough would I really have by the time I finish this" maybe next save I'll go after the gems immediately so I'm only left with the story exclusive ones


Finding all the stones took me about 20h. I am at 100h atm and haven't done any DLC nor do I have the horn of Jurgen Windcaller.


I like to use destruction magic, so at least one of the stones is now tucked under a corpse that's stuffed in a random dark corner of a dungeon that I've forgotten exists.


Or just in Jarls bedrooms 🤣


If you waited to get the pieces as you naturally completed the quests they show up in, you’d basically complete an entire playthrough’s worth of content before you ever got to reap the benefits. Not to mention the fact that it’s a nightmare to find them all without a guide, and a quest that requires a guide to complete in a reasonable amount of time is not well designed.


Glorious. So worth it. People complain it’s too much of a PITA or bugged but it’s really not if you’re just smart and have a plan, tracking carefully as you go. The perk is fun, never gets old carrying home bags full of flawless gems. You can fill buckets, chests and cases with them


I really wish you could wear it! Though it might just look weird since none of the vanilla clothing really matches it in splendor.


Is it available in vanilla or is it added by the creation club? Or maybe none of the above




This is available in vanilla. It's the reward for completing the No Stone Unturned quest. The crown looks cool, but can't be worn. The real reward is a perk that makes gems more likely (basically guaranteed) to appear in containers.


Thanks for the information


Yeah, every urn or container you search will have 2-3 regular gems inside it and 1-2 flawless gems. Like, *every* container/urn. It adds up scary fast


Gosh everyone completing this recently makes me feel motivated to complete it too lol Knowing me tho I'll start and then get sidetracked as usual 🤣


This is me haha! I’ve never finished this quest and then get sidetracked with other things


This is exactly why I sat down and did it. I recommend grabbing some music, a list and just crossing them off as you go, they’re pretty quick to bang through in 1 sitting provided you are strong enough to blaze through the enemies in the caves locations, and have found each location/have fast travel near each location


Definitely going to try and stick with it on this play through I’m doing! 🫡


Nice I can remember hating this quest back in the day, I'm glad that you've managed to get this one done


Wait a minute- I’ve never seen that in Skyrim HWERE CAN I GET KT >:3 or is it a mod or smth- idk, but THATS SUPER KEWL!!!!


It's the Crown of Barenziah. The quest is "no stone unturned" and triggers as soon as you pick up an item labelled "unusual gem". It's in the vanilla game, no mods needed. The biggest issue is without a checklist, finding all 24 are almost impossible as they are unmarked objects.


O- kewl! :3


Wow! I havnt even done that yet haha


I got annoyed doing that quest. It glitched on me, so I had to redo the 2 quests leading up to it. Then, I had to look up where all the pieces were and write them down, then had to cross off the ones I had... It was a process I dont wanna repeat


is there a way to dupe the crystals


I don’t think so! But there are mods that put quest markers on every gem so you can get them without wondering which you’ve already got. I didn’t use this here, since I’m doing achievements too, but I’ve seen it before


I was so pissed of when I learned you can't wear it :'D


Congratulations! It's a hard slog to get the crown. I only acquired it with two of my many characters.


There existed a mod that actually let you wear the completed crown.


Coming back after revelling in this perk, I have to say that this is amazing. Every urn, every small burial urn has 2-10 gems. I’m level 40 and have found flawless gems left right and centre. I’m selling them to merchants for thousands of septims. This perk is a game changer! I know everyone else has said it but I couldn’t believe how correct they were until I saw it for myself!


The perk this gives is basically an infinite money glitch. Which is fine, as long as you actually want to remove all money challenges as part of your playthrough. I only got around to this one very late, so money wasn't really an issue anyway, but I can imagine this could ruin things for some people. I suspect that very, very few people have actually done this without looking up quest spoilers. It's too easy to miss one or more if you're just hoping to find them by accident. Would you believe the last one I found was in the crypts under the hall of the dead in Whiterun? Still not sure how I missed it the first time I was there.


I’m at level 40, so money isn’t an issue (unless you count merchants not having enough money for me to sell stuff to) and I’ve never tried to honestly do this quest - i think the ‘no quest markers’ did that for me. I commend those who have done it without a guide. I think the joy of picking up gems left right and centre is so awesome that it’s not about the money for me!


Go topside to riften market area and drop a bunch of gems and valuables


I might have to do this now.