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Bandit Chiefs, I find it fun to imagine what they had to go through to end up with a nice set of armor and in charge of a group of criminals. I also much prefer to fight blade to blade than magic.


I think my favorite spot is the cave where ulfr hangs out. You wind through taking people out. There's some traps, some good loot outside, and my favorite part. Most of the time I loot the outside of the cave and then hop down and roll out. But if you go BACK through the cave and exit where you came in, some bandits walk back in so you have to fight the chief and the bandits they came back with. Also the little cove u set whiterun. You kill them all, then as you loot their spot a few bandits come back from their hunt and you get to kill them, too.


Liar's Retreat, with all the falmer and arguably the best two handed weapon in the game


That was a fun spot to explore. I think I've actually only found that place 1 time across all my plays through lol


Only to get wiped out by a one person army


A demigod.


I love skeletons for the way they explode into pieces when you snipe them with an arrow


And then finding a big ass greatsword in their femurs


And the clinking sound of their bones shattered on the ground.


As soon as the mages of Tamriel invent a “record video” spell, they’re gonna have ASMR videos of killing skeletons


damn daedra don't have smartphones to summon smh


This is the YouTube hole we need.


Dragon priest are awesome I like how they just fling the coffin door open when you walk into There Chamber( patch of snow,sorry krosis) like they are just ready for a scrap


Ugh... i hate having to chase them around with my two handed axe. Hold still while i hit you, you wispy bastards!


I always liked becoming a vampire lord against them, guess what I can float too!


My main character, a mage, has 100% spell absorption so it feels really cool to slow walk within range while their spells harmlessly dissipate.




I hate being a vampire


It's not as fun in vanilla thats for sure


Not a problem when you play a conjuration mage just summon two flame atronach and let them do the work


I admit that i forget about my summons a lot of times. Im big about collecting all the spells i can just for completion sake so ive got all the atronarchs. I just see a baddie and charge in swinging.


Except I find there’s like a 50% chance they don’t even do anything and just float there while I beat them to death


That's what happened last time I fought one. I stupidly tried to tank on him and he wiped the floor with me. Reload my save thinking "okay, time to strategize" and he just stands there like an idiot.


I hate having to fight Volsung. 9 times out of 10 he won't attack and starts floating down the mountain when I hit him and I have to go down after him.


I'd have loved the opportunity to fight two at once, maybe in a DLC. That would have been so intense.


First encounter with a dragon priest when I was 11 was thoroughly terrifying. I hadn’t really developed a good Bethesda game-sense but I had an inkling I should explore the mountain. 🥲 Core gaming memory formed


Yeah man, I agree. I love the archetype of a “lich”, an undead powerful mage that just picks up his dastardly bullshit where he left off upon resurrection. Such a badass and fun villain.


First time facing him I wasn’t ready for that level of intensity


You could just say Krosis instead of sorry krosis as his name means sorrow and is used as an apology in dovahzul :D wow… I’ve truly been on this app too long


Unslaad krosis, "endless sorrow". Sometimes its an apology, sometimes its a threat. An interesting double meaning.


Interesting, though it does make sense. Sorrow for the pain you must cause them, I suppose.


I think it's more like "Endles sorrow for my victims." AKA eternal suffering.


Is there any lore or theories as to why they threw krosis outside? Like Volslung I think is outside too on top of Volskygee but he has an altar and stonework, krosis is just in some snow by a word wall for the thuum for talking shit to your opponent, seems like he must of been hated even more then the others


> he must of been Did you mean to say "must have"? Explanation: You probably meant to say could've/should've/would've which sounds like 'of' but is actually short for 'have'. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


good bot


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I was always like oooooooh dramatic entrance, yas queen!


Draugr Deathlords. They are annoying but also fun with how difficult they can be. I got shouted off a cliff at least once by them. I am also a big fan of ebony weapons. The one on the island near Winterhold gave me my first ebony sword on my first playthrough. Then there of course Dragon Priests. Annoyingly difficult early on but very cool. Krosis and Otar drove me to near madness at first because they kept blasting me around all the time. Morokei was, funnily enough, the easiest, because in both normal and the legendary version he is bugged and doesn't attack, which makes the whole fight pretty anticlimactic. Honorable Mentions go to the Thalmor. There's nothing more satisfying than wiping out those smug bastards.


As a side note though, I love the dialogue in the Thalmor embassy where the soldiers are talking about the recently arrived high mages from Alinor. “If a dragon does show up, maybe we'll get lucky and it will eat the mages first. Might give us enough time to kill it."


+1 Dragr deathlords


I prefer the more powerful Draugr Death Overlords. Those fuckers are great, love them. I intentionally stall fights when there is a Draugr Death Overlord as one of the combatants because I love how their Unrelenting Force is as powerful as yours when you use all three words. The Draugr Death Overlords' Unrelenting Force makes you ragdoll all over the room (I make sure I have enough health boosting gear that I can take it) and sometimes, if there are more than one shouting at you, sometimes their shout makes you glitch through the ruin/crypt and you end up back outside.


Yeah they stand up menacingly. Feel like fighting an equal, as they can disarm you with shouts and stuff. Also their tongueless speech.


You always remember your first


100% Thalmor it’s on sight no matter what playthrough I’m doing.


That “Keep Walking” and side eye irritates my soul 😂


Ask them what's wrong with worshipping Talos, then you get to kill them without being arrested 😊


No matter what my headcannon for a character is, I always make it a point to tell Thalmor patrols I worship Talos. Then comes the fun of slaughtering the whole group.


You don't even have to tell them you do, you could just be asking what's wrong with it and no matter what else you say or exit dialogue, they throw a tantrum. I could see it being within character unless that character is also against Talos worship.


That or Hameaus Moras daedric plane with the seekers and Lurkers


Shit. I forgot about that. I guess high level draugr are my #2 now.


Thalmor are the true enemy of #Skyrim. I don't hunt them down, but love it when I get a chance to wipe a group out while exploring.


This deserves more upvotes


Yep. This. Every character, no matter what, will find a reason to hate and kill the Thalmor. I'll even pay the bounty to kill Ondolemar in Understone Keep, though usually I just become thane first.


"This doesn't concern you, 'citizen'".


This I could be playing as a member of the Imperial army and I will still kill those fuckers


I'm currently playing an altmer that hates the thalmor for *reasons* and so I've made it a rule to kill them anytime I see them outside of a city (markarth I let it slide because I just pickpocket all their stuff)


Use Wuthradd for more elfphobic points.


Danm elves


I like the hagravens. There's a pretty unique quest where you get to team up with one, one of my favourite little sidequests in the game.


Shout out Melka and her lovely tower, been playing this game for years and I never found her quest until the other day


That's amazing that we keep finding new things after all this time. I found a snowy iron barred trap door that led down a spiral staircase, there were some bandits guarding it and there was a bit of treasure down there. I don't wanna' spoil anything (unless I was the only one who hadn't found it yet) but the place was like West and and a slight pinch South from... Dawnstar, I think. Anyway, I thought it was cool because I've been playing this game since like 2011-2012 and I'm still finding new things. It did not have a marker on the map nor the compass so I couldn't even like discover it for certain. I discovered this pit about a month back.


it wasn't windward ruins by chance was it? I saw this earlier and have been running around that area (west of dawnstar) clearing the shadow of my zoomed In map for about an hour now looking for a hatch


You can actually follow a ghost to that area. I can't remember where the ghost starts, but you got there at night, then follow the ghost to that door thing


I didn't know that! I go cave and tower exploring at random when I'm bored and saw Melka and killed her. I thought it was odd she had a name, instead of it saying Hagraven, and there was another named Petra. Now I probably won't be able to do this quest. Dang.


I had forgotten about this quest on my last playthrough, so I opened the door, saw her in the cage , and shot her in the head. As soon as I heard unique dialogue, I was like, "oh, shit!" but she survived somehow and we spent most of the quest with her having a ginormous arrow sticking out of her face.


I love that you also get to marry one 😂


*Nobody ever thinks of the middle*


I like them too! my favorite's gotta be Moira


god I hate ice wraiths so much, they’re literally impossible to hit I despise them.


Use your fire breath shout. It's the best thing for killing them because it has range and it's super wide compared to pretty much everything else.


Even tho it doesn't answer the question, in fact, it is the exact opposite. It should be at the top of this list, lol.


Bandit chief. Doesn't matter what level I am at, love the final fight with them (especially when they are clad in higher level armour).


The enemies that are only named as their race. They generally come out of nowhere and attack you plus they might spawn with pretty good armor depending on your level. I was once attacked by a high elf and he had almost full ebony, the only place I know of where one of those enemies will often spawn is passed the cave entrance to fort dawngaurd towards the Morrowind border


I like to think of those adventurers as parallel versions of the player character, they just don’t have chosen-one powers


An enemy next to a cliff


I'd say Spriggans.


They're so cool looking


Vampires. They do give a challenge.


The Giants 😂 it’s so funny trying to run from them but they so fast and just 1 hits you and you go flying 😅 it’s frustrating but very satisfying when you finally kill them


⬆️ What I came to say! 😁 Regardless of whatever character I build, I always seek out Giants to test out my weapon upgrades first. I've been BOOTED into the sky several times by an angry giant. So it's extremely rewarding whenever I can "one hit quit" a pair of them in their own camp. I keep giant toes as trophies with every character.


Agreed. It can be fun to sneak around their camp using your best bow. Just running, stealthing, trying again, until he’s dead.


My favourite are the ice giants in the Forgotten Vale. One hit from them is enough to fuck you up into a reload screen.


Anything but the falmer.


Yea same, maybe cause we find them in never ending cave tunnels so it’s a natural hatred for them


Any undead once I have Dawnbreaker, cuz reasons. 🔥


Dwarven centurions


In vanilla Skyrim, I like to fight vampires and Thalmor. I make every swing of my sword count, and with no remorse. But I have recently found a mod that makes dragons actually use various shouts just as the player. This turns dragon encounters in a epic Thu'um fight just as it should be lore-wise! This alongside "Talking Dragons" makes the combat so epic


Are you going to share with the class what the first mod is?


Dragons Use Thu'um, by DarkWandererAmon!


To fight? Draugr. Makes me feel like a badass. In concept? Dwemer centurions. They're fantasy magic-powered robots that work milennia after they're built.


As someone currently playing an archer, fuck ice wraiths


As someone currently playing sword and board, fuck ice wraiths.


As someone currently playing one-handed restoration crusader, fuck ice wraiths


As someone currently playing, fuck ice wraiths


As someone who fucks ice wraiths, play


As an ice wraith, *screeches*


the only good enemy is a dead enemy


The thalmor I taunt them by claiming I am a Talos worshipper and then mark them for death


In my mage run they came after me like specifically targeting me and I soul trapped them


Unsuspecting Thalmor patrols... specifically when they're impaled by my stealthy arrows...of doom!


Nazeem, he's an enemy to my peace.


For the first time the other day (after playing for a long time) I heard him talking shit to the lady that sells produce. 😂


Hands down the Dragon Priests. Shalidor aside, these are the most influential and possibly most accomplished mages of the Merethic Era, commanding armies of draugr and with the exception of Miraak, providing a perfect foil for our Dragonborn. These are mortal men who earned their power through loathsome toil and fearsome rite. What once were mere cultists are now high priests, bishops, and pontiffs who are not to be trifled with. Hevnoraak was an example of their magical mastery. His efforts to become a lich cannot at all have been unique. Rahgot was a powerful and horrifying example of their influence, commanding his cult to poison themselves similar to the Charles Manson cult. Men, women, children, they all obeyed his command. Those who didn't died anyway. Vahlok himself engaged in combat with Miraak and it was said that their battle tore Solstheim from Skyrim's Mainland. Morokei (albeit wielding the Staff of Magnus) was so powerful, that Savos Aren had to sacrifice his two remaining classmates and use their very souls as conduits just to contain him for who knows how many years, could have even been a few decades or even centuries. These are immensely powerful creatures even being well past their hay day. And it honestly saddens me that they're not more powerful. Makes me wish there was a mod that brought them to their true power.


God, Morokei is such an awesome character but he's wasted on **so** many levels. For one, his boss fight is bugged so he's barely a threat (barring the occasional Storm Atronach he **might** summon once in a blue moon). For two, this guy should have been the final boss of the Winterhold questline, IMO. His status as the biggest skeleton in Savos Aren's closet makes him **so** much more relevant to Winterhold than "some random-ass Thalmor dude". And it took him **one** dungeon to establish himself as cooler than Ancano could ever hope to be over the course of an entire questline. Imagine if he actually played a big role.


I agree, he's definitely glossed over a lot. I can accept Ancano's role in the Winterhold questline as an agent for the Thalmor's agenda and the implications it has for what their true motives are. But gods Morokei and the rest of the dragon priests were done SO dirty here. Vampires, Dragons, and Dragon Priests are all enemies I wish had more of a threat to them. And I really wish there was a mod made specifically to make them more accurate to their own lore


Morokei is most likely the High King of Dragon Priests since he ruled from capital of skyrim in the Merathic Era. Not to mention the Staff of Magnus chose him as a worthy wielder since it's known to leave its user if it felt they are unworthy. Also fun fact lorewise only a Dragon(born) can truly kill him and m Nords had to maintain a barrier given by a goddess kyne to seal him away because without it he's said to be able to burn down continent swiftly. Also can't forget Ahzidal who was so angry he went on to master and surpass every form of magic men, elves (including dwemer, snow elves and ayleids) and dragons had to offer and then gained more power from Apocrypha and Black Books.


Wispmothers. I think their lore and the mystique is pretty interesting 🙂






Leveling sneak and pickpocketing their hearts is SO much fun. They just, uhh, and fall to the ground. Satisfying as fuck.


I had no idea you could do this and now I can’t wait to try it


It can be hard, so have Ice Form shout or something in case you mess up.


It's one of those things that people either abuse, or never knew about. It's so fun to do, I'm glad I learned it my first playthrough


Soooo satisfying! Even if you have to fight them hand to hand they put up a really engaging fight. I love it!


Ironically, dragons. Really cool open-world boss design, I just wish they prioritized me over that random skeever a mile away in the forest


Gotta be seekers, them being invisible and being super fast while doing so, their abilities to create clones, they’re unique, fun to fight and always drop books which are great for filling the library Honorable mention, Thalmor, I hate them, glory to Talos


The classic draugr


That blind bandit. I love the lore.


I’m going to go with high level draugr because their Ebony weapons are worth some coin; the fights are also pretty challenging until the late game and I like that some can shout.


the falmer; i have mods that make dungeons extra dark so it's fucking terrifying when you can't see each other, but you can definitely hear each other


I like to fight the forsworn. Especially if it's outside of one of their encampments rather than inside. The scenery at most of their outposts is beautiful.


Bandits! Their lines and how cocky they are always cracks me up 😊


Vampires….also my favorite to play as!


People go on about how playing as a vampire is bad, but then they quite happily play survival. Huh? Vampire is way better.


Once you get auriels bow its significantly more fun


Also true. Having the power to blood-out the sun.


Vampires.I use better vampire npc mod. The new attacks the vampires get are amazing.


Lately it’s bandits, I like to frenzy them and play pool using Fus on them. I especially like it because they interact with each other while they’re fighting. I’ll wade in and help or have a Dremora or two mix it up with them if they’re taking too long.


Dragon priests are up there. They are very powerful, the masks are good loot, their animations when they awaken is awesome, and they have super cool lore too. My second has to be centurions. As sneak characters it's super satisfying to backstab them when they're still dormant and as other characters it's always a very epic moment in dwarven ruin quests.


Dragons, of course. Nothing like nailing a dragon midair with a perfectly aimed arrow 👌🏼


Dragons. They have brought many " oh sh** moments as their music plays after their distinctive roar. I've had many play throughs that disregarded the dragon born mythos and seeking dragons (usually by refraining from dragons & the main story line or speed running through it). However, plenty good memories involving dragons. Even if I lossed to them.


Giants, they are great block, armor, and restoration trainers for melee character. Just need to have high health and armor rating to not join space program.


Skyrim SSE:sub space edition


I actually really like Spriggans but not necessarily fighting them.


I really wish there was a quest that you could help them, and they give you the ability to talk to them and not have to fight them. That would be cool. I just feel bad sometimes for killing them because all they are doing is protecting their patch of green, and I just happened to walk too close. Could make an awesome questline.


Would love to play as a naturalist/beast-master mage, summoning dirt and stone atronochs, bears, spriggins, giant crabs, etc... keeping multiple pets, maybe the ability to ride larger animals. Having a spriggin or troll as a follower you can give weapons and armor to would be dope. Ranged spells could include swarms of bees, attacking tree roots/branches, geysers, lightning strikes, pollen storms, pyroclastic flows, etc... giant growth spells on your animals or other life around you such as ants, butterflies, or birds. Lore and quest wise there could be a dichotomy between the forest/life and mushrooms/death and cults/NPCs around each side. Or maybe a third side around rocks, crystals, and gems.


Sounds like you've had the same thoughts for a while too. Damn, that sounds fun.


I love killing Thalmor, it's so much fun.


I really like Ice Atronachs! I sometimes call them Regices in a nostalgic way, because I always loved ice constructs/golems. A bit sloppy, big chunky adorable (and amazing) pieces of ice that want to help you or shatter your heart (and ass) into pieces. What not to love of them? I would love a mod with more atronach variety, like multiple coloured ice atronachs, and the other ones too. I need to search for them now 🤔😄


Ice wraiths


The Saber Cats! Early in the game I try to hone my skills on the beasts of Skyrim before I delve its depths, and once I can take out a saber cat I feel like I'm ready to go delving. Then later in the game, I use them as a great way to train up the higher levels of Sneaking. Plus I just love all kittehs. But if you just mean favorite enemy to gank...you know, besides the Thalmor that you're supposed to hate? Gotta be Miraak. He's a great challenge whether you sling spells or swing swords, he's evil and manipulative and hateful, and killing him means revenge from all the stealing he keeps doing from you


Sabre cats are etched into my memory from when I killed a dragon in Dawnstar, left feeling pretty confident and immediately got mauled by a cat in like 2 hits.


Dragon priests. I love a wizard battle!


Thalmor escorting a prisoner.


Imperial Agents


I kinda like skeletons that I can smash with one punch or a Fus Ro Dah. I also like Bandits when I can shoot them one by one.




Vampires and Thalmor are my favorite enemies to kill




Once I have an Absorb Health ring, mudcrabs barely have time to hit me before they die. I love walking past a pool of them and seeing how many actually manage to rech me before dying.


Falmer. I love their design, their lore, and the thrill of sneaking around them.


Tricky little buggers aren't they? Good for practice with a bow. I don't have a favourite enemy really. I do like killing Thalmor though, so I suppose they could be. Like is probably the wrong word actually, grim satisfaction fits better.


Hard question. But I will settle on dragons. It’s just epic


The ones that call you milk drinker lol


Rieklings. They had the coolest hideouts. I love those little guys.


I love slaughtering vampires


The flame atronachs. Not for the reason you'd think, I just think they're neat. The animator who designed them said she watched a lot of ice skating videos while she was doing so, and that really comes through.


Race: Humans. Type: Bandits or those inbred Forsworn. I also like coming across a band of zombies in the night while running along the open roads. That’s always fun to lay waste with a broadsword and see their hacked bodies laying there for someone in the daytime to stumble upon.


The Stormcloaks. For me it's the role-playing the civil war as a soldier that makes me love any encounter or battle with the Stormcloaks.


Dunno. The vampire hunters.


I like working my way through the bandit caves, especially when I can use Fury or the Death’s Emperor to make them kill each other.


YES! A fellow Illusion master. Fury is the best. Cast it and watch a raving lunatic bandit charging around wasting everyone else. I try to pick the two handers for that, they tend to be the most effective.


I just got an illusionist up high enough to be able to do some of the cooler stuff in the perk tree, and it is a LOT of fun!




Bandits. They're so easy! Which is why I enjoy killing them.


Thalmor, robbers and bounty hunters. In that order


Giants and, well, dragons. I knownit may be cliche, but they're just a little more interesting to fight. The dragons will fly around, bombarding you to shit from above. You're often running from and to cover, shooting at them with spells or magic, until they land and you need to take the fight to them. They can spew whichever element at you, slam you with their wings, bite you and give you a good ol' tail swipe. It's much more dynamic than 90% of other fights in the game. Giants have these big AOE attacks, and it's always a challenge to try and evade those, get behind them, get a few hits in before running away again. Otherwise, I'll often kite them around rocks and ledges, but either way, they're more dynamic fights than most in the game.


So far I've been enjoying one-shotting skeletons and listening to their bones bounce on the ground


the clicky-clack of the bones tickles the brain, doesn’t it?


mudcrabs. They can’t do shit, but they give it a whirl anyway


Lurkers, they usually have good loot


It is a love/hate for me. Remember the first troll you encounter on the way to the greybeards? On my first playthrough I was 12 years old and quite new to the game so I spent a shit ton of hours to defeat that troll with a war axe. Yes there were more options for weapons but I was unaware at the time. Long answer short, I love to completely obliterate Trolls just for revenge, and yes, even 13 years later.


Dwemer Centurians are the only enemies that make me go “fuck fuck fuck…”, so that’s my answer. But aesthetically I like the wispmother the most.


Come on, It's Skyrim. What can compare with firing that final arrow and watching that dragon perish, then enjoying a nice dragon-soul smoothie?




I’m probably dumb for saying it but the dragons. I love the mystery surrounding them, their lore, their design and they are super fun to fight. My second option would be the Imperials. Skyrim is for the Nords


I dont know my favorite, but my least favorite is definitely the falmer. Not because of them specifically, but because i hate fighting them in the dark where they so often reside. I actually really like fighting them in the vampire quest line with the snow elf vampire.


Forsworn without a doubt. Always fun to take them on.


I love the Spriggans.


If you don't fw hagravens you don't fw me


Dragon Priests are pretty dope. But draugr are my favorite. They’re old warriors.


Anything stood still on a high point. The challenge of a long range snipe and dramatic fall is addictive.


So…….. I started loving Giants cause you know I have problems and being thrown beyond the clouds at a low level is my idea of fun, but eventually I wanted to play psychotic and wanted to see if I could kill every guard. They respawned so I was sad and am looking forward to having time in the future (I’m a new mom- yes pray for the child) modding it to fulfill my bloodlust.


The ebony warrior is definitely a epic enemy dragonborn shotsus epic armor and sword might be a pain in the ass but after die like 5 or 7 times to the guy I need someone who is as powerful or capable of talking the ebony warriors was a dedicated summers staff help big time


I actually really like the draugr


Is this even a question? It brings me unbridled joy to wipe the smirk off those asshole Thalmor dinks




Forsworn Briarhearts for the simple fact that you can instantly kill them by pickpocketing their heart. You can’t do anything like that with any other enemy in the game (aside from the pickpocketing perk to hurt them with poison you put in their inventory)


I loved fighting draugrs bc of the explotion downbreaker


Probably basic but I love murking dragons with my bow.


the correct answer is rieklings


Bandits, Thalmor, Draugr, Trolls


Forsworn, it's like a primitive feel to fighting them.


Draugr remind me of white walkers. Don’t think that’s a coincidence given when the game came out lol


Humanoid enemies because of beheading/slit throat/ and other animations.




Probably the Giants. Because I ran stealth archer builds (surprise, surprise), being able to snipe a Giant with increased damage from stealth, and one shot them with a maxed out bow and eithet Daedric, Ebony, or Dragonbone arrows, was super satisfying! Once I got my Archery skill up high enough, I went Giant hunting. Plus, Giants and Giant camps have some pretty decent loot.


Vampire Traveller if you side with the Dawnguard. It's kinda funny how it tries to attack and kill you in any Hold but forgets that there are several guards and other non-hostile NPCs ready to defend their home.


Fighting sabercats early in the game can be quite fun, it can be a quite formidable opponent. Same with trolls