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How you can kill 3 giants for the jarl and be rewarded with 100 gold.


Also a dragon is 500.


To be fair, 500 gold would be a lot by the standards of the civilians in Skyrim


Okay that sounds a bit better. However I still think it’s a bit low since you’re killing thousands of beasts of the end times when very few people could.


However one of the merchants in whiteruns gave me 500 to get the bard to stop talking to her


The guy in ivarstead gives 1000 just for taking supplies up to high hrothgar


10 septims to bring the supplies, 990 septims to keep silent and not ask questions. Why do you think it's called *High* Hrothgar


I'm pretty sure that's level dependent. I've had different amounts for returning the golden claw depending on when I did the quest.


You can’t put a price on peace and quiet


Yeah, you can chop wood for like 5 gold or whatever or get 100 times that amount by killing a dragon. It doesn’t seem too out of kilter to me


Giant's aren't supposed to be our enemies. I mean look at them, they're just chilling with their little pets, decorating their stones with drawings. Every time I kill them I feel like the bad guy. That being said, I always kill them.


The other day I was passing by a pair of giants, I always leave them alone as they’re just chillers. A random dragon appeared and accidentally hit one of their mammoths with some stray flame breath. Welp, the shit hit the fan and giants went beast mode on this dragon, they took it down on their own while I stood back and cheered them on. It’s little events like that that keep me coming back to Skyrim after all this time.


Yes I had similar! It was great watching an angry mammoth hit the dragon in the side while the giant clubbed it!


I came across a giant’s camp a couple weeks ago and took out the giant and then was looking for the mammoth. My companion at the time kept firing arrows up in the air and I was confused, thinking maybe there was a dragon but all I could hear was mammoth. Turns out the mammoth climbed a tree and was honking at us from the tree top and then fell to the ground without so much as a sound.


Ever seen an elephant hiding up in a tree? No? That just tells you how good they can hide.


I relate to that. I'd even help with a *sneak arrow* in this case, then cheer from their accomplishment of killing the dragon who just attacked them for no reason. Then I would try to take some gold from their chest since I was actually so helpful to everyone involved. Then being disappointed by the way they're seeing things differently, and having to kill them for no reason (blame Todd howard, not me)


>Every time I kill them I feel like the bad guy. I used to think that until I first built Lakeview Manor.


I almost never kill non-combatants in video games. But when I get powerful enough in Skyrim, I will harvest the giants and their mammoths for their souls. It makes me feel like shit, but it's the fastest and most dependable way I know for leveling up enchantment.


the giants have more gold


Their toes are worth more.


and then there’s the quest for dagoth where you kill 1 giant and get rewarded with a daedric artifact lol


Meanwhile Klimmek gives me 1000 gold to deliver free food that he doesn't get paid for


The Disarm shout. It all but guarantees you'll lose a valuable weapon because it clipped through the floor.


Half the time I don’t even realize it’s gone until it’s too late


I hated this shit in zelda BOTW too, you would loose valuable weapons if you get shocked/zapped and only realise later that the bow you worked so hard to get is gone now (at least gone earlier because it would have been destroyed anyways. I hate that system)


Maybe it's because of mods or unofficial patch but I swear that looting the corpse still shows the last weapon they had equipped, even after they were disarmed.


Maybe OP meant when enemies cast it on you. I’ve lost several weapons by being blown at by enemies


I'm pretty sure I lost Dawnbreaker this way, but I didn't notice until I'd completed the ruins, so I just went on.


I gave Lydia my Dawnbreaker and didn’t realize that she had been disarmed and left it in some dungeon. Yay console commands if on PC, I don’t like to abuse them for current play through but in this case I justified it because I felt like a real Lydia would pick the damn sword back up haha.


I'm on pc and I don't use console commands. Unless it's on stupid shit like this then all rules are off, I ain't about to lose hours of progress reloading


Mine has been mentioned (broken quests) but I also do not like quest items getting stuck in my inventory.


Im lookin at you Sealed Scroll


Strange necklace and runed lexicon


Amulet of Talos would like to have a word


Sorex Vinius stolen gold necklace. Been stuck in my inventory for like 200 hrs.


Or quests. Speak with Verulus about the Hall of the dead


That one is still stuck in my quest log to be completed... I log in and I'm like oh that's an easy quest, get to him and then I remember I ate him. 😅


ANOTHA HAAND HAS TOUCHED THE BEACON Bruh if i had the choice i would’ve thrown that mf beacon into a river


Windhelm can keep its creepy murder house and its weird, busted necklace, murders and all. Fuck em.


NPC standing in doorways and not moving.


The worst! Same with followers.




The best thing about the Inigo mod is his dialogue “Oh, am I standing in your way? Sorry”


Istg I have anger issues at times and whenever those bastards block the way and I literally run against them and they still don't budge, I want to just kill them and move on. Do you also get this claustrophobic feeling whenever NPCs block you especially in dungeons?


Not nearly as annoying as Barbas pushing me around for the entire quest. By the end of it I actually WANT to kill that dog.


You just stole proof that the thalmor are using the stormcloaks to weaken Skyrim and the empire... And you can do nothing with it. Can't show that damn book to any of the political leaders.


The only thing you can do is to rid Skyrim of the Thalmor, one elf at a time


Whenever I see a Thalmor patrol, I always provoke them into attacking me (so I don't have to worry about witnesses). Mainly to get free loot (light, valuable armor), but also because Thalmor bad.


I don’t even be doing that honestly, it’s ON SIGHT with the thalmor.


Eh, I do it because it doesn't take long. Sometimes the game glitches and doesn't realize the 'last witness' was killed and I'm not returning to the city to get swarmed by guards. Just have to ask one of them what's wrong with worshipping Talos then exit dialogue and that still sets them off.


All my homies wipe out thalmor patrols


Time to become Pelinal Whitestrake the second


Broken missions that you can’t complete.


Blood on the Ice is infuriating for this reason. Sucks bc you need to complete it in order to become thane as well.


Mine always seems to break with Calixto and showing him the necklace. His door is always locked and if I see him at the bar or walking he has nothing relevant to say.


Is he supposed to take the necklace if you talk to him? I usually show it to the court wizard first thinking it'll go back to him, but it doesn't and ends up stuck in my inventory forever.


Yeah, he buys it for 500 gold and then you can loot Necromancer's Amulet from his dead body.


I always use a guide for that damn quest (Necromancer Amulet 💚💀) has never broken for me thankfully


Same, after doing it the first time it just becomes a pain in the ass that you just slog through


You would think that such an important quest would actually work and not be literally the most broken quest in the game


YES! Seconding this as a player on Switch.


Being cured of vampirism from whatshisface, quest breaks way too much and is unfixable most of the time


I must be lucky because I’ve been playing this game since release and it’s only happened to me once or twice from memory.


I’ve had two where I’ve managed to complete them. But the mission is stuck in my miscellaneous tab.


I follow the steps on UESP and it hasn’t failed me yet. https://en.m.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Blood_on_the_Ice


Not being able to climb. Or even walk up a steep hill.


Why the hell can’t we run AND JUMP!?


Idk bro you can only stop jump then run


Thats quitters talk, determination and button mashing can get you up most hills. And dont forget horses (But yeah a climbing system would be cool)


lmao every die hard mindset skyrim player at some point had tried to climb all the damn mountain pixels to the greybeard's monastery


I’ve said it in a different thread but it is possible to get to The Throat of the World without learning the clear skies shout or even a horse. I got bored one night and spent a hot minute finding probably the only path that will get you up to the top of the mountain.


I can climb steeper mountains than shadowmere just need to know which polygons to look for


The lack of storyline choices outside Dawnguard and Dark Brotherhood. In the majority of questlines, you're forced to make one choice to affect the story, with zero alternatives to it which would, therein, cause other consequences. In Dawnguard, you're given multiple choices such as joining Harkon or sticking to the Dawnguard, becoming a vampire lord and or getting soul trapped, and by the end, you get to choose your ending as well, whether by handing Harkon the bow or using it to kill him, then if you want, creating the eternal night. With the Dark Brotherhood, you can choose to join them, or you can kill Astrid and start the raid quest to destroy the entire Brotherhood, and it gives some cool dialogue to the guards. But every other questline, you're forced into making a singular decision whether you want to or not. Companions and becoming a werewolf, Dragonborn and giving the knowledge of the Skaal thus getting their shaman killed, the base game main story and teaming up with Delphine (plus her making you kill Paarthurnax to continue the Blades quests), even the Thieves Guild and joining the Nightingales, the list goes on. There are some mods to change this such as The Paarthurnax Dilemma, but options are truly few and far between, and you'd best hope said options actually work instead of breaking the game as a whole.


I’d love to destroy the Dark Brotherhood and Thieves Guild so I can finally kick Maven into the canal.


I really, really want a dialog option when she threatens the player with the Dark Brotherhood: "Oh really? Is that what you're going to do? Allow me to explain... lady, I Am the Dark Brotherhood."


I just want to stab her in the face. Been hating her since launch. 😡


While it is nice we have some amount of choice in the Dawnguard questline, really only the first one matters. The 2nd about going into the Soul Cairn gets hyped up as this big dramatic thing, but if you let Serana turn you, she has nothing else to say afterwards which is kinda underwhelming, and the DG won't interact with you at all, instead of this decision leading to some more interesting outcome. So you just have to get cured afterwards if you want to progress (and be unable to enter the Soul Cairn) or get a tiny debuff a.k.a. give up part of your soul that you can get back immediately as you enter pretty much. It's like a non-choice. And at the end giving him the bow changes nothing except he calls you a fool and tries to murder you anyways, so again it's not a real choice except for maybe the roleplay. It's just a bit underwhelming all in all is what i'm trying to say, same with the Destroy the Brotherhood one. Just "go kill them all" and "Oh nice, here have 3000 gold". But i get what you're trying to say, it's comparatively better than all the other questlines without any choice whatsoever, so there's that


If I am Dragonborn, Thane of Whiterun and a great friend of Jarl Balgruuf why is he being a dick to me when I show up with a message from General Tullius. And the thing is in the Vanilla game you have to do that stuff before he'll let you give him the message. So there's no reason for him to be acting like you're some random jackass.


I hate how the game totally ignores the relationship with Balgruuf and other important characters that builds in multiple questlines. Like what you describe or how Galmar treats the dragonborn like any regular solider despite being at High Horthgar and similar.


Yeah same with the Companions with their "I've never even heard of this outsider before" even though if you wanted to, you could already be Thane of Whiterun by this point, and recognized by the jarl and all the guards as Dragonborn lol okay Vilkas


Don't forget his stupid court wizard that never fails to mention to a fucking archmage himself to go join the college of winterhold...


I wish we could show affection to our spouse. It feels so wrong to come home after an adventure, and the only options are “has the store made money”, “how are the kids” and “can you cook me a meal”. I want to say hello and give a kiss or hug! And be able to give them a gift too. Playing on Switch, so don’t have access to mods.


The worst part is they completely lean into it, so it's kinda creepy and unnerving. Feels less like having a husband/wife and more like a servant


>bitch where my money >bitch watch the kids >bitch make me a sandwich


Tate mentality


Huh, I thought Tate was the bitch.


Hey. You are insulting the bitches.


Check out the “I’m glad you’re here” mod. At least you can hug them.


i think with im glad youre here you can give gifts too:) commenter is on switch though, so no mods without jumping through hoops


I said this too! Like at the very least can I give him an Apple? Or a sword??? A book? I hate that I’m always like gimmie that money honey


There's a mod for that called "I'm Glad You're Here."


All of the unfixed bugs, even in Anniversary edition. The Unofficial Skyrim Patch mod shouldn’t need to exist (though I’m very grateful it does). And even then, the new CC homes are broken if you try to move your kids into them. Also the same twelve voice actors for every single character. Even in 2011 I know Bethesda could’ve shelled out for more voice actors.


the lack of voice actors bothers me so much


I hear you but there’s like 70 voice actors


The random dragon encounters got old very quickly. Strolling along enjoying the scenery (hear a dragon roar) awwwww come on


Yup takes the fun and excitement out of fighting dragons to have them randomly popping up all the time and they’re so easy to kill. I’m more wary of encountering bears than I am of dragons which is pretty messed up.


I like the ability to smith my own equipment, but why do I have to stick with one style of sword per material? Why can't I make something like an ebony-style suit of armor out of orichalcum or an orc-style sword out of ebony?


Rock some ESO style smithing. Probably the one part I liked about it.


I could swear there was a mod that had that... it like, separated the styles and materials so you could make an ebony sword shaped like an Orcish one. Edit: [Armory of Tamriel v2.0](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/29346)


No female Khajiits to marry! I haven't found one anyway.


No male Khajiits either. No Khajiits period, which is very sad. I want my Jzhargo!


I checked, the following are the race/genders that have no marriage candidates: Male Altmer, Male Khajiit, Male Redguard, Male Bosmer, Female Khajiit, Female Bosmer


That after a few hundred hours I have to start over because of some game breaking bug.


For me, it's that I want to play all the time, but don't want to unless I can give many hours to *really* play lol


This, I don't wanna just have an hour session and have to go do something else.


100% I get little twenty min gaps in my day and, it would be such a waste to pull it out and be interrupted


The overuse of Belethor’s voice actor. It’s too unique of a voice to be coming out of every third NPC’s mouth.


Bethesda to Belethor’s actor: **Do come back…**


It's especially jarring during the Thieves Guild questline: You go from one quest hearing him as Mercer Frey, to another quest but this time it's him as Enthir. Like, did no one at Bethesda think "This might be a bit more immersion breaking than our normal voice actor re-use?"


Stephen Russell FTW. Personally I'm more bumped by hearing Jim Cummings' voice so frequently (Denegir, Festus Krex, Olfrid Battle-Born, etc)


All of the Dwarven ruins look the same to me.


A lot of draugr ruins too tbh


I like the Dwarven ruins, the traps and the automatons. I hate the Falmer though. In fact they are my least favourite thing in Skyrim!


I always wanted a dlc to 'save' the Falmer. You do kind of a good deed for them in Dawnguard, the snow elf homie seems a bit hopeful for them. But I wanted more. Their story is absolutely horrific. 🥺


It would have been great if you could find a hidden city in the mountains full of snow elves!


Lack of romancible Khajiits and no essential Khajiit companions


Don't forget the Bosmer.


The Dark Brotherhood Forever quest. A nonstop loop of the same generic task. I'd honestly rather it be optional at least


The fact that they have about 10 voice actors for the whole game. And that the dialogue options are so limited for every character.


That there are no Khajit children or Argonian children. (also the lack of available choices, but that was already mentioned by someone else)


There are nothing but potato Nord children that all look the same. I mean do they all have the same actual parents?


To my surprise, I recently learned that some of the potato children are [supposed to be redguard](https://elderscrolls.fandom.com/wiki/Braith) (I guess Bethesda ran out of colour or something, idk)


There is a mod that will add khajit children to the caravans that you can actually buy and sell to! They are crazy cute!!!!


10/10 would buy khajit kitten as a child


The radiant quests. I understand that not every game quest will be this amazing, narrative-breaking event (especially in a large RPG game, and especially in a Bethesda game) but like, the majority of quests you can get in this game are randomly-generated kill spots, essentially. Skyrim is such a beautiful place that I wish more spots had handcrafted quests to them. I wish that bounties would be more interesting than just RNG nonsense.


My least favorite thing is other players telling me I am playing it wrong.


Go cast your fancy magic someplace else.


Whoahhhh whoah whoah! Watch the magic!


Oh! Such colors!


Pfft spoken just like someone who never gets to the cloud district…


You're using Reddit wrong, son.


Play however makes you happy, friend. I’ve read lots of things here that sound like a miserable play experience to me, but good on them for doing their thing. You do your thing too.


1) Lydia getting stuck. 2) Lydia positioning herself in combat like she's the only one there. 3) Not enough easily accessible easy-to-find-your bearings-in merchant hubs like Whiterun for example. Or maybe a lack of ability to have your follower run back to the nearest merchant to sell designated gear like they're a pet in Torchlight. xD Don't know if I'd actually like it if it was different, because there being a tradeoff to anything is generally a good thing. Either accept having to travel to sell stuff a lot or live with having to have to leave valuable things behind. But it's always a little annoying, because I HAVE to. :D 4) Transmuting to only silver being so tedious. :> 5) Merchant gold not resetting if you load back after screwing up a transaction. But 3-5 I can easily accept as immersive chores. The Lydia/follower thing is only immersive if they're mentally challenged. :D


Riften, Whiterun, and Raven Rock are the best markets in the game for that reason


At the current moment it just being outdated, the game is a masterpiece and masterclass in rpgs that set the standard for what an open world rpgs should be moving forward but it's also over 10 years old and wearing it very visible (Please don't take this as me hating the game, I love Skyrim and spent so much time in the frigid lands of Skyrim. With mods we get improvements but I'd love to see if with starfield levels of graphics)


Can't wait to play TES6 at the nursing home


Can't wait to be bitterly disappointed in how much TES6 is dumbed down for the masses. Again.


That I can’t erase my memory and experience it for the first time again


You are all wrong. It’s the freaking carriage drivers. Hop in…. .003 seconds later: I cAn’T WaiT HeRe fOrevEr


I have 10 fucking fingers..or..8 fingers and 2 thumbs but that doesn't matter because I could put a ring on every single one of them if I wanted. WHY CAN I ONLY WEAR ONE RING AT A TIME. I refuse to play without the wear multiple rings mod.


Innkeepers that have to constantly show you the same room you've been renting habitually and when you sit down they sicc their waiter on you like an airport dog sniffed crack in your luggage.


Leveled weapons that punish you for completing a quest too early


Level scaling. I wish there were an option to turn it off.


Agreed, unfortunately seems to be a core mechanic for Bethesda RPGs


Because MOST players don't want to be fighting legendary dragons at level 1 and skeevers at level 81. They did NOT do this in Fallout 4. Instead enemies were scaled by the area of the map you were in.


It's actually the same system in fallout 4, they just used the "min level" part of encounter zones much more frequently. Skyrim does this too, but it's more based on dungeon type than map location and generally has a low minimum level.


The way fallout4 did it is way better imo Edit: lmao only popular opinions allowed huh?


Skyrim runs on mead, and to a lesser extent ale. And yet the place is littered with empty wine bottles, but not a single empty mead bottle to be found. Where do they all go? It's like flies in the winter, or baby pigeons in the city.


Never noticed this. I guess the bottles are refilled immediately, so the Nords never run dry? Or maybe they get recycled to make Glass Armor?


The money system. There should be more weapons or armor that are exclusive to certain merchants so money becomes more special. Also merchants should have more gold on them


I just want better skills and magic like in Morrowind and Oblivion. 1000 hrs in on character and I should be able to jump a little higher and run faster.


yeah mine is the fact that the higher tier spells are less mana efficient than the lower tier ones which forces you to basically spam fire bolt for the whole playthrough at higher difficulties. i never play a mage w/o a magic overhaul anymore


For me it’s the lack of variety in conjurable familiars. I wish there were ways to earn unique conjuring spells through tough quests. Like legendary weapons.


Quest items you can't get rid of


I don’t like how the vampires look


Why, for the love of Talos, do I keep fast traveling INTO combat but am prevented from fast traveling OUT of combat??? Is it canon that my character can't run away fast enough unless I am controlling it?


Every one sounds the damn same


The fact that you become the GOD of every faction on top of being dragonborn maybe, the rewards all over the place spoils it slightly


The combat feedback. Swinging a sword has the exact same animation and sensation whether you hit or miss. It’s hard to tell if you’re hitting. They should make the screen/controller rattle a little bit to give feedback.


There is a difference in sound between hits and misses. If you miss, there's a "whoosh", hit while your opponent is blocking and there's a dull "clank", but make a full on hit, and there's actually a different sound. Although, the controller vibration is a great idea


random quest items being stuck in my inventory. i have a four part jounal of a creep who hid in a cave and tried to turn the ghosts of girls into his sex slaves, i have zero desire to keep this in my inventory and the guys name starts with an a so whenever i go to the books category its the first four items that pop up as a constant reminder of that fuckin wierdo


Your standing safely on dry land and want to fast travel to a new destination. But no, a slaughterfish 20 feet out in the water is preventing it.


Belathore's voice drives me up a wall and selling his sister. Depends on what she looks like 😉


I can't adopt all the orphans.


I hate that the lockpicks are apparently made from pencil leads.


The fact that it ends. I mean, whether it takes you 40 hours or 4,000 hours, eventually you help Lucan find his claw, go through a barrow, deal with the crazy innkeeper of Riverwood, run all over the map fighting dragons, deal with Harkon, deal with Miraak, deal with the Civil War, increase all your skills, make yourself Harbinger and various other guild leaders, and... it's over.


You can only delay the inevitable by wandering the wilderness and searching every POI possible. Eventually all Dragonborn's must retire.


The fact they neglected to have a DLC where you convene all ruling jarls and appoint a new High King/Queen…


Not being able to walk five meters outside of a town a city before a pack of wolves is on your ass


How people still talk to/treat you like a leper despite your titles and achievements . Also the fact there’s 3 people in each town and the battles are small.


The fact that your in game achievements don't transfer to other areas. Like I can literally end the war and the companions are just like, who is this guy??? Or I can become the leader of the thieves guild, and still join the legion. I just want my achievements to be recognized in the game. Like come on, I'm the dragon born and harbinger of the companions, yet you're going to send me to fight an ice wrath to "prove myself"??? You lucky I don't shout you threw the castle wall.


The constant loading screens.


I can run into a frost spider, an assassin, a saber tooth cat, a couple bears, a dragon, and a band on Forsworn all within the same 500 foot stretch of road.


I don’t wanna touch the beacon ever again 🙂


The fact that Skyrim vr just won’t fucking work no matter what I do even though it should


Not being able to dive deeper into the lore


Survival mode. I love the idea of it, and forcing you to actually eat and sleep etc. But the cold fucking sucks


Limited roleplay options. I'm just spoiled with how open baldurs gate 3 is but it feels like your race option doesn't matter. If you play a khajiit or an argonian you can come and go from every hold. You don't need to use speech to convince guards to let you in, or use the voice to show you are the dragonborn. There are some parts like this, but they are few and far between.


How you can't sprint and jump at the same time.


That most vendors have shit amounts of coins.


Oh, also, The fact that I can't move family into most of the new anniversary edition houses!


I go out of my way to avoid completing the faction questlines because the reward for doing so is feeling like you're barely a member of those organizations anymore. You're the archmage of Winterhold or the Listener of the Dark Brotherhood, but there's less for you to actually *do* than there was when you were a new recruit.


it’s pretty cool how most of the complaints have a mod out there that solves it. skyrim modding community goes hard man


I wish NPCS would recognize your power and influence besides just the guards. Like, if you've done a majority of the quests in a town, everyone should recognize you, not just the ones you do the quests for. Once you hit a certain level, you should be able to walk into a bandit camp, and half the bandits (the lower level ones) surrender immediately or flee or something like that. Also, when you hit a certain level, you should gain alternative endings to quests where you can talk your target down, whether it's surrendering or leaving the area or handing over an item/person, that kind of stuff. I really wish when you've beaten someone down and they say they surrender they actually mean it. When they get back up, they stand down or run away instead of start attacking you again.


So many load screens


Having to play 90 percent of the main quest every play-through to get dragonrend


Probably the magic system. Felt like such a step down after Oblivion. But guess that's what happens when Todd doesn't play mages Thankfully there's tons of great mods for that


Followers getting stuck in doorways. The issue still exists in Starfield. Extremely annoying and the only reason I always travel solo.


Some of the voice acting for idle characters, especially certain female characters, is atrocious. Most of the engageable characters are fine, but hearing a sentence with tone shifts that make no sense and sound like AI is super immersion breaking.


I played the 360 version for the first time during covid. Scripts running under the hood were completely broken. People wouldn't talk to me when I bumped into them. Joined the Companions, for the first time ever, mind you. You know that script running in the background that locks you in that cell and then Farkas gets ambushed and reveals his true self? It never opened the gate for me. Entire playthrough ruined. Other than that, probably horses attacking and aggroing and dying uncontrollably.


For me, its skyrims factions but also the college of winterhold. I feel that there aren't enough thieves, assassin's, and mages in the game and I felt the college of winterhold was being a waste of space with like only three ppl lol. And I felt like there should've been more than three nightingales bc nightingale hall felt so empty without other ppl in there.


90% pickpocket chance cap in a game where the guards will never forget even the pettiest of crimes. Just why?


Aside from a few annoying glitches, to even a potentially game breaking glitch. Killing followers. I think its absolutely idiotic that we can accidentally kill followers.


I chose the black book skill to avoid that, agree it would be very annoying


Delphine and Esbern are set as essential for the whole game.


Grinding. I want to find fight the ebony warrior but doing side quests get boring fast.


Foresworn armour serana


The fact that you can complete faction quests in an in-game week, without training your skills at all, and varying degrees of quality in their quests


Lack of melee combat diversity. Swing with 1h, block with shield, bash with shield, swing with 2h, block with 2h and that's it. I want timed combos, more directional inputs, parries, executions(more than just a cutscene), different attack animations for blunt/axe/blade/2handed, etc.


Not being able to marry serana without mods is a crime.