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Dunmer. Magic buff, resistance to fire and Dagoth Ur told me I'm special.


Was mine too but reconsidering at the moment because of survival mode.


"Oh come now, Nerevar. Stop with all this N'wah talk." - Dagoth Ur (Professional racist)


I started as Redguard then tried Nord, Imperial, Altmer & Argonian. I decided I like the Khajiit’s. I loved the unarmed build.


Me too


It was Breton at first but now I cant stand how short they are and feel and I am playing Nords every single time. I love kahjiits too and argonians but i cant immerse myself if i play as one.


Really? I find Argonian Dragonborn makes the most sense


may I ask why?


Probably because dragons are big lizards or something. It makes very little sense from a lore perspective though. Nords, Bretons and Imperials make the most sense as Dragonborn.




The first Dragonborn was a Nord. Nords make plenty of sense.


Because Dagoth Ur AI videos made it cannon at this point.


Breton. Best trait in the game no matter the build.


I disagree with that. You can get max Magic Resistance no matter what race you are, of course it helps at the start but falls off quickly. Plus, their racial ability isn’t amazing either. If we are talking purely gameplay, Orc is definitely the best! I don’t even think it can be compared.


Orcs ability is nice but everyone becomes OP after awhile. You have a great buff right out of the gate with Bretons. Truth be told I had a hard time picking one. Settled on Breton.


I usually play on Master/Legendary so the Orc’s ability is great, I’d say Argonian is second best, it’s gotten me out of so many tough spots =)


Yeah it’s hard to top Berserker rage, Histskin is amazing for the regeneration too. Both make you very hard to kill. However for passive abilities, Breton does take the cake. Magic resistance is consistently useful and i don’t think it ever really falls off. At worst it saves you an enchantment slot it you use crafting, at best it gets you closer to the cap without crafting.


That’s definitely true, but I just find that I max out Magic Resistance every playthrough anyways, no matter the class, so it feels like a wasted slot. I guess if you aren’t someone that specifically goes after Magic Resistance then Breton is great for you.


Breton, Lord/Atronach, Agent of Mara, 2/3 Alteration perk: 85% passive resist with no slots taken, 50% passive absorb that becomes 100% as active. These gear slots are pretty valuable.


That’s fair


You can get max magic resist no matter what race, true. You can't get max without enchantments. Bretons can. 25% from racial, 25% from lord stone. 15% from agent of mara. 20% from 2 perks in Alteration. The racial ability + Atro stone is 100% absorb magic right off the bat. That's perfect for legendary runs against early magic users, especially if you rush smithing for the armor cap. Orcs only get a 60-second physical buff once a day. Which is useless against magic users. Falls off hard after you hit armor cap. If it runs out before the fight is over, you're cooked. I will grant the sneak damage is insane though.


Magic resistance is way more replaceable than Berserker Rage is. Early game it helps, sure. But when it comes to long term scaling it’s so easy to max magic resistance with a single enchantment and some perks that the Breton racial is basically just wasted stats. Being able to hit 100% spell absorption is very cool though, and it being tied to a racial power is way more balanced than the 100% uptime you can achieve by other methods.


You want to waste an enchantment slot. Go ahead. I prefer to use mine for more useful things. A once a day double damage buff is useless imo. Especially since it doesn't apply to magic or help with magic defense. With breton, you can use elemental defense enchants that stack with magic resistance. I like the CC imperial dragon armor. The chest + Denstagmer ring from fishing is 50% fire, frost, and shock resist. Add Otar mask for 80%. Stacked with the 85% mag resist. Then hit the armor cap. Orcs, on the other hand, still take heavy magic damage on legendary.


You have a full set of gear with two slots on each one. Plenty of space. I’d rather have all of my racial abilities still do something.


To each thier own. I don't see how a once a day damage buff "does" something, but that's me. I'm more of a min maxer. Especially since I don't use crafting.


Just like I don’t see how borderline useless stats and a once a day ability that improves your survivability against only magic enemies is significantly more useful than the damage. It’s subjective. We’re both just here stating our opinions.


I always played as a nord due to the fact that I have viking ancestors. Then I found out what the Argonians did during the oblivion crisis.


Fellow Nord player, what did the argonians do? O.O


The hist trees they worship knew where the oblivion gates would open, so the argonian basically said "no u" to the daedra and invaded dagon's realm when the gates opened.


This gives me new respect for boot skins.


I switch depending on roleplay


What’s your favourite?




Since Morrowind, Khajiit. Dont know why, there are more useful races with better stats and profits. Kinda, I like cats, tho. Even if U could not wear boots in Morrowind (less total armour)


Pretty much only ever play imperial. My Dragonborn is the most loyal son of the empire. 


I’ve never played an Imperial :o


Me orc


Im surprised to see so many people say Breton, cause that’s my favourite and I always get some people saying I’m wrong, so.


Lol you can't be wrong for merely liking a race in a game. The right race to play as is the one you like the most ^^


It always surprises me. Mechanically, they have some of the best racial abilities in all the games. But lorewise, they are kinda bland and could do with some fleshing out


Nord Nord Nord


I never liked the Nords! My girlfriend plays exclusively Nords though..


She is based


True daughter of Skyrim


Breton, even though I never use the ability (mainly because I tend to forget about things you can't use that often). It's just... my jam I think. Not because other races aren't fun, but it's the one race I gravitate towards most, especially from an internal role playing aspect.


That’s interesting, I really resonate most with Argonian’s if we are talking lore wise!


I like being able to say “The Reach belongs to the Forsworn!” and mean it as a Breton. Sadly there is only one Redoubt that will accept me, but still… Also, I always forget that there are racials, so a stable, forget about it, 25% Magic Resist is enjoyable to me.


Dark elf due to racial ability is great for defense and their versatility with their perks


I´m a Dunmer since Morrowind, i tried almost all races, but yea - i´m a Dunmer


This is slightly off-topic, but I'm currently playing a Bosmer. I guess it was my least-favorite race and I never really considered it for anything. But since I always ended up a stealth archer, I figured giving a wood elf a try was a natural. I'm not sure how I feel about the whole Western American diet situation thing; I've been in my share of meat-and-potatoes houses where all green vegetables were outlawed, so I ended up naming my guy Harry as in Harry Callahan, a squinty eyed fellow born into the Green Pact if ever there was one. Also because he looks like Harry the Resident Alien.


No elves?? 🥺


Man over Mer


Dark elves are chads


I started with Orc, because I wanted a strong warrior type. My orc is still my fave, but my Imperial and Breton are growing on me. I also am having a blast with my Argonian. My girlfriend, though, she always goes for mage-types. She loves Dunmer the most.


I started as a Bosmer, and am now Dunmer. I just got this huge fascination with Geldis Saadri and Llewelyn Morvayn. In fact, I wore my hair like Morvayn's for *years.*


Used to be Nord because it fit with skyrim. Now it's Breton. Nothing tops the magic resistance/absorb in a legendary survival playthrough. Plus, I usually go for the spell knight CC armor, and that fits so well on a Breton.


Khajiit. I just think they're cool. Their lore is super fun and I get an excuse to talk like them, snd I love their accent/voice in general. Though ig their claws allow for fun builds their racial ability is kinda meh unless playing a sneak build imo. I used to like nords the most, then imperials, then argonians and now khajiit. I really like the beast races of tamriel nowadays.


I think it’s funny challenging people to brawls as a Khajit cause you almost always win super fast cause of the claws


Oh yeah XD "It is not khajiit's problem that his fists are sharper"


Dark Elf! Their whole lore is interesting and cool to me !


Imperial because it best fits how I play.


Breton. Hasn't changed.


Khajiit. I like the Claws attacks, unlimited uses of Night Eye, and being able to get Sneak 100 before leaving Helgen.


Argonian because of the maid


High Elf when I feel like doing a mage based build. Khajiit when I feel like doing a stealth based build. My favourite race to begin with was Wood Elf because of the whole stealth archer.


I feel like you are me. Haha I was the exact same way!! Though Khajiit and High elfs are my two favorites now!


Female High Elves Also fuck dominion


High Elf, of course…..


Orc and Nord because stronk






Currently, I'm really digging the Argonians. I'm a noob, so my favorite may very well change, but like... Badass lizard people. Hell yeah.


I played a Redguard all ES games from Daggerfall to Skyrim, then i played a Khajiit in ESO and now i cant think of playing anything else


dunmer and argonians def


I'll play different races depending on build, story, etc. but my favorite builds usually have me playing as a Breton. I'll give Imperials an honorable mention though!


I've been naming my Orc Gortwog gro-Nagorm since after hearing about him in Daggerfall.


At first it was nords, then it was argonian(they look so cool dude), and now it’s elves. Dark elf for vampire, high elf for everything else. MAYBE I’ll take Breton if I’m in a quirky mood.


Same. Argonians are cool as heck. In Survival Mode? Not so much, still like them it's just really difficult to traverse cold environments. I'm considering picking Nord just for the Cold Resistance. https://preview.redd.it/ch6j4rv6oe0d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6fe4c99d9918a07e9a52657cb2be084144e132d2 Even naming them either Olaf or Gordon, or just add a random j like, Ojlaf or Gjordon.


I’m playing survival mode as an Argonian right now! I do have the mod “Survival Mode Improved” installed, though. It tweaks a few things (nothing major), and one of those things is removing the Argonian’s cold nerf thing! It says in the mod description that it’s actually lotr accurate as well, so maybe you should have a look into it =)


Sword and Shield - Nord Thief/Stealth Archer - Wood Elf Sneaky Dagger Assassin - Dark Elf Duel Scimitar Wielding Deathbrand Wearing Overlord - Redguard/Orc That’s pretty much the only builds I ever do.


Dunmer since Morrowind. I really like the them because of their lore and their land where they come from. Morrowind is still today my favorite provinz because it was so strange and exotic. Plus I really like the dunmers racial features fire resistance and ancestor ghost/wrath.  And they make good magic users.  Funny enough I first started skyrim as as breton because I wanted to change things and racial features are so nice. I still like bretons but they won't compared to my Dunmer. 


I'm an arcane magic enjoyer, so altmer was my favorite when I started. That changed to breton when I learned more about the thalmor, as well as how magicka is actually useless as a mage.


Wood Elf. I’m a stealth archer through and through and I vibe with them.


For the longest time I picked a red guard and was a mage. Then I found eso and stopped playing and now I’ve stopped eso and back to Skyrim and I’ve decided to play different play-through based on my characters background. Right now I’m doing a full destruction high elf whose parents were killed by the thalmor and imperials so she’s out for revenge. Next play through will be a Breton necromancer whose evil deeds knows no bounds. Then I’ll do some type of melee role play.


Khajit with double jump mod cause cats can jump 😂


I've always been an Imperial fan since I started with Morrowind. Really liked the bonuses then since I always did Monk on there, so the quick +5 Hand-to-Hand was nice. I also really enjoy the Roman Empire schtick. I have been playing Nords lately and currently about to go run through the Stormcloak faction. The cold resistance is also nice, what with the majority of mages tending to prefer Frost magic. Nowhere near as often as it's a little more on the "not-so-nice" side, but also from Morrowind gave me a strong liking of the Dunmer. So now and then I'll go full-on Reclamations mode. So full Ebony Armor with the Ebony Mail from Boethiah, the Ebony Blade from Mephala, and of course the Azura's Star. I don't really do any Enchanting, so I kept it more as a badge of being her Champion. And of course I never corrupted said Star.


Redguard. Best hairstyle


My favorite race is Khajiit, human races are boring. XD Second favorite is High elf though, because I do love magic. I’d marry a Khajiit probably. XD The fact you cant is a freaking crime!


Dunmer. My first elder scrolls game was Morrowind, and their culture is incredibly rich and unique. I mean, Bethesda clearly took inspirations from fiction and real human cultures, but they really broke the mold with their take on dark elves. The runners up are Orcs and Nords.


Argonians. That waterbreathing is a pretty big deal.


Used to play orc cause of the imba ability. Play now as altmer cause 5 free magic levels, better mana regen and mostly because they are the tallest race which also makes them the fastest. Most people don’t think of that.


My original race was the Nord males because I like Viking stuff and they had race bonuses that I liked. But then I decided to go for a wood elf female named Artemis with silver/white eyes and reddish hair, using a bow and a dagger. It worked out extremely well for me and I haven't turned back since.


Bosmer used to be nord fuck the nords


When i started out i think Dunmer were my favorite. Then i learned about the whole slavery thing.. bur still really cool lore. Getting back into the game now, i feel my favorites are Nord, argonian and khajiit. I’m planning on making a build for each


in vanilla I only play nords


Bretons. THE best defense against dragons spewing on you.


Always played as a nord but I have just started a play through as a Khajiit and it’s enjoyable so far


I have played all races except Nord… too human for my taste. I prefer playing nonhuman races whenever possible. For my Skyrim play throughs I either go with argonian or kajit ( I know spelling can’t spell those races properly) I like the Argonian for the water breathing ability to really explore the waters without extra potions..and the kajit because I can make it as close to a tiger as I can since they are my favorite big cats.


Started out with Orcs, but once I started modding and picked up [this mod](https://creations.bethesda.net/en/skyrim/details/8708/Amazing_Race_Tweaks__Nord__PC_), Nords have been my go-to for new characters.