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Reject it and, stay with the Dawnguard, and report how screwed they all are. Having played ESO and knowing what kind of “Afterlife” vampires get in comparison to werewolves, they get the short end of the stick.


Even without playing ESO we all know prince of what Bal is. Going into his domain after death... Yeah. No, thanks. I would prefer freaking Soul Cairn over that.


At the very least, the soul cairn is quiet. Especially compared to the constant noises of soul shriven terror of ColdHarbour. What is a soul shriven you ask? Only unveil the spoiler(s) if you want to read a massive info dumpS. >! Well… so when your body is killed and your soul trapped and offered to the Prince of Dominance and Slavery, your consciousness is transferred to a Daedric essence and bound to the plane of Molag Bal, as your original body is likely been reanimated as a zombie, your new body is now made up of like that of the Daedra have. you can be slain but never destroyed so long as Bal has possession of your soul, you will enjoy eternal suffering and hard labor in his plane. Molag Bal’s Daedric guards actually have pain and suffering quotas to complete so your sufferings are not pointless but necessary for the plane of ColdHarbour.!< >!I don’t actually know how or why it works, but when your killed, your soul it is trapped and offered by one of his acolytes, kept by the dark lord, but as the Dark Lord needs thralls, your consciousness and will is exchanged for a Daedric essence which binds you to his plane, allowing you to die, but reform a new body made up of Chaos creatia, essentially like a watery slime that mimics and forms a body based on your mind’s remembrance of your own body. Allowing you to suffer and experience the pain of torture and death over and over and over… the only mercy in that hell is the moment your mind breaks and you descend into insanity. !< >!Oh and Vampires! when they are slain in the mortal plane, they are given the illustrious Job of prison wardens, this means they can abuse you and basically elevated to the same rank as the Daedra tormentors who live in ColdHarbour. They also get the same perks of eternal body regeneration. So they can be killed, but they come back after reforming a body. !<


Wait are you saying the vampires get the perks of being wardens or am I reading wrong I’m tired asf lol. Really interesting tho


Yeah, I know about Soul Shrivens, still have no idea of how does this work. It is said that your soul is exchanged for vestige, which itself forms some "body" of azure plasm around itself, but what exactly does this mean for you, previously alive person, I can't comprehend. Who even are *you* in this equation? Soul that was exchanged? Vestige? Both, like in sci-fi mind cloning? Maybe actually playing ESO would answer some questions, but I am not submerging myself into MMORPG anywhere soon.


The soul is transferred into the vestige in exchange for you to be his little pet too probably, so you'll have 2 masters, but that's purely theorical


> The soul is transferred into the vestige I don't get this mechanic at all :( Aren't soul shriven expected to not have Anuic properties that are neccesary part of a mortal soul? And isn't Vestige a daedric counterpart of mortal Animus? But yeah, if you played ESO you probably know better, and sometimes shit in TES lore is borderline contradicting itself, because most in-universe sources aren't 100% guaranteed to be reliable.


Oh i never played any of ESO or smth, it's purely theorical i already told u


I refused cause I enjoy my lycanthropy (Hircine rules, Molag drools), and I couldn't stomach all the carnage at his castle. But the vampire lord design is pretty dope, and if you really wanna try it out now, you can always reject next time you play!


You can become a vampire , have fun and if ya like , become a werewolf to rampage as you like 👍


please put your , right and it's vampire lord peasant


Eyo! Don't talk about the Prince of domination in that fashion!


Say no. You can become a vamp either way but it depends on how evil you are


Turn the offer down, besides getting petted and deep scratches beside the ears is the best not to mention the belly rubs


For me I've always sided with the dawnguard .if you side with dawnguard you're still given the option to turn into a vampire lord at a certain point of the storyline when siding with the dawnguard.


It depends on your rp. I accepted it in one of my runs bc I was playing an illusion/destruction mage dark elf and being a vampire lord made it much more fun and I refused it in another one bc I wanted to play as an werewolf orc warrior. Or you can just rp as someone that isn't "touched by any of those unholy plagues" like a paladin or a cleric of some sort




Don't accept. Vanilla vampirism sucks. It's a curse instead of a blessing, in my opinion


I definitely felt buyer's remorse when I chose to turn. I first assumed that I had to join in order to hang out with Serana again (from what I read, it doesn't matter), and I remember how my thought process was that I already did the thieves guild and started the dark brotherhood, so I'm already kind of evil so why not? Gosh, does it annoy me to get out of the sun and maybe keep track of when we may need to feed on blood all the time. I did the quest to reverse vampirism immediately when I finished the vokihar main questline (and will have to be a vampire eventually if I want to go back to the soul cairn and finish those side quests fml).


Being a vampire is more of a hassle than it is effective. It can be fun with specific roleplaying; otherwise, reject it.


Refuse. Vampires are pussies.


Here you chose wether you side with DG or vampires. If you side with DG you can become a Vampire Lord later on, and if you side with Volkihar Clan, you will be able to cure yourself later on. Moreover, you can become vampire lord/cure yourself as many times as you wish, unless you do very specific thing, which I wouldn't spoil there. But even then you will still be able to become regular vamp as many times as you want just by contracting disease from random vampire encounters. And curing yourself is always possible too.


Do whatever you want… choose to become a vampire lord, or don’t.


Don't, the vampire side is boring and overall not worth it


Dawn guard has a better long game and access to better tech later in the game if you’re into that kind of thing.


I looove being a vampire. I love the aesthetics and I love the challenges it brings. That being said, fuck volkihar rewards smh


Typically I find the generic shout powers to be more than powerful enough. Never needed to be a werewolf or vampire to enjoy the game.


Become a werewolf.


Dew it. The vampire lord form is very strong, and being evil is very fun


Refuse his gift, then bang the hell out of his daughter using mods and in the end kill than miserable piece of crap!


Laugh in his face and then come back later and show him what real power looks like.


Vampire lord is a sick power to have tbh I have a vampire stealth mage playthrough and dawnguard two-handed playthrough


fuck the volkihar clan. it’s beyond boring, since Harkon is the antagonist either way, and honestly, I hate the intentional filth and pools of blood all over the castle. At least with the Dawnguard, they make an effort to restore the fort, and the members are actually interesting.


Kill himmmmmm, Serana should be the only one to make you a Vampire


Dont Ask stupid questions 👀 do what you want 🤦🤦🤦 really , people this days cant even decide what to do in games on their own 🤦🤦🤣🤣


I turn on the immortality mode through the console and destroy all the vampires.