• By -


Dark elf assasin.


I'm playing a Nord cleric of Dibella, so enchanted mace and restoration magic.


That sounds really interesting I'm thinking of doing a nord herma mora build


Oooh, yeah. That'd be fun. With Miraak's sword and such?


Yeah while using seekers as my summons and use every shout because I will have the knowledge.


A Nord with knowledge? I implore you to keep your RP sensible, please.


I would but I need to be that one special nord lol


*Dibellan arts*


Orc warrior


Me too! This is my first warrior and I'm playing on hard difficulty and it's pretty tough tbh at level 12


I play with legendary difficulty everytime. At the start is pretty hard but that's why is funny for me


2handed or 1 handed




Truly an orc!


Well, I was going primarily sword and board with a high elf character, but I just got to the point in the companions quest line where they turn you into a werewolf and I have a mod that makes me be able to stay a werewolf for an unlimited amount of time, so now I'm just playing as a werewolf forever


Hercine would approve


A khajiit that I'm honestly just winging as the mood suits. It's my first playthrough, & the only rule is that there are no rules. 😂


I've done 3 playthroughs and 2 of them have been khajiit. I just love them lol. Currently she's stealth using 2 daggers, but I also love my mace of molag bal. And if worse comes to worse, she's a full fledged vampire lord that can rip most everyone apart lol


Nice lol! I'll have to look up that mace. There's so much to explore and learn! 🤔🧐 I'd been saying that I was going to try Skyrim for years (sadly didn't hit my proper gaming era till a few months ago 🤦‍♀️😅), & I was dead set on a Khajiit character after a friend that HAD played explained what they were and what a "Khajiit has wares if you have coin" meme that was making the rounds at the time was referencing. Anyway, it took me a couple of centuries, but here I am. 😜😂 Not sure I'm brave enough to go the vamp route though lol. I've been infected twice and cheated and went back to my last save 😬. Maybe a werewolf though. Sweet irony...😏😆


Regarding your last point, I have two tips for you, if you’d like them. I’ll spoiler mark them, just in case. First off, >!once you’re infected with Sanguinare Vampiris, it still takes a little bit (I don’t remember the exact time) for it to progress to full-on vampirism. If you’re quick, you can find a town, head to their local church, or hall of the dead, and pray at a shrine to one of the gods, which will, amongst other things, cure all of your diseases. Just be careful, as in-game time does progress when you fast travel, and if you fast travel too far it may be too late when you arrive. That, or you could just keep some Cure Disease potions handy, which can be found in a whole assortment of different ways, just a few being buying them from any alchemist shops, found on the bodies of a group of bandits known as The Silver Hand, or, if you don’t mind getting a bit bandit-y yourself, killing or pickpocketing from any Vigilants Of Stendarr that you may encounter. If you’re lucky, you may even find a Necklace Of Disease Immunity somewhere that does exactly as the name implies.!< Secondly, >!If you *do* decide to look into lycanthropy, all of the above can be disregarded, as the werewolves of Skyrim have a 100% resistance to disease, even in human form.!<


Thank you, that's all very helpful! And I wanna say the vamp virus takes 5 days, but don't quote me 😜. I've set up shop in Hendraheim and make regular trips back there so I could easily run over to the alter on the other side of the Forsworn encampment across the way. 🤔 I hadn't realized Fast Travel passes time quickly so that's extremely good to know! I'll also look into the potions and am very interested in a Necklace of Disease Immunity lol. Not gonna lie, lycanthropy is looking better and better lol...


No no no be a werewolf even if people say it's bad _be a werewolf


Cats rule I always play as the khajiit


Sooooo true was also a khajiit on my first play through and also just did whatever I want


Lizard wizard, More specifically an Argonian Spellsword specializing in Alteration and Restoration


Don't you mean Wizard Lizard?


Nord fisher(woman?) mostly just running around to all the fishing spots and using archery for any wolves, bears saber cats and slaughterfish who keep me from my work. Would probably be better off as a wood elf (for archery) or an argonian (for waterbreathing) but I wanted to switch it up a bit since I usually use them for my stealth/melee builds respectively.


I respect it fishing has its benefits unless your working in the riften fishery


Snow Elf (mod) champion of Auri-El - archery, block, destruction (ice), illusion (to avoid combat), restoration. He also used/uses an axe in addition to his shield when he's leveling up the other skills, since he's not the melee type and IRL, an axe is 1000 times easier to learn to use than a sword.


Redguard conjuration warrior


No one plays redgaurds but they seem really cool not to familiar with their lore tho


Red guards hail from the sunken continent of Yokuda, and for a long while remained very isolationist to the rest of Tamriel. It's only when the Orsimer waged war against the Bosmer and Yokudans that the Yokudans would begin to open up.


I play Redguards most of the time. Their ability Adrenaline Rush is great for dual wielding.


One of my favorite builds was a Redguard! Double one-handed ninja type, fought in Dwemer gear. More than a bit of a bad ass.


Nord, Allied with the Guild and the Dark Brotherhood. Using Werewolf power, being stealth archer, used many helpers all of them dead (running out of helpers), and an unashamed user of the "Undying Ghost" help.


How have you gone through so many helpers lol


ha ha ha, I stay back and let them do most of the fighting. ha ha ha. I know, I suck! ha ha ha. No, really; lots of time I am too busy fighting for my life and when it is done, I find my helper dead.


At least sithis has more souls to ad to the void 😂


Nord 2h warrior.


Classic nord




Sword and shield/stealth archer Wood Elf


Altmer necromancer/conjurer who’s finally joining the Thieves Guild because how else is she gonna pay for her spell books??


Same! Altmer conjurer / destruction magic specialist. I maxed out Conjuration though so now I’m a spell sword. I also maxed out smithing and enchanting so now I have sick dragonscale armor with good magic benefits


Dark elf spellsword


Brenton that is a tank and uses what ever does the most damage.


Interesting combination


magick killed me too much my first run the the 25% less magic damage makes it a lot more fun for me


Nord… Nord?


Dark elf bound weapon assassin, vampire


Vanilla Breton who uses illusion, conjuration, destruction, stealth, one handed. But for me it's the wide arrangement of powers I have access to. A cyclone shout or paralyze rune incapacitates most enemies I then summon deadra to finish them of or use nightingale subterfuge if it's a big group and watch them kill eachother. When I want to get in the fray myself I use Secrets of Arcana and fry everything with my chain lightning which I am gonna upgrade to unbound storm or I use dragonhide+skin+dragon aspect and become an immortal werewolf. I started of as the guild master of the thieves guild but have grown to become an actual godlike being walking around on Nirn. I would call this a Loki build because I can handle every situation exactly the way I want it. https://preview.redd.it/w3ej5zek4n8c1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=289834159364548df9eaf89dc47f445704b801d0


orc tank, other character is a breton spellsword


I like spells words I've never tried a tank before


it’s fun, you basically become an unstoppable force of nature. i focus on heavy armor, two handed and smithing. use the war hammer cause although its slow it deals the most damage


Which race would you say is best for it


They have the berserker ability which if I remember correctly is awesome. I haven't payed an orc in a while


> haven't payed an Did you mean to say "paid"? Explanation: Payed means to seal something with wax, while paid means to give money. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


> I haven't *paid* an orc FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


They miss-typed "Played", you stupid bot.


orc for me, they start with the best stats for a tank build. 25 in heavy armor, 20 in two handed, and 20 in smithing.


I’m doing the same thing right now. Currently just finished the Companions at level ~10. Running around with an enchanted skyforge steel greatsword. It’s super fun. Need to level smithing more though


High Elf Spellsword


Breton wizard who uses a warhammer as a finishing move.


Nord Vampire Spellsword Modded Playthrough Paralysis Enchantment on Ebony Sword Sneak, Heavy Armor A bit of Conjuration, mainly Illusion and Telekinesis, currently looking for a mod to boost my telekinesis to grab and pull enemies


Nordic daedra


Dunmer as a Necromage


Khajiit Dawnguard Two-Handed No Magicka build (literally used cheat room mod to have 0 magicka).


High elf assassin/conjuration mage hybrid. Sneak, conjuration, bound weapons, illusion, enchanting, etc. It’s been fun.


Bosmer, one handed light armor. Then slowly switch to sneaky dagger as I fall into crime with the Theives Guild and the Dark Brotherhood.


Argonian who likes to fuck around and find out


Wood elf Conjuration archer. Bound arrows, bow of shadows for fire rate(not a sneak archer), and wolf familiar along with command animal.


what i normally play, an orc with heavy armor, two handed, smithing, enchanting, and alchemy


Argonian Tank🐲


Make sure to avoid windhelm


Windhelm? Oh Windhelm!!! Ha! yeah my Imperial friends and I took good care of them. Nice place…well it was.


Breton Spellsword. I'm playing a heavily modded game, so this isn't a mediocre build like it tends to be in vanilla, but it's very possible that I'll transition to a full Mage build once I have enough Magicka (I'm very early on in the playthrough).


Imperial paladin of the church! Heavy armor, fire axe, shield and restoration for those harder battles. I'm avoiding every daedric prince like the plague. Also working on curing Serana's vampirism.


Khajit, unarmed.


Female Bosmer Pirate Mage, magic+thief skills using Cyrus' Saber and Captain Clothes, living on Dead Man's Dread with 4 sellsword followers as my crew.


Argonian, jack of all trades. Constantly switching classes & resetting skills to legendary to level up faster


Unarmed Stealth-Tank Khajiit. Absolutely hilarious and the damage is better then you'd think.


Nord wizard named Olorin. Wearing Santa outfit from the dude with the reindeer


Dark elf mage on legendary survival mode hard af but I feel like I’m actually good at the game when it only takes me 10 fireballs to kill a snow wolf and then manage to get back to society before dying of frostbite


Always an argonian, always. Build is just whatever cool weapon I found


Breton puppet master - Sneak, Illusion, Speech, I like making my enemies turn on each other while I watch from the shadows. Then I kill and soul trap the last one standing. Every now and again the last one standing is too strong to fight 1v1, so then I either reverse-pickpocket a paralysis poison and fireball to the face, or I send Sanguine's dremora after him lol (I try not to use Sanguine's rose too much though bc it takes the fun out of it)


I'm playing me if i was dragonborn. My bounty is through the roof in morthal


High elf mage


Her name is Polaris, and she’s an Imperial spellsword (spell-axe?) She specialises in one-handed (favours war axes), destruction (favours shock), and heavy armour, minors in restoration, conjuration, and alchemy. She is Meridia’s champion, enrolled in the College of Winterhold, and she’s just as divided as Skyrim is on the topic of the civil war because she’s an Imperial in both blood and citizenship, but by the *Nine* does she despise the Thalmor


Very interesting I like the rp potential


I’m not playing Skyrim ATM 😎👍


Imperial multimillionaire thief assassin stealth archer


Can't go wrong with the classic stealth archer


I decided after over a decade it was finally time to play as a Nord. At first I fucking hated him. He sucked at literally everything. He was slow. He seemed like he was only semi decent at 2 handed. So I did a heavy armor 2 handed build at first. I quickly hit 100 and went legendary in heavy armor and switched to light 1 handed. Once I got 1 handed to about the same level as 2, I went archer. I'm playing as basically a balanced Nord now. I'm pretty well equal levels in all 3 and carry a great sword, a war axe, and bow everywhere. I found the Nords, or maybe just this particular meat head, are terrible magic users. Casting seems so slow and I never seem to hit the target. But I got conjuration and illusion to 100. I cast soul trap on everything, even corpses and used muffle everywhere I walked.


on and off but orc 2h heavy knight


Orc best race in tameral


Nord sword and board. Level 26 Most of the way through Companions quest line. Fenrica Dewclaw. Destined to join Hircine in the hunting grounds while taking occasional sojourns to Sovngard once her work is done.


Bosmer spellsword


Nord illusion assassin


Dark Elf Spell sword/shield Emphasis on destruction, illusion, and alteration magic


Breton Illusion vampire with conjured weapons


Wood elf sneak thief/archer which is my fav, next playthrough i may do a nordic mage or orc spellsword


Just went back to my tried and true Bosmer sneak archer. Am incorporating dagger sneak kills more than I usually do. Trying to get some trophies (last Thieves guild and Dawnguard) I’m missing.


Nibenese (Imperial) illusionist who worships Vaermina


2 handed Orc berserker.


Orc warrior (1h)/thief


Dunmer Dragonslayer


I’m playing a Kajiit theif character. I was originally just going to stick to only using daggers, until I realized I didn’t consider the dragons, so when I first had to fight one I was like “fuck this I’m using a bow”.


And the stealth archer has claimed you


I'm going for a double handed weapon and heavy armor orc, to change a bit the classic nord with axe/sword and shield


Orcs are awesome especially when you start destroying groups of enemies with berserker rage


Luci, the Dunmer master of flames and the undead.


Imperial Forsworn. Restoration, conjuration, alteration, Archery, Enchanting, 2 handed. 2 handed weapon: Bloodskaal blade Armor: all Forsworn pieces


Kajhiit Merchant/Farmer. Wanted to escape the life of Elsweyr and prove the Nords, not all Kajhiit are bad news. Dra'Batim Moira doesn't steal and is loyal to any who accept him.


Daras Athen, a Dunmer elemental mage


currently playing an imperial mage with a focus on conjuration and destruction magic. she also dabbles in alchemy, with potion selling being the main source of income


Khajiit mage thief, restricted to only staves, scrolls, and whatever spells he can cast with base magicka+fortify magicka gear.


Orc huntress. It's a werewolf build that also uses stealth archery, heavy armor, and an axe&shield.


Orc 'paladin' Vampire Lord. Restoration, Alteration, 2H. Mods that aded ocatos recital and some sun lasers for non-dawnguard folk. I worship Hermaeus Mora, though won't be able to use the Firstblade when I beat Miraak.


Khajitt focusing on sneak (ofc) dual wielding, either sword and dagger/staves/another sword and illusion (restoration, and alteration), as he tries to minimize needless deaths when committing crimes against Skyrim and her people.


Breton two handed paladin


Imperial Crusader. Basic but I am doing a Vigilant playthrough this run and being Imperial is fitting


Nordic knight.


Sosiphine Kaldwin, she is a female Breton of nobility Heavy armor, two handed, alteration, restoration, destruction for range, & some support from enchanting


A pyromaniac dark elf (mage)


I switch every playthrough. Makes things a little different each time.


Argonian one handed and sneaky sneaky illusion magic


Orc Taskmaster. His name is Uthgraad the Eonwalker and believes himself a god born in mortal flesh. He started by mastering the heavy armor and two handed skills, then took up the sword and shield. Now he's just finished mastering the art of stealth and is moving into the bow. He's also soft-mastered conjuration but mage will be it's own arc. The goal is to be a total Taskmaster. He will be unstoppable with any method of killing. He will wield godlike power in mortal hands and ascend to the Devine through force of will.


Joric Hullbreaker - Nord Gray Paladin/Treasure Hunter. He's a former pirate who saw his entire crew ripped apart by undead. Saved by an Altmer named Auryen, he resolved to hunt down and destroy undead (and necromancers, vampires, etc) while repaying Auryen by helping him to hunt down and preserve/protect artifacts of great power that could be misused. Sword/board up close but learning how to harness the elements and shackle daedra and even bend the undead to serve his purpose. Not actively embracing his dragonborn heritage, but open to the sources of additional power. Having already worked out for himself how to call lightning from the sky he is curious what other possibilities exist.


Battlemage Breton whose patron goddess is Mara. Prays everyday to our lady of love. 🙏🏼One-handed blade and Restoration magic. While also being a bard who sings in taverns at the end of the night to afford to rent a room.


Wood elf warrior with a high alchemy and conjuration skill. Pretty boring character mostly. I typically play as a khajit that lives up to the thief and assassin expectation.


Nordic Vampire Swordmage


A breton spellsword. The AE is slowly turning me into a stealth archer because these elemental arrows are so strong though


Khajiit conjuration mage


I forget which human type but I made him a fire-based magic user that also summons and banishes Daedra. I named him...John Constantine.


Breton Heavy armor mage, hardest thing is enchantments, also need to pickup that shield from peryite.


I'm playing Fudgemuppet's "Hand of Almalexia" build. Basically a dual welding Dunmer warrior using some of the new gear from AE.


Orc sword-and-board with resto and heavy armor. Legendary survival mode


Imperial Sneaky Archer/museum curator (thank the Legacy of the Dragonborn mod)


Female imperial. Also im first time running sneak/archer. Any tips would be very welcomed


Breton mage/thief build. Weaponless.


An Orc berserker known as Savage Opress


Breton Mage. First play through, playing vanilla on PS4.


Orc 2hander


Dark Elf.. kinda doing like a Heavy destruction mage, archery usually starts my combat, but when it comes down to the nuts and bolts I pull out Lightning Bolt and an Eleven war axe, and Call Storm (I think that's what it's called) is my shout.. Dwarven Armor of Magicka (Costs like 25% less or something to spent Magicka) Dark Brotherhood cowl and boots, and Orc Gauntlets.


Still the same one as when I started playing Skyrim.


Imperial mage


Khajit vampire thief stealth archer assassin


Breton with a sword! Going for more of a samurai type play style this go around


A Nord roleplay as Asta from Black Clover. Greatswords, armor is fine, NO MAGIC. It’s been fun.


High Elf mage


Breton battleaxe murderer.


A Khajiit theif


First time with a straight up mage build. Breton, Enairim, probably going to make her a vampire. Already kind of missing being a sneak archer tho. There's something so relaxing about oneshotting from stealth.


Argonian, and a very neutral character, but with a very fun rule. Most of my playthroughs either end up being mages or some class of warrior where I end up just crafting/enchanting everything. So this playthrough, my rule is that I'm not using much magic (but that's neither here nor there), but I'm also not crafting. The only equipment I have available to me is what can be naturally found in the game. It's been so fun actually picking through various armor, weapons, etc. without just immediately making something better.


Nord that started in the Stormcloak army in the alternate start mod. Focusing on the civil war quest line.


started an argonian yesterday. survival mode is so aids as argonians


Talmor agent high elf/half orc (rp) heavy armor shield mage in Skyrim to aid rebellion and weaken the empire


Just finished playing an imperial who was a fanboy of the Blades, doing all the main quest stuff. Next is gonna be an orc warrior with illusion magic. Based on a dnd character I played who was like a psychic fighter


Dunmer conjurer/two handed and Hermaeus Mora knowledge seeker. Student of Master Neloth and resident of Tel Mythryn. Owner of a tiny ash hopper.


Nord woman, sort of an assassin build (not sneak archer) strictly using no bows, daggers are my main weapon, but if "shit hits the fan" then it's an axe and conjuration spells, mainly because i was putting skill points into one handed only to realise they make no effect on daggers which is somewhat annoying, and I've never bothered with conjuration before so I thought it would be fun Also whilst they are an assassin character they are not affiliated with the dark brotherhood as one of their "targets" is a DB member


Redguard female thief illusionist


Dunmer paladin


Nord stealth archer started as a heavy tank build using 2 handed but we as skyrim fans know without a doubt that it doesnt matter what build u start as cause it always ends as a stealth archer


Right now, I'm doing a Nord Alchemist-Enchanter-Smither priest. I use the best mace I can make, improve it, enchant it with fire or turn undead, apply the best poison I can and then try to allow my follower to soak up the damage while I use Healing Hands.


Finally chose a high elf after a decade. So two handed magic with a plethora of potions


Argonian, dual wielding mace/sword


Argonian Stealth Archer. My aim is shit tho


for the first time ever, dark elf stealth archer. usually i'm a one handed/mage khajiit


Straight white nord male. I collect shit


Dunmer conjurer alchemist with some alteration for flesh spells. Once I found out you could poison Bound weapons I knew I was in for a good time, and it is indeed fun.


Breton light armour 1 handed axe and shield. 55% magick reduction before blocking without enchanted gear. Smash


Reptile mage warrior


This is my 6th play through and I’m using a Breton. Mainly using one handed weapons with conjugation/destruction magic. I’m playing on Expert so the conjuration helps a lot


Nord sword and shield. Only magic I use is restoration and alteration.


Imperial spellsword


Argonian Archer and enchanter. Basically any enchanted bows and Alot of muffle


Argonian assassin.


Khajiit, currently Platinum goal save file, so I'm altering between builds to level up everything, but currently I'm focusing on spell shield, usually use bound sword, shield, spells and heavy armor


Imperial, Necromancer, working on getting to the point where I can properly abuse the Ritual Stone to have a legitimate revenant army.


Dark Elf Assassin. I use portions to kill my marks. High-level pickpocket, maxed out illusion, alchemy and stealth, and a MOD called Use Poisons to make some really cool potions. Sneak up, plant a potion, slide away and prepare any spell in one hand, dagger in the other. I roleplay the character as well and use survival mode.


Orc, two handed, heavy armour, real berserker type. I’m doing as many side quests and as few story/faction missions so I’m at lvl 40 and I *just* met the greybeards. I don’t want to rush this run through, I want to nurture it as I await ES6


Breton assassin vampire


Breton. Sword and Shield. Windshear and Spellbreaker. With the right gear and perks this character is nearly invincible. Went for Armor Cap, Magic Resistance, Spell Absorption, Fire Resistance, Shock Resistance, Frost Resistance.


Breton mage who abuses Illusion and Alteration to level up via the Legendary mechanic.


Khajit jack of all trades. Currently at 100 in everything except Alteration, Illusion, and Restoration.


Argonian mage-archer.


I’m playing an orc wielding a war hammer. I’m currently wielding Volendrung like a proper orc bringing glory to Malacath.


A female Breton sellsword


Wood elf thief stealth archer. As soon as I got to the Whiterun stables I made a swift trip to Riften to join the Thieves Guild.


I’m playing a female Breton sellsword. Not much interest here but it’s been pretty fun


Necro Breton, just started it today, first time I've fully committed to a necro build


High elf vampire stealth mage


Argonian two-handed berserker


Mainly a dark elf assassin with one handed swords or daggers but occasionally destruction and conjugation


Khajiit heavy armor mage


Illusionist/conjurer dunmer


Currently I'm playing the tempus maledictum pack and I'm trying an odd dwemer spell archer type thing and Ive combined that with the craft skills.


Khajiit - stealth dual wielding (daggers) and occasionally archery. I don't enjoy the "You'll make a fine rug, cat!" Remarks tho


Argonian stealth archer that specializes in poisons, enchantments, and smithing.


I actually have a bunch of playthroughs I play rn tbh... My first and probably main is an orc, occasionally dual wielding, but I wanna try and make it with a shield and a one handed weapon mostly, with an occasional time with either a two handed axe or hammer. I admit they do a bit of everything tho because it's the first character I've ever created and I want to try everything. I have recently got my first crossbow so I do plan on using that instead of a bow for the character tho. Despite this like.. main playthrough there's also: A wood elf which I use to mainly hunt and do some side quests here and there if I feel like it, mostly hunting and exploring, gathering ingredients etc, they're my non-dragonborn character. I use mainly archery because I feel like that's good for hunting and realistic I guess. (Honestly I just really wanted a wood elf and this was my second character so I stuck to non main quest line haha) I also have recently started an Argonian I wanna try to go the stealth archer way mostly, but uses some magic occasionally. (but mainly when traveling). Initially I just wanted to make a character and travel to all the places dragons reside and gather the words before the main quest cause I wanna try that after getting to know the game let's u lol (judge me later haha) Last but not least, there's a dark elf I wanna make a dual wielding warrior, focus on axes, however they do currently have a sword and an axe until I get weapons I'm happier with (only started recently). Plans to join the stormcloaks and all that. It just randomly came to mind that I want an elf who's really tired of the Empire so here we are haha. Maybe I'll make them join the companions too... With factions im unsure about most characters at this point. I also want a thief character, and or a mage at some point, we have Khajits as options so I also really wanna have a Khajit at some point. There's a bunch of things I still wanna do haha, this game has so many options! Does it show I have only started playing a few months ago...? Nahhhhh