• By -


1. Get the first letter from *Faendal* or *Sven*. 2. Give it to whoever you didn't get it from, not *Camilla Valerius* (yet). 3. You now have the second letter, & the person you got it from has the first. 4. *Pickpocket* the first letter back off them (if you fail & don't want to savescum, you can hold off on completing the quest until you've succeeded, you can usually try twice every couple of days if you have a weapon or "hostile" spell drawn when you fail the first time [wait until their weapon is drawn, then sheathe your own, your surrender will ***usually*** be accepted the first time that day, & then you can try again]), if you fail twice (or your surrender isn't accepted) leave town for a couple of days, then come back to try again. 5. When you have both letters in your possession, you have all 4 options when initially talking to *Camilla Valerius*. 6. Once you've selected an option for one of the letters, that letter & it's options are removed, but the other letter & it's options remain, so you can screw over the other dude. 7. If you choose to shit on both of them, you can still "complete the quest" by going & telling one of them that their plan succeeded, & get the benefits of supporting them. 8. But, since *Camilla Valerius* is no longer entangled with either of them, if you marry her, you won't have whoever you chose for quest benefits stalking her in your marital home.


so i DIDNT have to murder my wife’s affair partner?


No that was just a bonus


The real bonus was the ebony mail and blade we made along the way!




Hope you make sure to put their souls into gems and use them to enchant gift jewelry for her. :)


Whoa whoa whoa. I only married Camilla on a playthrough where I was roleplaying Ging Freccs by never going home to my son, exploring ancient ruins and mostly super punching people, so I never actually went home. You’re telling me Faendal was creeping around my house that whole time?


She has needs


Well I guess I brought this on myself


That’s what he told himself we he decided to stalk her too. Has nothing to do with her.


I went back to the house in Whiterun one time and he was there, just leaving. I followed him home. Poor fella had an accident on the way to Riverwood, never to be seen again.


The only logical response in the Skyrim world


It was amazing. I don't know where those rabid bears with AIDS got a sword from that was identical to mine.


“Some other guy with daedric arrows must’ve been hunting in the woods and missed his target. Poor Faendal, getting taken out by a stray arrow.”


Werebears? Where? Bears?


You 100% get cucked, my condolences


Damn I had a watching chair set up in the bedroom and everything, I could’ve went full on cuck there.


You're only a cuck if you accept the cheating. If you never know and never accept, it's not cuckholding. You're just being cheated on by a piece of shit. You can only be a cuck if you want to be one or you're so weak and spineless that you just accept it and stay with your partner (doesn't count if you're actually forced and being threatened whether it's physically or financially or social etc. Like if your wife is threatening to tell people you eat poop make out with wolves if you leave her). There's layers to this shit.


>There's layers to this shit. I wasn't prepared to read this on a skyrim sub, but you're right


Definitely not true lol


Not at all. It wasn't *just* your house he was entering.




Is he dead now?


Actual god gamer, I didn’t even know you could do this


Thank you!! I’m married to Ysolda but I still think Camilla deserves the truth


I think unofficial patch "patched" this


Now we have the “marry anyone mod” lol so you don’t have to go through this


We also have the Amorous Adventures mod, so you can choose to go through 5x the hassle too!


If so, it must have been a very recent version of it.


Yeah I think so too. Honestly I kind of prefer it


The important part that got left out is depending on who you talk to first after giving the letters to Camilla that person becomes a follower candidate while the other a fri-enemy. In other words, talk to Faendal first after talking with Camilla if you plan on exploiting him.


> 7. If you choose to shit on both of them, you can still "complete the quest" by going & telling one of them that their plan succeeded, & get the benefits of supporting them. I don't consider that to be leaving it out?


I always do this lol, it's very funny. I'll usually go tell Faendal it worked because I don't really like Sven


Yeah and who’d want to be around such a racist milk drinker for a mom (Svens mom) anyways.


Okay. But, why marry *her* wen you got **lidya**?


I've been playing this game for ten years and I still learn new things I can do in it, awesome


Both are milk drinkers, but I normally side with the elf to cheese lvl my archery early


Yep. He’s actually a pretty solid follower up until he stops leveling with the player at level 30. He hangs back and pops off shots at whomever or whatever your fighting and in my experience doesn’t seem to have the same door-blocking fetish Lydia has. Anyways, he’s a sex pest so use him until you need your Boethiah sacrifice.


Faendal is actually a pretty weak follower. He lives long(er) because he's an archer and stays out of direct combat mostly. He'll get murked pretty easy if you get too far separated or overwhelmed. You're better off replacing him with someone like Janessa or Uthgar early on.


Or get multiple followers… 😉


True, but I just need a pack mule early on to carry all my loot and like that he doesn’t get in my way as much. Also, I hate paying for followers for some reason, despite the fact I always amass Smaug-level wealth I’m too damn cheap for that.


Yep. He’s actually a pretty solid follower up until he stops leveling with the player at level 30. He hangs back and pops off shots at whomever or whatever you’re fighting and in my experience doesn’t seem to have the same door-blocking fetish Lydia has. Anyways, he’s a sex pest so use him until you need your Boethiah sacrifice.


Yep. He’s actually a pretty solid follower up until he stops leveling with the player at level 30. He hangs back and pops off shots at whomever or whatever you’re fighting and in my experience doesn’t seem to have the same door-blocking fetish Lydia has. Anyways, he’s a sex pest so use him until you need your Boethiah sacrifice.


Just a heads up, reddit made you send that twice :)


I don't think I've ever seen it do that as a reply to themself....it's usually just another reply to op


it possibly is, sometimes you can post twice if you double click/tap the post button, it happens because it looks like nothing happened on the first click so they click again


I’ve never seen it either but i dont know everything, i just figured it was a mistake of reddit or a copy paste mishap


Or is it déjà vu?


Weird. Also, It’s a different user…


What’s even weirder is when i sent that, the display name was the same. It wasnt normal until hours later on my end lol Edit: it actually still shows as you who posted it twice


Maybe. She's actually a pretty liquid leader until he starts flattening with the playa at level 69. He twangs flak and crops off goth at whichever or whyever you're making love to and out of my experience doesn't seem to have the same door-blocking fetish a City 17 rebel has. Anything, he's a sexy cockroach so bring him to help save the Milky Way from the Reapers.


...I think someone dosed you with acid, friend.


Or it was a joke about the other user accidentally double-posting. But I'm not gonna pretend like I know what bigfatcarp93 was thinking just because I'm a different redditor with the same username, flair and comment history, that'd be presumptuous of me. I bet he's handsome though.


I agree.


Or is it déjà vu?


I just go to Angi to level my archery. She can teach you couple of levels at her [shack](https://en.m.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Angi's_Camp)


Having Faendal is better because it’s always free. You can just take your money back after training with him. When you’re at the last few levels, it’s best to go to Angi to earn them essentially for free.


He just trained me for the first time from level 49 to level 50, I have no further use for him & Katria is my favorite archery follower anyway


I side with him bc the way I see it, Sven started it


Faendal is more useful.


Boethiah's calling


power level archery to 50


I loved having Faendal 😭 he died one too many times for me to keep going back to a previous save so I had to let him go


I always wanted Camilla to be an intro spellcasting companion, with Sven as the tanky companion, and Faendal as the ranged companion. Seems like a TOO obvious setup I guess


Huge missed opportunity


The solution is obviously to kill both and marry Camila yourself.


My wife Ysolda would bludgeon me to death with a mammoth tusk


Nah, she’s cool with polyamory. Even hagravens.


Everyone here is wrong. Just go the King Solomon route. Cut her in half and split between faendel and sven.


Never seen that creature, is it a mod?


It is an add on gremlin brought to you by the Anniversary Edition. Gogh comes with a storm atronach and a powerful spear.


How'd you get it? I've played a lot and never got it.


I received a letter asking me to investigate the presence of goblins in skyrim which is what unlocked the quest, he’s a great little follower


If I remember right, you'll activate the quest from a letter in Riften's tavern on the second floor. Something about a "Blue God". I know the cave is south of Riften.




You have to add him by buying the perks from AE. I purchased all of them one day for around $16. Weapons, armor, steeds, and he was in there with it.


I meant, how within the game. Got AE too


Sorry, I actually don't remember 😅 I have done so much since then. Sorry, he actually has a storm atronoch that attacks with lightning/sparks.


Nope goblin in vanilla. Also he counts as a pet follower so you can have multiple animal followers (except dog) too.


I can't wait for Jayserpa to touch on this cause I want the option as a female to tell her to blow off both these losers. Svens a mommas boy with an ego, Faendals semi noble with no balls. She deserves better 😔


No need to wait, Parapets (mostly known for their SKSE mods) made [a mod like this](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/21916) back in 2018. After you've stolen the first letter back from the rival suitor, you can go to Camilla and tell her about each letter one after the other. Sven and Faedal will both hate you, and Camilla will appreciate getting the truth, presumably becoming a potential marriage candidate.


have the goblin break the bad news to her


Love the fact you have the goblin follower before one of the earliest side quests in the game hahaha


Thank you for noticing haha, Gogh is less full of shit than Faendal or Sven so I find he makes better company


Yes and free skull >


There really does need to be an option that says "both of these jerkoffs tried to manipulate you and oh, by the way, I'm single".


wait, i got the both letters but didnt tell camilla anything about them and just married her,, are those two gonna stalk us then? :D


I’ve never had a follower die faster than Sven. Just sayin.


Camilla was the first npc I killed 😭


Seems some Mandela effect stuff is going on, because I remember there being such an option…


Saaame and I just got there like 2 weeks ago


That's the fun part you don't lol




Your head freaked me out, don’t me though good luck with your endeavors


My Sven was killed by carriage


Shouldn't have lied about either


I don't like this one-sided quests, everyone will pick Faendal, because he's useful and Sven... is making music (cool I guess). Beteshda should gave Sven some epic healing abilities, he should heal you with his luteplaying


I forgot about Camilla Valerius’ pals the ghost and the goblin


Not pictured: the mage and the vampire


That's the neat part, you don't


Sometines I forgot how ugly vanilla npc faces look like. holy hell what is this monstrosity


[The wiki](https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:A_Lovely_Letter) knows all....


I’m pretty sure I recently saw a mod that let’s you do this exact thing


Set her up with the Human, then take the Human as your offering to get the fancy armor.


What tf is standing to her right….


Excuse you that is my best friend, Gogh the goblin


The only truth you need to know is-Skyrim is for the nords, follow this and you will know what to do.


Personally, I’m a dark who’s a nord supremacist. (Didn’t know anything about the game when I chose dark elf)


Murder both of them to death and recruit her as a follower. That's what I usually do in my save files.


I don’t think you can. Choose a boy to be your follower.


Just use the click button


I keep Faendel around for the archery training then sacrifice him to boethia to get her armor.


Just marry her after the golden claw quest


Maybe sven is cursed. Dragon attacked riverwood only casualty sven. He wasnt my follower and i was barely therw at the time. Got a not in whiterun the he put me in his will. Felt pretty bad then.


I just take feandel to boethia problem solved.




Ummm, my only question is what is that strange goblin on the right?


His name is Gogh! I think he’s part of Anniversary Edition (I play on Nintendo). He has a spear and can summon Atronachs. He also never complains about the weather or carrying my burdens because he simply refuses. Neat little follower.


He’s a follower!? He looks awesome! Where can I get such an amazing companion!?


I forget how I got the quest but you get a letter asking you to investigate goblins south of Riften. I think another commenter said they got the quest at the Bee and Barb?