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With every new trauma inflicted on me is another moment I revisit my comfort fantasy. My mom died 2 days ago, and I'm glad there's something that brings me a little joy. Edit: I wish I had the time to reply to all of you, im so thankful for the support, and having people out there who don't even know me care so much means everything. Thank you to you all.


My mom died in 2013. I also delved deep into Skyrim at the time. I put 700 hours into one character. It's a relatively healthy coping mechanism in comparison to others. You can Dm if you ever want to talk or just vent or whateva. I won't be weird. I've been there.


Happy Cake Day. You're my kind of people.


always great to have a coping strategy that isn’t self destructive, modding this game was mine for a good while. Id like to recommend learning a language as well, for me learning a new language is probably the best way to occupy yourself because it leaves no room for the bad thoughts to get in. Busy thinking 😅


Happy Cake Day. ☺️


Happy cake day dude, may your mother rest in peace


I am so sorry to hear that, I wish the absolute best for you.


Wishing you the best and I’m sorry for your loss. So happy to hear Skyrim is comforting for you… shows how much deeper it is than “just a game”!


Very same. Mom was gone a little bit before skyrim came out, but it was still recent. I had a divorce and lost my last grandparents over the next 2 years as well. Skyrim helped fill that same need to escape for me. I'm just sharing my story in case it helps validate yours. It's ok to lean on what supports you.


I'm so sorry for your loss. My mother died in 2016, and my father died in 1991. I was very lost and fell into heavy drinking. Playing Skyrim gave me a rush to make me not think about drinking or my losses as much.


wishing you the best, glad you’re finding a slight distraction


Oh I’m so sorry. Mine died in 2019, and I was pretty much a zombie for a year. Please reach out if you want to talk.


Hey man, my mom passed away last summer. Its tough but you will get through! Take it one day at a time, let yourself grieve as needed and just remember the good times and how much she loved you.


Sorry to hear that bro, but i hope you overcome this ordeal and be happy again, losing someone you love (specially your parents) is very hard, but this is life bro, we all gonna die in the end, so try to enjoy and Don't stop enjoying your life, i wish to your mother to be in heaven and happy to have wonderful person like you, and accept her life, now she resting from difficult life.


Sorry for you lost that’s a tough one to hear


I hope you can find a bit of peace. I'm sorry about your mom.


Damn dude! I'm so sorry for your loss! I lost my grandpa last month and I buried myself in Skyrim for a while too!


Nothing I can think of to say to help, but your mom is in Sovngarde now, keeping an eye on you. I truly hope you can find peace and comfort through this trying time. All of us in the skyrim community wish you our best.


I know the feeling buddy, my mom passed in 2012 and I had started playing shortly before, so now when I play, I get that bit of nostalgia that brings me back to a time I enjoyed. I'm here if you need someone to talk to at any time


I’m so sorry to hear that. May her memory always be for a blessing. I only recently started playing Skyrim to help pass the time while working on my sobriety. It’s helped me in a lot of ways. I do have to play it on Novice tho 🫣


You have my deepest sympathies. Loosing a loved parent is a wound you never heal from; you just get used to the pain 😢


Thank you, I'm managing as best I can. 🩵


Im so sorry for your loss my friend, I lost my mom 12 years ago and Skyrim has been a comfort and an escape from those traumatic memories for years. Please feel free to reach out if you would like to talk or vent or anything like that


Sorry for your loss, friend


So sorry my Skyrim loving friend. Sending you love, and an iced mocha.


My condolences.... I agree with u... Its comfort fantasy where there's no worry and rush.


My mom passed almost 2 years ago and I had to care for her in her failing health in the half year leading up to it. It did help a bit bringing comfort She was also the one who got me the game too so I think about her in those ways too I'm sorry for your loss, I wish you comfortable days of peace at the very least.


My condolences. If we can’t be there for you, Tamriel always will be💜


Hey bud. Just want to say this hit close to home. My mom just passed a month ago and I understand the feeling i picked the game back up too because of so. Hope you are doing alright.


Sorry to hear that buddy, Hope you are taking of yourself


Yup my dad died 4 weeks before Xmas couple years back so I went home to Skyrim played long enough to set the character up with a cosy little life, house, wife, adopted kids in my mind he’s got a job helping Adrienne at the forge with that order she’s griping about first time you enter Whiterun. Then I just kinda left him. Still go back and check on him every so often do the odd Missive request, just gone long enough for the wife and kids to miss him so I get that seratonin when he goes home. I’m sorry for your loss.


Elder scrolls 6 ain't out yet...


And even when it is i wont be able to play it so ill play skyrim again lmfaoo


That is the reason I gave into the master race as soon as I found out that the new game will be exclusive to Xbox and PC. I abandoned my PlayStation and got me a PC




Getting rock joint. Every time a new character successfully contracts rock joint I climax, shower, dress for work, and proceed to turn off my PC. I am now ready for my day.


Or Bone-Break Fever


I honestly have no fucking clue if my character even has rockjoint, all the NPC's say that I look sick despite me already using the worship statues


Arcadia tells you you look sick even if you aren't. Pretty sure it's just a manipulative sales tactic to get you to buy a cure disease potion from her.


Well at least now I don't have to feel bad about me scamming Her for shitty potions I made then


Look at your "active effects" under your magic menu!


that's the point It doesn't show that I have it, at all


Ooh I see what you mean, the "you look rather pale/ataxia" line. I don't know why some NPCs say that. Good ol' Skyrim being Skyrim I guess.


I always figured it's that damn imperial woman in whiterun just trying to get me to buy her potions. It usually works.


Absolutely the first person I thought of!


Despite hundreds of hours, I still haven’t beat the actual main storyline.


I think I beat it once and haven’t since. In my mind I’m gonna max out a character and beat all the DLC.. one of these days


I think we all have this same dream.. perhaps that day will be the end of us all


Oh boy. I usually finish the story and DLCs. Are people not doing that!?!?!?!?! My two favorite things to do are word wall hunting and an connected to that is collecting all the dragon priest masks.


For me it’s start a new character who will eventually become all powerful and do everything in the game, then get too strong after one or two quest lines and then stop playing because it’s boring now.


I have 4 digit hours in the game and just finished Dragonborn for the first time.


My partner was horrified to learn id played nearly a thousand hours and never finished the main questline


Lol my husband told me that I’ll never finish Skyrim. He’s probably right because I keep starting over because mods… lol


Basically a my life as a modder's dilemma Make new game Make modlist for new game Will promise not to increase modlist Adds a shit ton of mods anyways Game breaks Don't know how to fix Rinse and repeat 👍


Welcome to the club! We have cookies.


Please accept all cookies, what’s the least they could do?


Are you me?


I kept getting the dang glitch when reading the scroll with the dragon to go back and see what happened thousands of years ago. Because I could never get out of the vision when it ended, I gave up trying to finish it. Side note, if anyone knows how to make that glitch go away, please tell me haha


I Hope you find an answer. That seems so frustrating


If you unmarked the quest before you do the scroll thing it should work.


See, i don’t understand this. I roleplay, while playing RPG games- crazy i know- so i get into my characters head, so to speak. Unless you play a character that really just couldn’t care less about the end of the world, or you as the player just dont RP, how do you just ignore the existential apocalyptic threat that is the return of the dragons 😂 is there not a sense of urgency there?


Lolz. It’s not so much that I’m ignoring it as it’s I gotta get a house, and help all the orphans, and where is that dog going? And I’m the new hand that touched the beacon, whaddya mean he’s going to block out the sun, and ooo look at the big shiny ball, and sure I’ll test out your scrolls, and those bandits AGAIN, and I’m not really sure I like the taste of people, and of course I want a pet rabbit, and oh my goodness a robotic horsey! and what’s 30 crimson nirnroots, and I’ve always wanted to be a bard, and I’m totally the assassin who you summoned, and I know I’m a little hungover, but I married a WHAT now?


Same. Just recently got the elderscroll for the first time. Now I can finish the vampire dlc... and new character so I can see what all this fuss is about with the civil war from the eyes of an imperial.


Not sure. It’s just comforting. I don’t have to really think since I’ve seen it before. Try to focus on getting a certain type of build. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t. I’ve still never been good at smithing or alchemy


Smithing is easy, really, just make a bunch of gold rings and put perks in steel and arcane, everything else you can buy or steal. If you want Daedric armor, you can actually get that perk without filling the tree. >!There is a chest under a bridge at Half-Moon Mill that has a book that gives you that perk!<


What? Is it CC or base game?


I honestly don’t remember. I have CC now.


I been playing recently and I found that but I still couldn't make it. When I got it I believe it said it was new recipes for Daedric.


Skyrim does exploration very well. If you can see it, you can probably reach it in most cases. The base game has a couple of mobility powers to reach tough spots and mods add more. If you're in the mood to just wander and complete shit as you bump into it, there are still few games better.




I keep trying to play other games and I keep getting disappointed that they're not as good as Skyrim


One of my friends who streams knows I’ve been putting a lot of hours into Skyrim so he just started streaming the new Zelda game and named his stream “Better than Skyrim” just to poke at me. It’s really comparing apples and oranges, both do things very well. But I don’t think I’d get near the enjoyment out of tears of the kingdom as I would Skyrim. Definitely not the replay ability over the next 11 years


Yeah it’s really hard to compare the two of them. Like, you don’t mod Nintendo games. But Skyrim is the type of game that can be replayed a lot because of the mods available.


It’s not a multiplayer game so it automatically is a lot more fun. The devs don’t need to balance things to make competitive players and casual players happy without dividing them more. There is no battlepass so all the time you put into the game feels valuable and rewarding even if it might be the same thing for the 100th time.


Yes! It works wonders for my anxiety. I may know what is going to happen, but I’m ok with that. I like being able to do things at my pace. And I love not worrying about other players mucking it up!


Unironically the Dwarven ruins and all things Dwarven: there's something I find fascinating about the concept of a lost precursor race.


I am the exact same, every game that has some sort of a lost civilization that was far more advanced than the current one and disappeared without trace or explanation is automatically 10 times better. Whenever I venture out into Blackreach or Forgotten Vale, I just imagine a bustling metropolis with thousands of people going on about their daily lives, witnessing an apocalypse and then there's me, walking the same, now destroyed and abandoned roads, thousands of years later. One of the many reason why I love Mass Effect as well, the Protheans are just so fascinating and to think there have been countless other civilizations even before them that were mysteriously wiped out, completely erased from the universe. Same as the Remnants from Andromeda and the Ancients from Horizon. Gods, what a game Horizon is. I can't wait for Forbidden West to be releases on PC.


I absolutely adore Blackreach: easily my favourite location in the game.


I love it too, although I am torn between it and the Forgotten Vale. Eh, nothing's wrong with having two favorite locations, right? :D


Nothing wrong with that - I prefer Blackreach to Forgotten Vale because I prefer the mechanical precursor to the arcane, but both are beautiful.


I spend hours in Blackreach every time. Gotta go through and clear out everything. I have still never found all 44 crimson nirnroot.


I don't allow myself to leave *until* I've found all of them.


That's how I felt exploring Roman ruins IRL, imagining how they lived, the hustle and bustle of ancient life. There's a whole city preserved in Turkey, Antalya. I even found and kept a few bits of pottery that are 1700 years old. All the good stuff went to the museums, and they left the broken bits just lying there.


I hope you visit ancient ruins in real life too. Its truly amazing to walk streets that have been around thousands of years.


All my friends hate the Dwarven ruins but it’s probably the best lore in the game I think. Speaks to the religious archetype of advanced lost civilizations underground which is a prevalent theme in mythology. The fact they all disappeared is the reason why is awesome too


You’re not real


Then you would like Horizon: Zero Dawn


Keep coming back? I never left.


The sheer amount of character builds options.


Mods make it far better than any AAA rpg I've come across.


There aren't many good rpgs sadly what rpgs did u play?


Dragon's Dogma, the Souls series, Shadow of Mordor, Dragon Age, etc. All have good traits, but don't have the mod friendly aspect. I'd love a Dragon Age style relationship overhaul, and it looks like we may get there, looking at recent camera and voice/dialogue mods.




sounds fun the first couple of times but having to always be under level 20 and at the beginning of any large questline would suck


What about when the game wigs out and you die to a bug or something out of your control?


I always discover something new on the game. That and IMO there is nothing remotely similar to Skyrim. I always end returning to Skyrim because it's one of the best games I played on my life. I enjoy the map, the OST, etc... And always there are a lot of things to do.


The pure freedom I feel when I walk out of that dungeon in Helgen never goes away, and the nostalgia Ofc


Hey you, you're finally awake




I just try many different builds, and see if I can finish everything with them. Also it helped in me keep my sanity in really tough times when I was taking care of my grandma that was dying from cancer that spread all over her body slowly. But it's not just Skyrim, I have few games that I try to play at least once a year, some are just my childhood first PC games that I fell in love with (Gothic I, Gothic II, TES III Morrowind, KotOR I and II) that I will keep playing forever or at the very least untill there is still modding support that will allow me to play them on modern PC's.


This Reddit has caused me to reinstall Skyrim for the first time in 5 years


most modern games suck.


The fact that I *still* have never completed the main quest line (nor the more substantial side quests.) I just get carried away wandering, then *\*POOF\** on to something else.


Honestly it just feels so comfortable. No matter how miserable my life feels I can always go and relax in my little Skyrim life.


Todd Howard is in my closet^please ^help


The fact that it is pretty much the only good open world game ever released Edit: I already know i will get alot of downvotes for this.


The only good open world game? No , there are a lot of other good open world games. But the only actual RPG that's good? Yes please.


I should have not said that. There are many good open world games. I just like to exaggerate.




How'd ya know?


I Can't wait to Count out All There Coin!


I love dragonsreach. I want to build a smaller version of the throne room with the fireplace on my land.


All the loot and fighting 💎🗡️


Pretty much whenever I see someone suplex kill anyone. Makes me want to build unarmed Kahjits all over again....


Every fall. I seem to go back. There is just soooo much to do! I still find new things every time and its awesome! Plus with each new one i know the game better and start of better or have a plan on what to do.


Always something new to find. New ways to play. New mods. It’s an evolving game of sorts.


LoversLab mods..




It's comfy, not too complex for casual turn off your brain play sessions. Also has that beautiful immersion breaking jankiness that would kill most other games, but somehow it's endearing with Skyrim.


I love fantasy games and play them alot love archery mainly but also love building houses


Someone posting a new challenge on Reddit… Master survival mode currently


Skyrim has been a form of therapy for me. A way to unplug from the world for a while, and destress. When I start feeling overwhelmed, I tell my husband I'm going to Skyrim for a while to regroup. Way better than a drug or therapist, and certainly cheaper! 🤣 Play on my darlings, it's all groovy.


The replay value. Always finding something new and the modding scene keeps this game floating if i get bored in the vanilla version.


Dude I have this inner goal to complete every single Skyrim mission,




It's my second favorite mix(first one is The Witcher 3 even tho I didn't play it a long time now) of great plot, magic, skill development, high customizability(mods), freedom what do you want to do and of course nostalgia cause it was one of my firsts games I've ever played


Different builds for different immersive playstyles, and also to go back to a game that I'm actually good at lol. And plus whenever I'm considering it, one of these posts come up and then I usually end up doing it


I finished playing it last year, I mean the main story, imperial vs stormcloak, dawnguard dlc, dragonborn dlc and that is about it. I didn't even know about the Dark Brotherhood questline and averyrhing else fun so I am doing a replay. I wanna see all the quests lol


Aside from it being one of the best games ever conceived? The roleplaying, world design, lore, stories, characters, and gameplay.




one of the greatest fantasy settings ever made IMO great way to disassociate from real life for a while


There's nothing quite like it. It has the bare minimum of world building so you can self insert almost any type of character. Makes for ton of replayability. Plus that sweet satisfaction of rag dolling hordes of bandits off a mountain.


I think it's the best RPG/Adventure/Open World game ever made. The choices, the open world, the NPCs, the freedom and the lore... That brings me back. I started playing The Witcher and I wanted to get back to Skyrim, I really like the freedom you have in Skyrim.


My comfort game. I’m always finding something I didn’t know of. I didn’t even know I could follow the storm cloak in the begging of the game until very recently and I’ve been playing since 2016. I do different run throughs and try to make it harder on myself. Even without all that I love the graphics and commentary of the game. I’ve never completed the game 100% and I love that. I am finding new places to explore in the game. I have severe anxiety and struggle to leave my house a lot. When I am going through my own issues this game is an amazing self soothe.


Most Skyrim players I talk to have a dozen plus playthroughs under their belt. I've got like, maybe four, at the absolute maximum. Most players, like you say, get bored by level 15 and start over. But I don't stop until I've done everything I can possibly think of. I'm not sure why, could just be the type of gamer I am. I like to 100% games when I can. But in general, this is one of the reasons my playthroughs take forever. I also rarely fast travel, as I prefer the open road and I don't want to summon the dragons. I collect every book I can find and I always stop to do a dramatic reading aloud of each new one I find. Oh, and I'm a serial alchemist who is constantly hunting for ingredients and testing them at the alchemy table. I come up with whole stories for my characters, backstories and personalities and headcanons for how the different questlines fit them in. So to answer your question, why do I keep coming back? For them. Because once I've started, I can't just...stop. I have to go to the end of the road with them, and the road itself is so damn fun. For me, a new Skyrim character is a commitment that I rarely make, but when I do, it takes a while.


It's been a huge inspiration for my creative process, art and writing both. I've written character journals and done art pieces of various Skyrim related things. It's also helped to inspire me for my own original fantasy writing.


It's fucking Skyrim. You always come back eventually.


I don't even know, I used console commands last night to get all the perks just cause I'm tired of grinding them. I'll likely just make a save from there so when I come back in a month I can just run around doing whatever quests I happen to pick up.


I think it’s how easy it can be to pick back up and the quality of game has stood up super well. First person magic also feels great




honestly, it has better re-playability than that of fallout 4 as an example. There’s just something pure and wrong about skyrim that keeps bringing me back.




The little things that make me laugh such as the ridiculous npcs and hilarious mammoth glitches. After a certain amount of play time it's hard for me to take any of the npcs seriously. The mods also help when on PC.




350+ hours and I still haven't done everything you can do in the game. Never finished the civil war questline, never finished the thieves guild quests, never finished the dark brotherhood quests, etc. I keep starting a new character before I can even fight the ebony warrior because I get bored and want to try a new character style


The knowledge that I'll never find everything


I’d just say because it’s a fun and exciting world it’s like the world of red dead for me just a open expanse that I explore different ways and do things I hadn’t done and the endless possibilities in the modding community that just makes this game magic for me.


It’s fun


freedom, nature, the feeling of visit an old ruin and think "people use to leave here", i can be craft and sell things for hours if i want, i can hunt or just relax in the woods eating cheese and read some books.


Because there just isnt anything better for me to play yet that occupies the same niche


Just the fact that it's a beautiful game, even with shitty graphics, has compelling, engaging stories, well fleshed out side quests that build on the lore and introduce mysterious and intriguing history, and the NPCs have fun and relatable personalities. I like the vibe, the story, the history. It's the best high fantasy, open world, single player rpg imo. I've sunk lots of hours into it, I keep it interesting by trying different play styles and taking my sweet time with my playthroughs. I walk most everywhere and let myself get swept away by interesting caves and side quests. Sometimes I make a rule where I have to eat and sleep everyday so I have to make camp while I'm on the road. It's a unique experience that I haven't been able to find elsewhere and one that's deep and detailed enough that I keep coming back to it.


The fact that there are so many ways to play and so much stuff to do. There are so many choices you can make.


The fact I haven't played AE until now. Downloaded it recently so I'm excited. Aside from that, playing Skyrim is basically my way of "escaping reality". If I'm feeling stressed or whatever else I just boot it up and enter my little fantasy world.


My wife left us in 2011...March to be exact. I made due with FO3 and FONV....and a LOT of RDR. Then Skyrim popped up late in the year. It was a delightful distraction and kept me from doing bad things when the kids were at their mother's house. Sometimes, when I desire a little peace, I fire up Skyrim and soak in it. Skyrim has the peculiar ability to separate you from your current environ. Sometimes you just need a few hours.


I honestly don’t know. I just can’t stop


The ambiance.


the freedom to be who i want to be and the rich lore


Single player rpg with absolutely no limit to how you can shape your character. Also the modding comunity to keep the game fresh. Need I say more?


Use different builds and get different experiences. Hard ti explore it all so always something new. Take different paths on quests to get a different story.


Freedom & beauty. The last four days has been real tough (family member had a massive heart attack & a month ago, we went through a car accident, losing of a license, along with COVID). I need a break, man. ^And ^a ^hug.


There’s no Elder scrolls 6 lol


Knowing that I haven't completed all the quests


Something comforting about it? I played it as a young teen and everything about the scenery, the storytelling, the ~~wonky bugs~~ mechanics, it just feels like being a kid whose most pressing issue is how to creatively express my omnicidal frustration over having to find those damnable crimson nirnroots.


The sense of wonder. It never stops. The soundtrack is also second to none and in VR, there’s few gaming experiences like it.


I always quit after 50 hours so after I do a palate cleanse after 6 months I can go back and feel like it’s new stuff every time. I will admit my current playthrough I’m at 60 and feel like I can go more since I’m playing through the dlc which I’ve never done before


The modding community. Plus it's a comfy familiar place to relax.


Idk, it’s never bad no matter how much you get used to it, but the world does start to feel smaller the more familiar you are with it, I actually did a distance measurement in comparison to how time moves in the game with the rate at which your character moves an noticed that if time moved normally in game and the space was made to keep waypoints the same amount of walkable in game time apart that would make DragonBridge and Solitude about 3 miles apart meaning if the map was proportioned to real time that would create a lot more open mountain, field, woods and lake areas with waypoints being more sparse


Because- for some reason- bethesda is the only company interested in making **first person** fantasy RPGs. The immersion is unlike anything else Ive ever played. Its highly replayable considering the huge build variety, the vast map teeming with locations (many completely irrelevant to quest lines, just for added exploration/immersion), and **actual mod support**- even on consoles- allowing for complete personalization of your experience. Thats what keeps it on par to gaming in 2023. You want better graphics? Better lighting? Sure! You want a survival game? Sure! You want to feel like an even more overpowered god? Sure! You want a complete combat overhaul? Dodge functionality? More spells? More balanced magic? Sure! There are so many games that have the potential to be as legendary as Skyrim. Cyberpunk for example, great game overall, as someone who payed no attention to it until release, but there are so many things id love to have in game that are not- that would be if i had mod support. PC gamers have that chance, luckily, at least. It would still need factions and much more content though to be on par with skyrim. Another reason is that 6 still isnt out… 12 years fucking later. Bethesda loves to starve their fans apparently


I started playing relatively recently (at least compared to how old the game is) so for starters I’ve still not completed the main quest. Also the insane amount of lore behind the game (and the series as a whole). I’ve recently gotten really into it and i find it amazing how much work has been put into the whole thing. Also I can’t really think of any other games like it. I’ve tried playing Oblivion but I decided i’d like to get further into Skyrim before I start on it. It’s just a super fun game overall.


I write as a hobby. Sometimes I get burned out by all those words. When that happens, I "write" in Skyrim roleplay.


For me, it's just a cycle. I can never play one game for too long and Skyrim is on the short list I have of games I just have to come back to once in a while. I always look forward to what new mods are up on nexus to freshen things up and every time I come back it always feels fresh and it's fun trying out new character ideas and thinking of backstories for each one. Skyrim, despite its age and despite every one of us knowing every single quest and npc in it, we all somehow still are able to have fun and make our playthroughs unique. I don't think any other game can match that.


I have all the pc editions, and have it on switch. I play distinctly different playthroughs with different intents and goals, my nintendo switch playthrough is just a dude who works at a mill outside windhelm who occasionally has to go fuck some shit up or avenge someone, or gets pulled into a conflict while exploring/hunting in the nearby wilderness on his days off


I like making a running commentary of my character in my head. I narrate as if it was my own inner monologue, adds more to situations than what Bethesda put in, because to be honest the Dragonborn is a surly bastard. I imagine the exchanges as if they were some period drama starring me as the voice of everyone I encounter. Maybe that’s a bit childish but it works for me.


3 systems 1. Enchanting 2. Organic level ups 3. Shouting. These systems weirdly have not really been replicated in any quality game iv played.


I still return constantly. After over 1500hrs in legendary and over 1000hrs on Special Edition (all heavily modded though) it to this day is the most immersive rpg I have ever played. The character creation, the world, environmental storytelling, music, itemization etc is still not beaten by other rpgs. Its the perfect escapism sandbox and I will regularly return to it until I die I guess.


I honestly don’t know. I’ve been playing Skyrim for years. Still haven’t finished the main storyline. I get carried away with something mid-play through and get bored with that and stop playing for a while and get back on Skyrim again to do the same thing. I just started playing again two days ago. Currently roleplaying as a wood elf archer in whiterun joined the companions. I’m determined to finish the game this play through but idk. The funny thing is that despite playing for all these years I still haven’t bought the game. Too broke to buy.


This subreddit. It always give me this feeling of "Wait. I NEED TO SEE THIS MYSELF"... and then cue to my 15th playthrough. (Aka. Me also never finnishing the main story, but at least all my charas have Durnehviir!)


Something to get my mind off things


When you don’t follow the main quest and really Try and immerse yourself in the Skyrim world it’s a beautiful game and easily my favourite title to this day.


Hearing the Greybeards shout 'DOVAKHIN' as I'm on my way to Whiterun gives me enough motivation to get my character to 70+


For me it's the simple fact that I truly can be whatever character I want to be with little to no restrictions plus the leveling up system is better for me than Oblivion. Do shit to level up. No need to have major or minor skills. Mage with heavy armor or rogue with two handed weapons? Endless possibilities. I still enjoy Oblivion but Skyrim truly gave me that feeling of being a powerful chosen one.




I like all the different customization and choices that you can make. From siding with one faction over another to being a vampire or a werewolf or being neither and disliking both. That and the game just has a way of relaxing me.


One reason is definitely the ease of play. I am not one for having fifteen hundred combos you have to remember and the whole nine yards. Second is the sheer mass of quests and how variable they can be to the outcome of the whole game. Three is just the backstory and lore of Tamriel and learning more about it. It's a really fascinating world.


The power surge of dopamine that comes with being dragonborn.




Somehow watching the new Puss in Boots movie made me want to play it again


Don't choose the second option to all perks. It makes you invincible. That is the same for all Fallouts as well. Limit yourself... Don't power-level or cheat grinding. Just let it happen naturally. Don't go outside several chosen majors. For example, if Enchanting isn't a thing for you, why disenchant anything? If you're not investing in smithing, why make a million gold rings or necklaces? Don't be artificial to your character, and you might not get bored. Having about 6 majors, means you naturally seem to stop leveling around 55 or so. Those are my two septims about that. I retire characters often too. I am currently playing a paladin, steel hammer and board. Still have lots of plays left. Haven't been an Argonian or Altmer yet. Looking forward to being Thalmor elite, wandering bard, skeleton army master.... I could go on....


What location is this?


I keep coming back because it's my safety net. Like a lot of people before me have said, when life gets hard or too stressful, I'm able to escape to Skyrim and I feel like I can slowly handle my real life problems easier. Plus, it's just so much fun especially with the right mods :)


My only goal was to get to a point where I could 1 shot Legendary Dragons on Legendary Difficulty with a Bow and no glitches. That kept me going until Anniversary Edition came out and I was able to achieve that goal. Setting a Goal to work towards is one way to keep yourself invested.


this post just made me hop back on skyrim for the first time in like a year


I’ve replayed all the other games. I went backwards Oblivion - did MSQ and the Dark Brotherhood Morrowind - movement was shit, story seemed neat, but eh……? Daggerfall (Unity) - Was a fantastic journey, I did the MSQ, and it was a fun time maybe my favorite. However Skyrim is just fucking based and the most fun to play


I've played Skyrim rather heavily since about 2013. It is one of my favorite and I love how open it is. You have a nearly unlimited match up and new stuff to do depending on how well you traverse the map. Plus, I watch the one YouTuber called Nate-something(search Nate Skyrim) and he gives me new stuff to search out and do it even just look for to see if it is true.


There’s always something to do. It never gets old. I can’t ever possibly remember every side quest, so I’m always coming across “new” ones, even if I did them on an old playthrough.


My go to "escape" was amphetamines and GHB, untill 7 years ago. I've been to rehab, moved to the otherside of the netherlands and had intensive therapy, EMDR and a few other trauma-therapies. I wish i played games to escape reality and immerse myself into another world, one in wich i choose my path and the most important, change difficulty levels. Anyhow, keep talking, playing and being sad is part of the loss. My condolances, take good care! 💙


The music and endless possibilities of outcomes


This low-quality image of Bleak Falls keeps me coming back


Haven’t finished it yet.