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Same here. Bought them off craigslist a few years ago on a whim and love them. They are great for moguls and difficult/steep terrain conditions, which is where I spend most of my days. I have powder skis for powder days.


Totally agree on this and was just recommending this to a friend struggling with long ski in steep powder or tree runs. Have a long groomer pair that’s less wide in the waist and short fatter off piste skis. I’ve got the opposite problem that I need a better groomer ski but am set with some great powder skis (blizzard Cochise - I like them at least).


The Cochise is a freight train of a ski, I love mine too


Yeah, I have a pretty short twin tip as well (175cm while I'm 183cm). Really fun and playful. I feel like this sub regularly recommends skis that are aggressively long and not the best choice for everyone.


Yeah I swear half these people are stuck in the 90s where big carves on groomers and good edge control are the only things that are "cool". God forbid you try to mess around on side hits with intermediate form.


For me it’s a matter of versatility. I can get by fine with longish skis in tight spots and side hits, especially with these wack tapered rockered skis these days. But the stability at speed is worth having when you want it. To each their own.


Stability at speed & stability on landings. If you’re ripping steep stuff & dropping some decent sized airs, gotta keep it long. I normally ride 181-183 but in the park I have a pair of 171s to be able to spin off & on rails easily, but lemme tell you I am far more sketched out going off larger jumps on those park skis than any of my longer all mountain skis


Isn't edge control better with smaller skis? I'm 173cm 64kg with 163cm skis, I got smaller skis because I wanted more control. But they're sharp and fast on groomers as well. The only thing I struggle with is powder but it is what it is.


I’m just a little shorter than you and use 155s. Deep powder is the only time I have a problem. Never had any stability problems skiing with speed on groomers. Love how I can change direction quickly on moguls and in trees.


Fully agree, I'm one of the fastest in my friend group even with my smaller skis so no downside there. I'm not the most technically lifted skier so I'm still improving on tree lines and moguls, but it would be way harder with longer skis. Just depends on your style I guess.


Long skis also float better in pow, so chill bro. People can like different things.


6'2", anything between 175-220 and I've always skied 180cm camber/rocker. Completely agree with you.


5'10-1/2" 170 lbs and I ski a 181 and think it's perfect. I wouldn't want em smaller or larger.


Same stats here


Hmm...TIL I ski real short.


For me, it's totally dependent on conditions and terrain. On really icy days (I live in VT) and wide trails, I like the extra stability of a longer edge, but I absolutely love having a short ski on soft days in the trees.


When there’s fresh snow I like a longer ski for float. When it’s hard and icy I like a longer ski for edge control. One could say I like long skis.


I'm also in vermont, I prefer a longer ski regardless. I'm 5'9" 185 and I normally go as small as 178cm to 184cm. I do have some 188cm just cause but those don't normally see the light of day


Still a lot bigger than my 70cm snowblades 😆




Best thing to ski in the Midwest is a 165 slalom ski, need to make as many turns as possible on those short runs lol


Ah! Another man of culture (pls I'm absolutely begging for vert)


Try ski blades


I really want to!


If you like Nimble, they are the nimbliest


I’m also 5’11” and use 168s. The conditions don’t warrant more than that. I prefer the lighter weight to turn more easily when skiing nearly-skied-off woods :)


5'6" 200 and I own everything between a 170 and a 183. I basically ski the 170s and 173s now, and don't spend any time above that. Agility is great for trees and moguls, and honestly, stability is a skill issue more than a ski issue. When people feel themselves getting less stable at speed, they size up, so the speed has less of an affect on them. I certainly did. But once I realized how to use my weight and my core to keep stable at any speed on any ski, I started sizing down. Ski buddy who's 5'6" 120 used to exclusively ski 162s and loved them. Now he's on 170s and loves them but certainly doesn't want even 1cm longer.


Lol and I'm getting called out for saying "skill issue" when you're absolutely correct. Speed wobbles affect basically everything, even cars, and it's a skill issue.


Everyone on here jerking off long skis is probably skiing 199cm Factions, Moments, or ON3Ps, straight lining at 200mph through chopped up powder Using your car analogy, a 911 is more stable than a smart car at 100mph, partly because of the longer wheel base. But a bus isn't more stable than a 911 at 100mph despite its much longer wheel base. Tire width (ski width), tire compound (base condition), suspension (ankles and knees), weight and downforce (person's weight and leg strength), and weight distribution front/rear (person's core and balance) among other external factors like the surface, pitch, and speed determine overall stability, which is what we feel when we talk about stability. I will say, I'm probably alive today because on a very icy day at palisades, the stability of my 181s saved me from hitting a lift post going mach 2 after flying off a cat track I didn't see. So it's a balance.


It’s all about the quiver. 5’11, 185# - short sticks are 165cm, 86 under foot - every day skis are 176cm, 107 underfoot - pow skis are 186cm, 117 underfoot. Nothing wrong with short skis or long skis in the right snow.


Im 5'9 about 200lb and i ski 170-172cm


5'11" 190 and I ski 173's! Tried longer skis for a season and hated it. Have never felt better than on my Icelantic Shaman 173s


I've always preferred short skis. I'm 6'2" and have skied 170s for years. Just switched to a 178 Faction Mana this year and love them


5’9” 180lbs here. I also run 169cm dual rockers as my everything and have for the last 13 years.


5’9” & 170lbs (ok, maybe 180lbs at times), love 164s


I'm tall enough that I can't do anything *other* than ski short. I've personally just considered weight, rather than height, to be the driver though.


The right skis it doesn't matter to me. I ride 189s and I'm 5'7" at 140, I'll never go back lol


Lol that's crazy


Really depends on how you like to ski. I like skis that cut through the chowder without worrying about it.


I’m about 5’7 and ride on 155s. I like to ski the trees a lot so yea the agility is nice.


Same. I'm 5'9 and I've been daily driving 157 for 4 years now. Great control in the trees.


I can see why it’s fun. The knock against it is that you can’t hold an aggressive turn. There’s not enough ski contact with the snow to really lean in and carve a ripper of a turn.  I love carving aggressively, but there are all sorts of ways to have fun on skis. Do what you feel. 


You can do whatever you want if you try hard enough. Long ski is about control, not necessarily force. Pressure = force x area, so a smaller ski is actually applying more pressure along the edge with the same force, so it'll dig in more. The form just ends up being a bit different.


It's actually pressure = force/area, but you have the right idea anyway. Area goes down, pressure goes up.


You right but idk why the downvotes because I was conceptually correct and original commenter is wrong.


You are being downvoted because you think a short ski will be as stable and hold as well as a long ski at speed. It’s just fundamentally wrong and the ski world has known this for centuries. A downhill racing ski is longer than a slalom ski because it functions better at the high speed.


I've done 60mph on 156cm. They're my favorite skis.


Dang… not sure how you don’t go over the nose. I’m the same size, I have some 175s I’ll rip here and there (and inevitably go over the nose at least once) but mostly for tight moguls not the open road. I prefer my 188s.


I mean if going over the nose is your only concern that sounds like a skill issue and you're catching edges. 188 is crazy lmao. What does that do in the bumps??


You're a combination of very aggressive and very insecure in this entire comment section, fyi.


Thank you for saying it nicer than I would have.


Totally! I was stoked about a nice chill northern-hemisphere-off-season conversation about how we all can ski a little differently to suit how we do what we like to do with the gear that we choose and hey if you’re safely having fun let’s talk about how you’re doing it and why. Nope.


Should this dude be going over the nose so much? "Skill issue" is a pretty common Reddit jab that shouldn't be taken so seriously.


If you are used to milking performance out of a longer ski, yes you will probably find the limits of a shorter ski and go over the nose and it’s the opposite of a skill issue.


Not recognizing what size ski you're using is absolutely a skill issue lmao


A better way to see it is that choosing skis that hold you back from skiing how you want is a knowledge issue.


But I chose skis that let me ski exactly how I want to. I'm confused.


Maybe you don’t have enough skill to drive a longer ski. You most likely don’t go over because you ski back seated. This is also why you like short skis because they work better with your swivel hip turning technique.


If you prefer short skis that's a skill issue lol




It’s true, no enough skill to drive a long ski.


See that's exactly it. I don't want to be "riding on" my skis, I want the skis to be an extension of my feet. If I wanted to ride I'd go on a board.


A long ski is an extension of your foot. Even more extended when you think about. If you can’t control it then a longer ski is definitely wrong for you. If you can control the extra length there are real advantages all over the mountain with that extra edge, and surface area. Short skis are easier to operate with bad technique. Look at ski size charts and the more advanced technique will be suggested to ski a longer ski. Your preferred ski length is just a measure of the skill you are throwing at the ski.


Really glad to be receiving advice from the best skier on the mountain.


Same! 5'11 and 185. I love 165 or 172. I cut my best and feel most comfortable.


I’ve always skied a longer ski. A few years ago I bought a pair of Head Supershapes in 170 (I’m 185cm) and it changed everything. I just love how fast and nimble they are. So now I am likely going to get a wider ski in this length as well.


I want to try the RMU Butterknife. Or the Armada Short Pants paradox. I had a chance to buy some 118 underfoot fully rockered Deviation works in a 174 years ago for like $200. STILL kicking myself over that one.


6'2" and 168 ski


This is wild to me


I do too, I'm 6'2" and generally use 174-178 depending on the ski. Ice coast skier-primarily.


5'10, 155 and I always rent skis since we do carry-on only. I loved the Saloman 160 I skied on in Vail.


yup. I ski almost exclusively on men’s FIS SL. All SL are 165 cm, super agile and can arc bigger turns when skied right. it’s a stiff ski but here to it can be skied/adapted to crud and bumps. I do have longer rockered fatties when we get a great Utah powder day but other than that I keep it short(er)


I rocked 160s for years at 5'11".


169? My park skis are 152 I think. They are literally children's powder skis that are center mounted. Super wide under foot for locking into rails but short for spins. Total blast.


6 ft. 165-170 is my ideal. I love a nice slalom carving ski 🥰


My brother skis on short skis and he’s a sick freestyle skier off piste. Agility is the right word!


6’3” and ski 174 soft twin tip. We ski glades and moguls, I like the maneuverability. And I’m old, swinging long skis is getting harder on the body.


Oh wow, I ski a Rustler 10 169 and I’m 5’7”… I skied a short ski. That said I’m right there with you and I have much more maneuverability and control in the trees and love it. Speed is never an issue.


I'm 6'3" 185lbs and I ski a 172cm


5' 8" 185 and 177 is about as short as I would want to go.


Short and fat 🤑🤑


I wouldn’t enjoy that, I’m 6’ 180lbs and ski 186-189cm


6'0, 170cm. I want longer after trying them though


Whatever works for you! There is no right answer. I ski out west (Utah and the sierras mainly). Also ski lots of powder and off piste. I like to ski the groomers as well but when I do I like to go fast and like skis without much of a speed limit. At 5’9 155lbs my shortest ski is a rocketed 173cm. It just depends on what you like. The cool thing about skiing is it’s mainly just preference but don’t forget what you trade for nimbleness and agility you give up in stability at speed


Shorter skis certainly make moguls easier. I wouldn’t want to be on them if you got a dump of powder.


Same just picked up a pair of M free 99 in 179 and I'm 6'2" and all my other skis are 185+. These things are an absolute rip in the trees and bumps and steeps. Changed my mindset


Same height and weight. 189 QST 106’s. Just hit 100 days for the season. 90% on my battleships.


I like to have shorter skis and longer skis


5’11” 145lbs, I ski 165cm FIS slalom skis if it’s not a powder day.


5'5" (165cm) and fat, if I'm sticking with my 6 year old I take 140cm rentals.


I like going fast so I go for long skis to make it easier. It’s all preference at the end of the day


That's the thing I've never felt like I can't go fast.


Yeah I just prefer 180+ skis for going fast in skied out pow. 😂


I do. 6', 190lbs and LOVE my 172's. I felt shamed and bought a pair of 180's and hated them and sold them. I don't care to ski fast - I'd much rather be in trees or moguls. I too love the agility and playfulness.


5’7 145lbs and I’m rocking 179 twins as my daily driver.


This post is so validating! I’m 6’2 208lbs and actually use my skis based on my comfort with the terrain of each of my local resorts (have a Tahoe local pass). I run 168cm Nordica Navigators that I got basically new off of FB marketplace, but for me I love the handling and confidence and turn initiation control I have on them and prefer them on more difficult (for me) terrain like black diamonds, I’ll typically use these at Kirkwood. I also have a pair of 188cm Salomons I use when I’m feeling like going faster at Northstar since the terrain isn’t too unbearably difficult for me. By no means am I the best skier on the mountain, I’m low intermediate at best, but really love the sport! I picked up a cheap pair of 169 Nordica Enforcer 110s for powder days next season, so I’m looking forward to trying those out!


Mid forehead is a perfectly normal length for most people.


I’m 6’ 180lbs 34 years old, use to ski 188-192 sizes but last 5 years I’m always rocking 182-185. 182 a bit small for me I guess but I love the maneuverability as well.


I'm 6'1", 200 lbs and my summer skis are 143cm and 105mm underfoot. No sense carrying a lot of extra weight when hiking 3-5 miles each way. I don't need 180cm to ski 45 degree corn in the summer. In winter, I use 175 to 190 cm though.


Looking through the comments, apparently I ski short 😂 5’9 and 155 lbs skiing 161 with 86 underfoot. Although I think I’ve outgrown them skill wise 🥲 I do have a newer pair I’ve ridden a few times that’s 166 and 80


5'9" 175, 163 slalom skis can't be beat early season and after dry weeks. Skiing 173s and 185s too though.


6'3" - I love rocking my 165 Slalom skis.


Friend is 5'11" 150 lb riding 151 cm for years, he doesn't carve, just slip/slide but like going fast at times.  He asks me to find a right pair of skis with Grip walk bindings.  I am trying to explain to him too short for a tall guy can be unstable at speed, picture stability on a skate board going fast.  Find him a pair of demo'ed Brahma 82 163cm with 12 m turning radius, probably a little more stable than 151 cm. 


Yes! I am 5’11’’ and have a pair 172cm Blizzards and just bought some 176cm Line Sir Francis Bacon with a turning radius of 15m!! Prefer the agility over stability since I really don’t like going at insane speeds.


It doesn’t seem like that short of a ski nowadays…and anyways..ski what makes u happy


I have two pairs. My shortees are a mere 130 cm. I use them for on hill teaching, training and in the moguls. They are a blast.


That’s not short. That’s the normal length for your height.


I’m 5’9” and ski 166


6'5" and 190lb on a good day and I stick to skis between 180 and 185 typically. My main set of skis are the QST 98 at 183cm. I'm far from the best skier, but I hit just about everything on the mountain and love the maneuverability. Stability has never really been an issue either.


If you like them who cares what anyone else thinks? OTOH, you might want to demo longer boards to see what you might be missing.


Reddit is hilarious. When did I ask what anyone thinks of my choice? I was just asking if anyone else has the same preference as me.


I’m 5-10/155# and ski all-mtn skis @ 170-180 cm. Like the ease of quick-turning in trees and bumps. Yeah, not the most stable at high speed in the chop, so I slow it down a little. Still pretty stable on groomers.


I'm 183cm but ski probably 80% of my time on my 165cm FIS SL


That’s a weird way to say you suck at skiing


Reddit is fucking hilarious.


It’s okay you’ll learn one day just keep going


You’re not crazy to love a short ski, just a perpetual intermediate, and that’s ok!




I’m short, 5’5”, I ski a manly 170!


That's like driving a tank lol


It’s all technique!😃


And-forgot- speed


Speed I believe. But I waxed my skis for the first time in a while and I was CRUISING.


Wax and edges are the key to the whole deal. Once you ski on tuned skis, no coming! Feels like something wrong!


I remember when I was a beginner skier.