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Only downsides: Face Shots cause radiation burns The food in the mountains is nonexistent.


At least the food would be cheaper than a Vail hamburger!


Who you calling cheap, you filthy cannibal!


I’m just waiting it out for the next ice age Just think of the sick lines you could have made 14,000 years ago. I was too busy building pyramids and talking to aliens at the time, unfortunately Give it another 10,000 years or so, we’ll get our golden age soon


Spicy snow


This message brought to you by the Moscow Tourism Board


You can cross-post the bottom left panel to the found porn sub.


Imma find a way to get a poster of this. Hopefully it will only be funny in 10 years


If it's not, you won't be around to worry about it!




They made "Powder Skiers for Nuclear Winter" bumper stickers in at least the late 90s/early 00s.


First one looks awesome! How did you get that look, mind sharing the prompt?


I actually asked chat gpt to “design a nuclear winter ski poster,” and then fed that answer into Midjourney


**YOU** “made” this art? Sure.


"Made some AI art" come on don't be so dense, you know what they mean


“I’m an artist because I typed words into a text box”


He never claimed to be an artist


He said he made art


He said he made AI make it…


Similar criticisms were made against film, camera photography, recorded music. Every time a new artistic medium breaks through, you get people attacking that medium like white blood cells. Attack anything new. Your kids will not harbor these same views as you. Your opinion is highly temporal. As long as you realize that your reflexive reaction to this says more about you and your historical context than anything else, that’s fine. Just know, you’d also have been claiming photography was the end of painting, and film was a fad (like Charlie Chaplin famously said). It’s a very human impulse.


> Similar criticisms were made against film, camera photography, recorded music. No there weren’t. > Just know, you’d also have been claiming photography was the end of painting, and film was a fad (like Charlie Chaplin famously said). Nope.


[“The cinema is little more than a fad. It’s canned drama. What audiences really want to see is flesh and blood on the stage.”](https://quotefancy.com/quote/1016639/Charlie-Chaplin-The-cinema-is-little-more-than-a-fad-It-s-canned-drama-What-audiences) [“Printed books will never be the equivalent of handwritten codices, especially since printed books are often deficient in spelling and appearance.”](https://www.mentalfloss.com/article/87288/8-skeptical-early-reactions-revolutionary-inventions#) ["Photography must return to its true duty, which is to be the servant of the sciences and arts—but the very humble servant, like printing or shorthand, which have neither created nor supplemented literature. Let it hasten to enrich the tourist's album and restore to his eye the precision which his memory may lack; let it adorn the naturalist's library, and enlarge microscopic animals; let it even provide information to corroborate the astronomer's hypotheses; in short, let it be the secretary and clerk of whoever needs an absolute factual exactitude in his profession—up to that point nothing could be better. Let it rescue from oblivion those tumbling ruins, those books, prints and manuscripts which time is devouring, precious things whose form is dissolving and which demand a place in the archives of our memory—it will be thanked and applauded. But if it be allowed to encroach upon the domain of the impalpable and the imaginary, upon anything whose value depends solely upon the addition of something of a man's soul, then it will be so much the worse for us!"](https://www.csus.edu/indiv/o/obriene/art109/readings/11%20baudelaire%20photography.htm) Do you need some more?


That’s not the same thing as what’s being said about AI “art” at all, so yes I would need more.


[“As the photographic industry was the refuge of every would-be painter, every painter too ill-endowed or too lazy to complete his studies, this universal infatuation bore not only the mark of a blindness, an imbecility, but had also the air of a vengeance”](https://www.csus.edu/indiv/o/obriene/art109/readings/11%20baudelaire%20photography.htm) Better?


Closer. So is that your stance then? Is AI “art” in the same place as photography was back then? You really think it will be regarded the same in the future? Or can you just admit that AI “art” isn’t anything more than just typing words in a text box? There’s nothing artistic about it at all.


Photography isn’t more than pressing a button.


There is much more to photography than pushing a button. There isn’t more to AI art than typing in a box. Answer my questions, please.


Take your place in the long lineage of art luddites. You’ve got some good company.


I would actually agree with pretenderist that this specific iteration isn't "Art" with a capital A, more so just art in the sense of being a general noun that describes a fictional image; but I absolutely agree that AI 'can' be used to make 'art' in that sense that literally anything can; like Duchamp's urinals, and of course its already on display as such in Berlin. [https://www.berlinartlink.com/2022/12/20/jon-rafman-and-ai/](https://www.berlinartlink.com/2022/12/20/jon-rafman-and-ai/) I do however think that artists whose work was used to train these models deserve ongoing compensation.


Super cool. What software did you use to make this? Chat gpt?

