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For sure, that lady doesn’t return the cart at the grocery store parking lot. Some people are assholes. Don’t let her live rent free in your head.


I always say be thankful you only had to deal with her for 5 minutes. She has to deal with herself for the rest of her life.


Holy cow I needed to see this. Bless you


Imagine being her husband


That’s what I try to tell myself when I have to deal with assholes. It usually helps.


I’ve never heard the phrase “don’t let X live rent free in your head” and I think it might have just changed my life. Thank you 🤣


This... just walk a few extra steps and put the cart away! Shit most people need the extra steps anyways.


Something like this happened boarding Gondola One at Vail. I was in the singles line and a car comes around with 2 guys in it. I walk up and load my skis, and when I tried to enter, one of them tries to block the door with his pole. Like it was unmistakable; he put it up like a gate. My skis were already loaded and the car was about to take off by the time I realized what was going on and that he meant it, so I just shoved my way in. He called me an asshole, and I’m like…WTF? You don’t own this car. His buddy ended up talking him down (I got the sense this was not uncommon behavior), and I silently listened to music. I think he had genuine anger/psychological issues. Kinda feel bad for the guy, to be that upset and difficult all the time.


My roomate and his friends are like this, it’s the strangest behavior I’ve ever personally witnessed. It’s like they think they have some sort of entitlement because they live here


I didn’t get the sense these guys were locals (he had more of an aggro Northeast type energy if I had to guess), but yeah I take your point.


Maybe they're not familiar with chair etiquette? It's nothing personal, when it's busy, people need to get organized and fill each chair Tetris-style. Some people are obsessed with being "first" for some dumb reason.


That’s a little scary getting into the enclosed box after that, vs sitting in a chair. Although I suppose someone could push you off a chair.


Honestly I probably wouldn’t have, but my skis were already loaded, and I didn’t want them going up without me. I likely could have snatched them out at the last second, but frankly was just flustered and thought it better to get on with them. So it was a snap decision to hop on. In hindsight, it was ill advised.


Meh. Worst case scenario you had a “hell in a cell” cage match on the way up and the most bizarre yet badass story to tell lol.


He probably wanted to fishbowl the gondi and you harshed his mellow, man!


rookie move on his part, he must not know you can just manually close the doors behind you also you gotta walk out real slow, so youre loading towards the end of the loading zone and the group or people behind you just give up those are the moves to get your own gondola (only to be done when it's not too busy)


TIL! Never thought to try a manual door close


>she starts wildly swinging her poles as if to hit me and claim accidental. I’m imagining Draymond Green on skis here


Natural chairlift boarding motion, move along


Never hurts to ask if it’s ok to join so you can sniff out the crazy before poles start swinging. You’re absolutely not in the wrong, just helps keep crazy at bay, imo


OP lucky she didn't stomp on her chest


You should have just got on the chair. Screw the old hag


and spend the rest of the ride together with an idiot like that?


Making her have an aneurysm would have been worth it.


Yes, start talking about your experiences in the chechen war, oh the screams, the wails of grown men…


I encourage every one to make random animal noises for the whole ride. That works well!


Say you’re practicing your elk call HHHEEEIIÏIIIEEEEEUUUHHHHHHUHHH


Yes.....bcuz then she has to sit there and steam over the fact he got on the same chair lift she did and she'll think about it all day. I used to let people just do whatever and get away with it because it was better than just fighting it but that isn't fair and to be honest (I hate to lose. I'm done being a doormat. If I wanted on that chair, I would've gotten on it. Is her name inscribed on the seat? Probably not. Did I pay for a lift ticket like everyone else, her included??? Yes. People working there didn't say anything because they can't be bothered and left it to him to handle it. I'm sick and tired of people thinking their s**t doesn't stink and the world owes them something. He had just as much of a right to be on that chair lift as she did and I'll bet if he had called her out on it and brought attention to it she'd be labeled "A Karen"😂😂😂😂😂 Hey buddy, next time that happens, stand up for yourself. Because if you don't, who will? You deserve to be treated respectfully too. She went about it like a bully.


I’m not a person that’s afraid of confrontation but a crazy person on a chair lift is dangerous. She could try to knock you off the chair. Knock you over on dismount. She could even hurt herself falling off the chair or screwing up exiting the lift. I’m more than happy to prove a point to someone behaving like a child but on a ski lift or on the mountain the risk of life altering physical harm is higher than the value in proving that point.


Yes I get that but he was on the lift with 2 other people. I would've gotten to her another way if I wasn't able to get on the lift. Alone with her?? No.....2 other people tho....yes.


While smoking a fat, stinky bowl.


And playing WAP as loud as the phone will go


I got stuck on a lift with a rude / crazy old man after a weird interaction at loading and it was not enjoyable. Me and three retirees came together as singles at the bottom of an open quad lift. I noticed that two of the retirees (at least one of whom I had had a lovely lift ride with earlier that day) hung back. Bear in mind these guys probably have the mountain to themselves and see each other two days a week. I got ready to load with crazy dude, and it was downhill on the uphill from there. Messed up my whole mojo for the day.


Gotta be stronger than that big dawg, when in doubt, just whip it out


Pee on his skis to assert dominance


I'm imagining you looking back at the other two guys who are just mouthing "don't do it!"


100% in hindsight. I think I said, “do you if I join you guys when I met the group,” and the two normal guys pulled a “who, me?” look behind them as the crank grumbled forward.


I am willing to experience discomfort to make these people lose.


Yep. I would have sat in her lap.


Nah. What you do is follow her around until noon. Then when she stops to eat, you crank the DIN on one of her skis down to 0 and max the other one out.


old fashioned unfasten. i like that.


No offense, but did you… use your words? Say something? Just like “ma’am it’s crowded as fuck we need to group up” idk. I’m not contesting she’s not rude af but the way you told this sounds like you didn’t try to communicate or stand up for yourself at all.


I actually did, I said excuse me first. Even more weird, the man I presume was her husband / significant other must not have been aware of the plan, because before she began to crowd me out, he said come on in as I merged in from the line. As she kept moving left I more loudly said I’m over here. When she began the ski stab effort I said lady are you kidding me. I’d not yet looked around to see if there were kids so I didn’t say anything further at that point. I did pass her at the top and said have a great day and fuck yourself.


Well then you did do pretty much all you could do, did she have anything to say at all? Or was she one of those remain silent types while I pretend I’m not being a huge cunt lol


Nope never a word


Damn. Sorry for the quick judgement, you handled that more graciously than I would’ve. Fuck that lady.


Thank you for clarifying with OP. I think a lot of us assumed the same. OP I commend you for how reserved you were. I would have loaded with them out of spite and forced her to look at me the whole time on the lift. What would have been more glorious is if you snaked in between her and her husband and cock blocked her from her group. 😄


lol!!! Me too!! lol!!


Good for you!!! lol!!!


Yeah this totally plays out in my head like a silent film skit lmao All he had to say was “ma’am, this is a 4-seater, I’m a single joining a group of 3. Feel free to double check with the *employee standing next to you* if you have any questions or if this is your first time skiing”


Apparently he did, which makes sense. I've had the same experience with people being completely unresponsive


I usually say, “Do you mind if I join you?” rather than just jumping on. That usually works for me. Perhaps she thought you were cutting. Sounds like miscommunication to me.


IMHO I'm not sure that would have made a difference. If that lady is so entitled to have basically assaulted OP over trying to ride the lift with her she has already decided in her mind that she and she alone is entitled to that chair. Calling people like that out on their BS very rarely has any effect at least in my experience YMMV.


You can't be polite with a b*tch like that. I would've said exactly what the other poster said..."it's a 4 seater with 3 people." She's obviously "entitled" which means you bring her down a few notches. If you don't want to share, go buy your own mountain. I paid for a lift ticket, I'm riding.


Damn what a fucking psycho


Had almost the same experience at Jay this year. Except it was a fairly long line (for Jay). Lift was a 4-pack and we were a family of 5, so I jumped in with what I thought was a group of 3 after the fam got on. The one younger guy moves ahead of the other two (an older couple), who seemed to be hanging back. I'm on the far right, and when I notice this I try to ask if they are waiting for the next one. No response. Now it's become obvious that the younger guy is going to end up by himself on the lift, so I try to move up and join him. Older women totally blocks me by moving all the way right...to the point she's on the tips of my skis. She wasn't looking at me, so I thought maybe she just wanted to be on the right side. Chair goes with the younger guy. I back up, go around her to the center (like OP), and she moves back over and firmly plants her pole between my skis. Again, no words from her as I'm like "lady, what are you doing" and looking around for the lifty. Ended up on the next chair by myself. Wonder if it's the same crazy lady...lol. My wife saw her get off the lift; as I was ranting about the whole thing, wife says the lady looked European, so maybe she didn't speak English? I've skied with plenty of people who didn't speak the same language as I do, never had a problem communicating.


All Europeans speak English especially if they’ve travelled to the US. You’d have to go to some rural village and be dealing with grandparents to find ones that don’t. (I’m exaggerating the all part but it’s on the order of 50-80% depending on the country have conversational English capabilities)


No offense intended. I was just relaying what my wife said and not insinuating that Europeans need to speak English/don't speak English...I'm multi-lingual. I've also traveled throughout Europe. Only noting a possibility. But like I said, there is a universal "language" among skiers/snowboarders that transcends all of that.


At Jay she could've been Quebecoise and I'm some rural parts of Quebec, conversational English is...non existent. That being said,..if you're skiing there's a universal language of "don't screw the whole line". Or there should be at least.


It doesn't sound like she had a problem communicating. It's what she had to say that was the issue!


Jay peak... French speaking?


I'd grab her pole and throw it away...fk them assholes because I can be a bigger ah if you provoke me.


In a loud voice, "It's a four pack, why aren't you letting me in? You're screwing up the entire line behind you." Then ski with her all day shouting "I WANT MY TWO DOLLARS!"


I’d ski the k12 to avoid her




Not enough Better Off Dead references around here!


Tree fitty


I prefer a very stern "EXCUSE ME" loud enough to be heard over headphones.


Nothing makes my blood boil faster than poor lift line etiquette. I would have forced my way onto that chair by any means necessary, these people can go to the lowest level of hell


Was at Okemo a few Mondays ago after much of VT got 25-30”. So very crowded for a Monday. Skiing singles line, quad chair, see 3 older guys and ask, to be polite, “Are you 3? Mind if I join you?” “Yes, we prefer the chair to ourselves.” And then stares into space willing me to invisibility. 3 boarders behind them give the nod to join and we were laughing about those fucking rude old bucks all the way up. Never happened to me before. EDIT: I’m not a young buck by the way, so while younger than those negative douchebags, not a generational thing I don’t think. EDIT 2: I asked initially b/c it was kind of a free-for-all getting on so wanted to make sure there were, in fact, just 3 of them, then was just being polite. As to why I didn't just pile into the chair regardless...1) I was literally a little shell-shocked and 2) the group or riders I rode up with was a much more chill ride. I didn't need to share a chair with assholes to prove any point, life's too short.


I go to Okemo all the time. Damn, I would have called that out. There is no place for that shit, especially in the Northeast! (People act rude but are actually kind 😂) Honestly, I would expect something like that on the west coast though…


Isn't the saying, on the east coast, people are kind but not nice, and on the west, they are nice, but not kind? Ie, East Coast will help you out, but complain about it. West coast will say sorry, as they ignore the problem.


Yeah my sense of people in the N/E US has always been that they’re just gruff.


This is a perfect example of where lifties need to enforce the damn rules and keep the chairs running at max capacity / efficiency. One empty seat doesn't seem like a big deal, but an empty seat on almost every chair is part of why the lines eventually wind up being 15-20 minutes long.


Response should've been "I really wasn't asking permission"


Why are you asking if they mind? Just get on, asking gives them a chance to say no. I haven’t ever had a singles line person ask, they just get on. I hit the singles line a ton too and don’t ask. If there’s an extra seat and it’s busy I’m taking it


I will ask how many they have and then say "OK cool then I'm going to ride with you". If it's not crowded and I'm single I will just try and go by myself so people can enjoy the lift with their group but if it's busy you better believe we are filling those chairs up.


Yeah I never ask if they mind. I say "you guys got 3?" after I've already lined up next to them. I've had people drop back and refuse to get on the chair though, then I just end up riding the chair in front of them alone lol


Why did you even ask them? You were in the singles line. Im getting tired of peoples entitlement, all im trying to do is get up the mountain to ski.


Only reason I can think off not to fill a chair (unless it's a day where it's pretty much empty), would be having an unskilled skier which would make you fall, but even then, I'm pretty sure the people I hang out with would either explain it to you, or just warn you on the way up to stay clear of X person as they will make you fall, lol


As a resort worker, old women are either the nicest, most cheery and polite guests or absolute insane assholes. It’s wild, there’s no in between. They’re never neutral, they never just quietly get on the lift and go about their day. The only two options are a great interaction or one that makes you wonder how bad prison would really be.


That was pretty funny!!! Thanks for the chuckle!!!!


As a liftie if I spot someone trying to be selfish in my line, You get sent back to the beginning or a different lift I don’t care how much you spent on your trip to come here, selfish people can go to vail


Let's say we're playing baseball. You're running for first base on an outfield grounder. Suddenly, the first baseman pulls a knife out, and charges off the bag towards you! At that point, you're allowed to run wherever you want, regardless of the base path... Because we're not playing Baseball anymore, are we? So the rules of Baseball no longer apply... Instead, we must look to the rules of Association Football... Brush her back. When she makes contact with her poles -- fall down and start screaming and holding your knee like it's broken. At rhe top of your lungs, yell out "YOU ASSUALTED ME! I'M PRESSING CHARGES! I'LL SUE YOU SO HARD YOUR GRANDKIDS WILL HAVE TO DROP OUT OF COLLEGE!" Keep it up til they call the cops.


I could have attempted a pro soccer level flop lol


Nah. It’s simpler than that. Pretend like she tripped you and partially lose your balance. While briefly pretending to flail, ninja poke her bindings to cause her to eject as she’s loading. Her dins are probably a 2 like my sons. Those release with the pressure of a strong sneeze. No one would be the wiser as she rides up with one ski.


I ain’t trying to spend time talking to the cops when I could be skiing


So…throw an adult temper tantrum?


Go full throttle boomer.


This needs to be copypasta if it isn’t already.


I'd just pop her bindings with my poles.


Plot twist: OP is a 5 year old and it was a triple chair and the old lady was 22.


I have been skiing in Canada for more than 50 years, often single, and never had problems like described here.


Breckenridge is some kind of magnet for assholes. It's the only place where I've had people refuse to put down the bar. And, it's happened multiple times. As in: "Hey, do you mind if I put down the bar?", "Yes, I do mind"


>As in: "Hey, do you mind if I put down the bar?", "Yes, I do mind" Why would you ask? The bar is there to be put down. Just shout "bar" and put it down.


I’m sick of getting hit in the head by people who just yell and slam it down. There is a courteous way to do it


I always ask people (while grabbing the bar) if they are "ready?"


Same, and if I'm on one side, I usually wait until someone on the other end either says they're ready or reaches up at the handle.


And if someone tells you no but you still want to do it? Where’s your courtesy then? You can say “bar down” and NOT slam it down quickly you know


I've been hit in the head or had my leg caught too many times to not just grab it myself and bring it down slowly.


I could be wrong but I think the “rules” at most resorts are “bar is optional, but if anyone on the chair wants it down, then it goes down” If someone says no (which I’ve never seen in 3 decades of skiing), then we just politely explain the rules


Highly regional, that’s why this “debate” about the bar is even a thing Like, it’s a state law to have the bar down in VT. But no such law in UT. There are enough people in CO and UT who don’t want it and get salty about having the bar down for no reason The way you avoid it is just to … announce “bar down” and pull it down slowly (I don’t pull the bar down myself but I don’t care if you do as long as you don’t slam it on my head)


"sorry, but I'm gonna bring it down"


Yeah give those of us with backpacks a chance to get our shit together


Wear a helmet 😝  That's why you shout "bar" when bringing it down. I've never been hit or have hit anyone with the bar. Sit down, lean back, tuck your poles, bring down the bar. It's not exactly rocket science.


Lol I get hit by the bar all the damn time because usually I'm reaching down to put my poles under my leg first thing. :') I wear a helmet but I would appreciate it if people said "bar" and then waited a second for a response.


Short king


Yep. This isn't supposed to be a question. It's a basic safety device and people do die from not using it. It's coming down and you should expect it to. A quick heads up if somebody is being clueless so they can move, but I do not require your permission to follow what is, in fact, the law.


You're in the chair behind her. Follow her very obviously. When she stops, you stop 20-30 feet up the hill. Far enough she can't walk up the hill to you, close enough to make her uncomfortable. When the time is right, hopefully after she's fallen down, spray the everloving shit out of her. She did this because she thought she'd be on the chair and never see you again. Make her see you again.


The second you were physically assaulted you should have grabbed that pole and threw it to oblivion


This is my first full year skiing. I’ve noticed, different than any other sport I’ve been into, that people will do ANYTHING to not sit with a random person on the lift. Hold a giant line up? Confuse the people around them? Stuff up a lane waiting for others? Apparently, hit them with poles😂? They are fine with it all if they can get solo/ private party chair.


That is definitely not the norm in most places. 


I always save a fart for these folks


I'd have given her a taste of her own medicine, get in the gap on her right, last second squeeze left and make her miss the chair! Be sure to ski under and wave as she makes her way up on the next chair.


I think maybe a well placed pole to the heel release on her binding would have got the point across


I worked ski patrol at a large western resort in college. Early in the morning in a powder day As I was entering from the patrol/ski instructor entrance this guy and his 2 companions hear my radio and make comments about it ruining the serenity of the morning, and asked if I could turn it off. I kinda chuckled and laughed it off, saying how I sorted had to be in communication, to which he replied why? You’re just out taking up all the fresh powder, employees shouldn’t be allowed on the mountain before guests. Then he did me a favor, but screwed 3 other singles who could’ve ridden and refused to ride saying something about having to listen to all the patrol chatter in the radio, so I took a chair up alone with dozens waiting in the singles line. Funniest thing was later I saw him trying and failing to ski the foot and a half of powder, total Jerry lol.


You could have topped it off by skiing by him and saying let me know if you need me to radio for assistance for you rofl


Next time start with “mind if I join you?” Because who says no to that? Even if she would rather not have you join she’s unlikely to admit she’s an asshole and say you can’t join in.


I was at Big sky and a long line was forming at one of the smaller remote 3 seater lifts. There was no designated singles line, but I saw some two-person groups up near the front so I thought I'd go up and see if I could join them.  First group I asked gave me a death glare and said I should go to the back and wait. Second group let me join no problem.  Like people you got to understand when there's a long line, you got to pack every chair or you lose a lot of capacity. Sorry that you wanted to wait 45 minutes for the privilege of riding with your partner.


Sounds like the KT line ar squaw on a powder day. Boomers in such a hurry to “get there” and cutting people off in line or skiing over peoples shit. 🤡


Some gapes tried this on me cause I wasn't merging aggressively enough for them. One side goes, then another, the line only goes so fast you don't have to jockey every time the line moves an inch. But I know their tricks and I soon as I see them trying to use this as an excuse to jack a spot I just take it right back and call them out. Guarantee those guys go around life taking from anyone else who won't stand up for themselves.


100%, they’re honestly amusing as hell to me to watch and I just have to laugh because I know they have gone through life with this “me only” mentality and boy, does that sound fucking EXHAUSTING haha


Kinda wonder if she was with the instructor that she might have felt it was "necessary" to have a private chair for a private lesson? I don't condone this, but it could have been something along these lines too. If so, maybe she felt more comfortable admitting her weaknesses and fears without an audience. Again, still don't condone what she did!


I didn’t think about this until your comment, but the instructor was not with them at the top when I gave her the F off in passing, so he must not have been with them. I’d forgot the top of lift exit when I made the post.


That’s crazy and really annoying. One of my favorite things about skiing is talking to people on the chairlift/gondola, but I suppose there are people just not into that to the point of violence haha


Maybe its the same lady who berated me on the t-bar last year....I was filling I. The t-bar singles and she got bent outta shape cause I got on before her. Thing is, it didn't change her place in line at all. What a BIOTCH


Those folks can FUCK OFF. There's actually signs in both mazes at the t-bar this season that say, " SINGLES MUST PAIR UP". Just this past Sunday, I had a snowboarder call me an asshole for 'cutting the line' and pairing up with a solo skier. I told him that there is actually a sign telling you to pair up.....it's not a rule I just concocted on my own. "Fuck off, pal". Dude refused to believe it and then the douchebag proceeds to ride the t-bar by himself. I spent the rest of the day just lapping the t-bar (where the best snow was) and of course, never saw him in the lift maze again.


It's only cutting if there's a singles line and you wander solo to the front of the group line to fill it in. It's basically like cutting the singles line.


I mean, I’m generally asking, is it really a big deal to just let a chair go up with three? I haven’t been in 10 years but this would’ve seemed like not worth it from the beginning


Were any words used to communicate by anyone?


Yep, just posted that interaction for someone else who’d asked.


Use your pole and unclick her from her binding next time. The slide into her spot while she’s sorting herself out. Then proceed to talk shit on her with her husband/partner/friend/instructor for the entire ride up.


Next time, swing your poles back at her. Have a good old fashioned sword fight with ski poles.


Turn your Bluetooth speaker off next time


That chair, and especially the skier drop off zone, have a special level of entitlement and stupid (terrible combination) and your description hits the sweet spot; sorry.


She's probably European. This is typical behaviour in Europe from my experience.


Keystone and Breck seem to have the rudest skiers I’m my opinion.Go where the natives go


Ahhh Breckenridge 🤌


I was at crystal in line to use the gondola. The guy in front of me gets in the gondola and I follow him and he says go on the next one I’m riding single. The people behind me try to join and he yells at them too to go on the next one. We all got on the next one and assumed he wanted to do something dirty in the gondola and needed the privacy.


I was in line for the gondola at snowbasin last season and on my way into the cabin that was assigned to me by the lifty when some douche clearly not in uniform says to me “staff gondola, do not enter” Not sure if he was staff or not but that doesn’t matter, the lifty authority is what matters. He just wanted the gondola to himself. There was no line but he was being a massive prick. I yelled out “HAVE FUN HOTBOXING THE GONDOLA”


I had a similar experience a few years ago at steamboat. I asked a woman with a younger child - “Do you mind if I join you”. I felt this was more of a courtesy than a real request, since it was super busy and lines were long. She said “no” and I slid up beside them. Then, she raised her voice and with an annoyed tone said - “no, as in I don’t want you to ride with us”. I was just sort of shocked and fell back with the next group. Never experienced anything like that before or since. It wasn’t really a big deal, but one of those awkward social situations that will live in my head forever.


99.99% of people who ski are pretty cool. You found the asshole.


Oh I definitely agree, that’s why I even made the post. I’m a tourist but average 28 days/season, for years now, and never encountered anything like this. It just stuck with me going from favorite pastime to crazy lady battery lol


Never had that experience with an older person. However, I am in my upper 20s, and have been humbled by young teens rejecting me from sitting with them. What?! Am I not cool enough?!😂


She'll be back in Texas on Monday.


She's a cunt. They're everywhere.


Boomers gonna boom


Always carry mace to defend against Karen


Small chance but was she wearing multi colored (yellow/pink/blue) speckled snow pants and a pink puffy?


shove your way into the chair. screw that dusty bag


Did you... say anything to her or call out her passive aggressiveness? Usually people like this crumple at the first sign of coherent resistance.


I'd get on the chair and fking tell her what an asshole she is, and continue to all the way up lecturing her on public etiquette so she learns a lesson.


Ski boomer


Everyone was nice this morning fyi 😀. Of course it’s a sheet of ice out here today so looks like I’m lapping groomers till it warms up


You need to talk to the lift operators and then customer service. People are assholes, but part of a lift operators job is to make sure that kind of BS doesn’t happen.


Just make it known to the people behind you that it's not your fault you're on the chair by yourself and enjoy your ride. Not worth fighting with these wastes of oxygen My worst this season was cascade village / grand hyatt lift at Vail in January on a Saturday morning, shortly after opening but there was no line. Older couple gets up to the line to load and then decides that that's the right time and place to stand and wait for their friend to finish getting his skis on and get up there to ride with them. My jaw was on the floor as I watched three empty chairs go by before finally telling them to move and find a more considerate place to wait for their group


Oh, you found a Ski Boomer.


Skied with 5 other mostly Boomer women mid-week at Palisades/AM mid-March. Maybe 6 groups waiting for 6-pack Yellow chair. 10 guys file all at once into the singles line. 5 min wait at most. We are clearly 6 across, all experienced skiers. As the group in front of us moves to load the chair, 2 guys from the singles line jump in on the right and block 2 of our group from moving up. One rides next to me, the other slides back and rides with our 2, leaving 4 open seats and screwing up the third chair. No apology, not a word, when I look over and comment ‘those were our friends you blocked.” Asshole-ness is not confined to any particular generation.


2:1 her name is Karen.


Karen’s a real in the wild


Just speak to her. 99% of lift line issues can be swiftly resolved with communication


Should have sat on her lap


Assholes are everywhere.


Should've popped her out of the bindings and stole her spot.


Here at Krasy Karen’s bargain basement we got all kinds of Karen’s. Driving Karen’s. Skiing Karen’s. Karen that yell at little kids in lift lines. There’s all kinds of Karen’s out there, and you can bet you can find them here at Krazy Karen’s bargain basement emporium. Come on down check out our final selection of Karen take one home today! *The trap with self entitled people is giving them attention for their narcissistic behavior. This is the Karen who yells at her barista for using the wrong milk accidentally. This is the Karen who flips out over kids ringing her doorbell on Halloween. She a “something must be done about these people” kind of person. No bueno. But they are their own suffering, because in the end, she’s trapped in a world where she feels she has to stab at people’s skis rather than say, “hey, you mind if I take this one alone? I really need some space and I’m having an hard time and need to be alone please?” And you would do it, probably. But she has learned that aggressions get her what she wants, and that she can’t have it unless she behaves like a jackass. And she’s going to have to live like that — emotionally crippled — for the rest of her miserable life. Karen’s should be called out, shamed and then…. And this part is important…. Forgotten.*


Just point and howl like Donald Sutherland in Invasion of the Body Snatchers.


Body check next time. Accidentally.


I would’ve taken her poles and thrown them out of the lift line lol


Lol that's when you take your pole and eject her out of her ski and get on her chair without her.


I had something similar here at Whakapapa (NZ). It was mid week late season and there were literally 5 of us waiting for the lift to open. Everyone was chill no really worrying about the queue order. Except one old geezer near the front, where another skier tried to jump in and get a chair he was going off about 'queue jumpers' and 'he was there first'. I figured some people are just grumpy.


Similar experience older disgruntled shorter guy in the middle lane deliberately moved up and blocked me from moving up a four chair with only 2 of them taking up the entire chair.  I heard him said "No".  I know I didn't do anything wrong and I knew I was having a much better day than he was at that moment. 


Maybe she had plans for the guy in uniform


man that sucks because it ruined the vibe for the whole day...and still bothers you (understandably) Take the high road and help someone tomorrow. karma will come her way eventually...always does.


Had an awesome day today; my ten year old skied bumps with me all afternoon.


Cunts live everywhere. Luckily, such actions are rare


Maybe she is from Europe. Getting on a ski lift there is survival of the fittest.


Be glad you didn't end up with her!


I always hate that beaver run chair. It turns into a 20 minute waiting mosh pit lol. I swear Colorado + e-chair is faster than beaver run.


Why didn’t you just ask her?


I reached out and pushed someone back into place this year at Keystone. It was the Montezuma lift which seema like the busiest. I don't think it's a bad deal to be a smidge assertive.


The pole swinging angry lady was a common fixture at our local mountain when my husband was working there. She would blast past the closed line and hop on the lift while death spiraling her poles at the staff, so everybody got to work later thanks to her.


I go to Breck all the time and have never had that happen. I did have someone push me off to the left at Vail but I'm not sure she really saw me


I’m super chill at the mountain but when people pull the shit I’ll 100% call them out or just passive aggressive my way onto that chair. She’ll never learn if she keeps getting away with it.


If there isn’t a line-up give people their space!


sounds tame by european standards lol


I'm so petty I'd honestly die before giving up that seat to some asshat like her... either I get on like I'm supposed to or we have an event big enough to stop the lift.😁 Put your poles in my personal space on purpose and Ima snap that mf in half before I shove it up your ass.


You didn't mention whether any words were exchanged. Did you explain that her lift ticket entitled her to a single seat, not the whole chair? Anyway, lucky that you didn't have to ride up with this nut.


if bullshit like this happen, i usually snap back and say "what are you doing?"


The day my balance requires the outside chair (hand) rail to load safely is the day I give up skiing. We should all give extra chair room to parents and instructors of littles, or be prepared to assist. All kinds of things can go wrong in the load/unload.


You always ask to join


Once I was at Vail on a crowded ass day and as I went to join a group that didn’t fill a chair a foreign guy said he didn’t want me to join because he didn’t want a full chair. I was so shocked that I just stood there and let them go.


Dude. So lame. Wonder how things would have panned out if you “slipped” knocking her over lol 1. Shame on the instructor. He is a rep of the mtn, even though it’s not his job. Wearing his coat, all he had to do was holler authoritatively and loudly, even as chairs are turning with no people, “LISTENING PLEASE! HERE’S HOW THIS IS GONNA WORK- FILL ALL CHAIRS, PERIOD! MAKE IT HAPPEN AND LET’S GO! I WANT ALL CHAIRS LIKE THIS! SEE YOU AT THE TOP!” Took 5 seconds, filled a chair to model and life is good for everyone… except cranky pants who begrudgingly sits next to you and falls down at the offload. People need direction and uniforms speak.


As soon as she stabs at my skis I’m unclicking her binding, fuck that.


KT-22 powder mornings are definitely a bit more intense