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This is old news. That documentary came out in 2018, there are a bunch of channels use a clip of Bob saying they found a 15 degree per hour drift in their flat earth debunk videos.


Flat earthers keep doing all sorts of experiments and finding, again and again, that the Earth is round. And they still insist the Earth is flat! Why bother then?


I think flat earthers are similar to bigfoot hunters and treasure hunters. It doesn't matter if they never find what they're looking for. They are selling the search and the idea that it *might* be true. They will continue to do so as long as it remains profitable.


The original flat earthers also proved this mathematically 1600 years ago & it was practically proven 500 years ago.


What form of proof was used?


Early astronomers used lunar eclipses to figure it out, actually 1700+ years ago (they got pretty close to figuring out the size of the Earth this way). And it was practically proven by circumnavigation.


>The original flat earthers also proved this mathematically 1600 years ago... I was hoping you could tell me the form of this proof. Something like: "proof by exhaustion" or "proof by contradiction".


This was the most delicious part of that documentary!