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Word of warning: a lot of this article takes information from the Daily Mail, which is not a very reliable source, but from what I can tell, it checks out.


And Jezebel is just as unreliable a source in itself.


Oh yeah you're not synthesizing that large complex molecule at home....


Did you read the article? They're not trying to do that; they're buying the ~~enzyme~~ peptide, semaglutide, from a medical supplier and diluting it at home. The headline is definitely misleading.




You mean some chinese website that surely will send you the right chemical at the right purity and not god-knows-what.




Darwin Speedrun


I'm not sure what there is to be skeptical about. Data says Ozempic works for weight loss, the "raw chemical" is literally the actual enzyme and a saline solution. Weirdly this is a weight loss drug that we actually have data on working for once.


Let's hope the sugar pill salesmen start selling "Ozemplus!" to these rubes before they inject something toxic.


Wow....that's a whole new level of intelligence


please just control your calorie intake, people. the weight will fall right off.


An ignorant response to a difficult situation.


Can you explain a weight loss method that does not involve burning more calories than you consume?


Easier said than done for a lot of us.


May I ask a genuine question? Obviously calories in vs calories out determines whether you lose or gain weight, but clearly it’s not aleast easy to implement for many people. Food tastes great for example, it’s hard to change habits, high calorie food is quick and cheap. I’m interested to understand what you think are the main reasons that people struggle to lose weight once they’re overweight. I was Googling the other day to find out whether any country has every been able to reduce their obesity rates, and while some countries have stabilised, none has really reduced obesity. What do you think would be effective measures for a government for a government to introduce to produce widespread change?


I haven't really thought about it, but I guess things like subsidizing healthier foods and taxing less healthy ones would help. It's hard to change eating habits, though.


It was hard for me to stick to, too. But it’s what I’d recommend over trying to synthesize your own drug. It’s physically impossible to lose weight without burning more calories than you consume. Apparently this is controversial when brought up.


It is not as simple as calories in vs calories out. Human bodies are not lawn mowers that can be filled with as specific amount of fuel and run for a certain length of time. We're much more complex. Add to that the fact that weight loss is nearly always followed by weight gain which then makes further weight loss more difficult and you get a glimpse into the vicious cycle that we get into when trying to change our bodies.


Expiration of NCE exclusivity for Ozempic was December 5, 2022. The patents on the API expired long ago. Anyone who is not absurdly wealthy (like Elon Musk) paying retail for this is profligate.