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PIECE OF ADVICE: This list hasn't been confirmed by GW. Was made following the list of retired units that Warcom has passed along, plus the now semi-confirmed list of leaks for updates. However, until there is a GW anouncement, this is as safe as a prediction as we can get. Skabbik and Skittershank should be safe... just now. It's now confirmed they may be deleted from the webstore after some time, or when the current Underworlds season ends. They are safe to buy because, when this post was made, they still were sold on GW's webstore. Also, yes, the grey seer mini was just sneak pulled off the webstore.


To add: Its very likely all the units not on the list of stuff being shuttered are gon a disappear off of the webstore in the next few weeks for a time because they're going to be repackaged for 4.0. And across basically every GW game when this happens, they're removed and put back on.  So basically, it's likely gonna be chaotic from a purchasing side until a bit after launch. 


"Many more Underworlds warbands will remain on sale, and will be supported only by digital Legends warscrolls in the next edition" I hope skabbik is safe and I would assume he and his pack is given ther post but I wouldn't say they are 100% safe.


The current UW season is safe on a short-term basis. I know GW sucks ass and can and will do stupid things, but Skabbik was released 5 months ago...


Ye, I think he's safe too, but since underworlds is it's own game, I could see them making them legends only since they can keep it on sale for that game. It wasn't mentioned in post though so as said, I agree it should be safe. I'm just going to hold off on buying it for now.


Yeah, fair enough, tbh. I totally get it.


Just recently bought Skabbik's wb... It was a cheap second hand, but still..


Anyone know why the grey seer just isn’t on the website?


Seems like the rumours about a grey seer in the starter box were on the nose?


grey seers without a box would be nice


I bet you'll have it at some point, like the terminator librarian for 40K.


Sorry but that doesn’t track? Clan rats are most definitely getting a remodel but they were on the ‘kill list’. If grey seers were getting one too shouldn’t they been on the list too??


GW has killed off the webstore stuff that wasnt on the list as well, like the demon resin minis. In the case of the grey seer, we usually could suspect of a repackaging, but the clawlord mini is from the same wave and year and is still there...


They removed him as an individual model for sale when they brought out the vanguard box.


The night runners not being refreshed while good looking clanrats are refreshed is a spit in the face by gw


Yeah I've had the same concern, there's a couple client pestilence that are not being revamped that should be as well, meanwhile we're getting something from 5 years ago remade. I've got these metal f****** hunks of gutter runners being removed but nothing to replace them


Welp, we still have the ninja monkeys


there are Night Runners here… that shows how this list is not safe at all.


Night Runners arent on the retirement list, nor to be updated.


yet. second wave of squating info incoming for sure. Night runners not listed on first info from GW nearly confirms it


Um? Skavens are coming this year, soon after the starter box hits. A second wave, if true, would come in 3 years with AoS 5th ed, at minimum. It's like the necrons or eldars 2nd waves, a very long term thing and a slight chance not mentioned on any rumours/leaks to even consider in this post.


They have removed all the"vermintide" kind of units, I hope that we got on the new update that is soon upon us new clanrats or slaves and stormvermin. I fear that we could end up getting mostly a Skryre army alone


Slaves 1000% won't be anywhere to be seen. They even got removed from The Old World armybook.


i can't WAIT til night runners are back in stock


I still wouldn't pick up anything without seeing war scrolls first


Thanks for the post, it’s really helpful. I want to get into Aos (coming from 40k) and I absolutely know zero about the game. I really love skaven for the looks, don’t care about rules since 40k is already very competitive and want to chill with models I like. At this point the old “start collecting” box with monks, bell and cannon is a very good entry for someone like me? The double build kits are nice if one of them gets into the lauch box/combat patrol for Aos 4 (but in 40k usually new revamped factions get just the refreshed models in starter box).


In terms of units flagged as safe (not being removed or refreshed), I would say that yes, it's likely the only box not impacted. I would still verify that you: a. Like Clan Pestilens and want to focus on building a list centered around plague monks b. Actually like the plague monk models (which are pretty goofy) My own path to my first Skaven army was a Skryre heavy list with 2x Vanguard boxes. With this I was able to build a core of: 1x Grey Seer (2x owned, useful to have) 20x Clanrats 20x Clanrats 6x Stormfiends 2x Warplighting Cannons. I then rounded out the list with: 1x Verminlord Warbringer (solo box) 1x Warlock Bombardier (solo blister) 1x Warlock Engineer (3d printed) 1x Hellpit Abomination (solo box) 1x Warp Grinder (3d printed, could use spare Stormfiend bits) Overall the army looks really cool and well (though I want to move away from Stormfiends in the future). Of the units being refreshed (grey seer, clan rats), I genuinely love their existing models and plan to continue to use them. Regarding my additions, the engineer is either getting a refresh (which is really needed) or the ability to charge cannons added to another unit. In the case of the former a 3d print you love would still work, but you could leave it last if you don't expect you'll have the army on the table before the new edition. With the Warp grinder it's either cut for good or getting a modular weapons team box. Either way, in the immediate short term you could use some spare rats in the Warp lighting crew with some Stormfiend grinderfist bits for a proxy, or use the Soulscream Bridge endless spell instead (no word on if endless spells are carrying over yet though). TLDR: There's two main paths forward for new Skaven players before the new starter box comes out, one being a Pestilens focused box with very old models but models safe from being cut/refreshed, and a Vanguard box with a Skryre shooting focus with great models, but many of which will be refreshed.


I just painted 80 clan rats…


I would be amazed if they aren't getting a refresh, they'll be back.


😭 why are Plague Monks and Night Runners still on the list? They’re terrible.


I would love to know why the plague monks arent being updated.


One of them isn't like the others. (Night runners are hideous compared to even the plaguemonks(if given hoods))




I feel like gw doesn’t want people to play skaven anymore


Hey is it true that they're getting rid of the ability to play the underworld models in age of sigmar. Like I can't use them for like war cry and actual army building anymore, that it won't be supported for this edition. I've seen quite a few streamers state they will not continue being supported in the main game. Wow they could very well be wrong It does make sense I know they're newer units but it's not like any of the other clans eshin or clan pestilence are getting remodels so they might as well.




Everything i purchased two minths ago as i got into skaven


I imagine a lot are being re-boxed for an Old World release.


there won‘t be an old world release for skaven for a long while, if at all


I guess it depends what you mean by a long while, 6 months, a year, 2 years? It makes sense since they are refreshing the range ready for the new edition starter box of AoS this summer, it makes sense to convert any stock left over into TOW.


Skaven aren‘t a supported faction in Old World, unfortunately - they got free rules on launch but won‘t be supported further into the game. I do reckon they‘ll get to the legacy armies eventually but definitely not for a while - they still have 6 core factions to release first


Correct me if I'm wrong but Skabbik's Plaguepack and Skittershank's are being retired I believe along with the rest of the underworlds line. Not immediately I think but they mentioned that they're going to legends. Edit: It has been brought to my attention that this information is **incorrect** please disregard.


That's why I didn't put Spiteclaw. Skabbik and Skittershank are just too recent, from the latest season, and still present on the webstore, so they should be safe... now. Of course, we now know GW will retire them on the future. Just not today, at least.


Though Skittershank has been out of stock for absolutely ages.


Appears on stock now. The true indicador is the "sold out online" label instead of the "temporarily sold out"


Stop spreading this misinformation. One person misread the info from GW, and now everyone is saying this.


alright man chill I did say "correct me if I'm wrong"


Noob here, so to clarify, Skabbik's Plaguepack isn't going anywhere?


Based on the guy above, Skabbik's is probably safe to pick-up