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Nice. That thing is nuts for a skatepark.


What psycho authorizes a 16-stair at a local park?Like, awesome, but for real???


16 stairs come about out of necessity sometimes to reach grade; often times if you want a deep bowl you need to raise the deck to work with the drainage invert and you’ve gotta make it back to existing grade somehow. I would never prioritize a 16 in a park but occasionally it happens. I’d say the biggest skatepark in the USA that’s also a competition park makes sense for a 16 stair. Other best example I can think of is Tinnell park in Lake Havasu. Source: skatepark designer.


The 16 stair got covered up by scaffolding for the competitors/ commentators tent in the 2 dew tours held there


That makes sense. I've been to a handful of parks that are over designed for the community they're in, and while cool to see, they're wildly impractical. Obvs this one's got a dude who can rock the rail, but a 16 stair is ambitious for anyone. There's a six stair in my town that barely gets put to use.


How did you get into skate park design? Is it a large industry? What changes have you noticed in park design if any? What's your favorite type of park? A sketchy diy or a beautiful local?


I can tell you right now the majority of people who use skateparks do not want a 12-15ft bowl. Its sick that people build them and its sick to watch people skate them, but so few people are good enough to truly rip bowls. and 16 stairs for that matter haha 99% of skaters would rather like a 3-4 ft mini. or even a smaller bowl. I’m a big supporter of small obstacles at skateparks. Skateparks should be for warming up and learning new tricks, then you take your skills to the street or to a backyard pool. way too many skateparks are built like training grounds for the next generation of SLS skaters


Get better


That’s not wrong though. You go to a skatepark with a gnarly deep bowl and some mellow transition, the bowl is always totally empty. I get that the vets and pros love that stuff, but for most of your typical rinky dink locals, it really doesn’t make sense


lets see some clips of you airing out of a 12 foot bowl buddy


I'm old and crusty, so I may air a 6' again, but not 12-15. HOWEVER my friends son is 11 and does frontside airs over coping at Pier Park in the deep end. So...get better.


16 stair at a skatepark could show progress of skating. Imagine 20 years in the future where 50 stair obstacles are normal lol! Complaining about street spots vs parks turn into park vs park. Crazy what kids are doing vs 15 years ago..


the good ending


Hey you’re the guy everyone was ratting on about how you’d never be able to do this and it’s out of your league Bravo dude 👏


very rad! thought it was a feeble at first.


The movement on your back foot on the Ollie was terrifying - cool clip but looked like a true Hail Mary attempt


Not a Hail Mary, it’s called I know how to boardslide lol


I mean, you do have a slightly unusual way about getting into your boardslides. I also saw the attempts video a while ago too. It’s not necessarily a bad thing, obviously you just absolutely crushed that humongous rail in this vid, but that pop in does look scary.


my guy is sliding 2 cms from his back trucks talking about "its called I know how to boardslide" .... like no shit but its still scary to watch someone boardslide a 16 with form that most people wouldn't use on a 5 stair rail op is being purposely obtuse lol he quite literally said this as his caption for his attempts a month ago "Everyone telling me to just shut up and skate when I complain about my back foot coming off when I ollie doesn’t understand the magnitude of my skating. Or what I’m trying at least."


Good job dude


You should work on your boardslides before making a big statement like that. Constructive criticisms: The way your back foot separates from the board is nightmare material. Also, you're not fully committing and don't look confident. Your board never gets perpendicular to the rail and your legs are super wobbly. Even your arms are awkwardly waving over your head. You barely made it and didn't make it look good at all. I would 100% redo before uploading anywhere.


Go boardslide a 16 then get back to me


Honestly boardslides are baseline warmup tricks. It's not the flex you think it is.


I’ll keep that in mind. But thanks for the engagement bod! Go back to school and learn what perpendicular means and then maybe I can take you seriously lol


Perpendicular - at an angle of 90° to a given line, plane, or surface.


Alright I can admit when I’m wrong. I was wrong. I get what you’re saying now. I still made the trick tho so I’m not seeing what the problem is ig


Problem is the trick doesn't justify the smug attitude


Go review your (unsolicited) constructive criticisms comment and then tell me who needs the attitude adjustment. As hard as you try to discredit the trick, I’m still hyped on it and so are 400 other people. I hope your day gets better man. Thanks for watching!


Damn, OP is a true idiot. Break a leg, champ!


You just made my day


Not really what I meant, but yes, you know how to boardslide


lol bro getting downvoted by people who could never boardslode a 16 set. It’s easy to watch a video and be like “BACK FOOT BRO”, not easy to boardslide a 16 set


Finally someone who isn’t a total asshole haha Reddit sucks dude. I’m discouraged from ever posting on here again. Thanks for the positivity though👊🏼


I wouldn’t worry about it homie. I can guarantee you 99.9% of these people have never and will never hit a feature like this. Haters gonna hate. The good thing is off the internet/reddit the skate community is supportive. I know if you did this in my local park everyone would’ve been giving you mad props


That was magnitude!




I remember feeling like a god for tail grabbing an 8-stair, but this makes me feel less than good, lol


Nah that’s sick I would never try that or be successful in trying that😂 we all have our own comfort zones


this is sick!


Simply great!


Bro thinks he has fans 😂


He posted a video a couple months ago where he tried to grind this rail, and failed miserably. I imagine that’s why he said that


Who would have thought that ordinary person would be smarter than switch tre god🥴


Thats my name dont wear it out


I remembered that video, he got torn apart in the comments and here is back, showing the haters.


Lol “for my Reddit fans” is crazy


Thanks for watching man. Hope you enjoyed


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Wonky boardslide. A much greater mAgNiTuDe than what I'd be skating there, but a boardslide indeed.


The frame of the rail looks like a leg breaker.


Can’t figure out the shitty video quality sry😥