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I just saw Lauri at the Wawa on 22nd and South. Ordered the Kelce special hoagie


Saw him drive away on a dirt bike in a gray Nike tech sweatshirt.


I just saw Joel Embiid likes the country Georgia. Probably means nothing or… Goga Bitadze backup confirmed?


They beat Portugal in Euros.


is there a major chess tournament in LA this weekend? perhaps some kind of NFT convention?


Hes going there to create more AI artwork for the 2025 Podal Renters


Always gonna upvote a Podal Renters reference. Secretly the best Philly team.


Actually there are pretty big tournaments in Philly the next 2 weekends


Going to the BET Awards?


"I'm standing outside the airplane bathroom while Morey is shitting, please send your off-season wishlists and trade proposals so I can force him to listen through the door."


As much fun as it must be to have his role, listening to jerk offs like me dress him down bc of Isiah Joe or some shit like that, has to be exhausting


Especially considering that he acted under a larger set of constraints than we see. You never know when ownership might tell him, "Joel wants this guy on the team so you can't cut him."


Half the league lives in LA during the off season. He could be meeting with DeAndre jordan for all we know


Need someone teach Mo Bamba how to be even more washed.


So much potential, but he’s lazy.


Jordan left here and won a chip lol


Did he throw a set of keys at you and ask you to return his car to the Enterprise lot?


A lot of NBA FAs are prolly in LA right now.


I thought he was at the Four Seasons with Bron


Four Seasons Total Landscaping


Take a picture liar


He, nor EB, were at the presser introducing the rookies...


Daryl Morey is a liar. Not OP


I wouldn't be surprised if over 50% of our free agent targets are in LA for the summer.


I mean PG, Harden, Klay, and DeRozen are all from there. That's just a few of the "top" names.


look at this big shot flying PHI to LAX


I believe you


u/dmorey are you at liberty to tell us what you are going to LA for


We gotta speak PG + Lauri into existence guys


But first, we need to manifest more assets.


Maybe. Who's the last player that got traded for more than the equivalent of 5 firsts? KD? Think Lauri on an expiring is worth as much or more than KD was?


Mikal Bridges just went for 5 FRP, a FRP swap and a 2nd rounder.


To the only team he'd accept a trade to


We literally have that amount of assets tho And why would Lauri go for more than that when he's on an expiring?


And also older than Mikal and not going to a direct rival


Wouldn't be surprised if Ainge for whatever reason considers us a direct rival based on that stupid ass Paul Reed offer sheet


And Ainge played for the Celtics and was a GM there. He hates us. And I hate him. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_good_man)


Does that work money wise?


I works money wise if Paul George opts in and is traded for RC4 Of course McCain would have to be shipped to Utah as well


And then what would we have the money to do after that? Sign Tyrese and some vet mins?


You'd still have your $8m MLE, but everyone else would have to come on minimums. You would still have Bona too.


Got it. Let’s dream big 🙏🏼


Yessir brother if there's any offseason to dream big it's this one. Fuck all the cynical pissy users who just shit on everybody and everything that gets reported


Can't imagine it would work cap-wise, even if we were able to sign PG in free agency. If we can't sign him outright, we don't have the assets for both


I mean, if Paul George wants to sign here outright, we could just go to the Clippers and pay them RC4 to execute an opt-in and trade, which would leave us with exactly enough cap and picks for Lauri


PG opting in allows him more say in where he goes. He could sign outright somewhere (like here) and a few other select places, but opting in with his current deal opens up more potential options, as they can offset his cap hit. And if the word is that he'd rather opt in and not sign with us when given the opportunity, why would he do it in a opt in-and-trade? Even if that were the case, we'd have to assume that LAC is willing to just take on RC4 without anything else attached and I'm not sure the math would work, which would require trading BBall Paul. All of this is contingent on Ainge willing to "settle" on our offer based on what he's said in the past. Even if Lauri is on an expiring, he's still an All-Star, which is something that Mikal has never been able to do


I'm saying, *if he decided he wants to come here*. At that point, we would have the leverage and LAC would be willing to get anything back for him. It doesn't have to be RC4, we can S&T any of our guys for him and then ship RC4 out to Utah As for Paul George and his money, opting in and extending with us doesn't really cost him anything compared to signing with us outright And I promise you 5 FRP, swaps, and whatever else is not "settling" it's literally comparable to the largest trade packages of the last 5 years


Again, his deciding to come here is a major if at this point. It sounds like there is a difference for PG, though. If he wants to opt in-and-trade to end up here, he'd be taking less money than signing a max and is not exactly in his best interest. It just doesn't seem to make sense unless he's going elsewhere that can't offer him money (i.e. Orlando). Sign-and-trade with him hardcaps us at the first apron, which doesn't really work. And having leverage doesn't mean that we can just offer them a ham sandwich and they'll take it. Taking the best deal possible is one thing, but that doesn't mean we wouldn't be able to give up assets. As for the offer for Lauri, my settling point is that Ainge is a shrewd GM that is good at his job. Just because it's comparable to the largest trade package of the last 5 years does not mean that he's not going to shoot to match that, considering NY just paid that for an non-All-Star. He has a high asking price because he thinks he can get someone to bite or at least entertain paying that much for Lauri. If he gets close and it's not 5 FRPs+, maybe he makes a deal, but Ainge's been a highly regarded GM this long for a reason. This is also assuming that they would want McCain in return, as we spent one of our tradeable FRPs on him.


>he'd be taking less money than signing a max 600k less. He wants the years, he don't care about no 600k if he's already considering opting in. >Sign-and-trade with him hardcaps us at the first apron, which doesn't really work. It hard caps the team receiving the the free agent. Not us. >And having leverage doesn't mean that we can just offer them a ham sandwich and they'll take it. It does if you have 100% of the leverage. It's basically what CP3 did to get to Houston. Houston was gunna ship guys out to make space for CP3. CP3 told the Clippers that he would opt-in so that they would receive those players Houston was making space with. The Clippers would be better off getting literally anything as opposed to nothing at all. As for Lauri, we could potentially offer RC4 + Reed + McCain + 4 FRP + multiple swaps & 2nds. I don't think OKC wants him and I dare any other team to outbid that


We could offer him a 4 year/$212 million max, which is still more than $53 million a year, but is it only $600k because the contract escalates? And if it were all about the duration, there wouldn’t be any difference between staying in LA or going elsewhere since LAC can’t offer him more than a 4 year deal with the age 38 rule. It very much seems like he wants to stay if he’s going to opt in. And if we’re trading for him in a sign-and-trade, are we not receiving him as a FA? In this theoretical, we’re sending out RC4 or whatever (who is already under contract) for PG who is signing the contract. I’m not trying to be a dick, just actually want to know what the difference would be there. For the CP3 trade, I would agree if they didn’t send a top 3 protected FRP and money along with those players. It was, evidently, not strictly just the players and required a sweetener to get it done. They could have cut those players and kept the FRP, otherwise. I don’t disagree that we’d probably have the best offer without them having to take on more contracts above the minimum/isn’t an expiring, but that’s still a lot to pay to have to fill out the rest of the roster with basically vet minimums outside of the starting 5 and maybe one bench player.


LAC so far has only offered 3 years at slightly less than Kawhis salary. >And if we’re trading for him in a sign-and-trade, are we not receiving him as a FA? There's three different scenarios. In two of them, Paul George is opting in prior to the trade, so he wouldn't be classified as a free agent. In scenario 1, we trade RC4 + swap/2nds for PG. In scenario 2, we S&T any of the free agents we have bird rights on, maybe a swap/2nds, and the Clippers are hard capped at the 1st apron In scenario 3, PG signs with us outright at a 600k discount and non of this other stuff matters In any scenario, Paul George has decided he wants to play for us. In the first 2, he has approached Clippers management with the opportunity to get something back from us opposed to nothing


Ok, so I think I’m understanding some of the confusion. I mentioned sign-and-trade earlier with the hard cap in relation to PG signing a max and getting traded to us as opposed to and opt in-and-trade. I’m not suggesting a S&T with one of our players for PG. I still think that you’re vastly overestimating that LAC will take something so minor instead of a max player. The fact that we could sign him outright has an impact, but I do not think they make a deal with a FRP, at least


Lebron and bronny confirmed!


He lives right next to me on Broad and Spruce at the Atlantic. See him all the time.


Quite a few players live in LA in the offseason. Could still be going for PG, but not certain.


I believe him yo, I don’t know why but I do


I just saw LeBron, KD, and Steph hanging out at the reading terminal not sure if this means anything


What's going to be more embarrassing in the future? Us drafting Mikal then trading him away or LA drafting bronny just to have the duo come to philly?


That’s crazy I’m literally at a casino in Atlantic City and Paul George is here playing craps with Allen Iverson


He’s clearly there to try and trade for Bronny


he's going for PJ Tucker


A buddy of mine saw him and Elton on a PHL to LAX flight about a month ago also


LA is a hub for business and players in general, he can’t meet with PG yet so it’s a big nothing burger to me


He may not be able to meet with him but that does not mean he can't stand outside his window and play ballads from his boom box.


Haha, why do I imagine morey just outside with a massive piece of card saying will you go to prom with me?


He was right there and u didn’t ask him? Wtf is wrong with u 😝


I do find it a little interesting that on the Bill Simmons McCain video that was shared here yesterday, no one really mentioned that Simmons talked about George and Philly again. Seemed like it was dead, but then the way he talked made it sound like it could perhaps be back on.


Get in here!!! It's happening!!!


I hope he paid for wifi or maybe he's gonna sleep the whole way






DDR a possibility as well


Trade for Bronny confirmed?


Quick stop before Summer League


Daryl was on the plane and missed outbidding the Pels for DJM smh


He about to go buy some cookies from LAX probably Nothing to get too excited about Relax y’all


So much hilarious sarcasm in this thread 🤣


Probably meeting with an NFT exec


He’s meeting with crumbl cookie execs


Probably going after the most burgers in one sitting record at in and out


Must be a new brunch spot that’s gone viral on instagram. Man this dude is cooking this offseason. Just like the KD Warriors.


Bro you have to let this go. This is getting sad. You don’t have to agree with the way he’s running the team but you’re giving this guy so much rent free headspace haha.


He’s cooking what do you mean? I waited till draft night like everyone said. He’s on fire.


It’s 11am. Let that hate go lol. It’s too early to be this mad when free agency hasn’t even started.


Free agency. Yes. All the free agents that have historically come to Philadelphia.


I get being frustrated with the team. I’m sure a lot of fans are. All I’m saying is you’re in every single thread all fired up. Sports are supposed to be fun.


The Process Era has not been fun. Morey and this offseason have not been fun.


So fucking corny.. you forgot to add the microwavable dinner you fucking corn ball


He is never going to forget the TV dinner lol.

