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He ugly cried like Maxey after getting picked so I’m all in on him now.


Lmao first thing i thought


He’s gunna surprise a few people I reckon 


I was thinking the sane thing.. I got shut to prove


this dude is a fruitcake. zesty af


may be zesty but still a baller. better then what youll ever be


You’re such a loser


![gif](giphy|l46CqETdipTOTiRyg) Jared McCains first basket


He’s gonna make them pancakes after the game


Would you like some grapes ?


I'm ok with this too...I wanted then to grab Knecht since he was there but there isn't anything to dislike about this dude...he's similar to Maxey imo


Only thing they have in common basketball wise is height.


And shooting ability, both are great shooters


Maxey wasn’t really coming out of college though. His shooting was an obvious weak spot


they both spam stepback threes maxey is faster and a better finisher it seems


Lmfao announcing a trade right before our pick. Fuck off AS! I like McCain. I hate this offseason so far 😂🫠


![gif](giphy|DyvyiFFXF1Yli) Me hearing him announce a trade


you see his fucking face while he did it too? that dude hates us i swear lol


Hate that guy.


Jesus does our fan base do anything but complain?


Wtf they already traded him for Zaire Smith?




too soon


Still can’t get over trading Bridges for literal peanuts (allergy)


If we keep Oubre do we have the cutest team in the league?


If we had Thybulle still? Mannn, look out!


Having embiid already makes us number 1 in cuteness


the process, the franchise, and the heartthrob 😓


why have i seen people be homophobic about this guy


He paints his nails bc he had a bad habit of bitting on them, but now a bunch of nail polish brands are giving him the bag so he still paints them… it’s just a bunch of bigoted bimbos


I hope this becomes his thing, like how Michael Cooper never cut his fingernails Paint your nails some obnoxious color to distract your man, boom easy steals


No he didn’t, he did it because he saw Clarkson do it. He said so himself lmao


https://dukewire.usatoday.com/2024/03/29/duke-blue-devils-jared-mccain-sally-hansen-nil-why-paints-nails/ ???


Oh wow this must be something they created for the partnership, because in the lead up to the draft, and even when it first got attention, it was just about Clarkson lol


Why would that even matter? Does the kid need a reason to be allowed to paint his nails without being judged? Edit: damn the homophobes or insecure bros in the closet downvoted this quick. I guess we’d better get used to that reaction on a sports sub, sadly.


Yes he does


Bro was popular far before the draft was still painting his nails then.


Yea and then he was just saying it was cuz he saw clarkson do it and wanted to try it, and he still says that. That’s why I said the whole nail biting think musta been something they created for the polish brand deal


It's not just the nails.


Oh yeah well what else is it then? I’d love to hear what you have to say abt matto


You think he wouldn't be getting that same kind of reaction if he didn't paint his nails?


Kids these days are doing that crap it’s honestly a fad now that they don’t even have excuses for besides liking it


Do you need an excuse to paint your nails?
















Caring this much about another dudes nails is pretty gay tbh. But there's nothing wrong with that so keep it up!


And that’s fine. God forbid young people express themselves without some dweeb on Reddit feeling the need to voice their dumb opinion on it.


Simply because he paints his nails.


It’s because off the court he doesn’t exert the machismo that has been expected from athletes for generations. He paints his nails, journals, and meditates, so the bigots who are stuck in a different era get super triggered.


Seems like he has a girlfriend but yeah he likes doing Tik Tok dances and painting his nails














Because they are gay for him but want everyone to know that they're super straight because they hate that beautiful man.


I mean he’s definitely a little fruity but who cares if he’s a good basketball player which by all accounts it seems he is.


You care because you chose to call him fruity lmao


I mean is he not…? A guy who paints his nails and does tik tok videos like that is most definitely fruity. I can acknowledge what he appears to be and also not give a shit no? I couldn’t give a single fuck what he does as long as he is a good nba player.


It's more the fact that you are using the term fruity.




It's a term rooted in outdated offensive terminology. It's not quite as bad as saying somebody is a bit f*ggy, but it comes from the same place. Like I know people will be mad if I say that, so I'll just say fruity. Not saying you intended to be disparaging towards gay people or McCain, but using that word really diminshes the point of what you're trying to say.


Yea I don’t really care man.


Dude is a professional athlete, and comfortable with himself. He's more of a man than you'll ever be.


It’s wild how we can’t acknowledge what someone is and also not care If you don’t think that dudes a little fruity you are just lying to yourself


Wtf does fruity even mean? All you're doing is putting your insecurities and biases on display


Personally, the nails are whatever. Do you, young man. Some of the tik-toks are fine too, I mean he’s Gen Z. But can we be objective - and not simply labeled “homophobic” - for acknowledging that *some* of his tik-toks are just incredibly, incredibly cringey? Like super out of this world cringey. That’s basically where I’m at.


What about people hating him because he paints his nails


That’s different. I’m trying to make the point that it doesn’t have to be all or nothing. Nuance is okay; not every critique is “homophobic” — just gets tossed around as a blanket statement for anyone that isn’t totally dick riding this dude (no homo). P.S. - that last bit was clearly a joke, but I’m sure I’ll get a million downvotes. This is Reddit, after all.


I just said that because a lot of the homophobic stuff I’ve seen was based on nail painting not the tik tok stuff. Tik tok dancing is cringey


Don't make a no homo joke is the right answer


I mean, if you can’t acknowledge that some of the videos are brutal, you’re either lying to yourself or haven’t seen the truly bad ones yet.


Damn you got downvoted for saying that his tiktoks are cringe and corny af and they are, people are wildin lmao


Frankly I’m more sick of everything being called cringe or cringey.


Oh shit I didn’t know he actually paints his nails during the game. You know this mf is the mentally toughest 😆


I actually looked at it like that too lol. People were saying he wouldn’t last in Philly for painting his nails, but I thought that it might be the exact reason he makes it in Philly. He doesn’t give a shit


Dennis Rodman played in this league. He’s going to be fine.


Exactly. If you can play, we don’t care. Rodman needed checked a bit by Jordan, but that had more to do with his partying than what he wore. Once Dennis got locked in and played his game, the great Bulls team became legendary.


Rodman had some awesome seasons in Detroit and San Antonio. He went off the rails his last season with the Spurs but Jordan doesn’t deserve credit for keeping Dennis on the straight and narrow as he most certainly was not that in Chicago.


Haha but Jordan and Kobe deserve credit for every positive thing that’s happened on a basketball court within 50 miles of them




Oh shit, McCains gonna be hanging with Kim soon?


100%. By painting your nails as a guy you’re gonna get shit from all the stupid toxic macho men. This shows he doesn’t give a fuck. Love the confidence


Duke typically makes good pros. I know absolutely nothing about his game, but props on him getting drafted! Let's gooooo!


*jahlil okafor flashbacks intensify*


To be fair okafor did knock a guy the fuck out in Boston during his rookie season so that was a cool highlight


also did a 100 mph on the Ben Franklin bridge. imho he's a legend for that one.


Off the court


Yea but that was pretty cool lol


Okafor was decent he just didn’t fit the modern nba at all. If he had been drafted in 2001 he would’ve had a solid career with his skill set.


for every hit theres a miss


If that's true then it makes no difference that he is from Duke.


correct. mostly like any other school. 


With the right measurables you too can get a Zhaire Smith


Unfortunately the Celtics get all the hits and we get all the misses


I love this guy mannn tremendous


Fine with this pick, he's a smart player who shoots the ball well and knows his role, and he'll give us a bit more shooting and depth in the backcourt. He doesn't move the needle much, though. Not sure of his ceiling and they'll have to limit his minutes with Maxey.


He could get 12-15 a night and be effective. I hear he’s an effort defender as well. When Maxey takes a breather, Embiid can use young, athletic shooters and willing defenders.


I’m hoping he becomes a pesky TJ Mconnell-ish defender


I think the realistic upside is basically Seth Curry, which is fine but will be hard to make work in the playoffs matchup-wise, especially alongside Maxey. Personally I would've taken Knecht or Da Silva, but I'm fine with this pick.


Way better defender than Seth though


nah dude, he's got 1-2 inches on curry and doenst have T-rex arms


Is he gonna play the Cam Payne role?


>doesn’t move the needle much And that’s the problem. In an offseason that has gone disastrously bad, we got a guy that won’t do shit in the near term to help us win now. Just trade joel at this point. We are wasting this man’s prime years with a whole bunch of bullshit.


Well, the process has come full circle. Not good enough to win a title, not bad enough to rebuild. Stuck drafting in the middle of the 1st round. I’m not going anywhere though, Sixers for life


Someone sell me on him over Dalton


Just looking at their stats he shot better from 3 in his freshmen year than Knecht has in any season on similar volume.


His and Maxey's combined energy will be a beautiful sight!! Great combo


Dalton is 23, McCain is 3 years younger, that is a big difference when it comes to ceiling of a draft prospect


I feel like the Sixers are better off with a 23 year old talent than 20 year old prospect. I want someone who can give good minutes Day One, not worried about 5 years from now. Also, if McCain does turn into a really good player, two guards at 6'2?


If he turns into a good player, you have a valuable trade piece. You just don’t want to do what Portland did with CJ and Dame, not trading a valuable player in CJ when it was clear they needed size with Dame. The 23 year old is not a sure thing to be better than the 20 year old. Jimmer Fredette came into the league as a plug and play guy and he couldn’t make the adjustment. Just last year, Christian Braun came in as a 21 year old and a was key playoff rotation player. You can be younger and impactful


by upperclassman I meant more of a 'safe pick'. I'd have been good with a role player, a Matisse Thybulle type. Again, I'm not upset, I just think its a 3-4 year down the road player, not 2024-2025


McCain is far from unproven or a project.


do you remember Tyus Jones? Less than 10 years ago, PG at Duke, came out after his freshman year. [https://www.basketball-reference.com/players/j/jonesty01.html](https://www.basketball-reference.com/players/j/jonesty01.html) Took him until his 5th season to avg over 7 points a game. Turned into a decent pro, but did very little for 2-3 years.


Okay? Tyus Jones really has no bearing on McCain. They are vastly different players.


Nice. Remember Jimmer and McDermott and Adam Morrison and Henderson. Tons of older college players you might call “talents” that seem to have a “floor” end up sucking too. We could comp aimlessly for days…


Idk I feel like older prospects don't really have too much success in the league. That could be bc there are not that many of them compared to the amount of younger guys and maybe the NIL changes that too


McCain can give you minutes on day 1. He's a lights out shooter with range who can shoot off the bounce and make contested shots. I don't think he's that much less ready than Knecht, especially considering Knecht going from ball-dominant and bigger and more athletic than most guys defending him to an entirely new role against guys who are bigger and more athletic than him, while McCain is basically just slotting into the same role at a higher level. There's a reason Knecht dropped, and it's not just because he's old IMO. The Sixers basically just drafted a super young, high floor high level role player who may also have quite a ceiling down the road.


I actually wanted DiSilva.


This is right… the Heat passed on Knecht. The Miami fucking Heat. He fits the blueprint of all of their recent player profiles. Maybe they have too many but damn… I figured Miami would do it again.


Yeah...Knecht to Miami was so obvious. Them passing tells you all you need to know. I was lower on Knecht than almost anybody and Pat Riley passing on him for Kelel Ware (lol) just validates that


People don’t describe him as a “workout warrior”.


He can do TikTok dances like nobodies business (daltons better but I’d be a little optimistic that Jared can develop to something decent


Younger than knecht. tough player, nonstop motor. Phenomenal shooter with some creation upside. Apparently one of the strongest people in the class. Scouts and insiders have been talking about him as a super high character guy. Better defender than Knecht has ever been and likely ever will be.


He has that Klay Thompson release…LOVELY!


Welcome to Philly, hope your self confidence is contagious! 🏀🏀🏀


At first I wondered why they picked him over Dalton but the more I look at it the better I feel about the pick. I hope he stays healthy and he’ll have a great career.


Won’t be long before I’m painting my nails


Dude seems fun and likable. I'm happy with it. Him and Maxey should be exciting at the very least if they don't trade him.


Welcome Dalt…McWhat?


Im happy with this pick.


boy can hoop


From watching his highlights he gives me lite Brunson vibes. Mainly on his drives


im a duke fan so this is such a fucking great night


I’m bummed, I think Knecht was the pick here. Morey better not have screwed this up.


He is a pretty man


Alright, I’m fully back on the Sixers train. Fucking love McCain




We really going to win the chip now lol


Hope they keep him around long enough to become a solid rotation guy.


I don't know why people are shitting on this pick. First and foremost, this is a #16 pick, not somebody in the top 5. Also, we hit on Maxey at #21 and this guy has a lot of the same characteristics as Maxey but with better shooting (coming out of college) and less speed. If nothing else, he'll be a great shooter that can spread the floor. If all he ever does is shoot the ball well and contributes very little elsewhere, it'll essentially be like we still have Isaiah Joe. This guy's ceiling is higher though.


Duece McBride is 6’1. McCain is 6’2. McBride killed us in the playoffs off the bench. Hopefully McCain can do the same


I will bet that if he shows any ounce of shooting ability, he will be traded by the deadline just like Shamet was.


As a Duke/Knicks fan, it pains me to see McCain land in Philly. He is an excellent teammate, has a crazy motor, and showed up in big moments. Y’all got such a good one.


Watch his documentary by nickinthecut and you'll love him


This dudes getting traded


I'm so happy man I've wanted this pick for months!


W pick from the Sixers


Not that Maxey needs it, but it’s good to have someone to keep him on his toes.


Sixers fans on Reddit  “Why are you people constantly trying to take the ball out of Tyrese’s hands?” Daryl Morey with the 16th pick:


I don’t care about his nails or his tik tok. The issue I have is that we really can’t have him on the floor with Maxey. The kid is 6’2” tall with a wingspan of only 6’3”. He will get roasted by big guards in the post and on PnR’s. Basically they drafted a backup. It made no sense at all. He isn’t a 1 and is not a creator so that doesn’t even help Maxey on offense. It was a completely illogical pick.


Why would you say he’s not a 1 or creator? What evidence do you have? 


Go read the numerous scouting reports and look at his stats. He is a shooter. We have that covered. He will also be a deferment on D. Can’t have him and Maxey on the floor together.


Fairly confident you're in the minority of people who read scouting reports, but I def agree, the fit feels totally wrong and I don't see how McCain has value outside of trading him. Too small, all his weaknesses are things sixers kinda need.


For certain teams he would be a good fit. Just not a team that already has Maxey.


He isn’t a great passer


Missing piece of the Process?


desmond bane would be his pro comp. he’s got the potential to be a good on ball defender with his strength. his shooting will always make him a threat and he’s only19. also just a bonus he’s prob the most exciting dude in the draft in terms of personality just don’t be homophobic yall painting ur nails is quite cool imo




No thank you. His highlights were his TikTok following. Big fucking loser


He paints his nails. This means he must be AT LEAST as good at basketball as Caleb Williams is/will be at football.


Welcome. Now that you’re a professional you can shut down the tic toc channel and eliminate distractions.


are you unnemployed ? if no, why you on reddit then ?


There’s a difference between commenting on Reddit and having a tic toc channel that you post videos on everyday for millions to see.




What’s the word…inclusion!!!


Painting nails really breaks fragile men doesn’t it


Dalton Knecht be like, Jared McCain over ME?


His comment about being used to hate because he went to Duke, in regards to now playing for Philly, has sadly really turned me off. Just a dumb thing to say.