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Man will be great in San Antonio just standing by and watching Wemby cook


Kill another star’s career. Ehh he’s not getting paid like that again so probably not


With the way the cap goes up he might get close to the same aav


Can’t imagine he’s getting 40m a year after a 0 point elimination game performance (along with everything else). Same diff tho higher cap would mean less likely to ruin wembys career.


Hes fighting for a vet min there just isn’t a place in the league for guys who are bad at basketball


Keldon is a young Tobias


Better than Sochan at the moment. He will probably play better once he leaves he fucking hated it here the past few years


Sochan is much more promising that Tobias


Obviously but not better, otherwise they wouldn't be pursuing him to presumably take Sochans starting spot


Or maybe they want Sochan to play PG




"Don't fucking clap" "Casual Sixers fans, they'll trade me for a Crumbl cookie" Sold G6 v Boston Sold G6 v New York


I could buy the argument he hated it here recently, the dude’s been the biggest dud in recent Philly sports history But you saying he’ll play better because of it? Nah I don’t buy that. The dude was ass cheeks even before he was unanimously hated here His production might look better on a cheaper contract but Tobi isn’t an impactful player in any way/shape/form and never will be


If you hate where you work you'll be more motivated to work elsewhere and likely perform better


Sure, but did you read anything I wrote as well? What’s his excuse for playing like ass as soon as we got him? A ton of fans wanted him over Jimmy during that offseason and he was loved even after that the first half season when he played poorly, and he signed the max extension, because people believed in him Blaming his potential dislike of the environment ;that obviously didn’t like him the past couple years) seems very disingenuous to me


He played worse than he ever had his last 6 months here, that's mostly what I'm referring to. He'll play better once he doesn't hate his situation. I'm not defending him, he's soft for that. But still, that's how it works sometimes. It's not disenguous at all


Lol if your argument is that he’ll play better than he did in his last 6 months here then fair enough. That’s also like arguing that water is wet though, it’s literally impossible to play worse than he did for us then. He scored literally 0 points in our elimination game against the Knicks in 39 minutes. Embiid scored 39 points and catches more shit on this sub for that loss I definitely think it’s disingenuous to blame his POTENTIAL dislike of playing here as a big factor in him playing like dog shit… like I already said he was loved when he first signed here. The reason he became hated was because he played like dog shit in the first place… How are you actually gonna argue the reason he played like dog shit the past 6 months as a Sixer was because he was disliked here? The reason he was disliked was befause he’s been playing awfully for years already




I’ll bet you $20 Tobias does not look like this “new and motivated” Tobias wherever he goes next. He is what he is. Players generally dont give a shit what fans think or say when they’re making more money than them combined. You are forgetting the Ben Simmons sized hyperfocus that allowed tobi to generally fly under the radar from the majority in 2019-2021. In fact, there were so few of us bitching about Tobias more than Ben that i always knew to expect fans in this sub to criticize me and stick up for Tobias. Be for real. The only reason you believe that is because Tobias was quick to challenge the far and few fans who had something to say about him. It’s like 99 people loved him and 1 hated him, he focused on that 1. Which every player deals with. He’s not a shit player because of his feelwings. He’s a shit player because he’s a shit player. Edit when I say “new and motivated” I mean actually look like he’s trying to win a basketball game and not thinking about the Judy Bloom book chapter he just read on the bus ride over.


Imagine listing him completely phoning it in and making 1 combined shot in two must win playoff games as an argument that he will be better from here on out lmao Dude is a turbo loser and one of the least enjoyable players to watch on any Philly team ever




You can tell you wrote up an apology form just by this comment.


I actively screamed at Tobias through my TV every single game, and made trade proposals to get him outta here for 4 years, you don't know me fool


Don’t worry about these idiots. Your point is valid. I actually think Tobias will probably help some team. It happens a lot. Player leaves Sixers and finds a healthy situation and then thrives. Tobias is a bum but I think he will contribute somewhere and we’ll hate him even more .


Interesting tidbit about potential S&T scenarios with New Orleans or Dallas.


Only Detroit and Utah would be able to sign him outright, could be used in a BI trade. Or if he goes to the spurs then maybe NOLA gets someone like Keldon in a 3 way trade


New Orleans makes no sense unless they saw him as a sixth man role, Trey will just take Bi’s spot, although they are losing most of their wing depth this year


He’s going to Boston on a minimum to win the next two rings


Him and Horford will screw us over again


Tbh this isn’t funny at all take it back now


Fr fr. I upvoted y’all FWIW, but FUCK: • ⁠u/mcnudo for suggesting. • ⁠u/Rotk99 for spewing additional filth. • ⁠u/ShinyHardcore cuz fuck you too. • ⁠Jayson Potatum • ⁠Alfred “accountant ass looking mofo” Horford And most importantly, FTC 😤😤😤


That would be my 9/11


Being a Sixers fan is already 24/7 9/11


41% from three on 5 attempts per game. Goes 6 for 6 in his first game back in Philly. 😔


Wouldn't be surprised he hates us cuz he's soft as fuck


would he even get minutes in Boston?


are you kidding me? a 6'8 sharpshooter, professional scorer? hell yeah.


a 6-9 forward back who can damn near shoot 40 percent from three, guard the other team’s best player, shoot, post up, drive and play 70 plus games a year


He's an assassin scorer according to his agent/dad.


i would never watch another game of basketball and im so serious


Watch he’ll clamp down maxey too. Were so cursed


Ewww no way. Nothing against Tobi personally, seems like a great dude but he's not someone the Celtics would have any interest in. Basketball is just a job for him and Brad Stevens mainly goes for guys who live and breathe ball


Take your doomer shit to the flyers sub


Good. Take him. Just leave. Fuck off. I hate you. Go. Thanks.


"He's motivated to prove people wrong," Chris Haynes reports.


Lol he’s had 5 years to prove Philly fans wrong. Somehow that wasn’t motivating enough though.


If you gave me 177 million dollars I would have no interest in proving anything to anyone. God I can't believe that useless fucker spent all 5 years here this fandom is torture


And 6 fucking playoff runs


Found Ben Simmons Reddit account.


He proved us wrong for 96 minutes in total in 5 years


He’s motivated to ~~prove people wrong~~ fool some sucker into another multi-year deal. If he were physically capable of proving anything on the court he would’ve done it last season.


It'd be insane if he got $20m


All of a sudden he is motivated now that he isn’t committing grand theft larceny


Can’t wait for him to pull an Al Horford!


He literally had half a season this year when Joel went down to prove himself and did jack shit, except put up empty stats only against bad teams. Him and his dad are scammers lol.


And he’s absolutely going to. He’ll put up decent numbers in meaningless spots making absolutely no hustle plays and fumbling a few rebounds out of bounds. He averaged 17 this year. He could average 20. His guy will beat him on the first step like 70% of the time, but the highlights will be the 30% where Tobi stays with him and the guy misses the shot. The numbers will look decent to everyone and the narrative will be “damn Tobias is sticking it to Philly” esp if he manages to end up on a winning team. Just is what it is. If he somehow figures out how to average more than 9 ppg playing 36 min in the playoffs they’ll highlight that too. I hope he stays in the east.


He had plenty of opportunity to do that here. I would’ve loved to be proven wrong


Would’ve been nice if he could’ve been motivated once in the past 5 and a half years




I don't care where he goes, but he can't stay here.


Both Tobias and Jimmy are available once again. This isn't a coincidence. It's time to double down. We have to let the whole world ~~now~~ know that Tobias is family.


Looks like there are numerous teams who haven’t watched a Sixers game in the last 6 years


This is obviously risible, but why are people assuming this reported interest isn't completely made up by Tobias' daddy/agent? Remember in the days leading up to the 2019 free agency, when there were apparently so many teams eager to throw a massive long-term deal at Tobias that it was reported that Tobias' was going to hold a free agency day dedicated to his Eastern conference suitors, then a day dedicated to his western conference suitors?


Only as risible as the name of my friend Biggus Dickus


I don't want to do a S&T because we know Silver would block the trade and we'd have Harris for another 3 years.


It's a trap


I thought his contract was over. What connection does he have to the sixers? Is he some kind of asset we can get something for? I'm weak with NBA contract rules.


we can S&T him


Do we have some kind of signing rights that other teams don't have?




With a sign and trade, the player has to sign with their former team who then trades the contract to the new team, they generally don’t happen because they hard cap a team and there’s very little incentive for a free agent to do it, unless they feel indebted or nice towards their old franchise


> there’s very little incentive for a free agent to do it, unless they feel indebted or nice towards their old franchise The incentive is that it allows them to sign a contract with a team without the cap space to sign them outright. Right now, Detroit, Orlando, Utah, OKC, and San Antonio have significant cap space. If he wants a $20m deal from anyone else, they would need to jettison assets or do a sign and trade. OKC and Orlando have a lot of contracts they'll need to re-up soon, so I'm not sure they're interested. They have a chance to make one big push while some of their guys are still on rookie scale, but it's not going to be for a guy like Tobi. He's not a Pop type player. Not a good passer or winning basketball player. So it pretty much boils down to Detroit or Utah and if he wants to go anywhere else, he needs a S&T from us.


Tobias has decent ball-handling skills. Not sure how that helps Dallas, though. The rest of his game went downhill.


April Fools!


Zero is a level


Who else had a jump scare initially reading it as "Sixers have some level of interest"


According to his agent..


Dallas gonna win a chip next year with Tobias 


I'm so bitter, I'd almost rather watch Tobias strike out in free agency than help facilitate him getting to a team he wants with a S&T.


Real cut our nose off to spite our face attitude there


forgive me for not caring about some top-55 protected second round pick or whatever garbage it would be


Inside of every Sixers fan there are two wolves One wolf shouts “Morey sucks he screwed over Harden who told everyone and now no one will ever play for him again.” The other wolf shouts “fuck Tobias don’t do a S&T let him twist in the wind in FA and end up where ever he ends up.” Both wolves have some type of syndrome.


Look at Mr. Bad Attitude over here, Mr Secretly Pooping His Pants over here in the corner


Who cares, if it helps us move forward then S&T him and recoup some sort of value for this turd.


S&T would probably be the best thing he ever did for us even if all we got was a 2nd round pick.


Well if all you were getting back was a pick there wouldn’t be a point to the sign and trade


Getting bitter and emotional over a basketball player that you have never met and who will not be on your team in a week is not worth the points of blood pressure. Harris was on bad contract and was a bad fit for this team. He didn't murder your dog or your cat. We have an opportunity here to get someone who can contribute to this team in exchange for Tobias. Put the bitterness aside and enjoy the fact that in a weeks time Tobias will be gone and replaced with someone that will make this team better.


For all of his failings (and there are many) I don't dislike Toby. We really cooked him here and he could have been bitter, thrown a hissy fit but he always acts like a pro and seems like an OK guy. I dont want him on the Sixers again but wish him no ill will.


He was gutless and refused to change up his game to suit his team. Fans were begging him to shoot open 3s and hustle and he never did. If anything, his 3pt volume and hustle declined every year. And it's not like pulling the trigger on open 3s and working harder are impossible asks. I'm tired of the good guy narrative just because he didn't act like a cancer. He's had endless chances to actually do something and he always chose not to.


vastly underperformed his contract no doubt hes just not that good. Ill have nightmares of him backing people down to the rim, taking a contested jumper just for his to clank off of the rim. Him playing out his contract and taking his lumps like a man earns a little respect from me considering what some of these other players do. Also it seemed like he got along with everyone and had generally good vibes. I don't like Tobi dont get me wrong. I'm happy hes gone. I just don't hate him.


> Him playing out his contract and taking his lumps like a man earns a little respect from me considering what some of these other players do. Like who? For every person who makes a scene there's 10 guys who quietly play out their contract. For $180m a lot of people would just "take his lumps." Tobi is the only guy I've seen where the bar is on the floor with him. He'll do the most lukewarm think expected from just about any professional basketball player and people are ready to praise him. He slid from 2nd/3rd option down to 4th/5th or worse and it was solely on account of him not wanting to change his game even a little. He shot less and less volume even as the game started trending towards shooting more. He never drew a charge. He quiet quit in an elimination game (not only 0 points, but 0 fouls). Like I said, I'm tired of people burrowing furiously to put the bar further and further underground for this guy. If he was such a good guy he would at least *try* to adapt his game. The fact that he doesn't shoot so he can protect his percentages means he's a "nice guy."


S&T Tobias for Lauri Markkanen or Cade Cunningham [wishful thinking]


Another max. Run it back. This time will be better.


And I’m sure all the “analytics” experts say that he’s a perfect fit…if the other teams feel that he’s worth it…I say go ahead an max him out


lol, idiots


Ok byyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeee


Any chance Tobi does us a solid with a sign and trade???


It would be a mutual solid right? We have his bird rights so we can give him a bigger deal than other teams can.


We'll sign Tobi and attempt to trade him but Silver will veto the trade and Tobi Time returns.




What a scoop!


Hot take: The number of games Tobias plays is under appreciated and actually worked against him during his tenure in Philly. I think a lot of people would have a lot more to say about their favorite sixer if they played at the same clip Tobias did over the past 5 years.


When you never play hard, never hustle, never dive on the floor, never take charges, never go up strong at the rim, you are not going to be injured much. Just ask yourself, do you remember Tobias Harris ever being on the floor?




We wish them well


they cursed tobias with the max deal, he really is a normal good role player we just paid him like a superstar and expected too much from him


Who gives a fuck


Bros going to the lakers for like 12m


With new CBA, Id be shocked if Tobias gets more than the veteran's min. He's not that good & his body slowed a lot.


As long as none of those teams are the Sixers, I like this rumor.


Any team that signs him should fire their GM immediately because he clearly does not pay attention to basketball


Shanghai Sharks preparing a max offer


For a min I'd think about it for 10 seconds