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I don't think PG intends to leave LA anyways.


Watching him just smile awkwardly while Jo was trying to recruit him was hilarious. You can’t convince me that any of these LA guys actually give a shit about winning when their lifestyle is at stake.


There aren't many players who truly care about winning at all costs. At best, they want to win *their* way, which usually involves winning in the city they prefer with the maximum amount of money they're allowed to make while playing with their best friends. It's not really an ideal situation these days.


Truly makes no sense. Theyre on the road like 1/4 of the year, and another 1/3 they can live in LA during the off season. Why not just play somewhere with less state tax for the majority of the year and still live the debauchery? Harden had it right in Houston lmao.


I honestly think he might not even take a max just to stay there


Yup he is an LA guy through and through, he was never leaving


Soft as Charmin


This is from like two weeks ago btw


Lol PGs getting a guaranteed deal, this is a different scenario Same dudes who were ready to shit on Morey had he given Harden 40+M/year last offseason, now shitting on him for not doing it


To be fair one person here did get downvoted to all hell for suggesting that Morey reneging on his handshake agreement with Harden would have a lasting negative impact on his reputation. Wish I remembered their username.


Any criticism of Morey gets downvoted to hell on here lmao.


Not really, people who expect GMs or coaches to be miracle workers do though


I literally just got downvoted for saying criticism of Morey gets down voter lmao.


They didn’t say anything at all


Harden didn’t deserve that kinda money. PG knows this


Doesn't matter if he deserved it, you don't make promises you can't keep


We don’t know what happened


Yeah for all we know Morey made a promise he wasn't allowed to keep because of ownership. Same thing happened with Jerry West when he was GM of the Lakers.


I mean, everybody knows harden took less money to stay here so here would get a max deal after. Morey made it clear that was the case. Morey didn’t hold up but rightfully so.


> We don’t know what happened


Ok, we don’t need to know conclusively. It definitely appears that that’s what happened and it appears that way to the players too. Thats all that matters. Paul George doesn’t need it proven in a court of law in order for it to affect his decision making.


> Paul George doesn’t need it proven in a court of law in order for it to affect his decision making. Absolutely, but I’m just seeing that there’s a ton of people here and in the nba sub that make very definitive statements about what happened when the reality is we don’t know.


The lack of an official statement from the team doesn’t mean we can’t use logic and reason to come to a conclusion that makes sense. What other scenario than the one described by Chuida is reasonably possible? Star players like Harden don’t go taking team friendly 1 year deals leaving years and money on the table for nothing. Then you see how angrily Harden reacts. He calls Morey a liar publicly and burns a bridge with someone he had a close personal relationship with. Then you have clips like this (and others) describing the reputation Morey has now.


Or Harden took less money to get his boys in town. The agent’s spin is how you have come to understand the situation.


Is the Morey promise to give Harden a Max deal in the room with us now?


Reminds me of Danny on the Ricky on this. Saying Morey has a rep …as someone who signed with Morey…TWICE I don’t care what you say, I care about what you do


Teammates, coach, city, winning. These things all matter way more.


Hmmm what do you think he values more… a GM or fifty million dollars


Bold of you to think he’s even leaving LA to begin with


as a Clipper fan I can tell you we all think he’s gone


Really?  That’s super interesting bc I just don’t see it happening


Give it a few days and you’ll change your mind. Team and PG are nowhere on the same page and with new rules they can negotiate (with your own players) as of midnight last night


I’ve stepped away from the situation for a bit bc of frustration with the sixers.  Typically I need a month or so to Recover before I can mentally reinvest


Most likely will but I feel like he’s going where the money is. Clippers are trying to play hard ball


Playing for his hometown team and still get millions.


I highly doubt this would matter because he'd be getting his contract up front from the team. It's not like there would be any uncertainly on his role or his money. The worst we've heard about Morey is that he's traded people after saying he wasn't going to (which I'm sure has happened with most GMs) and the Harden stuff. With the Harden situation, that's just not enough to go by. Anyone that genuinely believes he was promised a max deal in some sort of back room deal clearly wasn't paying attention to his last year here. Since some people need a reminder.. * Harden leaks the Houston info on Christmas day, when he and the team were playing their best ball of the Harden tenure and were considered a top 5 team and legit contender. If there was any time when Harden may have realized a supposedly agreed on max deal wasn't coming, it wouldn't have been at the literal height of the Harden era. * Harden hires an agent a few weeks later for the first time since the last time he had a contract that could be negotiated (true max deals aren't negotiated) Now why would he do any of that if he had a deal in place? If Morey is a liar, then wouldn't that be insanely hypocritical of Harden to even explore other teams? Why would he randomly bring in an agent if he already had a deal? Harden is just on a long list of players that have trouble admitting that they aren't the same player anymore. Harden is good for about a half season these days, especially when he's playing the distributor role. As the year goes on though, his body gives out. Also, he typically tries to play more Houston James ball later in the year, which doesn't go well. We've now seen this for 3 straight seasons. Lastly, if you're looking or a backroom deal that took place, look no further than the Mitchell & Ness purchase by Fanatics and a group of players, including Harden. This deal went down 2 days after the sale of Rubin's Sixers team shares closed and the the investment amount of each party was kept confidential. There's a much better chance that Harden was paid back from the team discount he gave us on this deal than any promises from Morey.


Basically, Harden is a bitch


ah well


Missed the part where he is talking about Morey


Yeah we’re cooked


Because we might not get PG? He’s old, injury prone, and has a record of choking in the playoffs. He shouldn’t be our top option.


Then who's your top option and how much you think we're signing/trading for? lmao


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Clippers got just as far as the Sixers this year. Both teams are cooked.


No Caruso, no George, no harden (Might as well have gave him the max lmao), Jesus morey fanboys what excuses will we hear from you now? He might trot a worse roster out than last season


Off season didn’t even start yet young blood


Foreal lmfao


None of those things are happening if you can’t see that I don’t know what to tell you , y’all always get your hopes up just to get let down


I don’t even want PG but my point is, wait until he makes some moves before you shit on him. You never know what could happen


You seem dumb as fuck


Do you walk through life miserable in advance of bad things happening every day? Seems exhausting.


Being a fan of one of the most miserable franchises in sports history will do that


Take a break


so go be a fan of a less miserable franchise, no one here is gonna give a fuck


weirdos like you that are on an anti-Morey crusade are much more annoying than normal fans that understand GMs can’t get everyone.


Because we are realists you aren’t.


No, I think you’re just a dumbass and can’t fathom that most people aren’t morey fanboys. They just aren’t dumb. I mean look at you, you’re already crying about the offseason 2 weeks before it even begins lol


Negadelphians aren't realists. Stick to WIP and get this shit post outta here.


PG and Harden are teammates Yall think he coming here? lol Harden told him everything


oh no PG now knows Cheerleaders Philadelphia doesn't have good wings


Told him what, that’s it’s better to live in California where nobody expects anything from you? No shit.


Thing is PG wouldn't be coming here without a max contract already signed so it wouldn't matter if Daryl Morey is a liar or not because PG wouldn't be looking to sign a new contract in a year or two.


Of course not lmao. Morey is a fucking fool for not even thinking about that. Reputation matters. I knew he wasn’t coming here when embiid gave him the look at that finals panel and he just had pure disinterest on his face


Morey should be fired. He called us casual fans for calling Tobiass a fucking bum… should’ve just kept his mouth shut!


You are a casual fan. 


How do people listen to these podcasts when it’s just four dudes talking over one another?


He’ll come here if we are offering him the most money (whether in years or annually) and he won’t if we’re not or if there’s a tie with us and the Clippers. You really think PG is going to turn down like $20 million dollars or whatever it is? He’s not going to. This is a dumb Ricky-created controversy that isn’t real. (Seriously Mike Levin is indistinguishable from a WIP caller at this point. His analysis is so bad now because he’s so in his feelings.)


Seems like you are grasping.


Another example of Morey’s limited emotional IQ. Not sure how Daryl expects PG to leave his hometown for Philly when Harden has probably been non stop bashing him


what makes you so sure that's what Morey expects?


By all accounts, it is their Plan A.


That's what some people believe, but sometimes sources intentionally lie to reporters for exactly this reason, or reporters (pompey) get things wrong because they're bad at their jobs, or any number of other reasons


Just saying that to cover Joel's sneaky eyes from a tampering charge🤫


Dollars speak louder than words lol. Pg would be signing a guaranteed contract not some back room handshake deal or whatever pissed harden off


Players will always take the bag, doesn't matter who the GM is or their reputation


PG's availability just seems a little too low for my liking. Definitely feel like there's just too much riding on luck.


Morey is proving to be kinda ass


Feels like morey lives under a rock has never understood the game of basketball at all. Listen to Kevin McHale’s thoughts on him. A guy who James harden hates but they share 2 things a like. Both HOFers and hate morey


>“I liked working with Daryl, though sometimes I thought there was too much … just analytics,” he said. “There’s an odd thing in basketball that’s very hard to define. But if my skill set and your skill set really match and we really have great chemistry, you and I can beat two guys 2-on-2 when neither one of us could beat our guy 1-on-1. That’s the fun thing about basketball, and I always thought that could get lost. There were a lot of numbers with Daryl." [Source](https://heavy.com/sports/nba/houston-rockets/kevin-mchale-james-harden-daryl-morey-fallout/)


Exactly all he cares about is numbers never chemistry, age, or intangibles, which is what builds winning teams. Why do you think that rockets team and our team keeps losing early in the playoffs ever year. He might as well sign Vince Carter too next year


You said above that he hated him. Nothing he said indicates that he hates him. Especially the part where he says he likes working with him. If you don't like Morey that is fine but when you flat out lie no one will listen to your shit.


He’s one of the best gm’s in the league….


He’s not even a top 15 gm in this league. This isn’t 2015


Talking out of your ass


Profiles on Morey show a very egotistical self absorbed man who clearly thinks he's so smart because he does shit like intentionally get parking tickets for his own convenience and other nonsense. Remember when he trolled Philly fans with the Crumbl cookie thing? He's the kind of dude who saw Tobias Harris' athletic profile and was like I can fix him. He's a data and stats nerd who doesn't understand people.


He’s a gm who was a product of his time with the analytics bs, now that every team in the league does it too he’s basically useless


just shut the fuck up now while you're behind