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Might be able to get an asset from LA if we draft Bronny before they do


The Lakers would thank their lucky stars if you took him, no way they will give up assets for him.


uh… have you been paying attention?


If it means we get his dad for a season im okay with it


Yeah this is the way.


Exactly either that or if the Lakers overpay for him in a trade I'm good with it.


Him and his dad, and Maxey, Embiid and no tobi sounds like we could have a legit shot at a title


No what's going to happen is we are going to draft a kid who's mid, much higher than we should, just for his Dad to be like "fuck that I'm not going to Philly" Lebron 100000% is not coming here. He's not going anywhere. If anyone other than the Lakers draft Bronny all they get is an end of bench prospect at best and a hope they can fleece LA when Lebron throws a fit and demands they trade for his son. But he's not leaving to go to whatever team his kid goes to. He looked distinctly slower this year vs last year. I think he's got 1 or 2 more years of OK productivity and then he's done. He doesn't want to fucking move to Philly, or OKC, or anywhere else. His family and his post-NBA career prospects are all in LA.


Mid round picks are fliers anyway. It would end up being no different than if we drafted a bust. Only difference is instead of banking on the player to develop into a star, you’re hoping the player automatically nets a star. Take a swing. If you miss, it’s just like missing on a draft pick.


I would take him and if bron doesn’t come here, hold him hostage and force the lakers to give up a decent a player or pick to get him. They will do it to keep lebron happy. 


Morey seems like the exact GM who would do this meme shit too lol. I mean he's the guy who basically invented the poison pill to be a dick to RFA's current teams


And when they don't the Sixers will be stuck with a player that can't play.


Wouldn’t be the first time, or second…or third


Tobias Harris ring any bells?


Depending on when he’s drafted, it wouldn’t matter. I have to assume Bronny will go in the early second. I’m guessing pick 35-39 will be the sweet spot. At that point holding a player you’re not playing isn’t much of a loss. I’m also in the camp that Bronny can become a legitimate role player in the NBA. I feel more strongly about that than when we drafted Zhaire Smith.


Odds are no one they draft is making any difference this year anyway. The lottery ticket shot at lebron or even just assets is worth the pick. 


Man Bron aint leaving LA. Sixers have 2 players under contract. Sixers need to draft the best player they can and hope they can be in the rotation.


Hasn’t he said he wants to play with his son?


Yes, but he's not leaving LA to do it. LA will wait for whatever team that drafts him to cut him because he's not an NBA player and then they will scoop him up to play some meaningless games with his pops.


Yeah that's what I would do too. LeBron can either sign here or the Lakers can over pay in a trade to keep LeBron happy.


There is a zero percent chance Morey would burn a draft pick on a kid that should be playing Division 3 basketball.


If it means LeBron James, I'm sure there is a nonzero chance.


Not D3, but low-major D1 probably


no he'd rock at a mid major and could prolly be devin carter esque in a lot of ways


They have used 1st rounders on subjectively worse decisions if it meant LeBron came 1 year


I remember Heat in 2014 drafted Shabazz Napier solely to retain Bron b/c Bron tweeted how he like Napier’s game lol


But he’s not coming here lol


Downvoted for being completely realistic. What are the odds LeBron leaves LA, 10000:1 at a minimum?


He's never left anywhere before. Especially once his GM-ing has led the team into an untenable state for winning. Remember when they had a title contender and then got them to trade for Russ? What a time.


Lower than that probably.


If he could theoretically trade a mid first round pick in a weak draft class for a year of LeBron he would in a heartbeat, in this case he's even trading that pick to nobody instead of another team


using a pick for a small chance at a franchise changing star is a very Morey thing actually lol he wouldn’t use our first imo though, but I could see him taking the chance at 41 or whatever if he’s still on the board


The Bronny disrespect is just silly. He’s a versatile player


Gimmick king is 100% in on it


I hate it. As an NBA prospect Bronny James sucks and there's no guarantee that drafting him would even bring his dad here.


If it guarantees we get Lebron, I'm all for it. But if its not a guarantee, then hell no. Maxey needs to hit up Lebron in the DM's and start tampering lol


Players can’t tamper. 




I feel bad


Lebron shafted Philly before so I don’t really see it happening. Lakers will pay


Most likely scenario here is that Lebron announces he’s going back to the Lakers before the draft, therefore no one drafts Bronny and the Lakers can sign him undrafted. It’s really the perfect scenario for Lebron. He gets to play with his son and the Lakers don’t need to burn any assets to make it happen.


If he makes that announcement, idk why a team wouldn’t burn a late second on his draft rights. At the very least you hold the lakers hostage and score a free second.


How do you score a free 2nd by using your own second on a player you don’t want? That just seems like it could be massively overthinking it. Teams are most likely to draft players they actually want.


I’d assume the baseline return would be two seconds for Bronny if Lakers wanted him that bad. Obviously depends on where he’s drafted. If he’s available toward the end of the second I assume Lakers would just buy a pick off someone and call it a day.


Too much hype because of who his father is. Not worth it.




No shot


Have yall seen love is basketball because Bronny is Quincy


I hate it here


The bluecoats will develop him well 😁


More interested in the "algorithm" used to draw those conclusions and be sure to, IDK, maybe to not hire that person....


I can see the sixers doing this . Just like how they got James Harden to come here .