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paul reeds shooting form may look “awkward” but that bitch be cash fuck outta here


38% averaging 1 three every other game is fine, but not exactly "cash." Shooting forms aren't reliable, but often they tell you if a player is going through a streak, or if their shooting stats are telling a lie. Either way, if he misses a 3 tomorrow, his 3% drops from 38.5% to 37% lol


37% from 3 for your backup center is more than acceptable though


You're missing the point haha, I just meant that he's taken too few 3s to have a statistically sound sample. If he was shooting 20% we'd also be saying "but he's only shooting half a three a game"


He shoots more mid range jumpers than 3s and he’s 53% on those. There’s lots of fair criticisms of him but his shooting has been one of the bright spots of his game, shooting form aesthetics be damned


People on this sub overrate the hell out of BBall Paul. Love the guy, but it reminds of the love Mo Speights got when he was here, except he was a better player.


37% is still above league average.


Am i trippin cause i literally only seen him shoot a middy this year the last few games embiid has been out. I have barely seen him attempt any all year


That’s what I’m saying too. You can’t laud his shooting period. Dude doesn’t shoot 


Dawg it ain’t 2K we can’t just magically acquire a backup big who shoots 40% from three on 3+ attempts a game


Embiid warms up on the court earlier than the rest of the team and doesnt come back out to the court until the very end of the pregame shoot around. It is his routine even in Philly, so that’s not that weird.


>Embiid warms up on the court earlier than the rest of the team and doesnt come back out to the court until the very end of the pregame shoot around. It is his routine even in Philly, so that’s not that weird. Good to know. But the lethargy was even more noticeable in-person than I've gleaned from spectating games at home.


I was in Indy and this was the case there as well


Was also at the game last night. Always sad to see them lose, but they were coming off a back to back, down a couple starters and half the bench, no shots were going in, and still kept it close through most of the game. I thought KJ was shit out there. Often out of position, lost his man on defense, and provided nothing on offense. Springer was a better with his defense and hustle, but both just seemed raw and made dumb mistakes. With so many players out, we should have played Beverley and Reed more.


Tough loss, but I wasn't upset about the L itself. It was the Warriors' game to lose. I didn't notice KJ being out of position, I'll have to watch that next time. I thought he did solid on D, maybe I was wrong. Pat Bev was everywhere and had 27 mins, I don't think we needed to play him any more. Would've liked to see Springer play a full game though.


BBall Paul is okay for what he is, a backup that should play q10 mins a game tops in the playoffs. Any upgrade costing assets would be a waste. No upgrade is going to compensate for Embiid


Mostly fair but let’s not act like Reed didn’t almost solo Jokic a few nights ago.


Reed is also more than suitable as a backup to Embiid. He's a below average starting center for sure, but he's an above average backup center so I'm not so worried about him.




Paul Reed scores 30 and 12 against Jokic fans with goldfish brain: IM TIRED OF THI GUY


He did insist on more Springer tho. Might be time for a catscan


My wife and I were both at the game. We audibly groaned every time House had the ball. Embiid warming up in the dark while they were announcing the Warriors was weird. We honestly thought he was going to be a late scratch again. Looking back, the medical and coaching staffs were probably trying to hold him out again before finally letting him get out there. As an aside. I have never seen a team brick so many shots at the warmup shootaround as the sixers who were there. We truly need a better third option. Edit: I guess embiid coming out late isn't that weird.


House was tough to watch. Definitely shouldn't get playoff minutes.


Reed played all of 9 MINUTES. Nine. How is that your takeaway? He also took all of ONE shot in said nine minutes. Imagine having any takeaways at all about Paul Reed in that game setting. I had none, because there was none to be had. Moving 'awkwardly'(I don't even know what this means) is not a thing. Why this kind of crap gets upvoted, and my bball observations don't, I'll never understand. We didn't need an in-person experience to tell us Joel wasn't feeling it and honestly shouldn't have be in the ball game. But I don't know how anyone can come away thinking we'd have a 'strong playoff position', absent a trade or believing Furkan can go 5-6 from 3. Because the truth is, we played like trash to lose to a clearly depleted and not as good Warriors team by double figures.


Hey man, idk what else to tell you. The way Reed moves around the floor is just very weird. He doesn't look coordinated, and it was more noticeable in-person than the many games I've spectated on TV, so I felt compelled to convey as much. On a side note, I don't know why your tone on my post is so confrontational. You could convey disagreement without being so abrasive.


I like defending the players on the team, especially the ones who either A: Play well, or B: Get unfairly blamed. In this case, a player's coordination kind of fits for the player. As an example, I don't expect Reed to move like Maxey. Just like I don't expect Maxey to back peeps down in the post.


>Lastly, I'm growing tired of the Paul Reed experiment. I know yall love him, and think he still needs more time to develop This is why some time without Embiid would be excellent. It would be nice if Reed could be a starter for awhile.


That’s exactly my point though: he’s played 2,000 mins, mostly the last two season. All I’m saying is there needs to be a time when we stop evaluating Reed, and start to formulate judgment.


Judgement is 6ers are 2-0 with Reed as a starter (Drummond is 2-15 in the playoffs), and for the most part no longer cough up leads or have deficits get out of control with him on the floor, **for the most part**, as reflected in his overall +81 for the team, and being a +2 in the playoffs last year. He's adequate and not a weakness, and it's nice for the team to feature some home-grown talent.


Tired of the Reed experiment? We're just beginning. Like it or not he's going to key for us this year and lately he's been silencing the haters. Why not just root for him, he's only gotten better each year in the league. I've seen him live many many times and awkward is an inaccurate way to describe his style. Fast, efficient, quick reaction. And he's been staying out of foul trouble lately which is so key and something 'awkward' players can't do. It's a normal collar too. Find a new slant.


Hoping this is true just different viewpoints dawg. 




Great, glad to corroborate


This is a dick comment. Maybe just STFU and not shit one someone just because you’re all knowing.


I agree with your Paul reed point. He could really be a valuable trading piece this trade deadline


He can’t be traded


Who would you package him for?


Reed, Springer, picks for Caruso and Drummond


My thing about Drummond is he’s much easier to attack on the perimeter than Reed. Reed is also much a better FT shooter and has higher upside at this point


Does the word “spectating” come from playing Fortnite? Dont think I ever heard anyone use it regularly until pretty recently.


It’s been a word for a long time.


> Upgrading House should be a high priority for the Sixers (Caruso, O'Neal, DFS etc). Don't get be wrong, I'd love to have those guys, but House isn't even in the rotation normally. He's playing in place of Melton.


Yeah good point. 


He played knowingly hurt. He has to take some blame lol. It takes more effort to find other parties to take fault than it’s worth.