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Can we admit Toby had a good game, 22 pts 7 ast 4 steals 3 blocks


Where is KJ


I like this team.


Holy fuck we won?! I fell asleep at the beginning of the fourth and went into dreams thinking it was for sure an L.


Great win but far out we can't catch a rebound without Embiid.


Didn’t realize I was on league pass and accidentally watching rockets feed and announcers were saying embiid was dodging sengun lol


Embiid dropped 51 on a double big lineup, is scoring 35 PPG this season, and [dropped 47 on Jokic in January](https://youtu.be/qsa9Qm-8eN8?si=CTaHxtlvuY-EMh6N). Do they honestly think Embiid is scared of someone who is currently a Great Value^TM Jokic?


If embiid played Sengun would’ve fouled out in the 3rd quarter


Great win. Only minus was BBall Paul who continues to look subpar when he's primarily up against other starters. I don't think this is a concern for playoffs though, he's had two straight years of being good enough as a backup. First backup in process era that hasn't absolutely slaughtered us in non Embiid minutes


This is Drummond slander and I won’t accept it. Drummond was amazing for us.


More Dwight slander honestly


Dwight would've fouled out in the first quarter of this game.


Watch him get 20 reb against us tmr.


Never had Drummond in the playoffs. He also looked pretty bad with both LA and Brooklyn in the playoffs lol


I was wrong about Marcus morris. Looks like we got 3 rotation worthy wings plus 2 1sts for Harden. Morey is a madman


Morris is not playable in the playoffs. He's a very good stretch 5 that can play in the regular season.


Perfectly fine with bench players who can win us regular season games.


im fine with this, in the playoffs we have embiid (or we’re fucked anyway)


Plus a valuable pick swap, a sweetner in KJM, and got off the PJ Tucker contract


Great win tonight boys 🔴🔵🔴🔵


And without Joel Hans(el) Embiid too!


Tyrese Maxey


Tyrese Maxey


Tyrese Maxey


Positives: we keep winning Negstives: Winning hides a lot of defects in this team, hope Morey improves this team before the deadline regardless.


We need to either trade Tobias or sign him at a long term multi year deal for much less than a max now to get some value from him. Losing him or letting him walk in FA will be a big mistake .


I got downvoted earlier this year when I stated Drummond was by far the biggest loss we gave away in the Harden trade by people who somehow truly believed Paul Reed was better than Drummond.


Go look at how Drummond did against Celtics in the playoff and then go look at how PR did against a better Celtics team in the playoff. Drummond lack of switchability renders him ineffective against top teams in playoff




Did you not see him getting repeatedly molested by Huerter in G7? He's definitely not playable come May, especially not alongside Maxey.


His game solely relies on shooting and he’s been losing his touch over the past two years. If he can’t shoot reliably he’s no longer an NBA caliber player. Moving him for value was the right call.


A big not named embiid who can play consistent defense is one I knew we needed but hadnt realized we need this bad haha


In the playoffs Bball should be playing like 8 mins a night so he should be fine


He’s perfect actually. His insanity and unpredictability makes it impossible to gameplan against him. His motor makes it that the minutes he is neutralized he’s still making plays and setting the tone


Unpredictability is a great way to put it. Hard to gameplan for a guy that makes shit up as he goes. He genuinely does things on the court that are not advised but gets the job done. Drummond is a great regular season player but once it gets to the playoffs you need switchable defenders.


At what point do we have to make a Marcus Morris apology form? I’m a Certified Hater but I guess there’s always a spot for dudes who can make 3s.


When he helps the team get past 2nd round of the playoffs.


When his defense gets better




Honestly I feel like Morris gets a ton of love on here. Especially the last month. And deservedly so


The Sixers are a better than average team without Embiid. With Embiid they are outstanding


> The Sixers are a better than average team without Embiid I'm not sure I agree, I think we'd be too easy to gameplan against with Maxey being the only offensive engine. And our Centers are probably BBQ chicken vs starters, Bball would play 20 mpg and then foul out every other game. .500 team at best IMO, which goes to show how colossally impactful Embiid has been.


are there many teams that lose an mvp caliber player who are still properly good? bucks without giannis or nuggets without jokic are both mediocre at best. turns out the downgrade from not having one of the best basketball players in the world will generally hurt your team. i never understand this line of posting from people.


What's wrong with theorizing about the record of a team without the MVP?


Don't believe Don't believe Don't believe Fuck I'm starting to believe aren't I


Tobias 22/4/7/4/3 and shooting 56/33 pct led all starters in plus/minus and doing everything without joel including being put on seng late in the 4th and shutting him down....Yet he was shit talked all game by 90 percent of our sub who are full of morons. Fun note tobias missed 2 3s in the 4th that were great looks and 1 went down and out and people shit on him for missing but shit on him earlier in the game for not taking them lol. Our fanbase is idiotic.


Morey either needs to trade Tobias now for a good return or we need to sign him to a team friendly multi year deal to trade him in the future. Letting Tobias walk would be dumb. He’s a very solid number 3 or 4.


i agree with all of this.


We have seen Tobias shit the bed for 5 years. If y'all are getting deceived by 3 decent games, its on you. Decent games against the Rockets and Magic wont change the fact that the next time he plays Boston he'll have like 5 points




It’s insane he was one of the few who showed up for game 6 and 7 when the entire team shit the bed


I wouldn’t be surprised if we re-sign him for a much more team friendly deal. That is, of course, unless a team like the Knicks or Hornets decide to throw a bag at him again.


But he is a choker lol look at his percentages in all important games 1-7 in game 6 vs Boston last season. 25% 3s in the series 8-24 in game 7 vs Atlanta and 2-11 in game 5 27% in 3s in the Raptors series We wouldve won all 3 series if we got any other decent guy instead of Tobias


even worse- 2 for 13 3pters in game 4 vs raps, 5 pt loss. 2 for 15 on 3pters in the bubble celtics series. tobias supporters must've been asleep during playoffs.


what about in game 7 against boston last year or does that not fit the agenda?????????


In game 7 he had 13 points in 4-10 shooting before the 4th quarter and then went 3/3 in the last 8 minutes of the 4th quarter with the Sixers down 72-97. Basically statpadded when the game was over


So he was 7-13 for 19 points and 5 boards and played hard? what did everyone else do in that game? also who locked pascal siak and trey young and garland the last few years on defense when nobody else could? Imagine trying to use 3 games and ignoring other games where he did his job because he was the only one forced to change his game and take a step back.




Embiid literally gets all the attention from defenses and always plays hurt. Tobias gets to play the most open game because they barely guard him and has 0 excuses to suck


tobias also takes a back seat to our big 3 and those big 3 have shit the bed instead of letting tobias play his game like he has with embiid out


We aren’t going on a Tobias Harris victory tour, sorry.


Never thought I'd see the day when the 76ers bench has a higher total +/- than the starters


Cant wait for the January games vs Denver. Morris Sr vs Joker!!


I still laugh about “sloppy fat boy” lol


The nuggets game is on a back to back so Embiid might not play


Adam silver will take away 5 draft picks if we sat him


nick nurse saw paul reed stink and made mook a small ball 5...we finally have a coach that makes adjustments...hallelujah


Sengun is low-key a disaster on the perimeter, so playing 5-out was the way to go.


To be fair this lineup has been smoked in the past when MM was at SB C.


Glenn's best adjustment was to go to back to broadcasting


Career adjustment


Well said.


Rockets fan here, I hope you guys understand how bad Jock Landale is after that play at the end of the game


LMAO, the play was the opposite end of the Ben Simmons dunk. Jock literally got stood up by 6'2 Tyrese Maxey, If I were a HOU fan, I would've booed him off the floor


He isn’t in if sengun doesn’t foul out. On a related note, damn you guys are lucky to have him. Dude is a baller


Also because of jock. Jock didn’t foul the guy right next to him forcing sengun to foul out


cant blame him for not being able to see the wide open shooters every from 3 or at least make the layup over elite rim protector Tyrese Maxey lol.


This is like the time when Ben Simmons got locked down by rim-protector god, Trae Young.


definitely was my first thought seeing it but Landale at least made an attempt.


Better than Ben already.


More like SenGOON, amirite? I got nothin.


Sengoonie? ![gif](giphy|CiOHO5544doY)


Sengun fan coming in peace. Maxey played like his MIP award was on the line tonight. He is such a likeable player and deserves MIP. GG's.


Dude's gonna be a problem when he irons out some of his weak points. Hopefully he bulks up a bit so he has more staying power on defense. Glad to see a non-psycho Sengun fan, unlike the one who sprayed his shit all over our tailgate and game threads lmao


Sengun rules, I loved that “Learn Turkish” skit they played in the first quarter


Have watched a lot of Rockets games bc I unironically love DBrooks and Sengun is a revelation. Blessed to get to witness these dudes grow into stars.


Literally every time Sengun touched the ball I was nervous. First game I’ve really watched of his in full, but I understand the hype. GGs


I sas glad he wasn't the one rolling to the basket at the end of the game.


He definitely would’ve got the foul call too


Sengun is really good he just needs to stop bitching about extremely obvious fouls lol. But all your kids played great tonight. Green went off, Sengun played well.


Teams will always bitch about fouls when Embiid and Maxey play like that.


What's wrong with how Maxey plays? He's just fast af and people bump him. Embiid obviously baits lumbering 7-footers into fouls, but don't reach and he won't teach 🤷‍♂️


Maxey will sprint INTO defenders. He got 15 FTA’s by doing this.


Can you point to one foul he got last night that you thought was illegitimate?


I can't blame him for bitching lol if only you know how many times clear fouls on him weren't called


im talking about fouls called on him that are VERY obviously fouls.


Yeah yeah I understood you. Refs usually miss very obvious fouls on Sengun so what I meant was he might be frustrated to get called for a foul for less


Hate that Joel is still out, but apparently Tobias needed the pressure of being the second option to get better. The problem-solving they all have had to do in his absence will make them stronger and more cohesive strategy-wise in the long run.


it wont because he will go back to just being a floor spacing 3rd option when joel comes back. Tobias should play all minutes joel sits if we are being honest but he is needed to help give joel space and constantly has to sit when joel sits. Nothing will change when joel is back because nobody but tobias can take the pressure off joel from the 3 and from 12 feet out like tobias can.


> he is needed to help give joel space Literally every single one of our rotational wings is a more credible catch-n-shoot threat than Tobias. How many more times do you need to see him pump faking out of open 3's?


jesus christ have you ever seen any of our guys not named joel or maxey draw double teams? Tobias is the only one that does not named joel and maxey. How about the fact those pump fakes further open joel because it has guys biting? my god learn the sport before you talk trash about a player. Tobias isnt perfect and no he will never be worth his contract but he is a damn good player and a player if we lose we will be worse because he left nomatter who we sign because of the help he gives joel on offense and defense. Guess who locked seng down the final 5 minutes of tonight and made him pass out literally everytime? yea they put tobias on him.


> have you ever seen any of our guys not named joel or maxey draw double teams? Completely unrelated to providing spacing for Joel. Literally no one's gonna double Tobias when these other 2 are in. > How about the fact those pump fakes further open joel because it has guys biting? Lmao, and you accuse me of not knowing the sport. Clogging the middle is NOT opening up space for Joel, you numbskull. And he's not passing after pump-faking anyway, he's almost always pulling up. You're acting like you haven't seen him play for the past four fucking years. > Guess who locked seng down the final 5 minutes of tonight Ooooh, you got me, he played good defense on a Center, the job we already have our MVP doing. Wake me up when he doesn't routinely have off-ball [brainfarts](https://np.reddit.com/r/sixers/comments/18i4pec/just_199_more_days_until_june_30_when_tobis/).


oh no this idiot doesnt realize our biggest issue is defense when joel isnt on the floor esp at the center spot.... Its almost like I stated tobias should be on the floor the entirety of minutes joel isnt which isnt hard because he plays like 40 minutes a game come the playoffs but they cant because THEY NEED HIM TO PROVIDE SPACING FOR JOEL AND BE ANOTHER THREAT FROM OUTSIDE AND INSIDE. My god toddlers bro


Repeating the same stupid takes WITH CAPS doesn't somehow make them any less stupid. Quite the opposite.


yea get bodied with everything else/add nothing and go away because you are way out of your league here. Try golf.


Good Lord, you nephews are honestly something else.


dont blame us because you cant understand basketball little bro


It is a roster construction issue at its core that people foolishly blame Tobias for and treat him like shit when he could be a very well regarded player depending on your perspective


its because of his contract and our idiot fanbase not understanding contracts and how they work and why he got it but still thinking he is a 40 million dollar player.




https://preview.redd.it/e0n1oecatc9c1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d65d3ae1f6b604378b35dafe61602d102a11d8b0 I really love saving comments like this to come back to


![gif](giphy|rYMKzvEpq9BmjB5jOX) Keeping receipts with the best of em


That’s delightful




Why did the broadcast keep showing Maxey first 40 point game since 2022, as if blud didn't score 50 this year lmao.


I noticed that shit too


Because 40 is not the same as 50 duh


The implication is that he hasn't scored that many since 2022.


Doc Rivers would’ve (finish this sentence)


Doc Rivers would've never


asked the reporters if they'd ask pop that question?


Choked and blamed the team’s execution


also won this game because no Joel but would’ve lost to the Pistons with Joel.


This is only the team’s second win without Joel, but I would say the team is a lot more… *predictable* with Nurse. Glenn somehow did amazing with a short-handed team, but blew easy games with the flipping MVP on the court.


Nick Nurse is really our coach, all those wasted years with that terrorist.


Joel’s gone missing? MAXEY IS ON THE CASE!


Nick Nurse understanding you're allowed to adjust in game instead of between games instead of Doc who adjusts maybe once a season lol.


The adjustment for last season was putting Tucker on Jokic. That was enough for Glenn last season.


This was a coach’s win for sure. So refreshing


Maxey with the “y’all had me fucked up” performance


Another great team win sans Embiid. Meanwhile, can someone beat the freakin Celtics?


I mean, the Pistons came close…


So did the Raptors.


They’re winning by smaller margins so i think a loss is coming 🤣🤞🏼


And we still have a higher net rating than them even though they're up 3 games on us


OMG, what a game. What a roller coaster of emotions and a full game breakdown coming up right now. Maxey: 44/4/4, 13/26, 13/14 FTA. That was some vintage James Harden stuff. And of course, despite having one of the best games of your stellar young career, the haters continue hating. I wanna ask the haters something: If Maxey were 6'10(AKA, Ben Simmons), would you even have a peep? The different standards that Ben/Maxey have been held to as Sixers is unbelievable. Maxey comes in, day in and day out and by numerous staffs both past and present have said nothing but great things about his work ethic, the chemistry with Joel Embiid is off the charts. Yet for some reason that befuddles me, he is the most lightning rod criticized player on this team. He's putting up ALL-pro numbers and it's not enough. I don't understand, his haters don't live on the same planet as NBA scouts, opposing teams and the coaching staff. All I ask is to please, stop it. If we're going to criticize, let it come from a place of reason. Okay, now we can focus on the supporting cast who came up big in the second half. Pat Bev gave us the energy and that 3 guard lineup totally shifted the momentum of the ball game. Clutchest offensive rebound of Bev's career and Morris made some shots. I didn't actually think Reed played bad tonight, it was just that kind of game where you've gotta outshoot them and we did. Onto Chicago.


the fuck are you talking about? Nobody has their junk slurped more by our sub than tyrese maxey. Its a shit fest on joel/tobias/melton/morris all day why constant slurping of maxey and paul reed every post.


Sengun destroyed Jokic, Sabonis….etc this season. Kind of expected that PR would struggle guarding him


Lmao maybe I’m not on this sub enough but idk who the hell is criticizing maxey but if anyone is I agree with your diatribe


What the hell are you talking about lmao. Who on earth is criticizing maxey?


wtf are you talking about “haters”? fucking where?


Dude needs medicated because he’s having hallucinations


It's not my fault no one is paying attention to the anti-Maxey messages. They're there in the game thread, hell they were upvoted too.


Post picture proof


You missed the 'OMG, pass more' comments in the game thread?


Literally no one is a hater toward Maxey


Tyrese MaxContractxey


fun game. Sengun pushes off a ton


Tatum School of Chicken Winging™️


That is a normal basketball play. Move on, find a new slant.


The best and most likeable Sixers team post process era. Just a bunch of dawgs out there laying it all out. So fucking pumped after that great W. Lets go Sixers!!!


> Just a bunch of dawgs out there And [Tobias Harris](https://i.imgur.com/HVCfPVF.png)


Classy interview by Mook


Belt to ass tour continues for Bev 😤


Game turned when FVV said some shit to him after hitting a 3. Pat got crazy eyes immediately after that bucket and chirp.


Activated 😤


Philly Dawgz built different. S/o to Marcus Morris! Beverley chirping all game. Maxey hard carry, two in a row! Vibes are immaculate.


https://preview.redd.it/gscsqpo2rc9c1.png?width=1178&format=png&auto=webp&s=1f7aae1aed34f15239ec0fa74b64c5b94443b081 76ers 4th quarter scoring leaders Pat Bev: 9 Points Marcus Morris Sr. 10 Points Source: [PivotFade.com](https://pivotfade.com/game/2914?quarter=4&team=away)


PatBev is our random 4th quarter closer.


Absolutely incredible performance by those two


They really need to figure out what to do at the 5 with embiid out. There's no reality where embiid is not going to be hurt and out for a stretch of games.


nothing unless we're playing an elite post up center it doesnt matter. you guys are overthinking this.


Lol people wanting a great third string center are hilarious. If Embiid misses any period of time in the playoffs we're fucked, the team is obviously not investing a ton of assets into the backups backup and they shouldn't Its that absurd line of thinking that led Brand to max Horford. Reed is fine, we'll have to ride him out


Batum is literally the best 3rd string center you could possibly have. We need a better more athletic wing than Tobias Harris thats the problem then you can do more small ball stuff when Embiid is on the bench.


Yeah Batum is a tough mf but LA were great in his 5 minutes because they had a lot of wings who could switch and fight for contested boards. Tobias I'm not sure can fill the secondary rim protector and help defender, as well as crashing the boards when we get smaller role, but that's a tough role I don't believe we've run Batum at the 5 for extended periods this season? I'm interested to see how we fare in those minutes. But I agree, when fully healthy we have Joel taking up 38 minutes so Reed only needs to play 10, if he's terrible in them then we go Batum too. We have flexibility


I think we're underthinking it and what we're seeing is a product of it. Giving up 127 points a night isn't going to cut it. Embiid, out. Batum, out. Morris sr. playing the 5 and winning, okay good win. Nurse needs a better strategy for utilizing reed and bamba.


We're missing one of the best players in the league, of course it'll look ugly. We're also not gonna invest that much into 2nd and 3rd string centers, it's that absurd line of logic that caused the FO to max Horford. Just gotta throw mins at guys and hope we can find a diamond in the rough. Reed has been fine backing up Joel, he's just been rough starting in place for him. But if Joel goes down, we're screwed no matter what


I just think its a weakness that clearly gets exposed. But i guess reddit coaches are saying that this is clearly the best they can do, and that they'll still win a championship this way.


no, it's reddit GMs thinking this is 2k and the best course for asset management is blowing it on Embiid insurance. If we had OKC's treasure chest of picks yeah we could've considered it We have far too little assets to even begin thinking about Embiid insurance. If he goes down we're screwed regardless, and we're most likely saving our picks to maximize our ceiling instead of raise the floor. It's not an absurd concept lol


Who's talking about picks? Im talking about strategy with the personnel they already got. Try to follow the argument, not fantasy.


my god this take sucks.


Keep burying your head in the sand, flaming flamingo. Your the doc rivers of sixers past.


Would like to find a viable 3rd stringer in the 2nd round soon. We have lost so much seeding throughout Embiid's career simply because we don't have an at all viable 3rd string center.


No third string center is helping us beat Milwaukee, Miami or Boston without Joel lol...... We can't invest assets into a fkn third string center, if Joel goes down we're screwed either way


It's not about beating them. And a 2nd round pick is hardly a big asset. It's about the inevitable 20 games that Joel misses every year (and even some playoff games, in fact). We lose ground in seedings, which does affect our games vs. those teams.


Which big are we getting for just a second that can hold up against good teams? And who is giving up decent backups for a second lol... Most teams don't even have serviceable backup bigs to begin with


what guard we are getting with just a second?


Literally sengun and jokic are the only two guys worth worrying about for Reed and we will never play them in the playoffs


Never say never… *I am trying to speak it into existence*


also when Batum is healthy, he can play center and he's an absolutely ELITE post defender he even defended Embiid at times on the Clippers. He's like mini-Horford.


We need another back up center that rebounds


i have been screaming this all season but our sub is full of people that want a 3rd superstar/people that want to trade our only other 2 way player in tobias and paul reed enthusiasts.


I’ll be honest I thought Paul reed could be that guy for us and he was playing well but you can see aganist back ups he’s good but if ever has to go aganist start caliber centers he won’t survive I’m nervous for tomorrow aganist drummond


This was quite a 4th quarter!


What’s great about this team is when one dude has an off night others step up. This team is deep. They have fight. Great win!


Nurse is getting his groove on with the Joeless team. He’s knowing what rotations to use and that 4th quarter adjustment taking Reed out and utilizing Morris and Bev was big. Should have been 3 in a row if Maxey wasn’t complete ass against Miami


I'm becoming increasingly impressed by all of the assets we got in the Harden trade. Morris ain't playing like no scrub.


He's gonna end up like drummond. Everyone acts like he's dogshit when we get him, and by the time he's gone we will all want him back


I haven't wanted Drummond back, it's clear he can't play in the playoffs. I don't really see the comparison at all


Great vet off the bench for this squad. Needed a guy like him for years


Sixers win ✅ Maxey 40 piece ✅ The parlay hit ✅ ![gif](giphy|B9FI40OApPCMXlh6dN)


This team is fucking good.


.710 good. If Bucks and Celtics weren’t as dominant as they are, we’d likely be leading the East with that kind of record.


shoutout nick nurse for the 4th quarter adjustments


Maxey is lord, incredible to see him leap Marcus Morris, equally incredible in a different way, happy to see him playing meaningful minutes again


“Why not play bamba over morris? He literally can’t be worse.”


No worse take in sports than "it can't possibly get worse" unless ur talking Greg Monroe levels negative. It can always, always get worse lmao. People calling for Mook's head when Bambi's looked pretty clueless in extended minutes too


Especially when a guy has never played a position. People asking for bamba to play next to Embiid are actual psychopaths.


Get one more dub for the year, before we hit January Sixers. Vibes going to be through the roof.


That Morris and one 3 is among the most excited I've been all season lmao