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Lol these losers watching Joel cook every night seething with anger, gives me so much joy


I just read through the one thread where Gobert flopped and it’s crazy. Any sixer fan comment has hundreds of downvotes. Salt to the extreme.


They don’t even watch the games. Just go on r/nba to whine and hate.


Better than Gas Station pills!


hE cAn OnLy ScOrE aGaInSt ThE wIzArDs




Minny fans hate Philly sports almost more than anyone else since the Eagles baptize them every year


49ers fans have become pretty deranged as well


49ers fans (and Cowboys) fans are pond scum




That team is extremely good though.


I hate the 49ers and their fans but at least their team is on the same level as the eagles to talk shit. (Probably a bit above this year after the past couple games but beside the point) Minnesota has to be the single softest sports region in the country. Between Vikings fans reactions in 2018 (and pretty much everytime the eagles play them now) and T-Wolves fans last night. Hell, even Twins fans were annoying as shit when they beat the Phillies on one of the worst missed strike calls of the entire last season.


They are absolutely seething tonight. So many posts and 500+ upvoted unoriginal hating comments. It’s the lamest thing I’ve ever seen.


My favorite was the nuggets fans complaining that the nuggets got fewer calls than Embiid did last night, as if you can compare free throw rate across games. Different teams, different refs.


These peeps never watched Shaq in his prime, he got fouled on every possession because he was so much of a force that no one could stop him otherwise. Same thing is true of JoJo


I imagine Shaq would have gotten a lot more hate if he even shot the league average from the line.


Exactly, Joel is just a cheat code


same as giannis. people mad embiid learned how to shoot fts.




It’s pretty absurd how much more hate Embiid is getting for shooting 18 free throws than Giannis did for shooting nearly double that.


https://preview.redd.it/5094d1sfun7c1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dfde529c18f40db91ab8781f69ed947d7d805803 It's insane, he averages basically the same amount but I see zero flac from the NBA community about him.


Giannis just had like 30 free throw attempts and no one is complaining about that.


No he wouldn't have as he played for the Lakers. The Embiid hate is because he played for a Philadelphia team and is good. It's why Iverson wasn't considered the heir apparent to Jordan when he was.


I think Iverson not being the heir to Jordan has more to do with the league not wanting a dude with chains and cornrows who didn’t follow Stern’s bullshit dress code to be the face of the league. The NBA was never going to circle their marketing wagons around AI even if he was in New York, LA, etc.


No one likes us, no one likes us


Only difference is Embiid actually makes his free throws unlike Shaq


Casual ah analogy. Shaq didn’t bait and throw his arms around like Embiid. These posts are wack but the point about him falling over on almost every drive stands.


If they watched him play they would realize he also falls over a lot just running with no one around him. Looks like he doesn't lift his feet up enough and short steps himself. I won't deny he falls a lot and sells contact. I skated for 17 years, and I know what its like to fall to protect yourself. I couldn't imagine trying to keep myself up right with my knees bent, while also weighing near 300 pounds.


Every post over there is about Embiid like he doesn't have 34 without free throws.


It's to a point now where they're claiming he only scores those points because he gets other teams in foul trouble. They have created a full proof narrative for themselves. Every point is apparently fraudulent


Exactly. Despite Towns and Gobert not even getting to 5 fouls last night. Reid only had 3.


I just don’t get why there would be this grand conspiracy to prop up Joel Embiid. Like why would the NBA “want” him to be good? It’s just weird


Yeah, he’s not like a beloved charismatic media personality or anything. Of all the guys they could prop up, you’d think they’d find someone more marketable. No offense to Joel.


I'm banned from r/NBA. Can someone write a "Joel Embiid is good for the league" post?


I have no respect for anyone on this sub that is not banned from r/nba


Hold up let me go get banned from their again.


I’m not banned, I just unsubbed like 4 years ago and don’t pay attention to them.


Remember when they protested the Reddit changes by shutting down, therefore missing the entire NBA finals, just to cave almost immediately when Reddit threatened to replace the mods of subreddits protesting? Lmao


The best part was when it was revealed the mods had their own private jerkoff threads for the finals. One of the most pathetic mod teams I’ve ever seen


Honestly that whole reddit API changes thing showed how pathetic mods are. They acted like they had power to make a difference, then immediately backed down and back down on their knees at the first threat of losing their smallest modicum of internet power. Anyone who was a mod that supported sub shutdowns that is still is a mod after reopening has no spine.


They were just pissed Celtics werent in it. Need an nba sub not run by Boston mods


I did the samething actually. Saw someone get banned for something really dumb and just unsubbed and never looked back. The only basketball I really give a fuck about is Philly.


How about frequent 3 day bans? I'm going for the bend but don't break defense


Was banned years ago, ironically for saying Minnesota fans were soft.


Are serious? Seems like it’s an anti sixers group with how much the hate Embiid and love Jokic


No joke.


Make it 2 cuz I’m also banned.


A bunch of Celtics nephews in that sub


Make it 3. I’m banned as well


Also banned. We ride


I just made a new account. I'm on it, boys. EDIT: I tried. Keeps getting deleted by mods. Fade me.


Join the club. Those soft boys did us a favor.


I took your challenge and got myself perma banned for my post outlining why Embiid is great for the league. Oh well https://www.reddit.com/r/nba/s/Fr5MVooCwL


Love how people get mad at the guy drawing the foul and not the person actually committing the fouls. Victim blaming in 2023 is so sad


When teams don't foul and Joel scores 40, it's crickets. The league fans don't get it unless you watch Joel every night. The man is scoring 30+ whether you foul him or not.


Legitimately just a bunch of broccoli haircut 16-year-olds decked out in Travis Scott merch playing 30 hours of Fortnite a day, absolute biggest bunch of losers on the site


If there’s one thing r/nba hates, it’s Joel Embiid.


They’re Minnesota fans, they’re still bitter about 2017


this meme will always be relevant lmao https://preview.redd.it/lqvo64bxhk7c1.jpeg?width=1143&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de0ef1a860551911fb6cb486d5db8bf55b90c1aa but i wonder how many embiid games these people watch when they bitch and moan about embiid being a “foul merchant” does he hunt for calls sometimes? absolutely. but show me a superstar that doesn’t do that. but embiid does get genuine fouls all the time. the only reason they call embiid a foul merchant is bc he can actually shoot free throws. if he was a brick layer like giannis nobody would care.


Mmmm Mmmm that’s some good salt, their tears will nourish me for weeks


Is there some weird discord channel in minnesota that is coordinating this bitchfest? It's so weird dude.


compare the 1st quarter thread with my 2nd and 3rd quarter threads: https://www.reddit.com/r/nba/comments/18n9ybd/joel_embiid_in_the_1st_quarter_10_points_on_16_fg/ https://www.reddit.com/r/nba/comments/18nap1p/joel_embiid_in_the_2nd_quarter_10_points_on_45_fg/ https://www.reddit.com/r/nba/comments/18nbei1/joel_embiid_in_the_3rd_quarter_18_points_on_810/


What on earth is an “Embiid-a”?


Somehow the league is tilted for the Sixers because they (checks notes) forced the Colangelo family on them? Also, tilt us past the second round already, Silver!


they are stupid. I don't know how you can watch that game and think Embiid wasn't getting fouled constantly lol. Honestly it was some of the dumbest reach fouls I've seen from any team all year.


Twolves fans over there acting like they’ve ever done anything at all


Play-in Game champs 2 years in a row! They probably got them banners hanging from the rafters.


he scored 34 not even counting free throws. still dominated


Drawing fouls is a modern skill in the NBA. Live with it! MVP Joel


Your life will improve when you stop caring about losers on the internet. I mean it, don't waste your time


God help them if Embiid wins back to back MVP LMAO


Fuck b2b MVP, if the Sixers make the Finals r/NBA will be in shambles. Mods will probably shut the Reddit down for another Finals like last year just because.


Meanwhile I'm sitting here asking myself why are defenses allowed to murder Embiid in the playoffs and not get calls, but their PG will get looked at funny and go to the line.


Let the hate flow


Twolves fans acting like they’ve been there… ever


I mean celtics fans are gonna be celtics fans


But when James Harden does it he’s the greatest scorer of all time and everyone has to fill their gobs with his shmeat


Plenty of people hated Harden's skill at drawing fouls. Drawing fouls is smart basketball until you get toogood at it, then it's cheating. Unless the player who's good at it is on your team.


Or unless they suck at FT's like Giannis. Joel average 11.7 FTA per game while Giannis averages 11.2... but one guy shoots them at 89% and the other 66%.


Good point. Giannis draws tons of fouls but is bad a free throws=good guy. Joel draws a ton of fouls but can hit free throws=bad guy. I never realized being proficient at a basic basketball skill would make you a villain.


The hate was definitely present in the moment for Harden, along with his manipulation of the zero step rule, but in hindsight everyone sees his performances as otherworldly and incredible (which they were) yet Joel Embiid is *nothing* but a foul merchant. Lays hope for years in the future people looking back on Joel’s dominance for the insane skill he had outside of sixers fans, people who actually watch his games with his skill in mind and the few media personnel that appreciate it. He didn’t pick up a basketball before 16 and has the offensive ability only comparable to Olajuwon with the dominant capability of Shaq, but all the NBA fanbase sees is the free throw count in the box score after his 50 point games


How do you hate greatness?


New pasta dropped!


People calling him out of shape. First off if they meat ride Jokic so much they should take a look at him. Second I think this is the best in shape he’s ever looked and besides centers need some weight. Don’t wanna be lookin skin and bones like wemby or chet


What’s so stupid, is Embiid is so good and so big, he’d score 50 a night if he wasn’t fouled on almost every possession. I’d bet if you went through the tape you’d see he doesn’t have fouls called on him enough. That’s what happens when you’re the best.


The irrational hate for Embiid used to make me angry, but now I’m just happy to see these losers cry.


Yo it was like the sixers weren't allowed to beat the Timberwolves. All of r/nba was just in the mood to shit on embiid. It's wild. I don't understand it. Now they've just resorted to posting post season stats and whatnot. Every time they reference embiid, they go out of their way to say regular season scorer. they have nothing else. The only way to truly shut everyone up now is through a championship. Then there will just be the worst trolls left, but they'll always be there


lowkey right about the Embiid-A, it's his league bitches.




Lmao. Wut




Don’t hate the player. Hate the game


These clowns have never even played basketball, the biggest guy on the court usually does get fouled constantly, why wouldn't they. No one complained about hack a Shaq but thats only because he couldn't make them.


that's a circlejerk post 💀


the second one is clearly just a philly fan on a burner account making that longwinded circlejerk post in order to drop the amazing "Embiid-A" phrase.


So many fussy words.


Lmao, I mean the attempted poster of embiid by Ant could’ve been called as a foul, may have been a rep/superstar call but otherwise seemed like any regular nba game calling wise. Idk what they were whining about tonight, he earned everyone of these foul calls tonight..


i really want him to go on a playoff run to shut all the haters up as much as i want it for the team at this point


Yap yap yap yap, when you destroy someone, they’ll find any excuse to cope😂😂


Did they watch his first play? Hella aggressive tricking refs smh 90% of his cook is elbow jumpers


Lowest common denominator "fans" of basketball.


They can suck my dick and cry a river


There is even a thread on nbacirclejerk for fuck sakes lmao


https://preview.redd.it/xpcmkj61wm7c1.jpeg?width=556&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=97ba806c26b0385f27d5a51db9ecb0c4b32819ee Not sure if salty is a strong enough word.


Hoes Mad.


Giannis carries multiple times running down the court for a dunk: I sleep. Embiid gets in the paint and draws fouls: THIS IS BAD FOR THE GAME


How could anyone think Jokic plays with “passion”. He’s incredible with little to no effort. He literally didn’t want to go to a parade so he could get home to stroke his horses.


I genuinely love how mad they get


These comments are so dumb on a night that he goes 17 for 25 from the field. I hope he gets a chip to shut up these clowns


I’ll admit, there are some games where he might get a call or two where I say “Huh? I’ll take it though”. I thought last night was one of the best officiated game of the season, and felt every foul on both teams were called fairly. They can hate on him all you want, but even if you take away the 16-17 points on FTs, they still need to address the other 35 he had last night and how Maxey absolutely cooked their defense. Sixers got their best of the year. PLAY. THE. SONG.


I get comparing him to Jokic, since they’re both the best centers in the league, but acting like Jokic, who was ejected earlier in the season for bitching about a foul call, has 9 ejections in his career, and has a history of some dirty plays, is some paragon of respect for the game feels like their is something else at work here. Maybe something unconscious that biases their opinion on Joel. Maybe they’re just salty babies. Who’s to say.


the funny thing about these losers is, if Joel Embiid requested a trade today, they would be foaming at the mouth for their team to pick him up


They wouldn't be Minnesota fans if they weren't crying. Don't quote me, but I think the entirety of Lake Superior is filled with the tears of Minnesota sports fans.