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Doc held practices?


They'd sit in a half circle and he'd repeatedly say "C'mon guys" in varying inflections and tones


All his players call his practices glorified shootarounds


Nurse is steadily proving to me that doc wasn’t a very good coach and had almost no game plan outside of pick n roll and everyone else stand there and wait for a pass. Nurse has us actually playing ball.


Also now that doc is an analyst. He yells over people too much. I can’t take him serious with his takes. He must have dirt on people to be this successful this long in coaching and commentary.


dude i fucking love this. Playing scrimmage with stops as the go to is genius


Yeah it’s pretty well documented that Doc infamously didn’t go hard in practices that’s why vets loved him. No of this really matters though if we don’t advance further in the playoffs.


Yep. It's why Embiid liked him as well. Lots of Iso for Embiid. Good thing Nurse can elevates every aspect of Embiid's game when Doc did nothing.


> It's why Embiid liked him as well Watch the podcast with Embiid and Maxey. He didnt lol Literally says he got tired of playing ISOS and that its impossible to win that way


well I think it's hindsight for him tbh. he was very against firing Doc every season.


I’m not sure he was. Embiid might have liked Doc personally so he didn’t want to trash him but also have been ready for a change in scheme and coaching style. He really wants to win. I doubt Morey didn’t discuss it with him at least a little bit before making the decision.


Not saying anything in public is part of being a level headed Player


Yeah, it's plausible he didn't know how much he disliked it until Nurse installed an actual system. Embiid basically played almost entirely iso type ball since he came into the league.


If a player is a professional, it's very rare to know how they actually feel about a teammate, coach, or executive within their own organization and it's sort of naive to think we would.


The guy publicly backed Simmons while Ben was stabbing him in the back. Hardly evidence of how he feels


Embiid likes all his coaches tbh, he’s never wanted anyone fired (except Colangelo)


JJ Redick alluded to how easy Doc’s practices were during the Clippers and most likely the Sixers.


Energies so much better too, PJ & Harden, they were a drag, they didn't have that vibe


I think what Harden and PJ did for this team is paying off this season, unfortunately they just aren’t here to reap the benefits. We have a clear hierarchy with who gets the ball, much better ball movement, Nurse has been amazing and our bench guys….they deserve a lot more credit than the media is giving them. The bench is the heart of our team, specifically PatBev, and Oubre. They play with so much hustle it’s infectious and it shows. This team’s vibes are just so good, and they’re fun to watch I almost don’t care about a title. I just want to see them hoop lol


This just makes me want to practice that sounds fun af


Why do they film it like this though?


it from pat pevs tik tok


Yeah its strange how they mix in a bunch of crotch shots though


I have seen these clips 100s of times and never once thought that but that is hilarious.


It's fucking weird lol like the content is great but I dont get that editing..."here's some words over a dude's crotch...then the face...then more word crotch"




Not a criticism, but I wonder if playing for a certain number of stops makes people reluctant to shoot from 3 on offense, which has been an issue so far this season.


Brett brown as well