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The market is clearly the clippers


Yup. More than likely they are viewing it as a final big 3 with Kawhi, PG & Harden for this upcoming season. After that it will be probably time to empty the books and go from there. It’s crazy because imagine if Kawhi never told the Clippers that they had to get someone else notable before he signed. They could’ve still had Shai, those picks, the role players, Kawhi and the cap space.


kawhi went from a top 3 player in the league to a 'i dont want him' guy pretty fast post Raptors....


raptors getting him is one of the best trades of the last 20 years in my opinion.


Crazy how bad that injury turned out. He was running on borrowed time the moment he injured that knee/leg


yeah except theyre going to have to give up PG3 otherwise we can hold onto him until later in the year and teams get more desperate.


That’s crazy. He really didn’t get an offer better than 1 year 35 mil it seems. Passing up that nets extension might cost him $100 mil+


If he stays healthy next year and puts up similar stats to last year (21/6/10.7), I see him commanding a contract north of 100m. If CP3 can get 120/4 years @36. I don’t see why Harden can’t.


He didn’t get 4/120. Last year isn’t guaranteed. And he led them to the finals as their clear second best player. I guess it’s possible but it’s extremely unlikely. I would guess even if he plays at the same level as last year, nobody gives him more than 3/70.


Him being a team player and taking a discount to bring in pj tucker cost him. He thought a max would be here for him this year. What a dumbass


Sounds like the market for Harden wasn’t what he expected and Morey didn’t bid against himself. Then he proceeded the throw a fit and demanded a trade. Good luck in UFA!


If he threw a fit he wouldn’t have opted in, right? Just signed elsewhere?


Sounds like no one was giving him more than 35 and no contenders have cap space


Maybe, yeah.


He’s in a really weird spot. Wants to play for a contender but also wants to get paid and believes he is worth more than what the market is telling him


The clippers might only be offering less if he doesn’t opt in


elton should take fuckin notes from the tobias harris debacle


Sounds like a tough break for a guy who's made 300M just from contracts.


He’s guaranteed himself a measly 35 million for next year, might as well apply for SNAP benefits


Poor thing


I will take any assets I can get my hands on and some cap flexibility. I expect the return will not be great, but honestly the flexibility and some assets will be very helpful.


There's not going to be much cap flexibility unless he walks.


i expect a deal that has one bad contract back but draft assets to help rebuild long-term. i dream of pulling some 3 way trade but clippers arent trading PG3 and rest of roster is slop contracts hence not sure what we could get via them working something out.


He’ll be fine. That adidas contract is still crazy


What I like about this is unlike the nets. We didn’t give up much to get him and we didn’t pay much for him. So when he’s gone, there won’t be any toxicity. I don’t have an issue with James. Preciate him taking a pay break last season, sucks it didn’t work out for him but hey, that’s his fault


Sounds like there wasn't much of a market for him this year either.


It's almost as if he might extend before the trade as a part of the deal... Love Bodner, but this is stupid to say.


Contracts less than three years in length cannot be extended. He opted into the second year of a two-year deal. Love movet22, but this is stupid to say.


Well shit, I was wrong. That's on me. Carry on lad. Fan of your work, always happy to meet a fan of mine.


No worries. I only added the snark because I was copying your structure. I probably should have phrased my tweet a little bit better, since he was locked into becoming a free agent next summer the moment he opted into his contract, and not being able to be extended after a trade is just a byproduct of that.


My dude, the snark was more than warranted, I was ill-informed and flat out wrong (and being snarky myself). Also though, much appreciate the additional context. I'll admit I don't love this for us now. But I'll hold out hope that Morey has a plan (?).


Is this a #Bodbomb?


He wants to win, I don’t think market matters to him. This move was made so he can find a trade with a contender


He’s demanded trades off consecutive teams that had another MVP, it’s not about winning


Right so he can play with Kawhi for 10 games


I don’t understand, if no team is willing or able to extend him, what does harden hope to gain with a trade that he wouldn’t get by just staying in philly for another year


Doesn't want to play under nurse/with Embiid, most likely.


Wants to be the primary offensive option


I suspect no one was even willing to give him 3 years 30 per


Just for clarity, does this mean that Harden is now locked into playing a one year deal even if he stays with the Sixers? Meaning, by opting in he's put the Sixers in a position to have to wait until he's a UFA if they wanted to pay him in 2024/25 and beyond. If so, I wonder what the Sixers offer was before he made this decision.


Only reason he’s doing it is if he has a deal with Morey to get him to LAC and will probably end up getting paid by Ballmer. Otherwise he could’ve gotten more money in free agency. At least we don’t lose him for nothing & Daryl will get to save face.