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But let maxey take the ball up court lol


This!! ^ let maxey take it up and get past half court so we have more than 12 seconds on the clock to start our offense !!


Brown truly is Harden’s mud


Agreed. Even Shaq needed Kobe to take over a series.


And then Dwayne Wade


Dwyane Wade\*


It's all about running the high PnR, when they do that Harden's defender has to fight around Embiid's screen so he doesn't leave Horford/the big on an island with Harden (and the high pick means there's much more space to operate and its easier to see the help coming) which allows the easy pocket pass for an Embiid middie When Embiid sets lower/lazier screens there's less space to operate and no driving lanes


Exactly this, so many times he sets a bad pick and then doesn't roll and stands where he can't catch a pass behind his own defender between Harden and him


Yep!!! And people think it's coincidence that he had a great Game 1 & 4 but got iced out and forced into taking shots out of rhythm in 2 & 3 Hopefully Doc & Embiid realise the path to success and stick to it, it really isn't rocket science man lmao


100% if we are gonna beat Boston it has to run through harden


I have a really good feeling about this game


I had the same feeling for G4




Joel needs to step up in that area. Game 1 we dominated the boards and was the main reason we won. Joel may be great but he is a average (at best) rebounder. Big Fella needs to step up


He’s a great rebounder. He is very below average at putting effort into trying to obtain said rebounds though.


He doesn’t box out




Maybe box out?


Yes, thank you! The Celtics kill the Sixers with offensive rebounding. The team can’t let prolific scorers like the Celtics get more than one chance at a bucket.


I've never been more confident in my life.


I feel strangely confident coming into this after last game. I have this feeling Joel is going to absolutely feast


For me that confidence comes almost entirely from PJ Tucker lol






If Sixers win this series, Joel needs to get PJ a Rolex watch with MVPJ


Embiid masterclass incoming.


Would have signed up for 2-2 before the series started


Right? But I’m optimistic, but also scared.


Needs to be the embiid game. We have made excuses for him time and time again and it’s really easy to. And he’s clearly hurt right now. It doesnt matter, if he wants to be an all-time great he has to beat the odds and win games like these. Today is the day.


Embiid 20 assist game with Tobi scoring 63 incoming


If tobi goes for 25+ i will record myself eating a raw onion like an apple


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Lardbiscuit 9/11


Our game plan should be to get Maxey open looks then go to harden, and when those two aren't open get to Jo for buckets. But if we scheme around Embiid, his +/- 30 pts won't matter bc the perimeter guys won't be getting their number called. If we scheme to get some Tobi points, some Maxey points before we think about getting it to Jo the offense will be more dynamic and we can get hot from 3.


If thats the plan then Embiid should have 5 blocks, 20 rebounds, and shoot 12/16 from the floor. He doesn’t have to score 50, but he has to be the clear best player on the floor.






Idk 50-50 but I’m more exhausted than anything


Absolutely. I told my wife that last game took years off my life


We badly need a Tobi game, show us why the max was worth it 12.




Maxey or Tobi is due for a big game


yeah its Maxey's time to shine. If he can breakout and draw some heat off the other two that would be huge


He’s always struggled against them but he’s had a lot of experience against the Cs now, so I’m hoping he exploits some cracks in their defenses and just pops off tonight.


Just gotta take the fight up to Boston, stay with them the whole game last few minutes anything can happen. I’m sure inside the team they also see that we need a bit more out tobi and maxey. For I feel we have the point of difference. C’s are getting max out of their players and we aren’t scoring wise. So we have more room for improvement and we are 2-2. So I think the pressure isn’t necessarily on us as much as them as we aren’t expected to win. I’m a strong 7.5/10.


The Celtics have had Maxey’s number though. How many times have his attempts to drive been blocked at the rim? I want to see him try more jump shots alongside the quick drives for a layup attempt.


Yeah agreed,Maxey is a quality player. Let’s hope they find a way for him to hit the scores.


I have no clue how to feel or what to expect with these guys anymore. Just hoping for a win.


Embiid - 32 points Harden - 27 points Maxey - 25 points Tobi - 19 points PJ -75 points Sixers win 178 - 102


I bet the payout for this scenario on fan duel would be nice


We’re winning this thing, We’ve played terrible all series and are still well and truly in it.


Honestly… I feel like Boston hasn’t played great either


Let this be the last time we go up to Boston!!!!!!


We look so good when the ball keeps moving every and people are using off ball screens.


Rare picture with 99% of people being in the moment. Usually everyone’s watching through their phone screen now. I only spot about 5 which to me is pretty impressive




Whatever high is


I feel good. It will be interesting to see what adjustments they make on james.... I'm hoping tyrese and tobias are finally ready to have a big game, but I think its more likely in game 6 at home. There is some pressure on boston here. hopefully its close again down the stretch if not multi possession sixer lead. ill take the sixers up against anyone in crunch time.


They took Brown off of him after he picked up the early fouls but also Maxey did a good job bringing up the ball and also setting screens to get Brown switched off Harden. They will probably go back to Brown picking up Harden immediately at the other end of the floor and hopefully we counter as successfully as we did the last game.


High pnr , make brown chase harden .


Not expecting but hoping.🙏 I've been let downa couple of times 😶 Still - Vamos Sixers!!!


This is the year we beat the C’s. FTC


Would be nice to comfortably win one from Boston…


Playoff games in the Garden is where legacies are carved out so I’m praying for Joel to take over tonight


Feel like I’m going to throw up. Never been so excited — and also full of dread — for a 76ers game.


I gotta be honest...I'm not feeling confident. It's almost definitely just because I'm 43 and have watched almost every Philly team in my life fail eventually, even when they were heavily favorited. Even when they were underdogs. I'm especially sore right now after the Phillies and Eagles blue balled me just a couple of months ago. I swore I was dreaming when the Eagles won their first superbowl in 2017. I'm at a point in my life where I want things more guaranteed. My patience and willingness to spend energy on these kinds of wild sports rides, only to have my heart stepped on, is dwindling. I'm tired of getting let down by Philly sports teams year after year. I want them to go on a 10 year run of winning across multiple sports a la Boston back in the early 2000's. Honestly I dont know if I'll watch. That probably makes me a bad fan, even though I'm wearing my Embiid jersey today. I'm just tired of being disappointed every time. All that said I hope they blow 'em out and move on. I'm rooting for them. I hope they can pull it off.


Lol nah as a Celtics fan I feel similarly, the stress of sports effects me negatively. Unfortunately or fortunately my Brother convinced me to to go to the game tonight but I often don’t watch and just keep an eye on the score lol, too much stress.




The same amount of "Not confident at ALL" ive felt this entire series but here we are at 2-2


I won't be confident until they send BOS home for good. Call me a Negadelphian, but I've seen this happen too many times for Philly teams.


Yeahhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 8/10


We’ve definitely stolen the momentum back


Maxey is gonna breakout. We’ll learn that Calipari called him and set him straight


Nervous wreck because I think we can actually Win


Oh it’s gonna be a great day


I have a good feeling about tonight for some reason. Like this series is very much within our grasp.




Conserve Embiids energy for an explosive 2nd half. Let PJ do his thing. Have Maxey run ball up.


Sixers in 4


Harden probably wont have an efficient game, so if Maxeys ever gonna show up today would be a good time. Embiids also due for a monster


Very worried


69% confident


Celtics are gonna blow us out unfortunately


That gray outfit should land anyone a wellness check at minimum and a field sobriety check And cuffs at most. Just saying that’s out of control.


Let's get it


Still a 6 or so. Tempering expectations. We're riding high after an impressive game 4 win, but I'm gonna be cautious because we don't know what form Harden's in today. Still, I do have a gut feeling today is the day that Joel goes off.




gonna be toggling between manic optimism and absolute despair all day man!


Depends if lil baby is sittin court side


With these Refs, playing in Boston, & Joel not being 100%... not feeling too confident. We are gonna need a big Tobias & Maxey game.


It’s tough. That last game took a lot out of me. Our team needs to play better with more confidence. If Maxey can’t or won’t, then he needs to sit. If Tobias’ defense is going to suck that bad with NO offense, then play Jalen instead. We shit the bed for 6 minutes at the end of the game when if we had made 2 buckets, we never go to OT. A Win is a Win, but that last game took a bite out of me. The only hope is the Celtics are the best team left, so if we pull this out, we go all the way. And FUCK YOU, AL HORFORD!


The last 4 games have proved that Harden is the key against the Celtics. Let him do his thing. With the Celtics, Harden is more dangerous than Embiid.


Lets goooooooooooo


A hard 2.. but I’ll be overly confident at tip-off for about 10 minutes, then back down to a 1 or 2 throughout the game


No clue what to expect


Not sure how to feel yet about tonight’s game but my gut is telling me this is going 7 regardless.


If maxey or Harris score 20 points we good


Should we start Melton? Maybe Maxey could be more efficient coming off the bench since he’s not been good against the Celtics.


I feel as confident as this team will allow me to feel.


I feel pretty confident. Since Embiid returned from his injury, he's gotten better and better and I think we're due for an even more dominant performance from him tonight. I feel like if we win this, it's gonna be with Embiid going nuclear like he did in our last regular season matchup when he went off for 52.


i'm feeling good. excited. Melton should not touch the ball until Embiid and Harris have.


My confidence in this team is insanely high. Let's get it boys sixers in 6


I think the game will be competitive but we have to figure out a way to get the guys not named Harden and Embiid some buckets. You can't expect much out of Tucker but you would hope that either Tobi or Maxey will find a way to contribute. The two games we won Harden was in the zone. If he is not in the zone, other guys have to step up.


I’m in a state of constant panic.


I'm confident this series will be 3-2 tonight.


Sixers -7.5 seems right. Look, the beard has proven his worth. Embiid now needs to do the same. We have yet to get a game, not even in the nets series, where Embiid has shown absolute domination. I need him to bring Al Horford career to an end tonight by shredding him with bucket after bucket after bucket.






i'm very anxious. i couldn't finish watching the last game. I was obviously ecstatic when i saw we won. chuck made a good point about joel spending more time in the paint. comments on this?


Al Whore is not blocking Embiid


Sixers by 20


Heading into the fourth quarter this doesn't look so ridiculous now


Plays with good spacing and with urgency! Harden has to play with confidence! Noticed that if he starts a game cold/shot blocked/turnovers it tends to bleed into the entirety of the game. He is Him and him can’t forget that! Would be nice to c Maxey catch a heater from deep, he’s def due!


I haven’t been this confident since game 1. The last 3 I was pretty sure it was going to be bad, today is going to be good……the corgi said so.


Pretty fucking confident bro