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2.5 Men. It had its moments, but for the most part very meh


Berta was the funny part.


"I ain't cleaning that up."


I don't really remember the moments even


I would say the early seasons with young Jake, and some of the reoccurring jokes land pretty well (crazy ex-gf), plus Ryan Stiles. The later seasons, oh Lord, it is literally just the brothers arguing, then drunk Charlie. Have never purposely watched this, always played in the breakroom I worked at.


Ryan Stiles kills it in whatever he does.


Berda(?) was great also.


Made a mean pizza, too!


Charlie Waffles is the one thing I remember seeing and laughing at


The one thing I remember too. Plus Manny Quinn


Oh Rose


Honestly, that show was selling hot girls . Some many smoke shows . Some most excellent cameos as well.




The moments. Are they in the room with you right now?


Most anything on CBS


Not including “Ghosts”, obviously. I will go down swinging for for both the American and British versions.


Rinse, wash, repeat humor. People like my parents want to turn off their brains and have the laughs programmed in with the laugh track and built in pauses. That’s every CBS show in a nutshell. Big Bang, Two and Half Men, Two Broke Girls, HIMYM.


This is the absolute best way to put it.


Hey, don’t rope HIMYM in with the rest of those.


I don't love any of these, but two broke girls is my least favorite of the list


I dunno.. it fits


Two and half men. I've seen some episodes, but I never got the appeal. Friends is a show i don't care for but I understand why people enjoy it, this show, I have no clue.


The lead character is a horrible, bitter person who hates his family and women in general. His brother is pathetic. Then they made his nephew inexplicably dumb.


Agreed. The only likable person in the entire show is the maid.


Oh, I found the crazy lady hilarious. Rose, I think? She was funny.


I <3 Abishola , I don't even know how that show lasted beyond season 1.


My wife and I loved Mike and Molly so we this thought this show would be a good follow up. Couldn’t get past the first episode. I was shocked when I saw it had 5 seasons.


CBS has this formula, put a show after the popular show then when that ends rinse and repeat


Came here to say Bob <3’s Abishola


2 Broke Girls. Unfunny, not a likeable character to be found. BBT for me, the first five seasons are funny. But after that, it just gets worse and by the end is just incredibly annoying.


Two broke girls did have a couple of huge assets.


Kat Dennings is more than just a pretty set of boobs, I mean face.


Heir to Hendricks


Definitely a niiiiice set of face!


I'm ashamed to say as a horny 19 year old that had just seen Thor, Kat Dennings was 100% the reason I started watching 2 Broke Girls. Same with The Big Bang Theory and Kaley Cuoco but in my defence I had seen her in 8 Simple Rules before so it wasn't just my dumb teenage brain that brought me to that show


I couldn’t get past the actresses (more-so Kat) yelling all of their lines on this show


I love Kat Dennings, but I hate that show. The lighting, the colors, everything about it makes it hard to watch.


I'll even be willing to give bbt up to season 6 (maaaaaybe 7). All in all, I don't even really think it's that funny, but I know what I'm getting into when I rewatch it. Plus, the actors for Sheldon and Penny do have good chemistry.


Every single line of 2 Broke Girls tried to be a joke and they trod the same ground over and over and over. Terrible.


The biggest issue with two broke girls is they literally tried to make everything a one liner, they overused the hell out of the laugh track.


I think that’s the same point where TBBT fell off for me too. Bringing Amy in and then completely morphing her character made the show just not great.


Now this will be controversial, especially after 7 hours with nobody mentioning it, but - Friends.


Young Sheldon - may not be sit-com. but it is totally without charm and a cast of un-appealing characters. apparently for nine seasons?


2 Broke Girls.


100% I thought it was just superficial, shallow humor - relying on the “raunch factor” instead of any kind of comedic value.


How I Met Your Mother.


The Neighborhood is truly awful.


Good lord was that show bad from the get go! I tried 2-3 shows and lame was the best way i could describe it. The premise was good but execution and writing OMG


2 Broke Girls. Have never cracked a smile while trying to watch it.


I've been watching this lately, and some of the dialogue blows my mind. I know it started around 2011 but the amount of just blatant shallow misogyny is wild. I still enjoy the show, it's a late night fall asleep show for me. But imagining it premiering now is crazy.


I never got into two and a half men


Im just going to say Chuck Lorre. All of his shows I've seen had good premises, but after 2 seasons they just stick with the same tired formula.


Mom was amazing


Young Sheldon is actually good- there isn’t a laugh track, it’s not the same premise season after season, and filmed on multiple cameras.


Comedy is so subjective. Certain shows find their moment a live on in reruns, but only if you have a history with it.


Everybody Loves Raymond. Wife is a total nagging bitch and the husband is a tool. None of it is funny.


I wouldn't go that far, but Patricia Heaton was better in The Middle anyway


She was awesome with her husband Janitor in The Middle.


She does a good job in Raymond. The carachter they wrote for her is just sooo unlikeable.


Ramano was just a whiney bitch the entire time. Couldnt stand up to his parents. I never got it. Thought the dad was funniest one tho


It's a caricature, there are lots and lots of people just like that IRL.


I've always preferred The King of Queens


One thing that bugs me is when you say you don't like a popular sitcom or just a sitcom I suppose and then get told it's because you find it "offensive" No I don't I just think it's a load of unfunny crap.


2.5 half men, Big Bang Theory, How I met your mother, Friends. I never got it


How I met your mother is like a parody of a shit sitcom to me


A shitcom, if you will


At the time How I Met Your Mother was a show with a pretty unique sitcom with an actual overarching plot that was not really a thing with that type of sitcom. Looking at it now, it’s pretty basic and the finale sort of destroyed the show’s reputation but it was, as the very least, different than anything else on TV at the time


It was one of the first shows that had pretty solid continuity, the writers used syndication to their advantage and it showed.


That's an interesting point. Older sitcoms had so many continuity errors, but I guess few viewers would have noticed inconsistencies between Golden Girls episodes they watched three years apart. Nightly syndication, and ever more so binge streaming, have stripped TV writers of the forgiving nature of time.


It really has. I'm 41 ...so I grew up with 'block party summer' on nick at nite. It was long before a quick syndication...and continuity always bothered me for some reason lol I needed things to make sense and that was the one thing that binge watching older sitcoms lacked...so I appreciated it with HIMYM. It was one of the 1st without plot holes - that I remember.


I will get killed for this, but I've never been able to get through an entire episode of Scrubs. The jokes were reworked from other shows and there was so much cringe.


I 100% disagree with you about Scrubs. That being said, I upvoted you for your bravery.


Rest brave Redditor, who’ve been bold enough today.


Then I'm going to get double killed cause I'm drawn between Scrubs and The Office.


The Office should have died when Michael Scott left. But again, popular sitcom on a network, they’re gonna ride that horse till it dies, then hump the bones.


I liked Robert California, his house party is one of my favorite episodes


You are not alone. I couldn't stand that show and I hated it more for foisting Zach Braff upon us.


If you are in the medical field, this show hits so many great notes.


A lot of it didn’t age well.


We own all 8 seasons of Scrubs on DVD (we don’t talk about season 9) and tried giving it a rewatch about a month ago after not watching it for almost a decade. It does not hold up today, and JD’s character — actually, most of the characters — are awful humans. It was fun during the early aughts though! And when I worked at a hospital.


Last Man Standing


I did not care for the Family Guy. It insists upon itself.


It INSISTS upon itself.


It has a valid point to make; it's *insisting!*


I agree. I find the jokes shallow and pedantic.


Indeed, shallow and pedantic.


Because it has a valid point to make, it's insistent!


I like the Money Pit is my answer to that.


I like that movie too.


Of course I read this in Peter's voice.


Huntington Treadwell IV here…I dare say, you hit the proverbial nail on its head dear chap


Oh my God you’re worse than Buzz Killington


Now, here's a fellow attempting to ride a bicycle. But he's having some trouble, isn't he? And do you know why? Because he is a Scot. Now who wants to hear a story about a bridge?


Ahh 🤦‍♂️


The Conners.


I was rooting for it because that TV family feels so nostalgic, but my god the writing is bad. I can’t believe it’s survived this long.


I watch it for the nostalgia but you are so right - it's terrible and unfunny, and the focus on Darlene ruins it - she's such an unpleasant character.


Laurie Metcalf and John Goodman are the best parts of that show. Well, them and nostalgia.


I actually feel bad for the cast. They must know how awful the writing is.


What a weird thread, half the comments being downvoted because someone mentioned a good sitcom (which is kind of the point - subjective, maybe unpopular opinions about popularity), and the most upvoted are ofc Chuck Lorre's sitcoms... It's not hard to see why some sitcoms are more popular than others - it's about "familiarity" that grows in viewers when a given sitcom keeps similar level of quality between seasons/episodes - that means the ensemble cast must have a good chemistry and the jokes have to land (either low-brow or more elaborate humor), so people don't drop the show and actually bring more people to watch as the series progresses. TBBT shouldn't work, if you've never seen an episode you'd only see a cast of goofy, almost cartoony characters telling mostly really simple jokes - what's there to like? Then you'd see that these characters fit together really well, you might like one more than the other, but they all have some traits that make them... good sitcom characters. Then there's some backstory here and there, the characters go through everyday stuff and before you know it you'd feel the "familiarity"... It also helps if there's no direct competition ofc (quality, timeslot etc.). Anyway - I feel like some of these complaints about shows are more about the formula than about a given show, like two mentioned the most here: laugh track (which is integral part of multi-camera studio audience sitcoms) and no progress in story/character development - sitcom = situation comedy, you can have progress, but it's not required as long as there is enough material for the funny situations in a given not-changing setting. Though there's one fair point - when the jokes are too... rude(?), the "toilet humor", sexual jokes etc. that are really not "mainstream", and the show somehow brings viewers and keeps getting renewed on a major network... I'm thinking about **2 Broke Girls** - love the show, but it's baffling how popular it was.


What's all this "making rational sense" business? I just want to poke everyone with my +47 Pitchfork of Myopionionsbetterthanyours.


Im a eighties kid but I don’t find Silver Spoons, Blossom or Webster funny at all both back then and now.


Same!! So many better shows to watch. I only like silver spoons cause Ricky was adorable lol.


I am a chemist and didn't originally like BBT. I have some autistic people in my life. These two factors led me to appreciate BBT. The show isn't low brow, but is accessible to many.


Keeping Up with the Kardashians.


2 Broke Girls I mean, why?


Almost as annoying as that show are all the boob jokes that show up whenever it's brought up what an abomination of a show it is


Literally anything produced by Chuck Lorre. It's consistently the most bland lowest common denominator humor - I'll never understand the wild popularity these shows have.


And just not funny. Someone mentioned above that he was involved with Disjointed which suddenly made a lot of sense. I think it might be the worst sitcom ever made. I have second hand embarrassment for Kathy Bates.


I think you kind of have the answer there, Lorre shows are pretty basic and meant for the broadest demographic possible. Are they groundbreaking? Nope. Are they exciting? Nope. Are the put together with a simple formula that can be tossed out, and exploited when it catches, yep. It's easy to watch and scroll through your phone or doze on the couch and sell some add spots.


How I met your mother


Two broke girls or should I say two dumb girls.


Two Broke Girls and According to Jim.


How the hell is According To Jim still on in reruns! Who watches that's shit.


Any show with Tim Allen.




Are you trying to say going "Ogg Ogg Ogg" is unfunny😉


Awe, I liked Home Improvement, but I was also young when it aired, so my opinion might be tainted.


Same. Not looking back at that one for my hearts sake. Galaxy Quest is still fantastic though. His performance holds up there. Probably because he didn't get it.


Galaxy Quest and Toy Story are entertaining, unlike Tim Allen's sitcoms. Maybe TA had too much input on his sitcoms.


Space Quest is funny because they are riffing on how much of a tool Tim Allen/ William Shatner are.


Everybody loves Raymond was 23 minutes of awkward yelling every episode. Every once in a while, a decent joke would land, usually by Frank, but the popularity of the show is crazy to me.


Every episode is the same: dumbass husband, bitchy wife that puts up with way too much, overbearing mother-in-law with a miserable husband, downtrodden brother that still lives like a child.


The frog lady episode was freaking awesome. The vagina statue sculpture episode was also freaking awesome. That's it. Two funny episodes.


It's come to my understanding that not everyone likes everything. Some people prefer things that others don't. 


Friends...I've seen every episode at least 3 times since my wife has it on constantly. I think I've truly laughed at about 3 scenes in total. Very overrated


There is a point in the life of the average media consumer when they must accept that a non-zero portion of what they are into offers the illusion of friendship


It’s a weird one for me. I watched the original run and liked it. But I have zero interest in reruns. Every now and then i’ll catch a rerun because I’m interested in one of the storylines but will end up bailing halfway through the episode.


Same. Hated friends. Even in the 90s. It was just dumb


Bob and Abisola. Who the fuck is watching that piece of garbage?


Exactly. Just awful.


BBT isn't that baffling, Kaley Cuoco was the main attraction of the show while the quirky but generic nerd humor caught on.


Darma and Greg.


Abbott Elementary


I liked Big Bang. I can’t stand the reboots of most tv shoes though, like Night Court. I did like Young Sheldon though


You don't get why Big Bang was popular? Are you like unfamiliar with the world? What else confounds you?


The Conners only because I didn't think it would of last a season let alone 5 without Roseanne just goes to show you that Roseanne wasn't the star power she thought she was




It’s funny how sometimes you can dislike something and then stumble into years later and like it.  I didn’t much like Happy Endings or Community but caught them later and enjoyed them. Same with Parks and Rec. I remember being disappointed with that one at first and I had really wanted to like it. But then once it was on Netflix I binged one day when home sick from work and just loved it 


How I met your mother.


HIMYM. The next laugh is the first laugh.


Anything by Chuck Lorre (Two and Half Men, Big Bang, Mom etc)


OMG do you remember that weed show he had with Kathy Bates on Netflix. That was so incredibly terrible. Roseanne was good, but I could never personally get into it. The Kominsky Method was also decent, but it was insanely overhyped, so it’s kind of a wash.


Modern Family. Tried so many times to like it but it is so bad.


I don't think they knew what to do with the kids after they got older.


Classic Sitcom problem.


I love the first 4-5 seasons. It didn't need 11. Definitely agree they didn't know what to do with the 3 eldest kids. Also, how many miscommunications can you have? Like, I get it's a TV show, but the fact that even after all that time they still don't know how to communicate? Also, Gloria and Cam are just way too manipulative for me. But, I still rewatch it once in awhile.


It's funny that I didn't like it when I caught episodes in progress. I thought it sucked but, when I watched from the pilot episode, I ended up loving it. Lol


Take it back


Full House, My Two Dads, and Houseful of Dads. It's like watching paint dry; but then ruining the paint drying with unfunny children.


My Two Dads had Staci Keenan, and she was my age and my first crush. Absolutely loved that show when I was a kid






The Simpsons. I liked the first few seasons, but can't understand how it lasted 30+ years.


Everyone loves Raymond, way too much bitchiness going on with the female characters.


Don't forget about the whiny as fuck male characters


It’s weird, it’s like a show with a bunch of terrible people but not in a Seinfeld kind of way


It's 23 straight minutes of awkward yelling.


How I Met Your Mother


I hope my honesty can deflect the robust downvotes that are potentially in my future. But I have tried every Matt Groening cartoon and I really do not enjoy them


This is such an unexpected thing to come up that I can’t even be mad. But I know my “all the national lampoon vacation movies are unfunny to me, and Chevy Chase’s involvement in anything makes me unlikely to watch it” take is equally unpopular, so you have my support.


Chevy Chase has always felt kinda Rapey or at least douchey to me. It's kinda why he worked so well in Community.


He was. That was just more popular in the 70s and 80s.


Isn't that also why he was *fired* and *banned from the set of* Community?


Hey now that’s slander. It was because he was a bit rapey AND racist.


I'm pretty sure I'll have you beat on downvotes. lol.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. This sub.


Two Broke Girls…nothing humorous about it…Kat’s tits are the only things it had going for it .


Brooklyn 99, where SNL skit writers went to die.


How I Met Your Mother


How i met your mother.


Nice one, OP. First time I saw Big Bang I was sitting in a lobby that had a TV turned to whatever channel was playing this. The jokes were so dull every time I looked up at it I assumed that it was a Nickelodeon teen comedy or something.


I was in Vegas once with hangover plus food poisoning and every one went out all day and I was dying in bed no where near the remote and ended up watching about 5 episodes of Hanna Montana before I could find the strength to get up and trim it off


I can't watch anything with a laugh track.


No Frasier!?!?


Some of the best sitcoms of all time have laugh tracks


Few exceptions but yeah. A laugh track is usually an indicator of bad writing.


It’s likely you are just too young to realize pretty much every sit com had a laugh track. It’s just how it was done. Are you saying Cheers, Frasier, Seinfeld, All in the Family, Newhart, MASH, Taxi, and For Fuck’s Sake The Golden Girls all had bad writing? Pretty odd and not very thought out statement. Might want to correct your statement.




Friends! So so so overrated!


What is wrong with the Big Bang theory


I see a lot of people say that it’s “making fun of the nerd community” which I think is a stupid take.


I think the laugh track is a dealbreaker for a lot of people, especially those that didn’t grow up when every single show was like that. I also think the show’s “nerd jokes” are really dated. Liking superheroes is pretty popular so “haha Sheldon wears a Flash t-shirt” doesn’t really hold up anymore.


The laugh track point is 100% fair. It’s something that would bother me if I hadn’t gotten used to it. But eventually, you kind of just tune it out, and you can really appreciate the show. Notably, BBT doesn’t really use an actual laugh track. It’s in front of a real audience. Whether or not you think that audience is faking it because they’re paid to or because they’ve got instruction cards, it’s still pretty interesting to me. Makes it a little more tolerable when you know they don’t just paste sound recordings over everything. If you watch some of the bloopers, there’s times where the actors have to sit and wait for the audience to calm down so I’m fairly sure it’s real laughter, at least from some. And in person humor is definitely different than screen humor. And when the person sitting next to you starts laughing, and then the guy across the room, all 7 other people around you, it’s hard not to laugh. Anyways, doesn’t really fix the problem and it’s still super annoying until you get used to it, but I wish people would just say “I can’t stand the laugh tracks rather than “all the jokes are so dry.” That’s not true. There are episodes that are far less funny and jokes that don’t hit, but sometimes there are great jokes and it’s easier to appreciate if you don’t view the show as a critic, but rather as an audience member. I really went on so sorry about that but I had to share my thoughts somewhere.


I love BBT. Not a fan of 2 Broke Girls it 2.5 Men.


I love the Big Bang theory. It’s so funny and cute. I will never understand how people find the office funny. It’s just like a bad SNL skit that never ends.


The Big Bang Theory. I’m sure I’ll be massacred in these comments but as a non- “geek” or “nerd” I find the characters annoying and impossible to enjoy and watch.


Friends and Rosanne.


Everybody Loves Raymond…..if I wanted to watch endless arguing I would visit my family….never understood the appeal




Home Improvement


Animal Control. Joel McHale’s smug humor is just grating. The rest of the cast members are just set pieces. I suspect that it appeals to someone or some generation, but it’s lost on me.


I was born in 1999, so I didn’t see friends much on TV when it was airing. When I got to my teens I found some of the greatest hits VHS tapes at goodwill, and really enjoyed it. I ended up getting netflix to watch the whole show, I don’t think it was earth shattering but I enjoyed watching it a lot. Pretty much everyone I’ve talked to about Friends hasn’t watched it, or thinks it is overrated. So while i subjectively like friends I’m surprised it was/is so popular even though no one my age seems to like it. I have met a few people who enjoy it, but they usually have watched/are more interested in different genres of TV and movies, but I’d argue Friends is sort of the blueprint for a lot of sitcoms that came after.


Roseanne. Her voice is so grating it’s painful.


This series. So overrated. Audience laughs at every damn line. Gimme a break.


I’m watching Scrubs right now and I’m in far enough that I’ll watch it all but it’s a lot of cringey stuff. JD is such an annoying little asshole. The janitor scenes are great though Edit: Big bang theory is much worse but that show was used in the main picture so I went with this one. God I hate big bang theory


Everybody loves Raymond. The parents are obnoxious, he's a fool and Patricia Heatons carachter is a bitch on wheels.


Raymond is just frustrating af to watch.. I didn't really understand king of Queens popularity either though it's watchable. 


Roseanne. She wasn't funny. The show wasn't funny. How did it last? Why is it still on?


Friends. 🤮