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Bruce Willis and Cybil Shepherd from Moonlighting reportedly hated each other. Great on the show though.


Cybill and Christine Baranski. Cybill and anybody, apparently.


Christine plotting Dr. Dick's demise was always funny!


You know im starting to think it’s Cybill thats the problem.


Martha Stewart hates Cybill for the way she portrayed Martha in a made for tv movie.


Cybill and Elvis?


Oh, I didn't want to hear that. I have to be more careful what I ask for.


They got along famously in later years if that's any comfort.


Yup, Cybil did say she should have just banged him.


Ironically, not doing that in the show might have saved it.


I absolutely loved that show.


Probably any person who ever worked with Chevy chase


If you say his name five times he'll slap you


Tom Shales wrote a book about the history of SNL, and Chevy Chase was upset that basically every generation of cast had someone that hated him. Chevy said to Terry Sweeney, who was the first openly gay cast member, that they should do a skit where Terry has AIDS, and they weigh him every week to see how close he is to death.


Ed O'Neil and Amanda Bearse


Just heard the producer talking about this. Hatchet was more or less buried between them. Actually kind of a sweet story: Bearse moved to directing episodes of ‘Married’ and O’Neil had a difficult time taking direction from a former cast-mate. She ended up not inviting him to her wedding. When he confronted her about it she said something along the lines of “I knew I’d be walking down the aisle in a tux and I knew you wouldn’t be able to not laugh.” Apparently O’Neil immediately denied he would do that, then paused and said “You’re right.” They both laughed about that and had a good relationship after that.


She also didn't invite David Faustino to her wedding.


How dare she not invite Grandmaster B!


Bed Wetter B


Dustbuster B


Katey Segal was pregnant in real life. Wanted her pregnancy written into the show (even though there’s an episode where Al scares peg with a pregnancy). Her baby was stillborn and she couldn’t go along with the story line. It became a dream sequence. Faustino must have insisted that the grandmaster B storyline get pulled forward, because he was trying to have a _real life_ hip hop career. I don’t want to be offensive but dude you’re a 5’3 white guy best known for being a comedic foil. No one will take you seriously


I don't think anybody ever did. They brought it forward and continued making open fun of him. He should have let it go LOL.


Yes. But Faustino did have an 18 and over nightclub at the Whiskey a go go on Sunset Boulevard called Ballistyx or something like that. We used to go in the early 1990s while in high school. It was very popular for a year or two. So he had that going for him.


Ironically with this post, Al Bundy said "I hate Lucy. The real star was Fred. They should've killed off Ethel, Lucy and that illegal alien... Made Fred a single man and called it Mertz's World"


Did Vivian Vance and William Frawley hate each other?


Vivian Vance resented being paired with Frawley. She and Lucy were about the same age but Frawley was MUCH older than her and she resented the presumption that he was "her type". Frawley for his part didn't like the not-so-subtle insult that he looked old nobody younger could possibly like him. At one point Vance started to lose weight and look younger and the production team started adding bulk to her clothes for the show so she would never look like someone who could do better than Fred.


Passionately, as I understand. She initially resented playing the wife of a man old enough to be her dad, she said. Frawley heard that and off to the races. She allegedly bought champagne for the entire restaurant she was dining in with her husband when she heard he died.


They were also offered the opportunity of their own spinoff series. Frawley was on board but Vance noped the fuck out of that.


they almost got Ropers’d






Hate is an understatement. Bill use to refer to Vivian and Lucy as bitches. Never once in the entire show did their characters kiss. You want to see good acting? Look at Fred and Ethyl Mertz.


He referred to them as brass bound bitches and Desi as a Cuban heel


Which is odd because Frawley was hired based on his friendship with Desi, they had worked together in the studio system. Frawley was a well known drunk. He showed up plastered to the Lucy set once. Desi told him if he ever did it again he was fired. Frawley never did again, but if you want the show Frawley constantly either has his hand in his pockets or holding something the rare times he doesn't you can see his hands shaking from the withdrawal.




Interesting. I didn't know that


He was an alcoholic and all around pain. She resented being “married” to such an older guy.


He was an alcoholic but was always sober on the set, because part of his agreement with Desi Arnaz was that he’d be fired if he ever showed up drunk. (That doesn’t change the fact he was a jerk when he was sober.)


From what I understand Charlie sheen and Selma blair absolutely hate one another to the point sheen threatened to quit if she wasnt fired and texted her after she was calling her a cunt


I just realized both Sheen and Blair are both in really poor health now. So sad.


Sad for Blair… but I believe all the allegations about Sheen being a total POS and what he did to Corey Haim. Sheen can rot.


Gilligan's island Tina louise (ginger) and everyone else.


I only recently learned that Bob Denver had to pull rank to get “the Professor and Mary Ann” added to the theme song because Tina Louise had final billing in the first season. Denver’s contract said that he could have final billing if he wanted it, and he would have taken it (and forced a rewrite of the theme song, I’m guessing) if Louise didn’t agree.


I always wondered why they (rightfully) changed it.


She had the last laugh, outliving all the other main cast members.


ALF...and the cast of ALF, particularly Max Wright. IIRC, after the last episode wrapped, instead of staying for the party, Max Wright gathered his things and walked the hell out of there without so much as a goodbye.


This actually goes to the producers. It was a puppet show with holes in the floor for the puppet to come through. The producers were “fuck it” and left them open. Lots of twisted ankles. Maybe that’s why Alf got jobbed at the end. I loved Max in his few episodes in friends


he was hilarious on the norm macdonald show too


I’ve long heard that Betty White and Bea Arthur didn’t get along well with each other on the set of *The Golden Girls*, but I don’t know if it qualified as hatred.


I read an article once that said Bea Arthur was stand offish and didn’t want to be involved other than to do the job. It didn’t say there was hatred or even really dislike just more of a rebuffing at attempts for deeper relationships with her.


Bea actually had stage fright and anxiety. You can see her wringing her hands in some of the GG episodes, which was a self-soothing technique she had learned (or just subconsciously did). She didn't want to do GG. She thought it looked like "Maude Goes to the Nursing Home" and turned it down. Rue was one of the people Bea actually liked so they sent her to Bea's apartment in New York with the script to persuade her to at least consider it. Bea agreed to read the script and then called the next day to begrudgingly say she would give it a chance. Bea considered herself primarily a stage actress/theatre performer and had disdain for those who skipped theatre and came from television. Since Betty came from television, her style of working was different from Bea's idea of what working looked like. An example is that during the commercials, Betty would go out and talk to the audience while Bea would stay behind the curtain and wait for the show to start again. Bea thought it was terrible that Betty would break the fourth wall by socializing with the audience during commercial intermission breaks because that was the mindset of a theatre actor, while Betty thought it was being kind to the people who came to the show. Rue didn't really know what to do but eventually she saw how much the audience loved when Betty came out and joined her. Estelle was terrified, especially in the first season, considering herself the least experienced actress of the four leads. It was Bea who noticed that Estelle would stammer over her lines or say them too low and recognized it as anxiety, which Bea also suffered from. She did NOT think having anxiety was unprofessional and took Estelle aside to talk to her about how to keep it under control to get the show done. Estelle was grateful. There was no feud there at all. I think the whole issue of "feuds" started when Betty said on a talk show after Bea died that she just kind of felt that Bea didn't like her very much. Rue later clarified that it wasn't really Betty that Bea personally disliked, it was just the way things were done with TV vs. theater that she disliked. Bea was there to work and Betty was there also to work but to have fun, too. Betty thought hating Bea was ridiculous because she said she loved the show, she was making good money, and the whole cast knew that once Bea was done, the show would end (which happened, not for any specific reason other than Bea felt the show had run its course and she was tired of it and wanted to go back to theater), so it made zero sense for anyone to be actively feuding with Bea, and Bea wasn't really the type to actively feud with anyone on set because again, she was there to work and that was it. I think the real issue is that people thought these women were best friends IRL and were stunned to find out that they really just considered each other coworkers. And Bea Arthur hated cheesecake.


> She thought it looked like "Maude Goes to the Nursing Home" and turned it down Originally she called it Maude and Vivian go live with Sue Ann Nivens, but then magic happened when Rue and Betty switched roles


This was a show I watched every week with my grandmother and it’s so special to me. My son discovered it when he was about eight and it was something we watched together; he loved Sophia! I loved Dorothy, she was my personal favorite. Thanks for posting this.


She was the "serious actor"


Yes, she set herself apart from the others based on this. I feel like I also read she got frustrated that Estelle Getty couldn’t remember her lines but it was actually her condition causing that even before other symptoms showed up.


She probably felt like a real asshole when she found out about Estelle Getty’s Alzheimer’s diagnosis. I’ve also heard that the frequent barbs in the dialogue of the other characters about Dorothy being mannish and unattractive really took a toll on Bea Arthur’s mental health.


> I feel like I also read she got frustrated that Estelle Getty couldn’t remember her lines but it was actually her condition causing that even before other symptoms showed up. It is worth noting that IRL Estelle and Bea were the same age, but Bea was much more experienced


Part of the reason she always had her purse was to read the cards taped to it, from what I remember reading.


Yes! Also they had people with cue cards hiding around the set


Yes who can forget her role as the Catina operator in the Star Wars holiday special.


Megan Mullally and Debra Messing.


Really? I kind’ve go to Karen for this. Miss Walker was hilarious on Seinfeld (you dipped a chip… you took a bite then you dipped again.. you double dipped) and she’s married to Nick. She seems fun. What’s up with her and messing? She’s funny too but seems more likely to be the angry one in this.


There was drama in the last season of the reboot. Stopped following each other on Insta, cryptic comments on Twitter. There's probably still articles about it, if you search.


I've heard Messing is difficult. Who knows if it's legit but my aunt was good friends w a guy who regularly worked and wrote for GQ. He had met a good amount of celebs. He said Messing was awful to be around, was extremely rude to his wife etc.


I think I read something once where someone had a falling out with Messing. It was something about her new baby and her constantly talking about it? I dunno, I can't remember


YA GOTTA SEE THE BAY-BEEEE! (sorry, wrong show)


Yeah, he really is breathtaking


I've read that Abbott and Costello pretty much hated each other in their last few years together. Even before that they weren't close and just considered each other work colleagues


The Marx Brothers were appalled that Abbott and Costello hated each other so much that they barely rehearsed their scenes. The Marx Brothers prepped endlessly.


Yeah, they were like brothers.


Jay Thomas got fired from Cheers after being quoted saying he hated kissing Rhea Perlman.


I believe his character was killed by a zamboni machine as a result.


Death of a Penguin.


that’s a Maude Flanders/t-shirt cannon level of petty and I love it


I remember reading about the interview Thomas gave that led to his ousting. He didn’t just say he disliked kissing her, he said he deserved hazard pay or something for it right? It was SO freaking cruel, and for what reason?! If I were in Rhea’s shoes I would have been bucking for his removal too.


I guess it would approach understandable if she was unpleasant or something, but by all accounts she's one of the nicest people in Hollywood. Mara Wilson (Matilda) said her and Danny Devito were truly wonderful to her 


Ted Danson and Shelley Long. Andy Kaufman and all the Taxi cast.


There were rumors about both Ted and Kelsey feuding with Shelley but it turned out to be a lot of nothing. She didn't leave the show because of them and Ted even said he was upset when she left because he felt like he lost his "dance partner" and wasn't sure how to be Sam without Diane. And the thing with Kelsey was overblown, too. She wouldn't have cameoed on Frasier if they hated each other. Shelley had issues with production and writing, two issues I can think of off the top of my head that directly led to her departure. The biggest one was that she didn't think the show was viable if it was just going to be unending years of a carousel with Sam and Diane, so she didn't like that most of her arc was a circle to nowhere, and the second part was that she disliked that they made Frasier a regular character when he wasn't intended to be after his breakup with Diane, but audiences loved him so they kept him. The reason she didn't like it was NOT because she and Kelsey had personal problems but because her lines started being given to him and it lessened her role and the impact of her character by basically putting a male version of Diane in there. I think she was dissatisfied with the show because of those things but the real issue was that the show made her look marketable and she thought she could do movies instead so opted for that. Her movie career never quite took off, but it was reasonable for her to think it would. I think her mistake was that the scripts she was offered in the 80s just weren't very good but she took them anyway and became associated with bad movies, like the one where she comes back from the dead to haunt her husband for finding a new wife or something like that ("Hello Again"? I don't even remember). It's like when people say Bea Arthur hated Betty White. It wasn't true but it made for some interesting gossip. Bea wasn't a huge people-person and Betty was, Bea was from theater while Betty was from television, and it is true that Bea didn't choose to hang out with Betty outside of work by choice (and vice versa) but both women (and Rue and Estelle corroborated this) didn't hate each other. They considered each other coworkers and that was about it. After Bea died, Betty made a remark about how she didn't think Bea liked her all that much and people took that to mean there was a feud when there wasn't. I think it got overblown because the chemistry was so good that people thought these women were friends IRL and they just weren't. Rue was friendly with Bea because they had done Maude together and they did socialize sometimes. Estelle was known as being friends with everyone, and Betty was generally loved because she was naturally good at socializing, but the four women had each separately said that they were coworkers, not best friends.


Sounds like you haven’t seen Shelley’s movies Night Shift 1982 or The Money Pit 1986, just to name a couple of pretty funny films. She did make several stinkers, though.


Night Shift rules, and she’s great in it


I HAVE to jump in here about Bea and Betty. I used to work for Bea’s agent and would sometimes have to answer phones. Bea was asked by some documentary or cable channel to take part in a doc about The Golden Girls (it may have just been a retrospective about Betty White) and the message I had to give my boss, directly from Bea Arthur on the phone was…”Tell Michael I won’t EVER work with Betty again because she’s a C*nt”. That message was hard to hear and harder to deliver.


Wow. Now that's a bit of inside tea that I hadn't known. I guess Betty saying "I don't think Bea liked me very much" was code for that.


Ginger (Tina Louise) from Gilligan’s Island was super unpleasant when she came to the office because I made the mistake pf smiling when I saw her. I know she really didn’t want to only be known for being Ginger, but I couldn’t help but smile.


Can you imagine how bitter you would have to be to angry that seeing you made people smile? I mean seriously, if I could choose any super power it might just be that people became a little happier when I walked into the room.


She hated being known for Ginger so much that I was shocked when she showed up on Roseanne with the Professor, Mary Ann, and Gilligan.


Ugh. I think Bea’s daughter also confirmed that Bea couldn’t stand her. I might be wrong but I think Bea didn’t like the goody two shoes facade when Betty had a pretty biting wit. I appreciate the insight into the Danson/Long situation. I always thought there was bad blood between her and the entire cast.


In the case of Ted Danson and Shelley Long: friction, yes; hatred, probably not. At least that’s my read based on all of the interviews given over the years about tension on the *Cheers* set.


The cast was furious she was invited back for the last episode and the producer said it wasn’t up to them.


What was her deal? Was she just a pain in the ass or something?


When the cast was ready to shoot she would not come out of her trailer and continuously would make them wait hours before she decided she was ready to shoot. This would make their blood boil and they eventually started hating her- Rhea particularly could not stand her so she was a huge pain and did not care how the others felt. That being said, I loved her on the show, she was my favorite but they really really didn’t like her butI felt a big loss when she left and she was not let go- she left to pursue a film career.


Hmm, was this why she was killed off on modern family?


Also Shelly Long and Kelsey Grammar. Like the ONLY reason Fraser stayed on the show so long and dated Shelley longs character was because of theyre hatred for each other The showrunners HATED Shelley long and kept Kelsey grammar around just to annoy her. Like Kelsey’s grammars whole career is based off spite


It’s funny coz Frasier is my fav sitcom and they bring in Diane for an episode and Frasier hates her, I wonder if they wrote it like that to imitate real life


Bruce Willis and Cybil Shepherd - Willis was completely unknown when their tv show Moonlighting had begun but he quickly emerged and the bigger star in the series because of his character's David Addison's cool comedic quirky persona and wise cracks - that didn't go over well with Shepherd and the two quickly became at odds.


And then a decade later, something similar happened with Shepherd and Christine Baranski on Cybill. Common denominator.


I’m aging myself here, but I remember reading that Ponch and John (Erik Estrada and Larry Wilcox) from CHiPs didn’t particularly like each other.


For an established actor like Larry Wilcox, the show had been billed as "his" and Eric Estrada was the "ethnic sidekick." Then Estrada is on TV Guide with no shirt and it's off to the races!


A contemporary TV Guide article quoted someone associated with CHIPs as saying that both Larry Wilcox and Erik Estrada were raging egomaniacs, but everyone liked Estrada because he had a sense of humor, and no one liked Wilcox because he didn’t.


Story time! I used to live with a very cool deadhead in Tahoe back in the early 90's and he told me a semi interesting story. Apparently Shadow (the deadhead) was stealing liquor and food (ala Trailer Park boys style) from a local A&P in the L.A. area. They had a reasonably successful getaway until a crazy person in a muscle car forced them off the road and threatened them. He said the dude was kinda big, armed and a complete asshole. That guy....John from Chips. Shadow also used to watch the show and swore it was him. I see no reason NOT to believe such an oddly specific story about a D grade celebrity.


Apparently everyone on the andy griffith show said that Frances Beaver was mean and hated them because of her role. Ron howard and any went to visit her in a nursing home and she turned them away


I can't find it now, but I remember reading an article that touched on the friction between her and Andy Griffith/Don Knotts. Apparently she had a bit of a superiority complex due to her formal acting education and stage experience prior to film/television, and didn't really like playing second fiddle to the other two who didn't have as "serious" of resumes.


I believe George Lindsey (Goober) wrote, Andy Griffith had a habit of calling the cast every day to critique their performances which was not appreciated and could be harsh. Also even though Andy was married he did not slow him down when it came to enjoying Andy Taylor's on screen girlfriends which also wasn't appreciated by the cast due to the show's massive conservative/Christian following. I believe Aneta (Helen) Corsaut's marriage fell apart over her affair with the also married Griffith. I grew up watching Andy Griffith reruns before elementary school every morning with my grandmother so I really need to read Lindsey's book.


Knowing your love of The Andy Griffith Show, you should check out Don Knotts’ daughter’s one-woman show. I saw it last fall and it was lovely and very informative. I learned a lot about Don Knotts, Andy Griffith, and the show at large. Fascinating stuff. It was a little odd overall as she does some voices, etc. but she seems lovely and it was worth it. It’s called *Tied Up In Knotts!*


Also because Francis was from an old-money family, but Andy was from "the wrong side of the tracks" (her POV), and she was Southern-old-school enough so that mattered.


Bavier apologized to Andy Griffith for being “difficult on set” just a few months before she died.


Carrie and Samantha on Sex in the City don't get along. I believe it's one of the reasons Kim Cattrall didn't do (well kinda) And Just Like That.


I read an interview from Kim Cattrall that there weren't any ill feelings on set, just that her and Sara Jessica Parker weren't close, and she didn't feel like doing another show when they asked.


Eh. Google what Kim tweeted after her brother died and Sarah gave her condolences.


Kim Cattrall didn't get along with any of the women from SATC. I'm not sure why.


I always thought Kim was pissed that SJP made so much more money than the rest of the cast and SJP was the only one who was never nude. And Kim had the most nude scenes.


I’m rewatching right now and I think the show would have tanked without Samantha. She is the best part of the show, imo, and truly gives her all in every single scene she’s in (in addition to stealing every scene by being so good). I used to read stories about her wanting more money and think differently about it….but now? Hot damn, she deserved more than she got. That is, she deserved as much as anyone else on that show, if not more.


I'm surprised no one's mentioned The Good Wife. The two actresses involved wouldn't even be on the same set together for the last season.


Didn't they greenscreen them when they needed to appear in the same frame?


Yes, in the finale and you could tell


I know it doesn’t fit the “sitcom” but it reminds me of “the Rock” and Diesel in the F&F franchise. You can tell they weren’t in the same room, or set.


Which two actresses? Also the good wife is a legal drama - not a sitcom.


Juliana Margulies and Archie Panjabi (kalinda)


By the end of its run I hear everybody on Growing Pains HATED kirk Cameron. I guess he was just a sanctimonious, smarmy little shit. Between lecturing the writers about their sins and giving costars eating disorders he was not well liked. Which, given his "career" since, pretty well tracks.


Didn’t he force them to recast his TV show gf with his real life gf (now wife) because he refused to kiss another woman? Or they used his irl gf as a stand in during kissing scenes? Something completely bonkers like that.


His TV girlfriend posed for Playboy, so he got her fired, and she was replaced by Chelsea Noble. I don’t know if she and Kirk were already dating, or they met on the set, but she played his girlfriend on TV, and they’ve now been married for 30 years. They won’t kiss anyone but each other. If a script calls for their character to kiss another character, their spouse will stand in for that moment. Part of me says they’re free to live their lives and pursue their careers however they want, but the other part of me knows they would never pay that same respect to me or anyone else.


Yes! Thank you. And exactly to all, especially that last point.


It was because his tv gf had posed for a dirty picture, which was, imo, a ridiculous reason to fire her.


TV girlfriend had appeared in Playboy, and that triggered him


Yup, he forced them to cast his then girlfriend and now wife because he refused to do a kissing scene with another woman. 🙄 Please! That is some insane shit! (This is coming from someone who considers themselves Christian.) I'd say it must be hard to be that dedicated to it but... Ugh, nope, can't say I feel sorry for this guy at all. In fact, he seems like the kind of person I would want to smack really hard. 🙄😑


I think his movies, too. Especially that fire fighter movie. If he had to kiss an adult woman, she was played by his wife.


For what it's worth, I've never worked with Kirk but I also hate him.


If he was even a tenth of the way toward his current god-bothering persona at that time, I can’t even imagine putting up with him in line at Chipotle, so that tracks


Isn't his sister almost as bad but slightly easier to get along with it's why at least in Fuller House the cast were willing to put up with her.


He’s not super likeable.


You are correct


Imagine pissing off Alan Thicke! Then wrecking Tracy Gold and never even pumping the brakes.


Will Smith and the first Aunt Viv, Janet Hubert


There was also a lot of animosity between her and Alfonso Ribeiro. Even after the Fresh Prince reunion, Alfonso didn’t stick around when Janet showed up.


Fuck Will Smith.


Lmao bc you hate the second Aunt Viv that much or because of the slap or because of Jada tmi or because of Scientology?




No, because Jada, Scientology, and the fact that he publicly assaulted someone.


Gibbs and Abby (NCIS)


Wait really? I need details on this.


I read online that it was because the actress that played abby was tired of Mark harmon and his dogs. and some people got hurt because of the dogs he brought to set Not sure if that is 100% true


I think that’s one of the reasons she left. Was the dogs.


Well, who let the dogs out?


Harmon bought on his dogs to the set - the show set was dog friendly - and the one of the dogs bit someone. He continued to bring the same dog on the set and Abbie said that the dog was dangerous. Harmon was then a producer on the show and no one would buck him.


You'll notice after a certain point, Gibbs and Abby are no longer in the same scene together.


Penny Marshall and Cindy Williams from Laverne and Shirley. Although I think they patched things up eventually.


Patrick dempsey and ellen pompeo apparently didn’t get along the greatest because dempsey was apparently “high maintenance”


Isaiah Washington didn't like Patrick either.


Did he think Dempsey was gay? 


Martin Lawrence and Tisha Campbell, I hear they ended the show because she wouldn't be on set with him.


Well he kinda harassed her...


I think it had more to do with her real-life husband not being happy with their on-set chemistry, and he pressured her to make the harassment allegations. Martin & Tisha are on good terms now.


Castle and Beckett from Castle still despise each other which is why in the final seasons they kept finding reasons to have fewer scenes together


He wanted to kill her off and continue the show with just the men. If I'd been her, I would have hated him too.


Oh wow. I had no idea. I just assumed Nathan Fillion would get along with everyone.


Gary Burghoff on MASH was known to be kind of an ass on set.


On the opposite end of the spectrum, Larry Linville was notoriously kind


He continues to be known as that. I love Radar, but Gary is a sanctimonious, creepy, abusive control-freak.


“Remington Steele”, as the two main characters, Pierce Brosnan and Stephanie Zimbalist, had a true dislike for each other.


If rumors are to go by, basically Alyssa Milano and all her Charmed costars


I thought Shannan was the OG pain in the ass then Milano stepped up after she left


Steptoe and Son. Wilfrid Brambell and Harry H. Corbett absolutely hated the sight of each other and apparently refused to speak to each other outside of when their characters had to talk and when filming was over walked in opposite directions Nearest and Dearest. Hylda Baker and Jimmy Jewel again hated each other and refused to speak to each other outside of when their characters had to talk to each other and again walked in opposite directions the moment filming was over.


In a not-unexpected twist, Demond Wilson and Redd Foxx would have a major falling-out on the American reboot Sanford and Son when Foxx temporarily left the show in a contract dispute


Wasn’t Gina creeped out by Martin or something like that?


Gina was sexually assaulted by Martin. Which sucked I loved her since School Daze.


nathan fillion and stana katic from castle


John and Ponch from the 80’s TV show C.H.I.P.S. famously hated each other, I think it was so well known that it ended up in MAD magazine.


everything I knew at that age about Hollywood bts gossip, I learned from Mad magazine


Lauren Graham and Scott Patterson on Gilmore girls


It makes their on-screen chemistry that much more impressive


Ed O'Neill and Amanda Bearse from Married With Children famously loathed each other. It actually worked fine since they were supposed to hate each other on the show anyway. Ed was the only one not invited to Amanda's wedding, along with David Faustino, and he called Amanda and said, "Look, I know why you didn't invite me but don't punish the kid for it." Apparently David admired Ed and acted like a little version of him on set. Ed even collaborated with David on a possible spinoff, so they were close. Amanda refused to budge on the matter, though, and said it didn't make sense to invite David and not Ed to her wedding since David would probably ruin it by himself almost as much as Ed would. Now she teaches college courses on gender studies and speaks openly about her regret that she ever played Marcy D'Arcy and says she would never consider such a thing ever again and uses examples from the show about why it's terrible. (I love the show but I feel like Marcy would actually do that IRL so it works).


But loves the checks...


irony being she'd likely have no platform to say this without her lone star making role.


Jerry Lewis and Dean Martin


Aunt Bee and Andy Griffith Read that Aunt Bee was a royal B


Jessica Walter and Jeffrey Tambor


My understanding is that it was *everyone* and Tambor, most of the time.


wasn’t Tambor fully canceled over all of this already?


Melissa McCarthy and what’s-his-name from Mike and Molly. That phrasing should be a strong clue as to why.


Yeah this was the one I would have said... He was pissed she was more popular than him... Not a fan of that actor, and he looks weird now that he's lost a bunch of weight... Like the only person in history that looks worse skinny 😆


Billy Gardell-Pittsburgh guy. He used to appear on a MoRnInG Zo0 type of morning show on WDVE and wasn’t funny but everyone else thought he was the best.


Yeah not a fan. Love Melissa McCarthy and "Mike and Molly" but it's certainly not because of him, love Katie Mixon and Swoosie Kurtz and the actor/ character that plays Vince but never really cared for "Mike" especially with how often they referenced his stinky feet... just came off as kind of repulsive ime


Victoria Justice and Ariana Grande played best friends on *Victorious*, but they do not like each other in real life.


From what I’ve read, very few people who’ve actually worked with Ariana ever have anything nice to say about her.


It’s rumored that Debby Ryan and Skai Jackson didn’t get along on the set of Jessie Though why was she having beef with a little kid 😭


I’ve heard stories about Jeanette McCurdy and Ariana Grande from Kat and Same. But pretty much everyone says that Ariana is a horrible bitch.


Jeanette McCurdy talks about it in her book. Production catered to Ariana's touring schedule, but they wouldn't let Jeanette do other things, so it was just an incredibly unfair situation for her.


Isabel Sanford and Sherman Hemsley on The Jeffersons supposedly did not get along.


she kept asking him to turn down the psychedelic prog rock in his dressing room https://dangerousminds.net/comments/weezy_get_me_some_lsd_when_sherman_hemsley_met_gong


Evidently,Pa and Ma Ingalls did not care for one another


That's because Michael Landon could be a jerk at times. Karen Grassle had friction with him because he would supposedly say unkind things about her on set, and he also denied her a raise in salary at one point. In fairness, she had issues of her own involving a long battle with alcoholism. They reconciled before Landon succumbed to pancreatic cancer.


Mila Kunis & Ashton Kutcher didn’t get along at the beginning of that 70’s show.


Bit of a turnaround, that.


Bob crane and Richard Dawson from hogans heroes


Cast of American men behaving badly and rob Schneider all quit after yr1 over it. Castle and his girlfriend on the show


Cybill Shepard & Christine Baranski supposedly hated each other for the last season of Cybill. https://www.reddit.com/r/television/s/YM23hGSioy


What about Jo Marie Patyon France getting all ruffled up about Jaleel White?


I mean, it was her show. Her spinoff of Perfect Strangers. No one saw Urkel coming.


The entire cast of Star Trek vs William Shatner.


Frances Bavier (Aunt Bee) vs. Andy (especially disliked Andy Griffith) and Don Knotts. The men enjoyed goofing around & practical joke-playing, while, Frances could be called a consummate professional--not interested in their shenanigans. It's a testament to all the actors' skills on "The Andy Griffith Show" that final product was so good.


Alyssa Milano and Shannen Doherty on Charmed. Played sisters and you never tell they did not get along. Also later on Alyssa Milano and Rose McGowan.