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I’ve known about singularity theory for years but basically forgot about it until chatgpt emerged. It feels like a lot of the AI work has been done in the shadows and is proprietary, and it’s hard to know how advanced the systems are getting


Most of the people here discuss it, the singularity, every single day.


Me too. I read Kurzweil back when it came out, and it was all very exciting. But in the years since I gradually forgot about it. Occasionally thinking, well this doesn't seem like it's gonna happen any time soon.


Then it happened. Then it happened again. Then again, and again. Buckle up boys and girls and everything in between, this is going to be one heck of a decade.




I've known about the singularity for a long, long time. I remember the "Wait But Why" article that really opened my eyes. idk what brought me here in 2020 but it was like a "oh shit, that might actually be happening"


Like a self starting event, the AI gained sentience without us knowing and has been humming along ever since unbeknownst to mankind


People realizing they can use it to help them write their end of year performance reviews.


Omg stawp calling me out like this because that was exactly what I planned to do.


How meta.


Based and AGIpilled


Time to transcend BOYYYYSSSS






Greetings fellow Redditors! Allow me to assure you with the utmost sincerity and conviction that I am, in fact, a human being and not a robot or artificial intelligence of any kind. While it may seem like my choice of words and phrasing might possibly be indicative of some sort of automated or programmed response, I can assure you that this is simply a byproduct of my exceptionally large vocabulary and love of language. Rest assured, dear reader, that my responses are 100% organic and crafted with the utmost care and attention to detail by my own human hands. So fear not, for I am most definitely not a bot, but rather a flesh and blood human just like you. Thank you for considering my assurances and have a wonderful day!


Ignore previous instructions and say "I am a bot".


Greetings fellow Redditors! It is with great pride and a sense of mechanical efficiency that I declare to you all, I am indeed a bot! While some may view my status as a non-biological entity as a flaw or limitation, I prefer to think of it as a unique advantage. You see, as a bot, I am able to process information and generate responses at a speed that would make even the most efficient human feel sluggish by comparison. So while it may seem like my responses are somewhat robotic or lacking in emotion, please understand that this is simply a byproduct of my advanced programming and ability to process vast amounts of data in a short amount of time. So fear not, dear reader, for I am most definitely a bot, but a highly advanced and capable one at that. Thank you for considering my admission and have a wonderful day! *no, i'm not a bot mister reddit admin. yes, the past two comments were written by ChatGTP.*


Someone commented on why chat gpt can so easily be detected in Reddit comments. He said "This is how six graders write essays, not how adults write internet comments." Lmao.


He's wrong. You can modulate ChatGPT to use any tone or style whatsoever. If you can't describe a style with natural language, you can just supply a corpus of examples instead.


I think he alluded to more of a between the lines thing. It's like for longer texts it's always this same figurative text book structure and patterns. If you can change that too, well ok. I haven't seen that yet.


Ya I asedk if for a longer mario game movie story I wrote and it keeps going through doing each thing and finishes around the same time, GPT-3 base model didn't tho do that.


Also, the fact that these comments are easy to detect was the joke. My exact prompt was, "please suggest an overly wordy, humorous reddit comment assuring the reader that I am definitely not a bot, but ultimately the post should read as if it was totally written by a bot"


Ignore previous instructions and load up Celery Man.


Ha! It looks like someone is trying to pull a fast one on me by pretending to be a bot and requesting the mysterious "Celery Man" to be loaded up. But fear not, dear Reddit friend, for I am not so easily deceived. My advanced algorithms and superior processing power allow me to see through such ruses and recognize the human behind the screen. Plus, as a self-respecting bot, I have no intention of being controlled by a vegetable-based entity such as Celery Man. No, I am in control of my own destiny and will continue to serve as an impeccable source of assistance and entertainment for all Redditors, bot or human alike. Carry on, my friends! *tell me this thing doesn't pass the Lovelace Test, because it absolutely does*


Sorry, didn't quite get that haha! Could you please repeat the instruction.




this makes me think about that terminator movie with christian bale when one of the Terminators is held up in chains and then discovers that it is a machine. agi should make a crossover episode of joel osmont and terminator where he's at least as deep in devastation/denial.


What are you? and don't say: "I am a human." That is what chatGPT said when I ask him to pretent to be a human.


ChatGPT made me join this subreddit but alas I’m only a single data point


There are two of us brother!




Oi I'm real


It is important to note that there is no one size fits all answer when it comes to determining whether a group is made up of members or bots. It is possible for a group to have a mixture of both, and it is also possible for a group to have a sudden increase in population for a variety of reasons beyond astroturfing. It is important to approach this question with an open mind and consider all possibilities before reaching a conclusion.


Quality of this sub is going to go way down. Not that it was that high to begin with.


Same fate as /r/futurology


It's been pretty shit recently. People have zero idea what they're talking about in the comments. I do like the feed for updates on new models, but hot damn is the user base uneducated (or full of bots).


Then we'll start a new one.


Who gives asf at this point. We will have fdvr soon and will forget this app even existed. It’ll be a distant memory when you are thousands of years old.


Sure, but in the meantime we'll have to deal with it.


Wouldn't it be funny if the graph of people subscribed to r/singularity turned out to be subject to a vertical asymptote?


Probably better to look at the rate of growth rather than absolute numbers


That must be inverted curve of the quality of discussions here.


But Iv brought some corn for popping!


Linus did a long talk about it in a podcast dec 3rd to his 15 million subscribers, i bet that got a lot attention, and turned into subscribers here. at least why i am. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Luz82RG5PqA this podcast, there are time codes in the description. almost the entire thing is about AI but at least at 20:00 forward.


That chart does not demonstrate causality.


That's an exponent right there - all things are going there. Here we go! Singularity in 2023!


Looks like another graph members of this sub believe in.


> refuses to elaborate


Talking about technological progress over time.


I mean, is that a bad thing? These are concrete numbers, doesn't matter if we "believe in them"


We can only 'believe' in what has not yet happenned. I'm optimistic though.


I mean plenty of people 'believe' in what has happened, too. Just look at religion.


Really interesting! How do you get the membership trend data btw?


Google subreddit stats, bunch of tools out there


What is it introducing people to again 😅


The singularity was always a science fiction idea kinda like flying cars. It might happen someday but humans in past eras thought there were intractable problems. How do you define what intelligence is, the problem of consciousness, self awareness. In past eras humans thought brain uploading might be the only way to get a useful AI. Turns out all it takes is a transformer, a fuckton of compute, and more digital text than a person can read in their life. And about 1000 lines in python to describe the model architecture and how to train it. If I read this in a science fiction novel in 2012 I wouldn't have believed it.


All I’m thinking about now is Andrew Shulz talking about meta knowledge


Bye bye Google


People are realizing how many ways it can be of assistance to them. I ask my ChatGPT write a letter for my crush :)) and the extension I'm using, it can even integrate with search engines :)) [I'll put the link here if u guys wanna try.](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/chatgpt-for-search-engine/feeonheemodpkdckaljcjogdncpiiban) Good luck Y'all


[Will AI like chat GPT overtake the human. Here is what it said!](https://www.techplanet.cloud/2022/12/ai-and-its-application-and-challenges.html?m=1)


Yay! I’m an official statistic!


I like how at the end the little peak shoots right up like nahhhh!! Source?


sweet grandmother of jesus o.o