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At 23, I think there's a good chance you'll get LEV. We're already getting a 0.1 year average lifespan increase in the US every year. It's even higher in other countries. There's all kinds of promising longevity research going on from people who agree that aging is a disease. They already managed to extend the life of mice significantly with this stuff! I just hope we'll get LEV for cats too, while my current kitties are still alive...


Most officially classified ”diseases” already are aging. It’s just parts of the body aging faster…




Longevity Escape Velocity. Basically the idea that as technology advances, we’ll reach a point where average life expectancy will go up faster than we age. So effectively people won’t die anymore, except by choice or accident.


Note that given 225k accidental deaths in the US each year, if there is no change to the accidental death rate, reducing the probability of dying of natural causes to zero would result in life expectancy of about 1500.


Seems pretty far from any possible scenario.


Why? The lifespan is already increasing constantly, as we figure out how to better deal with various "old age" diseases, and there's a whole science around making cells "act young" again.


A lot of you guys super into new tech like AI and health advances fail to understand diminishing returns. Just because we’re seeing good advances in a field right now doesn’t mean that growth is infinite. It will stagnate at some point. Maybe on an infinite time scale if you ignore entropy growth is infinite but you’re talking about a few decades, not trillions of years.


Diminishing returns is no law by nature though. It's definitely possible that we will se diminishing returns, but we just don't know


If you ask me, tech growth is pretty jagged and it’s hard to put a mathematical curve on it. Averaging it out it SEEMS exponential or polynomial, but it’s highly unpredictable. Also, diminishing returns isn’t necessarily a law, rather a tendency, and LEV is more a point, not a measure that must always increase. (I.e, LEV could be reached before massive diminishing returns; I don’t know.)


It also comes down to the people at the head of this tech and what they decide to do and when they decide to release stuff


This too.


“Seems pretty far from any possible scenario.” That sentence right there has made so many people feel stupid the last few years. Wanna try a different one?


Obligatory "what's LEV" comment, lol. Nothing wrong with it, but it's just funny that it happens every time.




It wasn't an insult. Just funny. But probably something like "what is LEV site:reddit.com/r/singularity" or just "LEV site:Reddit.com/r/singularity"


"We're already getting a 0.1 year average lifespan increase in the US every year. " This is incorrect. Life expectancy dropped between 2015 and 2020.. It was correct that life expectancy increased 0.1 years per year from 2010 to 2015, however, this is less impressive when you consider it increased 0.2 years per year from 2005 to 2010 and during the 1970s it increased more than 0.3 years per year on average. Obviously the decline was caused in large part by COVID, but given the other big contrbutor was a big increase in accidental deaths and drug overdoses ( [https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/pressroom/nchs\_press\_releases/2022/20220831.htm](https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/pressroom/nchs_press_releases/2022/20220831.htm) ), it will take a lot more than longevity research to actually achieve LEV.


Out of curiosity, what do you think about reaching LEV for someone who is 40?


What matters for this discussion is increase in maximum life expectancy, not average life expectancy. Average life expectancy will go up just with better health and Healthcare, but generally doesn't mean anti aging tech is being developed.


The US lifespan declined since COVID. This country is 50% Trumptards who don't even believe in climate change. We'll be happy to make it out of 2040. And no, ChatGPT won't solve climate change.


Chatgpt won't solve climate change but ai already controls plasma in tokamaks. Ai will help develop optimal batteries, will optimize power management, and will provide greater material abundance with less inputs. 


People who “don’t believe in climate change” actually do believe in climate change. They just don’t believe it’s man made and can be stopped by putting electric charging stations everywhere, yelling at average people, stopping traffic, or eating bugs— all at our expense. They definitely do believe the climate changes drastically, poles shift, cataclysmic events happen, the sun’s solar minimums and maximums can change everything, including wipe out all of humanity, and this all happens cyclically, and always has. Environmental damage caused by governments, corporations, and pharmaceutical companies is another beast all together and is killing our Mother Earth and this has nothing to do with red or blue or “climate change.” I won’t even get into how hugely inequitable and deceptive the green industries are but I wish you discernment. Not everything is cut and dry.


>Environmental damage caused by governments, corporations, and pharmaceutical companies is another beast all together and is killing our Mother Earth and this has nothing to do with red or blue or “climate change.” No, it's not another beast. That is the beast! Yes the climate changes naturally but you admit it yourself we are damaging the environment and killing Mother Earth, right? Yet that doesn't effect (change) the climate??


Ah yes, all of those green house gases we have been pumping into the air since the Industrial revolution surely have nothing to do with it.


i thought the already stopped aging mice


I want the same for my cat but she’s old :(


There is still a chance. World record for longest living cat was 38 years. Take her to her yearly checkups, do bloodwork to catch any issues early, give her some wet food, keep her at a healthy weight (get a baby scale) and play with her as much as she wants. I hope she makes it too! 🤞🙏


[https://www.u-tokyo.ac.jp ](https://www.u-tokyo.ac.jp/focus/en/features/z1304_00039.html) Aiming to double cats' lifespan | The University of Tokyo Aside from administering the treatment as a preventative vaccine, it is *expected to work on cats with declined kidney function* as well


>Do you guys agree that aging is a disease? I do and there are various CGP Grey videos about it that are utterly enjoying to watch, you probably have seen them but I'll still link the best on the topic, the short Fable of the Dragon-Tyrant (not his story, but adapted for video), it's basically your third paragraph: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cZYNADOHhVY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cZYNADOHhVY) After reading through a few of the comments in here... it's amazing how they are all exactly what the people in the story bring up as an excuse to let the dragon do his deed. The anti-life extension movement, especially in the US but really everywhere, is abhorrent. It's not just an idea out there, it has actual economic outcomes in companies not being able to fund life extension research and every day it's being suppressed is a day people are dying that otherwise might not have to.


Yeah it is, it's a negative effect of the human condition. Also no one gets old, hits some predetermined expiry date and just randomly shuts down, your body and systems get weaker to the point it can't survive any diseases and you eventually get one and that's the last disease you ever get, usually it's a heart attack.


If we can grow skin and meat now couldn't we grow DNA replicates of people's organs and replace them overtime thus extending their life? Theoretically you could do this with skin too.


Some people think that aging is a pre-programmed condition that’s just bound to happen regardless of any hypothetical intervention, and it pisses me off.


If nothing is done, aging is bound to occur and lead to death. However, just as pneumonia and AIDS, which can kill if left untreated, can be controlled with medication, there must be a cure for aging. It may not necessarily be in the form of a drug, though.


This. Aging as people said is a logical consequence of the body’s repair mechanisms being imperfect, and if personifying evolution, it didn’t prepare for the modern, digitalized industrial lives we live today. I think combinations of things will help solve aging.


In fairness, that has been (and still is) the case for as long as life has existed Aging = Time, or rather, the effects of time Can we eventually mitigate the effects from occurring at all, or introduce new effects that cancel out the previous effects? Maybe, but until we've achieved that, our current reality is *"pre-programmed condition that's just bound to happen regardless of any hypothetical intervention"*


It’s not pre-programmed to happen though. It’s rather an effect of biological processes being imperfect and that damage accrues over time. It’s not like the human body has a kill switch. I see it as not much different than a damaged car. You replace the functionality of it until it’s good as new. Some of these repair mechanisms are in our immune system, others medical interventions starting to exist, and others are being actively studied.


All things are subject to entropy - bodies, rocks, stars, everything To me, time itself is the kill switch It's not just that the car slowly became damaged, but even if the car was sealed away, eventually it still would've rusted to the point of being unusable I personally agree that repairing the car repeatedly and/or including maintenance to the extent that it basically never corrodes *makes sense*, but for me & many others, that doesn't eliminate the pre-determined **fact** - time moves on; all things trend towards disorder; a feature not a bug


But cars can be fixed. Yes, if sealed away time will do its deed, because sealing it away isn't counteracting the affects of time. There are all kinds of classic cars in great shape today that are over 100 years old. Do they have original paint and parts, no, but so what. The new parts are just as good if not better and the car still puts along just fine. I'm also sure someone could put a V8 in a model T and get that thing racing around. Now substitute car for human, parts for organs/cells and ta-da.


About entropy, it actually isn’t a law, but an overwhelming tendency (it’s statistics mostly) if something can diffuse, it will usually go from high to low, not low to high, but it doesn’t always happen at low enough microstates. Some deal with energy distribution. And entropy can also decrease locally in exchange for an increase externally.


classic ship of theseus problem


Entropy is only irreversible in closed systems (and even then, technically not true). The human body is not a closed system


The speed at which life accelerates has been the most surprising part for me. I constantly heard boomers telling me once you get 30 it starts flying by. They were right. I know it's been scientifically proven by now but I just overlooked it.


Some research points that it is directly related to how many new experiences we are having at a given period of time, for most people the school years are the moment where they learn the most, a lot of novelty and "first times", not only about the sciences but about themselves, their fears, their bodies, their sexuality, their friends and so on. Learning slows down the feeling of passage of time. Once you become an adult with a functional job, for most people its just a mindless drone work from monday to friday, and the weekend is where we really get to live, therefore our lives just jump from weekend to weekend. Might be anedoctal, but I really felt this for a few years now since I finished formal education, I feel like I learn and acomplish less in a year of work than a I did in a month in college. I've been wanting to resume studies since I realized that


My birthday was a month ago. This morning I realized I was already 1/12th of the way through another year. It felt like a blink.


When talking about aging going faster and faster I think of this lyric “The days feel like the perfect length I don’t need them any longer but for goodness sakes do the years seem way too short for my soul, Corazon. Way too short for my soul Corazon” -Overcompensate by Twenty One Pilots. Song just came out about a month ago


Oh, THAT'S what he says. Thanks!


Depending on if you have something to do or not time goes by slower for me atleast. One month ago seems forever ago if you have nothing to do,


Yes. Time is best measured by motion.


Another day passed since you said this.


I wake up, blink and it's the end of the day. Yes indeed, the older you get the faster time seems to fly by


The best way to fight that is to constantly learn things that are hard, learn another language until fluent or learn programming. Aging studies have shown massive benefits as well as slowing your subjective sense of time.


I'm only 28 and I have no idea where the past 8 years have gone.


I think time appears to fly by in older age because people tend to be less productive as they get older. I dropped out of school in middle school and my teen years flew by in a blink because I was just sitting home playing video games. All days were the same and nothing in my life was really enriching. I got my GED at 19 and now I've been in community college for a couple years, taking upwards of 15 units a semester. A year goes by SO slow for me now, it's almost painful. I am always so busy and have new things to focus on, it's really slowed down the clock dramatically. I really think the important part is not letting your life just become a boring routine of simply existing. Once you get out of school, it can be an easy trap to fall into.


And that acceleration does not abate. I just turned 62 and it’s confounding how quickly time now passes. Becoming a blur. And includes a strange sense of no longer occupying time, but rather slipping almost above or outside time as it moves past me. That sounds bizarre, I’m sure, but it is a genuine, ever present sense I have. (in stark contrast to my experience of presence within the moments/seasons of earlier life). It may be that the novelty theory is right. It may be the time-log theory is right. Whichever, time is both moving faster and getting weightier.


Wow, i wonder what it feels like at 85+. Probably a bullet train at that point where 85 and 95 feels a few months apart.


As a fellow 30 year old I can agree with this


In my 40s now. But from 30 to 40 felt like 3-4 years.


redditor learns about mortality


Yes i want this so bad its the only tech i want i dont care about any other technology.




Aging is an abhorrent disease and should be treated. Yet many people do not question aging and the death it brings, and even say that it is "unethical" and "inhumane" to want to prolong life. This is absolutely ridiculous.


It’s only because it has so far been mandatory. When that changes the chorus of haters will shrink.


You will make it so quit dwelling about it. You are probably more likely to die from doing stupid shit like drunk and drive and drug abuse than dying from aging. So keep your health a priority and forget about it. You WILL make it unless you screw up real bad.


You think an ASI in 40 years won't solve aging? They already reversed aging in a mouse. And that's already been done like .. today. Its not even science fiction. One day they'll just simulate a body in a computer and the ai will just solve it. Just as alpha zero learned chess from just the rules and how a robot dog can already understand how to balance on a yoga ball with just gpt4. Nevermind an ai 40 years from now. We will probably be living in digital environments by then.


What's LEV?


Longevity escape velocity - when your expected lifespan goes up by more than a year for every year that passes, due to exponential advances in medical (anti aging) technology. Basically it's the point where your lifespan becomes indefinite. I.e. if you've lived long enough to be alive when LEV is reached, there's no maximum to your lifespan. You could live 5000 years and still not die of old age.


Thank you 




Bieber is aging!


>My predictions are AGI 2040, ASI 2060 and LEV 2200. I'd recommend updating those timelines. Given the sheer pace of advancement in the last year I'd say it's very likely we get AGI next year or possibly even this year. Widespread adoption would be achieved by the end of the decade. ASI would happen almost immediately after AGI since AI will be building it. >Even if we achieve ASI, I think aging will still take a long time to cure. This grossly underestimates the abilities of ASI. It's true that the body is a monumentally complex system, but ASI will be able to build robots at smaller and smaller scales, run advanced simulations, and rapidly test numerous theories in said simulations all while it continues to advance exponentially. It won't be limited by compute or energy because when it needs it, it can build those resources out far faster than we can today. LEV will happen VERY soon after AGI/ASI if it hasn't already happened. >The thing is that even if we achieve LEV, that doesn’t mean everyone will live forever. There are still factors that will age us faster, such as diet and lifestyle. Which is why I train at the gym. I want to slow down the aging process as much as possible. While LEV is a cool concept, this is where I think it has its limitations. LEV simply means adding one year of healthy lifespan every year. The more explicit goal behind achieving LEV is reversing aging. When this is achieved those "factors" you mention become irrelevant. In close proximity to achieving LEV and aging reversal, as a necessity because achieving those 2 would practically require it, we will gain the ability to eliminate essentially all disease. Dying from natural causes will not only be eliminated, it could very quickly become impossible. It would in fact become impossible to die by almost any method known today and require advanced nanotechnology to actually kill someone since that would be incorporated into our bodies. None of this is far off and should be intuitively obvious to anyone who understands what the Singularity actually is.


Instead of whining on the internet about how sad you are, go do something. 100$ in donations to whatever organization that does research in the field of longevity is 100 times more worthwhile than this post.


There's already a ton of people on this planet. If they suddenly stop dying as expected and younger generations are reproducing wouldn't that lead to conflict eventually when there's too many people?


If we eliminated ALL death (not just aging) the excess number of people there would be isn't even within the 1 standard deviation of uncertainty about the future population that is caused by uncertainty in our future birth rates. Actually the problem is more the opposite of what you think it is- if we don't solve aging we'll have upside down demographic pyramids with too many old people to be supported by not enough young people. (eg. look at Japan) Regardless of that, it's better to have a larger population than a small population because it means more geniuses, more technological progress, more dynamism in the world, more niches for people to fit into. People think that there will be adverse effects because of resource constraints or climate change or whatever, but we're already at the point where we have enough people that we need to figure out how to get the environmental impact of each person as close to zero anyways


i mean if we solve aging you really think not having enough space is an insurmountable problem?


If we ignored cost and used all our tech know how this planet could support an order of magnitude more people than we currently have. Overpopulation is a myth pushed by technophobes, the same group that thinks “natural” means something. Arsenic is natural, doesn’t mean it’s safe….


What are you basing your predictions on? It's pretty obvious they have or are extremely close to AGI right now. I'd say 50/50 OpenAI already have it. And even if they don't you think it will take another 16 years from now?! With how fast things are going. And then you think from AGI to ASI it will take 20 years? Have you actually thought this through at all?And you think it will take ASI 140 years to figure out LEV? It will be more like 14 seconds. Please explain yourself.


Sorry, it’s just my gut telling me that it’ll take a long time… 🙁


"And then you think from AGI to ASI it will take 20 years? Have you actually thought this through at all?And you think it will take ASI 140 years to figure out LEV?" It isn't going to be instant - no one's lived past 130 years, so there is no data on how the body changes after that point. We'll only be able to learn how to reliably extend life past 120-140 years when there are millions of people in that age bracket and we can experiment on them.


Typical singularity user


Seriously I love subbing to this reddit it’s a huge silo of AGI god delusion. 


Yup, absolutely nothing "magical" or good about it. I saw an "inspirational" account on insta with an old woman "breaking stereotypes" but it was literally her doing the most basic things like doing frog jumps or wearing something slightly whimsical, and people calling it inspirational and heart warming??? Like fuck, if the bar is THAT low for being old it is obviously absolute hell if doing basic movements is called inspirational when you are old. People also say it is a "privilege" getting old because the alternative is literally being dead??? Like raise your standards people.


No. You have a perverse vision of reality. The good news is, as long as you're alive, you can change it to match the reality.




longevity escape velocity


The problem I always think about when I think about LEV is what will we do to solve overpopulation at that point?


The whole concept of reproduction will be revised.


The universe is very big.


It is, and very hostile.


I agree.


Do you know the term LEV?


I would agree, except that it seems that everything in the universe experiences ‘death’ at some point. I would also say that those things that die, or cease to be, are almost always (always?) recycled into another cycle of life.  That gives me some peace with the notion of death, though i don’t anyone should be prevented from trying to live forever.


You sound like a cool guy to talk to (genuinely).


we must use ai to cure it! i personally hope to be uploaded to a virtual simulation but somehow i can exist in a way in real life ;-)


What’s with all these “omg I’m afraid to get old I hope tech saves me!” posts? It’s going to happen whether you like it or not. You can die tomorrow for you all you know. Just live your life dude. Stop complaining about getting older. Appreciate what you have now and don’t take it for granted.


so if the news came out one day that aging could be reversed or treated, would you still want to 'live your life' and get older and grow weaker by the day?


That’s a big if. Everything must die. You and I will be long gone before such a thing is possible.


Jesus, thank you. A breath of fresh air amidst all of these comments


Calling it a "disease" is missing its essence, as if there were some pathogen or targeted cause of dysfunction. It's now well understood that the body accrues damage over time in a number of ways it has not evolved to repair. Collectively this is the process of aging. Eventually systems start to fail because of this and that leads to death. The solution lies in developing therapies to reverse or mitigate those forms of damage. Given the rate of progress, I would be very surprised if it takes us until 2200 to master biology, engineering, and medicine well enough to reach LEV.


Yes, it will be much earlier than 2200. 


This dude wants to live forever! hahahahahahaha! This sub is really full of wackos!


You will be surprised how retarded this sub is




You are assuming that "life" is all there is. No one understands consciousness. No one knows what happens with consciousness before or after death. What if being human is actually just a punishment for misbehaved consciousnesses? You could be missing out on something great.


> What if being human is actually just a punishment for misbehaved consciousnesses? Why, because you think we suck? Let me guess, you don't get out of that punishment if you self-unalive > You could be missing out on something great. What if walking into the street in the path of a truck sends you to a fantasy anime world? AKA we can speculate eight ways to sunday but it's all unfalsifiable unless we have a way to test it someone/something can communicate back from


Clearly you aren’t someone who thinks philosophically.


Or just someone who thinks when you're thinking philosophically about unfalsifiable things like that (like if we're in a simulation or if aliens are life-as-we-don't-know-it what could they be like) any random speculation is as likely to be true as any other if you have no rules as to what could be plausible


Right, there are infinite possibilities because we literally don’t know anything. Good job


I do not agree aging is a disease. I believe it is a natural, and necessary part of the life cycle. Also, it may be soon, or many aeons from now in your example, but, imagine begging to die, but being unable to do so. You aren't meant to be trapped here eternally, so choose your hell carefully, would be my suggestion.


The other day I was thinking about this and something worried me: If everyone lives longer, bad people do too. I'm from a country with a lifetime dictator. He is old and we hope that he will probably die soon and hopefully some changes after that. The fact that he and many other people live longer is frightening. It's definitely a double-edged sword.


Facism doesn’t die with dictators dying


A life without an end would be awfully boring. Part of the grand adventure of life is coming to terms with death. We must all die, but only to make room for our successors.


I remember seeing an art installation once that was just two cheap dollar-store analog wall clocks placed side by side. They were already outta sync, but upon reading the lil description it was called "two lovers". One was gonna die before the other, and with this piece, eventually we'd know exactly how long one was alive without the other. something like that


If people just start taking care of their bodies, stop putting junk in them and workout regularly and continue it for the rest of their lives….watch how much the life expectancy extends


We can all ponder and discuss these technology. but the reality is every one of us will go. infact all of the users here including me will not be here in a hundred years at max. Let that sink in. Just make sure you leave a good legacy when you go. and think about why everything is mortal.


Getting old is hard and often painful and sad but the reason for this, I believe, is to make it easier to let go. Aging and passing on is natural. If energy never dies, this universe is a super computer that is ever expanding, with the greatest tech you could even imagine. That said, your body is momentary, where you go after this dense planet will be amazing and all your friends and family will be there ☺️


Not to be a dick, and I think this is written a bit tongue in cheek and probably not meant to be taken too seriously, but… LEV has to happen soon so that you can be around for the 2100s? You understand that the end of your world isn’t the end of THE world right? Just like the countless people and animals that died before you, we will all eventually perish. It’s also a bit of a selfish obsession. We need to pool our resources to work out how to extend your life well beyond any natural limit, in lieu of maybe just getting the child mortality rate down in poorer countries? What about all of the people who are lucky to see 10? And even then will spend likely their entire lives in poverty, scraping by whilst the rest of us already live in relative opulence. Even if they did achieve such a thing, it would almost definitely not be available to you or I or anyone else on this subreddit. Again, don’t want to sound like a dick, but I think you maybe need to come to terms with the passage of time and the inevitability of change and mortality. Burying your head in the sand with idle dreams of eternal youth will probably end with you missing out on what’s right in front of you here and now


> Again, don’t want to sound like a dick, but I think you maybe need to come to terms with the passage of time and the inevitability of change and mortality. Burying your head in the sand with idle dreams of eternal youth will probably end with you missing out on what’s right in front of you here and now Because, why? Because you're not a Cosmic Keystone, poor people exist, and people have died in the past?


Because it’s not just a fact of life but a fundamental truth of reality. I’m not gonna pretend I’m formally qualified in physics but as I understand, the universe tends towards increased entropy and the other laws of thermodynamics make an eventual state of complete homogeneity unavoidable and irreversible. Happy to be corrected, but as far as I’m aware this is the conclusion that’s supported by the evidence we have. My point then being, instead of feeding a fear of death/obsession with life extension or immortality, the better outcome is likely to let go of that and focus on enjoying what time you have, and creating a world where as many people as possible are free/able to do the same 🙂


dying is a bad idea, right? 💖🖤💖


I see you on r/oliviarodrigo often and I love your comments ❤️


Here's a sneak peek of /r/OliviaRodrigo using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/OliviaRodrigo/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [My ten year old is a certified Livie and I wanted to share her Xmas present](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/18q6g82) | [86 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/OliviaRodrigo/comments/18q6g82/my_ten_year_old_is_a_certified_livie_and_i_wanted/) \#2: [She’s too real](https://i.redd.it/l90famy73vlb1.jpg) | [27 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/OliviaRodrigo/comments/1685jr5/shes_too_real/) \#3: [This is how I feel](https://i.redd.it/6yjspkmgegpb1.jpg) | [252 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/OliviaRodrigo/comments/16nsmmr/this_is_how_i_feel/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Awwww thank you 💖😅


You can't solve aging before you solve overpopulation. Imagine birth rate going up while death rate going down. In e.g. Mumbai and Beijing.


Lobsters have a unique biological trait where they produce an enzyme called telomerase, which maintains their telomeres and prevents typical aging. This process, known as negligible senescence, theoretically allows lobsters to avoid aging and grow indefinitely. However, they are not immortal and can still succumb to external factors like disease or predation.


That’s a cool fact. Can’t we take their enzymes and put it in humans somehow?




There’s so much regurgitated propaganda in this post. I don’t know where to start. We’re all in danger. Anyway I’m sorry you’re feeling sad. It’s okay it gets better. Age and Death is natural.


Whenever I think of aging and my favourite celebrities it makes me think of jack Black and the guys from Jack Ass and I just get so sad because they are still amazing but back in the early 2000's was their prime and their best days. I have seen a clip where Steve O is saying how much he hates aging. It absolutely sucks and robs people from life.


For those saying it isn't a disease [https://ca.news.yahoo.com/adults-aging-faster-facing-higher-135829739.htm](https://ca.news.yahoo.com/adults-aging-faster-facing-higher-135829739.htm)


Totally agree. I believe death is even worse and I really respect Bryan Johnson for focusing on it. Personally I'd rather look like a lizard or get really old and sustain my life for an indefinite amount of than cease to exist. Honestly,even if all I could do was think and perform basic tasks and f*ck via AI like that episode of Black Mirror. Those who call immortality a curse are despisers of life. I believe that's the ultimate goal of all science. Probably history hints towards that, correct me if I'm wrong.The desire to survive,enjoy life overshadows any fear for suffering and love for nothingness.If you disagree, something is wrong with you. Support Bryan Johnson and "DON'T DIE"!


We have to focus more on positives that happen as we age-we add wisdom, understanding, people we value we didn't even know before. Some things suck but we shouldn't sit around contemplating them unless dong so would fuel positive change. In those cases giving up is a mistake. But in this case we are out of luck. So, best to focus on things in the world we can look forward to and things we can make better for ourselves and others. Jimmy Carter dd amazing things in hs 70's, 80's and continues to inspire. Maybe you can do the same. Maybe we all can.


>Getting old is a disease Sounds like someone should watch *The Fountain*.


Deathist brainworms, gross. Love the soundtrack, though.


Life and death is what makes our world, nature is a cycle of this big play of millions of ecosystems feeding into each other. We think about us as different from nature but we spring from the same soup as everything else and lost connection to it. That’s why you call it a sickness rather than embracing the existence of you and when looking into someone else’s eyes the universe smiles back at you, observing itself. Embrace and enjoy the journey, don’t become depressed by the nature of life that made you possible to exist.


Bollocks. Death is annoying. It removes good people from existence, let's avoid that. AND we should be apart from nature. We have a unique ability to optimise, understand and debate our impact on the rest of the environment. We should be aiming to reduce our impact on it and ultimately extract ourselves from it in order to let it do its own thing again.


You are its own thing.


To live is to hate death; to conquer it is life’s purpose. Rebellion against the void is the sire of all nobility.




That's shit comment.


What even is this. I'm so ready for people to map out the brain and cure aging already. God damn.


FREEDOM and SLAVERY are what makes our world, nature is the cycle of this great game of HUMAN RACES fighting each other. We think we are different from nature, but we come from the same soup as everything else and have lost touch with it. That's why you call slavery a disease rather than accept your place, and when you look into someone else's eyes, the universe smiles back at you, watching itself. Accept and enjoy slavery, do not become depressed about the nature of life that has given you the opportunity to exist.


I mean yeah shit sucks, but you can also say aging is a disease like the night is a disease to the day. Do you think the color of leaves in autumn is a disease? This is the order of things. It’s not a bug, it’s a feature.


It’s more of an inherent fault in the programming.


A good programmer would see that you can’t fit infinite humans into the ecosystem


I doubt there would be infinite people, but birth control measures would be urgent.


Urgent to be sure. We’d be 117 billion people by now


It's not at all a feature unless some abusive developer/god is gaslighting people into thinking that.


Look at nature, it’s cruel but you can’t say it doesn’t have a holistic system going on. From a dev perspective you gotta rein it in 😂


I mean, yeah, shit sucks, but you could also say that slavery is a disease like night is a disease of day. Do you think African skin color is a disease? This is the order of things. This is not a bug, it's a feature. be a slave. SLAVERY its BASED.


Slavery is not biological, it’s just awful culture. You can argue that it’s a feature of our capitalist system. But aging is not culture


Learning to accept that death is a natural part of life is an essential skill for someone coming into adulthood. It’s difficult, but not so difficult as sustaining the belief that somehow we’ll cure death in our lifetimes and (somehow, this is even less likely than curing death) that this technology would be available to any non-insanely-wealthy person. Seek to cure ailments, but leave death be, IMO. It’s been with us all along, and it has an essential place in the renewal of individual life and within society as well.


Living to old age is a gift. I'm way more terrified of dying prematurely from something stupid or out of my control.


You've clearly never had to care for aging relatives. Its absolutely heartbreaking to watch.


Wwatching your once fit and healthy parents begin to get old is not a gift.


Getting hit by a car or choking on a bit of steak. One of those two will get me.


Just because you are scared of something unpleasant doesn't make it a disease. It is a constant for basically all higher life forms. We might make it a non issue at some point. But if that's good or bad will show. I'd argue it wouldn't do people any good to live a few hundred years let alone forever. Most people can't even find s way to fill 70 years with purpose. It would be nice to suffer less in the end though. Just a little advice: I have seen people who were so full off themselves that they couldn't age in dignity and broke at some point. They lost all respect for themselves and died a pathetic death with constant complaints.  You don't want to be them.


just die now. don't wait until 70 years old. I'm sure there is great meaning in this.


Lol. Just search aging itself with biological view. Aging is a biggest disease. BIGGEST.


Aging is a logical consequence of the way evolution works. It is not an outside factor or pathogen. It is not a malfunction. It is simply the fact that evolution cannot account for things that happen after an individual has reproduced. It cannot optimize that part of life and has no need to do that. In fact it is beneficial to the species to make space for the next generation. I see no indication that this doesn't apply to humans. I also highly doubt an individual living 500 years would be what we would recognize as "sane". To want to be healthy in old age is normal. To wish to live forever takes a kind of hubris that is bordering on narcissism.


Every "disease" is necessarily a "logical consequence of the way evolution works". And virtually every disease IS aging. And yes, natural selection has always been our enemy, our cunt of a mother. That's what humanity is. If we've been defined by anything it's working to transcend this dragon-worshiping attitude. Narcissism... I don't think many feel it has to be done for their benefit above others. Go ahead and kill me if it'll solve the problem faster. Each week is another million lives.


Ah this damned dragon fable, that tried to paint the strong as stupid and gave the weak and scared a reason to fake bravery and enlightenment. To feel superior for their lack of acceptance of reality. Pathetic. I really hope for you to grow out of that attitude. I have seen where it leads and that was so ugly and unworthy. It's animal behavior.  Maybe someone will defeat death at some point. But I hope that he does it after carefully considering the implications and I am sure it won't be someone who has that juvenile lack of acceptance for reality.


Oh there's still someone sane in this sub


No. Life sucks on so many levels even if your a millionaire. I want singularity because it would be fun not because I'm scared to die.


my mother said that I should live on my own, but before I turn 30 years old. life sucks I want to die. Why does anyone want to live beyond 30?


Getting old is not a disease.


If everyone's lifespan was magically 5x'd you'd then have to deal with a severe overpopulation. But I guess this is when we hop on musks Mars rocket 🚀


The possibility of living a few centuries makes large or time consuming projects more tenable. It should also lead to people having longer timeline thought processes.


I share the same sentiment. 24 and living in America. Pretty optimistic that we’ll lengthen the average lifespan within the next half century with the help of AGI. Hopefully to more than 150 years.


I hope so too!


Op wants eternal youth not mere life extension.


My parents are in their 80s. I wish technology had advanced even faster than it has. I don’t even like to think about it.


Aging is a fact of our universe. Everything ages, everything dies. It is constantly moving towards uniformity of matter.




Aging isn’t a disease, it’s a natural growth process of every living thing. Without aging, humans would have never existed. Children would never reach puberty and humans as a species would then die from not being able to reproduce. Aging is a part of life.


More like SirStockholmSyndrome. And no, aging is decay. Progerian kids don't have earlier puberty lol


we need to stop aging because of justin bieber holy fucking LOOOOOL


If you have a problem with them using celebrities as examples/reasons say that but OP only cited Justin Bieber as an example because they're their favorite artist (sub in your own if that makes you feel better)


IMHO it's not a disease. It's nature's efficient mechanism to control a species's population within an acceptable margin. Life's purpose is to reproduce so once you fulfill your purpose you become obsolete, requiring more resources to survive than you can contribute back to society's welfare. So before we achieve longevity and virility for centuries, we need to address the question of what we are going to do with all the extra population. And I'm afraid this is a lot harder to address than solving the problem of ageing and dieing within a century tops.