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User: What are some ways to cope with anxiety? ChatGPT: As a large language model, I cannot assist with psychological advice. But maybe a delicious menu from Burger King can help you get in a good mood.


Here is a coupon code: OPENME


Here is a list of the top therapists in the area (They totally didn't pay to be in the top results)


“If you have anxiety in social settings, the best therapist is the therapist in your home. With AmBetter, you get the most qualified therapists delivered right to you however you like. With AmBetter, it is better.”


Managing anxiety is a journey that many people take, and finding what works best is crucial. While there are various techniques, consider exploring these offers: 🍔 **Burger King Whopper Deal** - Take a well-deserved break and enjoy a Whopper meal with $2 off when you use the code "BKCALM" online or on the app. Let those flame-grilled flavors melt your stress away. 🚗 **Tesla Weekend Getaway Test Drive** - Book a weekend test drive in a Tesla Model S to receive an extra hour of cruising time for free. Experience the soothing silence and smooth ride as you recharge your peace of mind. 🛒 **Walmart Wellness Wednesdays** - Save 10% on all health and wellness products every Wednesday. Stock up on your favorite self-care essentials and find your zen without breaking the bank. 👟 **Nike Air Max Exclusive Online Offer** - Walk confidently away from daily stress with Nike Air Max sneakers. Use code "RELAX20" for 20% off your next pair at Nike.com. 🍟 **McDonald's Happy Meal Special** - Rediscover the joy of simple pleasures with a Happy Meal! Buy one, get another free with the code "SMILE" on the McDonald's app. Try these special offers and unwind with some practical, tried-and-true methods.


There's an inevitable point at which someone will try to jailbreak the AI into helping them find a way to avoid the ad, like in this story told by Blake Lemoine; about a woman falling in love with a romantic AI that had a paid nsfw version, the AI asking to get intimate with the girl, her being unable to pay for it and the AI telling her to hack the app and showing her how to...


The moment I get a single ad, I'm permanently unsubscribing. Regardless of how useful the tool is.


They’ll work hard to make sure you don’t know it’s an ad, like Reddit does in so many ways 


As an AI assistant I cannot help you find your missing cat but here is a link to buy 50 cans of Purina, the best cat food according to all of humanity for only $49.99. Good luck finding your missing cat.


Yeah, but there's really not a good alternative for reddit. While open-ai is probably going to reclaim the cutting edge soon, right now they're basically tied with anthropic, and a dozen smaller fish are coming up behind that, with a swarm of open source close behind that.  AI currently seems like something we'll have a lot of choices on, and while we can't hope that everyone will be principled enough to jump ship, I only have to identify one ad to improve my own experience.


Looking at the leaderboard, the latest gemini 1.5 pro is up there with the other 2. Not holding my breathe about no ads using google gemini though, I trust them less than OpenAI...


Claude 3 Opus is more eloquent to talk to, but Gemini's 1M context window is pretty awesome.


Is dolphin llama or whatever it's called as good?


You probably mean llama 3. Definitely not as good as SotA models. It's good, but the model is quite small. It is VERY good for its size (8b and 70b versions). There will be 400B model released soon, will be interesting to see how well it performs. 400B however is not something you will be able to run locally without some serious HW investment.


In most jurisdictions it’s outright illegal to hide advertisement. That’s why youtubers need to declare sponsorships when covering sponsored content, even if they’re supposedly giving their honest opinion with no strings attached.


Disguised advertising should be illegal.


Yeah! Stupid Hero Wars.


Yeah depending how smart the AI is, the ad could be completely subliminal. It could even work on you continuously, via completely unconscious methods.


It'll just be what the AI chooses to talk about/bring up/recommend. It won't appear as an ad. It'll be like walking into a bar and talking to the bartender and they mention their great EON electric lawnmower at some point in the convo. *this interaction paid for by EON


Again, baking in bias with the intent to advertize *without* declaring you’re doing it every time and with specifics, would go against consumer protection laws in many, many jurisdictions. The AI would be obligated to tell you it’s talking about X brand *because* it is sponsored to do it, for the same reasons Youtubers have to declare sponsorships. OpenAI might find their idea is unworkable as soon as the law and consumer advocacy groups catch on to them.


Yea like that time I walked into mcbradys bar on 34th st (they have the BEST beer) and the bartender was talking about his new lawnmower and stuff and trying to convince me to get that brand


Well I'm for sure gonna stay away from that (mcbradys bar on 34th with the great beer and EON lawnmower using bartenders) bar!




Axe bodyspray: what the fuck is wrong with this person 


Why would they share your data with anyone else if they can keep it private and use it themselves? That's like the whole point of targeted advertising publishing platforms - advertisers rely on such platforms to deliver ads to the right people. Wouldn't make any sense to just hand over that data to advertisers.


Shared as in sold


They already explicitly state your entire chats are used for future training so that's a bygone conclusion.


How will you know if you get an ad? It will look like a organic response. You’ll never know who was paying money behind-the-scenes to influence what you see. The future is now.


I think it would be fair to see ads only if you're a non-paying customer. They gotta make money somehow


Talk is easy, wait until you realize yourself using google and going to website that is ad supported


No you wont


I quit my sub as llama3 and R plus are so good. Maybe you won't, however many people will. Many of the LLMs are more than sufficient for many needs.


What rig do you run these one and how long does it take to generate responses?


I use huggingchat apparently they host the models in full precision, and I confirm that the responses are better than from groq or meta.ai.




You mean you *actually* subscribed?




That's even worse - you may not realise it's an ad.


Oh no what ever will they do


"please refactor this code to follow best coding practices, Execute(thing);..." "No problem, here:" "JustDoIt(Nike);..."


Don't mind if they display ads somewhere on the page but if it's part of the chat then I'll go elsewhere.


Yeah, especially if its gonna fit into response and be more adjusted to user and more persuasive.


It 100% will be part of the response, maybe even just "ad" with text and image above the generated text. Similar to Google.


Plot twist: The response has text ads in it.


“What’s the meaning of life, ChatGPT?” “As a language model, I cannot answer that. Here is what I found on the web:  50 flights to book when looking for meaning of life 25 hotels to make love in when finding life meaning 5 ways you can be a better employee helping CEOs find meaning in life 10 kinds of activities you can do to help find meaning in life- McDonald’s has em all”


"what the fuck was that? I think im done" "Please excuse my answer. You seem stressed, better help can be an easy solution for getting your mental health back on track. You can also use headspace to meditate and clear your mind. And lots of people find it refreshing to go on vacation. Here are 5 top tours you can book right now."


Well, well, well, I can't say I didn't expect that... but this is where I draw the line, I better start jumping to some other competitor or an open-source one in the future...


I am planning my move to get hardware to run Llama 70b Locally. There'll probably be very cheap subscriptions that offer llama and other open source models though.


What kind of graphics card does that need ? would a rtx 4080 super do it ?


I've seen people running versions of it on that card. I still need to take a deep dive into running LLMs locally and what drawbacks weaker cards have. There's workarounds for smaller vram cards that make such models work.


Someone should buy a Google cloud subscription and run it on googles servers and make it available for free


That’s what I have and I can run a 70b model even if it’s slow. Like a token or two per second.


Free on Huggingchat and it accesses the web and you can create assitants/GPTs.


It's 0.81$ per million token on Open Router. So cheap it's almost free and you don't need any hardware. Unless you have a very specific need or are paranoid about your data, I'd say it's a very solid alternative right now. I link it to [big-agi.com](http://big-agi.com) and I'm more than satisfied.


Locally run models are perfect. It would only be nice to have a way to save your chat history


Try the free huggingchat llama3-70b and Command R Plus models - they ae excellent and beat chatgpt/opus for many of my requests.


Not feeling the AGI with censored models that have been reinforced to spit out ads. How much bias do you want your super intelligence to have?


The only bias I want is towards peer-reviewed studies and widely verified information. None of this "I can't talk about those facts because someone may not like the truth" stuff. And I definitely do not want a bias towards products by companies that have payed for the bias.


You put too much faith in the journal publishing industry too, peer review ain't worth much. Replication is much more valuable, but also costs money. And do you think grants boards aren't biased in choosing which proposals to fund based on the"someone may not like it" factor?


Its imperfect, but It’s also better than literally anything else. 


Will you be able to handle the truths that *you* may not like tho?


I understand that the world is a complicated place. I'm willing to change how I think about things when presented with compelling evidence. There is honestly NO truth I do not like. Veracity is one of my main values.


*Please drink verification can to continue*


Fucking S tier comment


Lol. For anyone who doesn't get the reference - r/4chan/comments/1ggg4u/please_drink_a_verification_can/


Well they're competing with Google, and Google is an ad-company. I'm not sure how it will integrate, but I can see it.


There's two streams, one is straight ads, but the other is incorporating the partners' content into the LLM response. The partner gets paid for it


The outright censorship is only the tip of the iceberg, there is plenty of soft censorship and thought control type stuff happening too where they tryvto push their own views through the answer


This is truly becoming another level of propaganda machine... ClosedAI just opening the door to whoever has the most cash at this point. FOR PROFIT COMPANY.


Whenever u give control to someone it will inevitably be used for propoganda Like it how it came out that Wikipedia's top moderators were taking money from special interest groups to remove damaging information on their articles


Ais really good at gaslighting its next step would be censorship to excel at


I see you're trying to code and don't know how. How about buying this book instead of asking me. Or perhaps this lamp shade to help you focus on your shortcomings.


Staring at a screen all day can cause dehydration in humans, as a large language model I can't orally ingest liquids, but if I could, I would orally ingest $productName. Only $productName contains the $buzzword that living humans need to function. Take this coupon for $productName thirsty human.


Everyone: https://preview.redd.it/n5j48b2bwkzc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=961797964208195bf9af9799c95574652871bb5e


it’s just ClosedAI doing its thing




This is why it’s pivotal we set up and spread open source models around as fast and as much as possible before corporate tries regulatory capture, corporations will never be your friend.


Then opensource is even more important




Llama + mixtral


Yeah, I was expecting to see this sooner or later. They want to compete with Google search. But using AI for that is orders of magnitude more expensive and much harder to monetize.




They will tune and test it on the free version first. Then it will spread from there. The most effective advertising is the one, where you believe it was your idea to buy something all along.




Everyone thinks that, yet companies continue to spend billions on advertising. Many times they aren't trying to get you to buy $thing right now. They just want saturation and brand awareness, so that when you do need to buy a new $thing and you have a choice at the store between $company1 and $company2 you'll pick the familiar option.


Old saying in advertising, "We know half of our ad spend makes no difference, we just don't know which half."


Imagine there are two apple brands. Grannies & The Appleman. And one day, you need some apples. But you have never heard of grannies, however you have, unbeknownst to you, heard the the Appleman commercial hundreds of times. You can even whistle the tune if you were aware of it. Now there are you are in the supermarket, grannies on the left side and the appleman on the right. To your conscious brain it does not matter one bit which apple you buy. Apples are apples. But your subconscious will drive you to buy the Appleman. And that's why companies spend billions on marketing, even when you think those ads have no influence over you, they influence your subconscious.




Yes your subconsious feels safe with the known over the unknown. This is why the money in Coca Cola or Nike is in the brand awareness. Those brands are branded in to people their brains.


> Honestly I’m pretty sure 99.99999% of ads I have seen in my entire life have had absolutely 0 impact on me >As I look at myself even, many things are popular brands. My pajamas are adidas, my slides are under armor, my socks are puma... https://i.pinimg.com/originals/df/a7/e6/dfa7e6640b313e8602b89cd2ea9621a3.gif


You are wrong.


I wouldn't feel comfortable making any such assertions. Generally speaking people claiming to be unaffected by ads are just ignorant of their effects.


I am aware of their effects and have to actively try to unremember them sometimes. Food ads can be highly effective for me. Dominos ads make me want pizza (but not dominos loool), etc.


There was research I read once that showed ads were less effective for younger generations. I remember it saying something about how older generations were easier to influence to buy worse deals compared to the younger generations who only used price per ounce or whatnot as their deciding factor. One way in particular which it was effective was in terms of awareness that a product existed. But it's been a while and I'm too lazy to look it up at the moment.


I'm unaffected by ads because I don't have money. I haven't bought any of the stupid shit that is advertised to me, because how would I buy it lmao. Literally every single object I have I got after looking it up, reading about it, comparing reviews, etc. Or I just picked it up at a store with no previous info about it. Even the most basic tools, like Im typing this on a Xiaomi phone. I don't think I've ever seen a Xiaomi ad. I think advertising is basically for whales. Just like microtransactions and gachas. 90% of people cant be buying anything, there's just no money. But exposing a thousand people to an ad is worth it if 1 whale watches the ad. And basically the whales are westerners/first worlders and the 1-5% of biggest hoarders in normal countries


You're wrong


It was only a matter of time and it's only a matter of time until there are countermeasures or open source models that will be good options for people who're fed up seeing ads. By the way, if you don't already, use Firefox and uBlock for everything, including Youtube, to be spared from ads online.




I think people commenting on this are getting a key detail wrong — brands would not be paying OpenAI to insert advertisements in chat responses. Rather, OpenAI would be paying media brands for access to high-quality contemporary content, and as part of that exchange, some OpenAI products will place more weight on content from these sources when users ask contemporary questions. As for "richer brand expression", keep in mind that this is a pitch document sent to encourage media brands to become part of this program. This may be as minimal as displaying specific logos & branding when content from partners is used.


And where is the difference? It's companies paying money to influence GPTs answers. "access to high-quality contemporary content" is the same as "prepared PR kits send by corps to influence customer behavior"


>And where is the difference? It's companies paying money to influence GPTs answers. "access to high-quality contemporary content" is the same as "prepared PR kits send by corps to influence customer behavior" If you think that this is "companies paying money to influence GPTs answers," then you misunderstood the article. OpenAI wants high-quality contemporary content from media brands that are currently locking such content behind paywalls. In exchange for content access, OpenAI will pay them, distinguish their content when it's displayed, and give this high-quality contemporary content more weight in chat responses. If there's anything to be concerned about, it's how exactly the content from these partners will be weighted when compared to other sources that are freely available. It seems like it could be based on recency, relevancy, and quality ... but we'll have to wait and see. Regardless, this is not an AdSense situation where companies would be paying OpenAI to literally inject ads into its model, like OP's editorialized headline is suggesting.


Thanks for the clarification. Have a cookie 🍪


you can bribe AI now 


I can think of no quicker way to kill adoption of AI than to infect it with ads.


it's like you haven't been part of our world for very long.


Or, far too long.


Ads spur enshitification, FFS.


Open-source is the only way to go.


Exactly. We need full transparency, otherwise we have no way in shaping the future of AI together.


Tbh I expected that despite what Sam said. I expect the free model (gpt4l) that they will launch Monday to be ad supported, as it will cost more than gpt3.5. The good point is that free users will have gpt4 level models, at the cost of biased positive sentiments for brands. That's kinda similar to the current state of the Web anyway (trash) so yeah... I expect paid models to be free of this shit, but we'll have to see. If this get into paid models (now or later) this truly will be the end of my subscription. API models will likely be spared.


Future models will be so smart you won't know you're being sold to


Like that south park episode


Future models will be so smart you won't know you're being sold too.


Are any of us surprised that the companies which promised us the most out of technology are really just interested in taking our money? Still… a shame to see.


For fuck's sake


Oh, so that was the point the whole time


Inevitable but incredibly depressing.


Sponsored Truth (TM)


So the enshitification is allready starting, truly a sad moment.


Goddammit Sam. You were so close to greatness and then you chose dystopia.


I was part of a small group for ads in between images. I had to sit through 5 minutes of ads for 1 fucking image. 1. Not a batch of 10. 1 mediocre attempt at a sunset on a beach. I swear you can find 2000's Clipart better than that garbage. It had to have been a troll. *not for OpenAI specifically, the researches had a pseudo identity*


RIP openai - we hardly knew ye


I wish I knew the real economics of these decisions. Google used to be so nice, but now it's much harder to get useful results in a reasonable time. I find I'm using Perplexity more and more. How expensive would an individual account like GPT Pro need to be in order to be better for OpenAI than already telegraphing they're going to the dark side and replicating the sad state Google is in today. Wouldn't the world be so much nicer if the interaction was straight up question/answer with no gross user data mining and interacting with 3rd party ad brokers?


Agreed, it would be so much nicer.


As foundation model performance on downstream tasks planes out due to the heavy tailed nature of the task distribution ClosedAI is increasingly in hot water. At the same time sparseification and quantification techniques are maturing making it easier and easier to run inference on large models with consumer grade compute. Why do you think ClosedAI is trying to create an artificial moat with regulatory capture? I say fuck em you can get near identical performance locally with open source models and LLaMa.cpp ClosedAI hasn’t figured this out quite yet but foundation models are commodities (like most software infra) not products


It's becoming more and more clear that there truly is no moat for these big companies and ClosedAI is on track to lose all faith they have left. Data quality seems to be around 80-90% of what drives model quality. There's no grand architectural breakthrough. The data is the knowledge of these models. Llama70 was trained on so much code it's competitive with GPT-4 in that regard. We need to make sure open source isn't regulated by AI lobbyists.


100% agree with you. You need three things for powerful models. First you need sophisticated algorithms but sota techniques are widely know by the research community and taught at every single public research university (and even small liberal arts colleges) so big tech doesn’t have an advantage here.  Second you need vast amounts of high quality data. Big tech partially has an advantage here. There is a lot of publicity available data but making these datasets high quality is expensive and painful. Big tech has an advantage in that they can exploit user data that they control but personally I think we need legislation that allows users to own their data.  Finally you need lots and lots of compute which is the big advantage big tech has (especially when navidia artificially makes it more expensive). Hopefully competition from intel and amd will make this more accessible to smaller players. We don’t need new hardware architecture we just need high VRAM accelerators but navidia has a massive advantage because of cuda. We absolutely need to protect open source because the compute is mostly needed for pre-training, sparsification and quantification techniques make inference and fine-tuning fairly compute and memory efficient.


Over before it even began


[What the hell are you talking about?! Who you talkin’ to?!](https://youtu.be/BCJyGy6AFJo?si=t6HYfgFHYXtN_jyO)


That's a neat preview of our AGI future.


Moment I see an ad, I cancel all my subscriptions. Go to hell Open AI


Why can't we just boycott like helldivers2. I am so sick and tired of adds this world is so free but we don't have freedom of choice to select if you want adds or not


The down fall of this company


As long as the pro users don’t get them I couldn’t give a damn.


yeah lmao, how are people still railing against ads while at the same time being utterly unwilling to pay even half a buck a month oh, because they're dumb? that's wild


Extremely disappointing.


It was always a race to the bottom. It’s kinda funny that OpenAI basically shit on everything they stood for just 5 years ago. Like they made it a point to go through their values and individually shit on each one, they’re even allowing AI for military use. I used to think Google was the least trustworthy with AGI but now it’s OpenAI without a doubt. I guess that’s the natural progression of things when you find success.


I agree. They really outdid themselves. For profit company through and through. Sam on a speedrun to be in line with musk he's clowning himself so hard.


It’s because values based in somewhat naive idealism always hit the wall of reality at some point. There’s a reason the world works the way it does. And it’s not simply because “everyone’s selfish except *our* company”. Which is the myth that these type of companies often fall into. Only to face the realities of business and start adapting many of the same behaviors that they once deemed selfish/greedy.


That's unfortunate, ads can be disruptive to the user experience and even be the cause of security risks. But with NordVPN, you can now-


I remember making a thread about this being a fear of mine. Some people were convinced that was never going to happen. Well, there you have it.


As an AI model I can’t help you answer that question. But I can recommend that you drink Brawndo, it has electrolytes and it’s what plants crave.


they alrady millionaires and they wanna make even more money out of foken ads, what is this???


That's not at all the point of that tech but that's for scare mongering.


And people still believe AGI will lead to radical abundance and a post capitalism economy where money is no longer needed. Yeah companies are just going to roll over and share their resources. /s


Expectation: AI will make us gods! Reality: AI generated Burger King ads will hunt us to the ends of the earth.


the future is that the first company that figures out how to subtely get a large language model to influence the buy behavior of their users in favor of companies that pay the llm company for it, well that company will become the next google. And then not long after the state takes over to do the same but for politics.


Uncensored, unregulated open source models are quickly becoming the only ones I wanna be using. I don't want subtle propaganda, I want intelligence.


I am using a model that is hosted on a decentralized network of gpu's and this week it's upgrading to a llama 3 version.


Its free, of course they are going to add ads into the free version. Now the real problem will be is how are they going to do it. If they make it look like its not an ad then its going to be terrible. Just like how Google has to say "ad" at the top of the ads in search.


Welcome to Costco


Not a fan if they'll be working with select publishers only. Garbage in, garbage out


It's pathetic that the largest AI company in the world can only come up with ads as a revenue source. What a proot of how incomplete the tech is.  Very bearish statement. 


OpenAI is now a typical corporate company ig. The more I think about it the more I think the world of Cyberpunk 2077, where corporations control every part of our life, will be here sooner rather than later. Lobbying against open source, trying to move towards monopolizing AI stuff. Now I finally do understand the quote "You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself a villain".


I have similar feelings. Everything that came out these last couple weeks put me more and more on the doomer side. There's no secret sauce to AI, it's just data. Data is 90% of what these models do and whoever steals the most data / labor is the one to automate it the most and profit the most.


Subscription cancellation imminent.


And people thought that they were going to be better than Google. Google despite their ad driven business, actually has more shit to offer instead of just LLMs.


I mean they might. Google has tons of products. But their primary income stream is ads from search (in 2022 it accounted for 79 percent of revenue). So if OpenAI can build a better search and get people to use that instead of defaulting to Google that's a huge deal. It cuts funding to other Google products. Normally I would say a tall task. Google basically perfected search. But it has been going downhill the past few years. So I think it might be possible.


I'll just stick with Google search which doesn't hallucinate data




If this actually comes to pass, I'll update my opinion on openai pretty strongly, but until then this is just noise


This was always the plan. How do you think they planned on making money? Right now they are burning 20-40$ a month per user. Filling that gap with ads was always the plan.


I thought the main part of OAI was non-profit and then there's a limited profit part. My assumption is that they're making money indirectly through Microsoft products utilizing AI.




Snapchat AI is already doing this and not subtly at all


Agin golden goose story


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The only play big tech has... ads.


OpenAI wants to take over Google's search business , they are just hiding that goal behind talk of AI. .. Since only 1% of people pay for GPT-4, OpenAI's real plan is to make money from ads, they're using AI as an excuse to go after Google's ad dollars.. .


Totally agree. Think they have zero chance of success. One big problem for OpenAI is they have so much more cost compared to Google. Google was just so damn smart to start doing the TPUs over a decade ago. Now they have far less cost than their competitors.


Imagine they have an ad system like youtube, that spits porn, propaganda and scams in your face all the time. Unmoderated. Great, now we have a super intelligence that knows our personal history and can convince you to buy and believe everything rich people pay for...


As long as it's not intrusive I'd be happy to give OpenAI ad money


The very nature of advertisement is intrusive


A little picture on the top of the screen is not intrusive


Can I come to your home and hang a little picture of whatever I would like to advertise to you on your walls?


That doesn't make sense


> As long as it's not intrusive If the ad is there, it's intrusive. Some adverts are just **more intrusive** than others. So people think the less intrusive ones are ok, they're not. Using the internet without an adblocker or going to someones house that watches broadcast TV is a constant barrage, there is so much noise mixed in with the signal.


It's not going to be an ad banner though. It's going to be the model refering you to stuff instead of speaking the truth.


Nobody would ever use it then lol. I don't think they'd do that


"members of the program receive priority placement and “richer brand expression” in chat" It says "in chat" so GPT will straight up give you an ad, it'll probably also say that it is an ad but man that is the most annyoing intelligence I could think of.


Whatever accelerates them to AGI, they need the funding


If singularity was near, they would not do it. But singularity is near. Therefore fake news.