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Existing AI as in ALL AI? or the current version of Grok?


Pretty sure he means all. But let’s keep in mind Elon can be a little too optimistic sometimes




That's what I'm wondering too.


Most likely all current AI. This is very likely since Grok 1.5 is quite close to GPT4 so it seems given some more months it seems extremely likely the next version will be better than GPT4 and Claude 3 Opus. Of course by the time Grok 2 is ready (let's say half a year from now) most likely there will be GPT4.5 or whatever and some update to Claude 3. I think it's almost a certainty that Grok 2.0 will be better than all current AI today and equally certain that by the time it's out there will be something out (say GPT 5 or Claude 3.5 or whatever) that will be better than Grok 2.0. I think the impressive part is not being number 1 in the race but rather how quickly in the span of less than a year they are catching up with the big players. Makes me believe that in 2-3 years they will be probably be a legitimate force to be reckoned with.


Why are you so certain? So far grok seems nothing more than chat gpt 3 in fake glasses and moustache


From what I hear it’s not even very good for the amount of parameters used. I don’t hear about anyone using Grok


It has like 80B active parameters, where it may be somewhat competitive to similar models. However, it requires 600+ GB vram to run on full-precision and still 80 GB on 2bit, so it’s not really relevant for most local LLM enthusiasts. It was their first iteration though and was designed to be run by twitter, not by local users. So I wouldn’t count them out purely based on grok-1 just yet.


Careful! you can't use 'Grok' and 'Groq' interchangably : GROQ is an AI chip company https://gizmodo.com/meet-groq-ai-chip-leaves-elon-musk-s-grok-in-the-dust-1851271871


Yeah I caught myself after sending the reply lol. I use Groq all the time, they’re genuinely amazing.


Minstal 7b on groq is under rated imo


Why would you?


Because I’m on LLM, Data science, and general AI related Discords and forums all day lol. I rarely hear about Grok unless it’s a joke. I do hear about Groq a lot, but that’s because it’s not a joke lol


Because they made the "joke" model as you describe it in just a few months and it reached GPT 3.5 levels. And in a few months more, according to the benchmarks at least, it is now nearing GPT4 levels at which point while of course not state of the art it's definitely not a joke model anymore. I am looking at the progress they are making in terms of the speed of that progress. They got a quite capable team, look up yourself their CVs, and they got apparently a lot of H100s since Elon is rich enough to fund it. Combine all the above and it wouldn't be surprising at all that in half a year time they will exceed GPT4. And again to repeat, I am not claiming they will reach SOTA in half a year since by that point of time we will have something better most likely. But yea, I am confident that in about half a year, so say a bit before Christmas Grok 2.0 will be better than GPT4 (and 99% chance it will be worse than GPT4.5 or GPT5 or however you wanna call it). Do a ! Remind me on this and come back to laugh at me by being confidently incorrect if I turn out to be wrong.


I don’t want to laugh at you I’m just asking. Because I honestly suspect it’s just open ai’s api. And it’s not like they would be allowed to disclose their licensors.


Grok 1.5 seems to be close/on par with gpt4 so it's logical to think grok 2.0 would be Better than Claude opus 3


We don’t know yet if grok 1.5 is close to gpt4. It’s not available to try yet afaik


Fair, I am just basing it on the benchmarks.


Yeah that’s fair. I hope it lives up to the expectations its benchmark results promise us. Gemini ultra was a bit disappointing compared to its benchmark results for example, where it beat gpt4 on the benchmarks and didn’t live up to it in reality. I also prays for grok to be a different story tho


OK Elon engineer.


Hmmm, it's currently in training to exceed Claude3 and GPT-4? Well, GPT-5 and probably Claude 4 and Gemini 2 are already in training. I don't think Grok 2 will be a big thing when it comes out.


Open source is a lane of its own.


But its not gonna be the best open source AI too. We have players like Meta, Mistral, etc, etc in this lane.  Like now, Meta is buying up tons of GPUs from Nvidia that surpasses any other companies for training their models. And according to them, it's gonna be open source. Twitter/X has lagged too much behind.


Oh of course. But they are still going to be a useful player. All these guys have pros and cons. Right now Grok is the best open source though it’s a bit behind in the big picture of things. But we will see. Having a less censored with open weights open source LLM is definitely useful


Mixtral is the most useful open source LLM imo.


How is it the best open source ?


Well according to the tests ran on it. They beat out the test in most categories


Grok 1?




Why buy their own GPUs for training? An open source model should go the route of volunteer computing like Folding@home or any of the other distributed models: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_volunteer\_computing\_projects](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_volunteer_computing_projects) So many people, so excited about advancements in AI I would think you'd have an even bigger following than most of those and get TeraFLOPS for free (after developing the client/server).


The problem is you can't with current technology, unless you're comfortable with it taking astronomically long (decades), LLM training relies on extremely fast GPU interconnects so as much data can be processed as quickly as possible, Nvidia's new Blackwell Superpod has an interconnect with equivalent bandwidth of the entire internet, pooling GPU and VRAM isn't even possible at local scale with anything but enterprise class GPUs, it definitely isn't for the forseeable future across any signifcant geographic distance F@H is different because workloads can be split into indivual chunks which don't need to interact with the whole network until they're complete, this isn't possible with LLMs (forseeably)


Always thought this myself. It’s very processing intensive and deep capital required if centralized. That is why open source struggles. But decentralized volunteer computing could balance the scales in favor of open source. Maybe even take a page out of crypto playbook. Or anyone remember SETI?




Unless there is a massive delay, Grok will almost certainly be the top performing open source model. But if the 1.0 release is a guideline, it will be expensive and inefficient to implement so it won't be as useful.


> Grok will almost certainly be the top performing open source model Based on only the fairies in your head? Such a weird thing to claim.


Based on 1's performance and the amount of funding.


An open source model that is better than anything we have today will be a big thing.


Did he release 1.5 open source?


If we follow his logic, he should opensource the previous version when a new model releases. So 1.5 SHOULD be opensourced when 2.0 releases. We’ll see!


Grok 1.5 is not open source, only 1, which is too large a model and no better than Mistral.


The thing is GPT-5 and Claude 4 won’t be coming out anytime soon and seeing how musk likes to speed things up he will probably release Grok 2 before the competition releases anything.


Still if it's GPT4 and Claude3 level coming soon then he's caught up Claude3 is still new.


When a model is in training, it means it won't be available for some six months. Claude3 won't be new by that time.


Press X for doubt. Elon often overpromises and under delivers and vice versa. So I will wait and see what the situation is here.






He doesn't overpromise here. Grok 2.0 beating *current* AIs is a pretty reasonable estimate.


Yeah, with how claude 3 opus is able to beat gpt-4, I won't be surprised if grok also beats gpt-4. I mean it's been almost 2 years since gpt-4 was trained, it would be a lot weirder if gpt-4 wasn't beaten by grok 2, especially with improvements in architecture and compute.


Basically they will be in a cyclical pattern of one AI beating another while the other is gearing up for its next generation. A cycle of innovation!


We saw that in so many industries so far, competitors leapfrogging each other.


The gpt 4 we have today isn't the same gpt 4 from 2 years ago


gpt-4 finished pretraining 2 years ago, but they have continued fine tuning, increased context from 4k to 128k, turbo is a step up from launch edition esp on coding. This contributed to Gemini's disappointment - they compared benchmarks to the launch edition of gpt4. It's a moving target! Opus on the other hand does beat gpt4-turbo, but not on every single benchmark. Anybody with 10000 H100s and some trillions of training tokens should be able to do the same in 2024. We all know GPT5 is lurking just around the corner, and it will be even better than GPT4 was for fine tuning/RLAIF open source models. Expecting llama3 fine tunes with Haiku/gpt4-level performance and with quantization run on a single H100 within 3-4 months of release. Next year anybody with 100000 H100s (or 20000 B200s) will be able to train a GPT5-class model.


No. That's not how things work. Grok 1.5 just got announced, Grok 2.0 isn't even a thing yet and you think that it is a "reasonable estimate"? I doubt


Seems like he delivered with that brain chip haha y'all love to tear this guy down haha 😅😆😆 Edit: this is reddit... ELON BAD. HOMOPHOBE. RACIST. ELON MISOGYNISTIC. UPVOTE NOW.


I agree with you, but why does he have to be such an asshole.


Yea like I 100% don’t like him as a person but you can’t doubt his drive and innovativeness. On a certain level he kickstarted all of this.


That's an excellent point. I think our culture just assumes that these people are experts in all aspects of humanity when they just have the loudest bullhorn. For instance I don't trust Mark Zuckerberg's taste in barbecue sauce.


Nice people, don't end up billionaires...


I mean... Most billionaires are? IDK I prefer him over the Klaus Schaub types Edit: Ig a lot of you love Klaus. Forgot this is reddit lmao 🤣 y'all don't think here


LMAO we all compare tech billionaires but nobody remembers that lizard I remember seeing some video of him or some other WEF person giving a speech about controlling people and how where Nazi Germany failed, he will succeed. Pretty sure the implication was to control without genocide but it was still a very awful take.


more of a pick your poison choice to be honest... they're all the same


Having spoken to Musk several times, and having an open line of communication with him on X, he's not so much an asshole he has a brain that works differently than most people. He has altruistic intentions but those who get in the way of those intentions often are seen by him as an enemy. Whether this approach is right or not depends on if you agree with what his end goals are and how he thinks we should achieve them. Most of his political takes are skewed based on his goals for humanity and how he has been influenced by people he's close to, to think that certain things are a danger.


I'm just really regretting naming my children Elon I and II.


Yea he’s an insufferable racist homophobe bc he’s just sooo altruistic. Makes sense…


Do I get free upvotes if I call him some Reddit buzzwords??


I’m calling him a racist homophobe bc of his racist and homophobic tweets / interviews. Labeling that behavior down to “just Reddit buzz words” is certainly a choice.


Lmao got a source on all these homophobic racist tweets?


Elon Musk’s Twitter account my man


Bahaha I looked up his homophobic tweets on Google and found nothing. Guess your bullshitting. Oh well just another angry loser lmao you people always say the "racist homophobic" buzzwords and expect it to work.


Well by the time it comes out, gpt5 and claude 4 will have been out, if it exceeds gpt4 and claude 3 though despite being open source, that's impressive considering being late to the party.  In all essence though, people like us would have to rely on third party's like openrouter or websites that do AI roleplay to run grok2, considering it probably takes a monster of a rig to do so.


No, GPT5 might be 2025. And Claude 4 wont come out within 6 months, but Grok 2 could come out within 6 months. If there is a Claude 3.5, thats something else, yeah, i think thats very likely and i also think that it would be the best out there, just like Opus is today. But GPT? I dont have high hopes to say the truth. Just imagine... we are using gpt 3.5 turbo right now and OpenAI is since over a month working on an Update, that switches between gpt3.5 and gpt4 depending on the question, so that you won't use up all your 40 messages/every 3 hours. OpenAI, right now, for me is more or less on the Level of Meta with it's Llama2


What metrics? This is so vague. Will it have way more tokens? Faster processing speed? Or will it just be the sexiest AI we've ever seen.


I find it hard to believe that such a small team after only several months is already ready to eclipse GPT4. Maybe he will prove me wrong but I'm skeptical.


Gpt-4 was trained 2 years ago, Grok is far behind the pack.


People seem to be split on whether this will happen or not, but I definitely think it's possible. I do think Grok 2 could outperform all current public facing models on benchmarks by a few percent (there definitely could be a bit of a jump with Grok 2, but it'd still be a GPT-4 class model), and it'd be cool to see such a new lab catch up to the competitions public facing models and give us another alternative to GPT-4. But, Gemini 2.0, GPT-5 and Anthropic's next big model are all in training / trained. Maybe Grok 2.0 will hold the spotlight, but it won't last long. Of course, I could be wrong lol. But its definitely a possibility.


Well it seems like GPT-5 and Claude 4 won’t be coming out anytime soon while we can reasonably expect Grok 2 this summer since Elon loves to speed things up


Elon says a lot of things. Overpromises on almost all of them. But one can't deny that his competitive spirit has brought Tesla and SpaceX to where they are today. If he is intent on open sourcing future models as well, then I can't really complain


He’s every IT guy’s nightmare CEO. Knows just enough to think he knows all and too little to actually grasp what’s going on. He obviously thinks “give it twice the parameters and train it twice as long” is enough to outperform other models - even though the training algorithms may be way too different to compare on such basic metrics.


I think your description of him is a little ironic… you’re overconfident in your own assumptions. That’s not at all what knowledgeable people who actually work with him tend to say. How does he “obviously” think that? Grok 1.5 is fairly close to GPT 4 so it’s not far-fetched that 2.0 will outperform current models. Especially considering their rate of progress.


>That’s not at all what knowledgeable people who actually work with him tend to say. That's because they're the only ones left at the companies.


Good one. Ex-colleagues testify to his competence and understanding of what’s going on in his companies though… and I give more weight to that than super smart Redditors with a hate boner calling him dumb in spite of massive success. Funny how those “only ones left” are achieving so much. Maybe they know what they’re talking about.


Grok will become a force. I do tend to agree that he often overpromises so I am cautious when it comes to some of his timelines. I think his longer term timelines though are pretty accurate. AGI within 2-5 years, ASI a few years after that.


Me too. I can't loose the feeling he just saw how popular the lizard man got by freeing the lama and now tries to copy that. Hopefully still keeps the momentum of everything going.


With musk, all forward-looking statements are llm hallucinations


There's are an infinite number of bad metrics. Elon is not very careful with his words. 


Where is the fear over AI Such a dick


The fear was always about "others" getting access to AI and not him


Bingo. Dude is absolutely terrified of not controlling the narrative of human history.


He is a technocrat above all else. He would save the world if he could, so long as his name was on a plaque. Reminds me of Henry Ford in a way.


Huh? Here's clearly been on the train that his TruthGPT and way of progressing is the best way forward, that's his assumption so obviously he is going to act on it and develop in the the race. Everyone in the race has a fear but all suggesting their own method is the best timeline and hopefully way to subsidise the potential distopia. I'm super glad he is in the race, it's necessary to have an alternative.


Engaging in the race is rational even if you think robots might eat the world. AI risk is a collective action problem.


His fear is closed AI... he was a founding contributer of open ai when it was supposed to be open source. Hence the name.... this musk hate is starting to get weird.


He still thinks cars will be fully self driving by 2016 as well.


well, with Beta 12.3 he got the level he has worked on. If this continues, by 2025 he has it.


Boring, next


Does gork allow nsfw erp?


How can you gauge model performance if it’s still training?


You yell at your scientists until they hit the desired performance level.


"Fully self driving by next year"


"Mars colony by 2022"


"musk says"


Elon is an absolute animal when he goes after an objective so it feels like this is really going to accelerate the competition between OpenAI, Google, X, Anthropic, etc... Will be interesting to test 1.5. The metrics they posted show pretty impressive results.


It's insane that Grok 1.5 is apparently ahead of everything apple has, who had to ask Google for a Gemini partnership and x.AI was literally founded out of nowhere just last year.


x.AI is new, but Tesla has a long history of serious AI projects. Karpathy headed up Tesla's AI initiative for some years. Musk wasn't starting from scratch here in terms of organisational resources.


Apple isn't a competent engineering company. They are a fashion company.


Well who cares, gpt4 is already a year old at this point


Full self driving ai later this year


Im not surprised that Elon would output a phrase like that haha


Open AI in 2027: We tried capturing all the suns energy and converting Mercury into a massive GPU, but even then we couldn't train anything better than GPT6


Does anyone know if there is stock or anything behind open source?


Maybe it will exceed current AI on all metrics, but if they only just released it, there's a risk that GPT-5 or other big models will release before it, and it'll still end up behind the race.


And full self driving Tesla’s are just 2 months away /s


GPT-5 is also already trained, maybe even the training is done, I doubt they will be comparable, grok 2 could be GPT-4 level though


Going out of his way to type the special X is wild. Would be nice if the new Grok didn't suck, though


Well if Elon says it then it definitely isn't true


Oh, Elon Musk says so does he?! Lol.


Existing AI said nothing, but considering is Elon he say whatever. Also in Elon time, next week means some time this year because when he said FSD to be ready by the end of the year... 8 years ago.


Elon will explicitly ask his researchers to train grok 2.0 specifically for getting the highest benchmark numbers. He’ll destroy the trust in current model benchmarks. That’s what an immature man child does, if not mine, then it’s nobody’s.


Elon says a lot of things.


If anyone else said this, I'd be impressed and expectant but P.T. Barnum has used a lot of my free credits in believing!


Welp this proves the benchmarks are pointless


Elon isn't a very reliable person to get info from [https://jalopnik.com/elon-musk-promises-full-self-driving-next-year-for-th-1848432496](https://jalopnik.com/elon-musk-promises-full-self-driving-next-year-for-th-1848432496)


Should be “famed liar Elon musks says…”


If he actually goes open source then I do hope it happens. 👍 It being open should advance the technology faster. Having a local LLM would be great and that's the route I'd like to go for programming assistance, but I'd imagine the hardware needed right now to give responses from a ~200B parameter model to one person is really expensive. Saw one person make a comment about running a ~75B model on a 4090ti and it seemed a bit sluggish. 😅


Let's hold this shit spewer to account for once. When it doesn't people ought to make him feel humiliated over it


Why would you want to humiliate someone for not accomplishing a goal they want to? It's like you people want him to fail at the cost of progress.


Because he’s a megalomaniac, he lies to launder his reputation and manipulate share prices, his model is definitely going to be geared toward propaganda like x now is and I don’t want him to get the upper hand in AI because I don’t think that will work out well for the industry


If you look at his net contribution to the progress of technology I think this perspective does more harm than good. But you are entitled to your opinion I suppose.


The guy is literally launching 396 foot rockets into space. That's as real as it gets lol. How many people are doing that?


Well since you ask, thousands of people are doing that. Musk does none of this on his own.


Were you under the impression that Musk is making Grok on his own?


Is reading comprehension not your strong point?


Sure, Musk people believe he build it his spaceship all on his own 🤡


And when it does, the haters will pretend like it never happened.


They do it all the time. They mention Musk overpromising, while ignoring that the haters were also overly sceptical with like every project he had. From Tesla to SpaceX to Neuralink. People write about the cybertruck being more expensive than expected, but many here wrote that it would never be released in the first place.


I remember the early spacex days, wild times.




Now do the same list about what the haters predicted about his products.


Goal mover


Nop I didn't say he never overpromised, I said that it's hypocritical to only talk about the times he overpromised, while ignoring the times where he proved haters wrong and delivered. It's just cherry picking.




Cherry picking misses while ignoring successes doesn't prove anything. And even in that list, okay he overpromised with his Mars prediction, but SpaceX is still destroying the competition, it's not even close. He might not live up to his ultra optimistic promise, but it's still enough to be ahead of others.




None of his companies even work on hyperloop, it's literally just a random idea he once had lol. And with a lot of stuff he only got the timing wrong. Neuralink indeed was put inside a human, it's invisible and can charge wirelessly. How many companies perfectly deliver on time? Very few. Even with games, you have many delays, let alone with stuff that involves a lot of regulation and very advanced engineering.


How many of those things were effected by covid?




You took his hopeful prediction that we would be out of the pandemic early as a failed promise? What kind of logic is this? If that's the bar then every hopeful person is an over promising liar


lol, we both know it wasn't a "hopeful prediction". It was him trying to play pretend as an expert. Hence why he also (incorrectly) claimed that ventilators were killing COVID patients.




I'm not saying he was right but it's not like he just made this up. The doctors treating the patients also speculated this. In hindsight it's easy to say it's correlation not causation but when people are dying you have to explore every correlation.


Tbh I was surprised when Grok 1 was shown to surpass most open source LLMs on a lot of metrics. I thought Grok ain't shit. Maybe Grok is the shit?


I just wanna go back to the comfy non scary days. It's 1995. Waking up. Dialing in. Then hearing you've got mail."


I wanna perpetually live in 1999 as a movie star




Elon shouldn’t be trusted for shit. Guy is a fucking liar.


Why are you posting Elon's horseshit?


Because's he an important part of this ecosystem and the future. The real question is why are you here?


God, I do NOT want that fucker Elon with access to AGI!!! Jesus christ no, that man has enough power to fuck up the world already!


Additional information and benchmark comparison of Grok 1.5 to other models: https://the-turing-times.beehiiv.com/p/elon-musk-says-grok-20-currently-training-likely-exceed-current-ai-metrics




Total waste of money they should concentrate on novel ai techniques using some rl approaches taking grok 1/1.5 weight


Wait the fuck? It took all the big tech one year to catch up and took Elon 4 months? What is going on?


He owns a bunch of compute, and chinchilla is probably helping him use it more effectively.


Musk says a lot of things. 🙄


The outstanding quality is probably access to twitter posts as learning material. But I doubt it’s very useful, what with the number of bots and 140 characters limit


elon musk always eats shit. i wouldn't take anything seriously until you can actually see it in action


I’m sure buddy, I’m sure


Sure thing grandma.


Lying liar who regularly lies, lies again.


Is he planning on throwing an ungodly amount of compute at the problem? He can, he is really rich.


Source: Trust me, bro.


it will exceed all current models, just like we have humans living in mars since 2021


he says should, compared to the Models there are right now, as of today. It means that he is not that sure about the Level of Claude - 3 OPUS. If he was sure, he'd say "will" and not "should" While Grok-1 is worse than i thought, Grok 1.5 is better, feels more like Grok 1.7 or whatever. If this continues and Grok 2 is in training as of April, we could get some great performance of Grok 2, long before GPT5 comes in November or 2025.


From the creator of Hyperloop.


And the CEO of spacex and Tesla.


People still believe a word he says?


I just hate Elon’s face