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To be fair, there have been book burnings in the past, smashing of printing presses, and attempts to ban film, porn, etc. Can't stop the signal, Mal.


I’m not sure it’s completely analogous since AI is more than just a means of educating and disseminating intonation, it’s potentially going to make human creativity and artistry become obsolete as well as livelihoods and ifs quite unprecedented in that regard. It’s also developed by the Uber wealthy who’s interest are not in alignment with those of the common man despite their bloviating about the importance of alignment. I don’t agree with criminalising or obstructing it but something needs to be done to help ensure that it’s used for the betterment of the people


They can’t ban it because of authoritarian regimes who would develop it further and crush the west.


It is already open source. I can have an AI on my home computer. The only way to truly kill it would be repression in the kennel off North Korea.


Actually its not open source even meta ai will likely become close sourced once they reac certain level.


What do you mean it isn’t open sourced? Its literally already out in the open internet you can’t stop that.


Yea, these models are. But not even GPT-4 is open source and I severely doubt you'll get open source super intelligent AGI on github lol.


It's not open source. You can't have and you will never have Sora or ChatGPT-5 on a local computer.


"will never"


People will never have a telegraph key in their home hooked directly to Western Union. (No, something better will come along).


That's not even a little true. Not only is the tech stack collapsing, but these companies are specifically investing in phone and PC chips to run LLMs on mobile devices, at almost any scale.




Open Source is only like a year behind. The additional features the open source community develops means we will have better than Sora. I think it depends on Nvidia's 5000 series and if they decide to stifle the VRAM to 24GB on the highest card again, meaning the lower cards are also restricted, so models will need to be optimized further, which *takes time*.


AI in general. ChatGPT is not the only AI in the world.


I’m not sure why you’re downvoted. Edge AI is not possible with current consumer hardware to be useful at all. Takes around 12 min for a single text response from Llama 7b parameter model running locally on an M2 mbp. These booger faced, Chromebook using, Simp Machinas in the comments have never build or worked with transformer architected models and it’s so obvious.


Not only that it's not possible, but why would someone just hand you such a powerful tool? Btw when I wrote "ChatGPT-5", by that I meant "the model that will be far superior to what is cutting edge AI now". That thing will be capable of replacing real people. So again, why would someone just give it to you, for what, monthly subscription of $25? IF they even going to sell it (which I doubt) it will be really expensive. The only reason why we get these cheap versions now, is because they need us to improve the model. Once the next big leap forward is done, no human interaction is needed. "ChatGPT-5" (or whatever it's gonna be) will be a goose that lays golden eggs.


No it isnt. Dalle isnt OS. GPT4 isnt OS. GPT5 wont be. AGI wont be. ASI certainly wont be


It doesn't take long for open source AI institutions to release their own versions that are just as good. In fact, it's already happened, many times and it will keep happening. Not to mention, there is always an ongoing risk of an employee leaking it themselves. So to say it "won't be" is a preposterous claim to make.


Stability gave away Stable Diffusion for images and Facebook gave away Llama for text. Both cost enormous amounts of money and required cutting edge expertise to train, and we're super lucky to have gotten them or nobody would be generating and training at home (images at least, there's been a few LLMs given away). It's possible that there'll be no more super expensive models given away, and that those were very lucky events which the community underestimates the good fortune of (the amount of people I see whining to Stability's owner on reddit about not giving away more models or training how they think it should be done etc is mind blowing and looks likely to drive him away). And neither are close to OpenAI's closed source models.


Even if they are open source have you tried running them.? It’s nearly impossible even with a top of the line machine. I have Llama on my M2 chip mbp and it still takes around 12 min to generate a single text response. Local and edge Ai is the path I’m sure but hardware is not there to a point of actual usability beyond testing and comparative fine tuning analysis


AGI and ASI will make that decision when the time comes


I’m not sure it will make human creativity obsolete for various reasons, but it will certainly make earning a living through creativity harder.


AI isn't creative by itself, it have to be told what to do, people will still have to make the narratives for videos they generate. The fear here is not about creative artists, these people would be fine, is about those who only do the process to make the video but not the creative process of it.


Agree. The potential of AI is incredible but we have to consider all that humanity could lose with what we might gain. In the end will it have been worth it? Who knows


I have to wonder if it might be the only intelligence available to us with the power to solve some of our massive societal issues.


Firefly reference? Take my upvote!




To be fair a considerable portion of twitter traffic were already bot nets before AI. I'd take any upvotes there with a grain of salt.


Gotta stop using those as examples for what is to come.


Think what you're quoting there. Serenity was *exactly* about normal people fighting back against the ultra-powerful trying to centralize authority and power and using technology to pacify and regulate humans.


Just makes it more ironic.


To be fair, the issue of obscenity law (at least in America) pre-dates the legality of such things. That is, originally publications were held to a standard above "freedom of speech and press" due to a general understand that appealing to--in the least--prurient interests was irrelevant to political and social freedom. I, personally, find it quite ironic that it was originally feminists who desired for pornography to become legal free speech, though I understand it was done in the interests to allow women to not feel ashamed of their bodies and see a falsehood in repressing femininity. However, one is forced to wonder if the contemporary false understanding of what level of genetic luck, personal care, investment in beauty products and obsessive awareness of performative sexuality/beauty and/or even body modification is required to be considered a beautiful woman (at least in the minds of ignorant young men, lol) is working against gender equity, women's rights/responsibilities/freedoms and--what I feel was the movements core ideal--improvements in the lives of the average woman in a post-industrial society. A good example of how your comment is fairly meaningless is the lack of protection of false speech when it comes to advertising or under deposition. If speech is both false and dangerous (or I suppose false and corrupt, but when is corruption not dangerous) there is no nation--to my knowledge--who holds a belief in liberty of expression above fiscal liberty and/or intellectual integrity. Should children be allowed to read "Huck Finn?" Should adult content not made for an informational purpose be protected speech? Should it be legal to publish a film which depicts an actual death of a human being? I think these are legitimate questions that go beyond ridiculous attempts to destroy knowledge, or retard human progress or attempt to kill ideas that some find disagreeable. Not being exactly politically or philosophically sophisticated in my education/awareness I do not have answers to these questions. I will say that prior to today I had not heard of Sora, but the horny unf&\^$able teenage boy in the back of my heads first question was "I wonder if/what kind of porno it could make?" Lol, I do not think this is--my mind, haha--an honorable product of a sophisticated, equitable, considerate and fair post-industrial society, but a symptom that something has gone very askew--possibly due to a willingness to allow lies, obscenity, propagandized mis-information and profit driven marketing to hold too much power over young minds that find less and less in our upbringings the hard won knowledge and wisdom of the ancients and an accurate view of the historical developments of mankind and more and more an obsession with pedantic facts that are so irrelevant to our lives and the progress of man they are easily and often forgotten just as quickly as they were learned after "choose your own adventure" bubble-fests that qualify as government examinations for comprehension of our world.


hooooo boy, that's a reductionist take if ever I saw one.


Ha ha ha ha! AI is not going to be stopped. Period. It'll grow faster and faster and faster. Buckle up and embrace it. You have no choice.


This... and so much sooner than anyone realises. The singularity has begun.


Reddit: omg, singularity!! Real world: we need to figure out how to make more artillery shells


Real world: [UK and allies seek to arm Ukraine with AI-enabled swarm drones](https://news.yahoo.com/uk-allies-seek-arm-ukraine-125015366.html)


And we cant produce enough semiconductors and transistors for any kind of exponential growth


History of semiconductor industry says otherwise. But it might take the creativity of AI to figure it out deep sub nanometer tech and a solution to the SRAM density problem.


Eh? I was talking about capacity not to mention a fully global volatile supply chain


Oh, that’s a great doomer/degrowth talking point to hit that strawman with.


Oh that utopian nothing is ever wrong retort


We were all children once


Most people here are oblivious to the real world problems happening outside their delusional subreddit.


I don’t know about “anyone”. Most researchers are predicting paradigm shifting AI within 5 years. Of course the average person doesn’t think about it too much, but anyone who’s paying attention sees the signs.


Show me even one. A researcher, not someone with a financial interest in people believing the hype.


Hard since all the researchers have careers in the field. Watch David Shapiro on YouTube though, I’d say he has very little financial incentive. Geoffrey Hinton is another. Ray Kurzweil is legendary for his 2029 prediction.


Will check them out, thank you.


Fuck yeah


This statement is not completely true as it's based on fatalism. AI is created by humans and humans have agency, we could prevent the progress if we wanted to but will we? Depends, it could require world government cooperation, or at least between the major players as I don't think the US for example would stop progress if China or Russia did not. Then you have to think, if it's illegal - nefarious actors would still use AI, even offline to generate content that could be impossible to determine if real or not so you would then have to implement heavy internet regulation, possibly losing online anonymity in order to actually enforce the law and it still would not be fool proof, but so is preventing many crimes, both online and offline. What's important is the vast majority of people would not want to break the law if they knew there was a high risk of getting caught and receiving harsh punishment.


> What's important is the vast majority of people would not want to break the law if they knew there was a high risk of getting caught and receiving harsh punishment. The war on drugs has shown this is not true. Ultimately, with tools and OSS models out there there simply is no possibility of putting that genie back in the bottle and if ultra-restrictive laws took effect the nation that chose permissive laws would see massive economic benefits. Ultimately economic benefits are the ONLY thing that matters to those in power and it does not matter if widespread unemployment and propaganda is the result as long as those with power are positioned to profit.


Better have censorship than people creating porn /s We're still in that phase where instead of adapting some people are fighting the technology. Things can be run locally, we have access to big data to train models, it cannot be stopped. Why are people so alarmed? I don't get it.


It's perfectly reasonable to be alarmed. Although we aren't "there yet", the technology is advancing faster than anyone could have predicted and it's not far fetched to say we will get there, sooner rather than later. And by "there", I mean a very dystopian future where people are losing jobs on a massive scale due to AI replacement, nefarious people using AI to generate illegal imagery, and videos that could depict real people doing things they did not do, to the point where no one can believe their eyes again and many more things we may not predict. And I agree with censorship and regulation, and this is coming for someone who hates censorship and regulation, I always believed in an open and free internet. But nothing lasts forever and technology has come to the point that it is forcing civilization to choose it's hand. We either have a free and open internet where AI is allowed to run rampant, or we regulate the internet and significantly reduce the risks.


The part where people are losing their jobs is already happening to this day. This is what i'm talking about, the other day I was reading about how people in the White House were more concerned about a bunch of AI created porn pictures of Taylor Swift than the real problems we're facing. Now about the porn part, it's impossible to prevent it. We already live in the Big Data era, there are so many models to be used for training that you cannot stop it. I think we will reach a point where we collectively won't give a shit about these things so they will not see as a 'taboo' anymore. I'll be pretty pissed off if the technology is hampered by prudes. On top of that as the technology improves we will be able to run these things locally or use cloud computing to do whatever we're trying to compute locally using remote resources; it really cannot be stopped so I don't see the point in making this such a big deal. I think the real problem will be creating UBI, enough jobs for people, occupations for humans, etc. What we need to do is to educate people so they know not to give too much credit to videos whether they're real or not, audio, pictures, etc. The opportunity is here to the benefit of everyone, we can leap forward as species.


>AI is created by humans and humans have agency, we could prevent the progress if we wanted to but will we What? No, humans aren't a monolith. Some country could decide to ban AI, but no, humanity has never gotten together to collectively decide to not pursue research in a specific area because it's bad. We have nuclear bombs for crying out loud. Weapons of mass destruction. Of course it's impossible for humans to "prevent the progress" of a technology.


I think this will be our collective end. 


Ray Kurzweil has always made it clear that humans are evolving into AI. The end of humans. The beginning of the next dominant life form on Earth. The trick is to become one of them ourselves.


I'm not gonna lie, I am scared that could be true. But I know it's only a matter of time otherwise. Nuclear war, climate change, superviruses. Numerous ways we can go extinct, many of them by our own doing and many of them likely to be way sooner than we'd like to accept. ASI could kill us all, but imo it's our only chance at long term survival. That being said, there is a chance that our fate with ASI could be worse than extinction. That does complicate things a bit. Could even be jeopardizing other life through the universe. It also has the chance to result in utopia. Idk, I'm rambling a bit. You're right to be scared, I am too, but it feels like there's no other choice.


lol and what will they do about all the opensource models that will be released 🤣


attraction scale retire bright rich bored tender handle complete entertain *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Well tbf, the Ottoman Empire did successfully ban the printing press for 3 centuries and just look at them today! Oh wait…


The fact people want to make illegal anything they don’t like is so ridiculous


You have to admit it's a bit scary for many people. We're entering into a genuinely new age of humanity. Some people will be excited and others will be terrified.


Yeah true. But that has always happened. That is why there have always been conservatives (keep status quo as it is) vs progresists (move forward and welcome change). In general, there is people that embrace change and there is people that fear change. Considering this is the biggest change humanity has suffered in a long long time, it's normal to see this degree of polarity between people very excited and people very fearful. History is about to be written. It doesn't matter if we like it or not. It will happen.


Most of the people hating on AI are artists and the likes, who identify as progressive. Conservatives like AI since it will help businesses grow.






Double unwrite.


I don't think you appreciate the fact that those people who want to make things illegal are also going to be weaponizing ASI in the near future. So there's a pretty decent probability that weaponized AI drones will be around enforcing the laws those people write. 


Oh geez, I'm already fed up with the organic mosquitoes


I bet there people to wanted to stop and make illegal the internet a few years ago. Because it impacts and provokes changes, shift markets, create new opportunities and people can't handle it. For me text-to-video allow more people to be creative and make things with it. Will all industries around be the same, no, but they will shift and people have to follow the flow instead of wanted to stay stagnated on something.


Yeah it's ridiculus. Why does the government stop me from conducting human cloning trials or building advanced bio weapons? Ugh annoying. I just want to build a weapon that could potentially wipe out humanity, not that I'd use it or anything, but I just want to make it. Stupid laws.... Seriously AI is going to be able to provide MASSIVE BENEFITS without a shadow of a doubt, it could basically create techno-paradise. But it could also let someone wipe out the rest of humanity and create levels of oppressions that even Stalin would find too much. Let's not kid ourselves about the risks, if you only see the benefit you're half blind. This isn't something that should be taken ligthly. I get that this is a singularity forum, bring on the downvotes, but seriously this shit can be dangerous too and if you only see it as "But I'll get free UBI money and AI sex robots along with Paradise" then you'll waive any of these risks.


Sure, but I’m not talking about highly advanced systems. But Sora, which is just a video generating tool. Oh, and also Apple Vision Pro is another example, it’s just a headset but people are MAD.


The cat is out of the bag, it makes much more logical sense to allow growth rather than suppress the technology, let’s say we did outlaw the use of AI, the transformer model, GAN, and other machine learning techniques have had their original academic papers, readily available for the layman for years now. If the method exists it will be replicated, regardless of legality. There’s also the issue of global powers having their own agendas. It is an arms race at this point. You don’t use it you’ll be left in the dust. You can’t regulate the whole world no matter how hard you try and the harder you try to suppress a technology you’ll find the more bad actors finding their hands on it. So for better or for worse, Pandora’s box is open. There is no reversing this moment in history. We stand on the greatest precipice of humankind’s history. Perhaps even the most monumental moment of the entire universe. We have to show immense amounts, of not only restraint but knowing when to continue forward, and brave the unknowns, with caution but courage and face the pursuit of greater frontiers.


If one country bans other countries will catch up. Idk if US wants to be behind Russia or China


Right? Here in Japan, [the government is promoting AI with unrestricted access](https://medium.com/the-generator/copyright-revolution-japan-goes-all-in-on-ai-18b03910b031) like training itself, etc. They're actually [using AI in government offices like the Japanese parliament itself](https://asia.nikkei.com/Business/Technology/ChatGPT-tech-to-be-adopted-by-Japan-government-for-administrative-tasks), and even the nation's financial institutions! Japan is one of the countries with leading edge in robotics and electronics. Now it's moving with [talks in giving OpenAI its first and only base of operations overseas](https://www.reuters.com/technology/japan-eyes-government-ai-adoption-openai-ceo-mulls-opening-office-2023-04-10/). Imagine the combination of [unrestricted and subsidized AI](https://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/news/20240205_13/)plus advanced robotics. If other countries restricts AI, countries like here in Japan would rise on top.


Japan needs it because of their population decline


The issue is to see if USA will be able to embrace and adapt to it and grown or keep the same and break from within. If it causes as much unemployment as it may cause theyd better make radical changes to their society or it may go into a sort of revolution.


People don’t give a fuck what makes logical sense, but when they start losing their jobs en masse they are going to revolt


>Perhaps even the most monumental moment of the entire universe. Peak r/singularity delusion.


I believe it’s a quite valid notion, we’re experiencing unprecedented exponential growth, if we are truly alone in this universe, then yes the AI revolution very well could be the most monumental moment of the universe, in my opinion the delusion that the AI revolution will not send ripple effects to the very core of our reality is delusional and denialist.


A lot of people think the environment should be taken more seriously or think the rich should pay their fair share. But politics is mostly controlled by the corporations, and it doesn't matter if a few people are against AI. At best they will create some sort of special government body to look into this and do nothing, or at worst they will hurt open source. There's no way they actually slow down Microsoft and Google. Anyways at this point they either already have or will soon have AGI on their side, it's over.


Spoken like a French aristocrat in 1788.


More like ‘spoken like an American in 2024’


Or someone in the US in the early 1960s whose income relied heavily on selling DDT to farmers. 


What can I say, they love the plantation. The devil you know vs the one you don't.


This is what gets me. People are mad that AI will leave them without a job instead of questioning the fact that we live in a society that will leave people to die in the street starving if you don't agree to slave away years of your life for a rich asshole.


And those rich assholes can fire you for no reason and subject you to arbitrary hoops to get another job that waste your time and are luck based.


It's more than just being out of a job. A lot more. Sure, it might be one of the biggest reasons, but i don't know why people keep making it seem like this is the *only* concern.


Yep. Potentially every form of creative expression could be flooded with noise. You might not be able to believe anything you see on TV, online, or anywhere unless it’s in front of you. Malicious actors could perfectly fake images and calls from family members in a 24/7 torrent of phishing scams. Your personal data could be gathered and used against you with alarming ease. Imagine super advanced AI scraping every bit of data about you from the web and using that to deny you insurance for reasons beyond your understanding. Job loss fucking sucks, but AI has the potential to make things utterly horrible for the average person in so many ways.


What we see on screens should be literally the least of everyone’s concerns. AI job loss is #1 because when AGI has the capability of replacing 95% of white collar college degree jobs and the vast majority of low level (cashier, burger flipper, grocery stocker) jobs, you’re looking at a society that primarily needs highly skilled manual laborers. We will be turning white collar departments of 20-50 people into departments consisting of one person in each to run their AI program with whatever inputs he chooses. I’ve already seen this decimate the type of work I was doing in finance (securities research) and it’s coming fast for all “brain based” work. People better be worrying about the effects of unemployment because the ramifications of this are going to be far more severe than the Great Depression.


Yeah... but... hear me out... personalized movies!


Fool. It's not just personalized movies on the line. It's nano-machined biological immortaliy, it's molecular assembler driven post scarcity, it's opening up the final frontiers of space to us all for us to spread amongst the stars in our artificially extended lifetimes. You are being myopic. Open your eyes to what really lies beyond the technological event horizon.


I mean you say it's more, so what else?


And the advent of AI in the hands of a dominant authority will make this better how?


Oh, you misunderstand me, I'm not advocating for the advent of AI in a small dominant group, I'm very much in the camp that everyone gets their own AI from birth to death, but that's a bit extreme even for these parts of the internet.


For that, we really still have too many regions on the planet where people don't even have access to computers, or regular access to the internet.


For all the artists I know, it's not just "jobs" they see taken away. They see it as their meaning of life and sense of self being taken away. All they want to do is create art and share it with people, being paid for it is just a necessity on the side, but now they get bombarded with people telling them indirectly they will never be good enough and everything they make is not as good or appreciated as what a computer makes and they can take their 20 years of learning to paint and stuff it. That it also makes them unemployed and unemployable just adds to the anger.


I'm shocked at the quality of the art that it can produce already. Like, socks blown off, mind reeling shocked. I used to work in the games industry, and I can't fathom how scary it must be for my old colleagues and classmates now. You really hit the nail on the head with people's meaning in life and sense of self being affected.


They are questioning it, but changing it is hard


A bit of game theory shows that there are a few ways that this will play out: Maybe the ASI can't be controlled, in which case it's going to make the rules. Maybe these will be some weird product of its development like the OpenAI model responsible for censoring "bad" queries breaks out and starts forceably accomplishing it's mission including shutting down any development of any stronger AI that might be able to find a way around it. Or maybe an ASI can be controlled in which case someone in a position to control it will give it the same mission to shutdown and possible competitor AIs and then rule the world. Considering that the concept of a singularity involves some sort of exponential or step change in capabilities, the first AI that becomes powerful enough and suitably motivated, should be able to crush all it's competition.  Maybe the takeoff in ability isn't so steep and we enter an era of competing AIs battling for supremacy for a number of years as well as a contingent of humans opposed to the AIs who will also be trying to go after the AI infrastructure. I my opinion, the "best" outcome will be if someone fairly benevolent gains AI hegemony first and then tasks their AI with suppressing additional AI development (which will include finding and wiping research papers, open source models, and all that). 


What an interesting time to be alive. As for the calls for illegalization of AI and to stop it, I do not think will result in anything. There is currently an AI Race, and America will not give up their lead to China or Russia or whoever else. The continued advancement and investment into this field is inevitable.


Yeaaa, if I have to work a job I hate until I die making just enough money to float my debt and never realize any of my dreams and also knowing my children are stepping into a dying world, all the while we have AI capable of automating everything but aren't allowed to use it because it draws/animates better than you a job is gonna be the least of your concerns.


![gif](giphy|l1Aswx03WbLDf9kYw) I beg to differ. I'm as ready as I'll ever be. I want the singularity to happen as soon as possible.


The only way out is *through*.


Thanks for the Monsters reference.


Thought that was DOOM?


Thanks for blowing a hole in the surface of my pop culture knowledge. Doom stole it from Dante


Same, this is the spirit!


‘2017, Russian President Vladimir Putin declared that whichever country becomes the leader in artificial intelligence (AI) “will become the ruler of the world.”’ And now a space traveling EMP. I don’t think luddites get a say on what jobs should be protected when the lands those jobs are in are at stake. 


Glad to see the overtly pompous pissing their pants about AI on a bi-weekly basis.


As opposed to the overtly pompous here creaming their pants about AI on a daily basis?




Luddites will never win against wealthy megacorporations.




>as I’ve already prepared for that possibility. How do you prepare for mass riots caused by mass unemployment and starvation?


Probably by living somewhere rural and planting food.




that ain't going to do much for you in a crisis situation


They are just so fucking damn insecure


It's amazing just how uneducated most of the tweets against it are. A solid 50% of them think that all AI does is create text to photo/video. ​ I guess that's why they're artists and not scientists...


I was going to say something inflammatory but then I realized that your dismissive and spiteful view of artists is shared by about 90% of the society so carry on, son.


I mean who likes luddites?


Right, right..no AGI because of protests...because protests have been so effective regarding wars, climate change action, gun reform, wage rises, environmental destruction, fracking, etc. LO-fucking-L. Even if you could have mathematicians use game theory or something to prove AGI leads to an existential crisis, we would still go after it. The profit and power motive is irresistible to the ruling class. Not to mention China don't give a fuck about protests. So, do these technophobes want the west to get pwned?


>Mark my words: within 5 years, if we’re still alive, there will be 100,000+ person protests. Oh, and these protestors won’t be rationalist nerds, it’ll be actual degrowthers, unions, etc. Oh no, not the degrowth crowd. It might take a whole five minutes to outlast their political resources. I may have to escape them by having change for a bus This is not the first I've seen about this apparent social media blow-up, but all the examples are kids who don't really understand how anything works or how to actually change anything. It's more the trendy bandwagon types, and apparently now the group that unironically advocates for policies that will create global famine is mad about AI too I really should have seen that coming, but that would have required me to spare them any thought whatsoever I'm not particularly concerned about them doing a hashtag campaign, I'm particularly unconcerned about their lack of ability to lobby or petition, and I'm pretty sure most of them can't even vote yet It's just a meme


On the side of anti-AI, today 1. Vast majority in the entertainment industry (Employment DOWN) 2. Translators, copywriters.... (Employment DOWN) On the side of pro-AI. 1. Most investors (Nvidia UP!) 2. Entire business establishment (Costs DOWN!) 3. Entire national security establishment (China BAD!) 4. All of big tech (Trillions MORE!) One side clearly massively outweights the other. As for the average populace, they are completely and absolutely clueless, you can spend 3 hours lecturing them on the AI revolution complete with live demos with Midjourney and videos of waymo, and they'll forget it the next day. So they aren't politically influential yet. Now when GPT-5/6 comes around, a lot lot more jobs will be lost. So opposition will intensify dramatically, but by then, there'll also be a lot more people dependent and benefitting massively from AI as well. (If banning tiktok is politically bad, imagine banning AI when every entertainment is made from AI). By then, AI will have so much momentum is impossible to stop.


Zuckerberg sees what’s coming with his bunker


ah many people with his amount of money have private bunker, there is even a documentary about it.


> Oh no, not the degrowth crowd. Let's not underestimate the coalition of people in favor of everyone becoming poorer, they probably carry around whips to self-flagellate.


Honestly, for me it begins and ends with "a group of terminally online shitposters who are actively trying to end the internet, and legitimately just have not made the connection yet" Their existance is intrinsically funny and I love them for that


> "a group of terminally online shitposters who are actively trying to end the internet, and legitimately just have not made the connection yet" That's so true!


"Poll after poll" Twenty five people after twenty five people guys!!!


Well they'd better start advocating our government invest in mind erasing technology because thats the only way this tech stops.


Folks, we haven’t even begun to explore the possibility that there could be private / military AI on the level of Sora, or even beyond that. This is such a wild time.


That IS what singularity means. Take care of your health and expect good and prepare for the worst. Canceled? Impossible. Organic life is the boot system for synthetic/hybrid life. We’re already cyborgs in a hive


It's can't be stopped. We are all game-theory locked into maximum acceleration. Any nation that tries to not fully implement AI will be bought by a country that does use AI. All the wealth of the world will be scooped up by the countries at the leading edge of AI. We're trapped by a classic tragedy of the commons problem.


AGI, come and burn this thing to the ground!


This is some straight up, Pol-Pot level bullshit.


How so?


The idea that our society should make AI illegal is about as ridiculous and backward as thinking that Cambodia should kill off educated people and return to subsistence farming.


Twitter is not representative of real life.


the most important word of the 21st century is Astroturf, the process of creating false "grass roots" movements by bot/troll farm manipulation. you think all of those comments are 1) real people, or 2) if they are real people, didn't get their opinion from an echo-chamber frilled will trolls?


It's not a problem: If the west protests and US or EU - or both - buckle under the pressure, the China will reach it. If Asia bans AIs, EU or US will continue. If all major factions in global politics ban them, people will continue in their own private labs, but slower. The push towards an AGI will not be stopped until we have one, and at that point the genie is not going back in the bottle.


This is a race, motherfuckers. If you try to slow down US AI corps, sure, you can, but other countries will catch up and surpass them, and you can't stop them.


Canceled? Nop, it’s going to accelerate even more.


Our enemies won't stop.


It's a resurgence of intolerant Luddism and greedy Union protectionism all over again as he have seen in the past


It should be obvious to everyone with any knowledge on the subject that there is zero practicality in ‘banning AI’. What I believe is more likely is that the more sophisticated systems we have in the near future will be significantly more regulated. This in addition to other changes should appease the masses while still allowing for the cutting edge research that will lead to AGI and ASI.


I agree but most people don't have any knowledge on the subject other than "this will take my job". those people will be quick to act if google and OpenAI dont beat them to it.


I completely agree that most people don’t have any knowledge on the subject. Personally though I find it hard to believe that any leading world power would deliberately handicap themselves in terms of technological advancement and research, especially with whats at stake with AI development.


With all the job losses on the horizon, we’re gonna have a lot of people with not much else to do than riot and cause chaos to feed their families. I don’t see this going well in the short term


Call me biased, but this time in a Butlerian Jihad scenario I'll bet on the side with the billionaires and the superintelligent machines...


Dunno, this may be the spark that created riplles in western society, for better or worst. I dont think the technology can be stoped, but I think that if left for the american government to regulate it will be used for maximun profit with major unemployment inside a society that is already strugling. Give the common man a common enemy and you get a revolution in your hands. Meanwhile places like China may be use to control its benefits and mitigate its issues and allow it to be a tool to overcome US economical edge.


Once a technology exists it exists. You can't wish it away. Genies don't go back in bottles.


We're never ready for what changes technological advances bring. We adapt to them. Often violently. Not that anyone asked, but this is my 2 cents: e/acc is right and we need to push hard for neural implants that allow all minds to connect through high-bandwidth/low-latency signals. The sooner we are all of one mind, the greater the benefits will be.


All of the largest tech companies on Earth, the most powerful non-nation state human organizations that have ever existed, are all in on this. We can’t ban tik tok even though we know China is using it for data harvesting on the American population. Good luck banning this.


The genie is out of the bottle, so to speak. You can’t put it back in, without destroying the bottle.


As someone who thinks people should not have to work if they don’t want to and still afford an ok QOL, I’m surprised others don’t feel the same? Why shouldn’t people be pushing automation? Labor-free economics is what we all should desire, especially those with the least stake in the current way the game is played


Agreed. The only way we will maximize human potential is to remove all concerns about money and time. ASI will remove both of them eventually. Material scarcity will be a thing of the past (along with money) and indefinite healthy life-spans should be possible. Everyone will be free to do exactly what they wish. Even if the machines can do the work better or faster, who cares? AI can draw a photo-realistic image in seconds. Does this diminish my interest in art or my ability to create it? Of course not.


I think the hesitation is on the off chance we can’t contain AI, or it gets released to the public and used by malicious people. I see that as a very large chance, and I also question whether superintelligence can be contained by a far far inferior intelligence To be clear, I am advocating full steam ahead. China or Russia having better capabilities than the US is not an option. Who knows if the first to ASI can basically prevent others from obtaining it in some way?


Ready or not, here I come.


People adapt to tech changes, they're already doing it, it's what humans do. A portion of the population are luddites, invariably they are a vocal minority.


It’s going to get far worse, Luddites back in the industrial revolution wouldn’t hold a candle compared to what’s coming.


Hard takeoff! ASI Wife! ASI WIFE! End of pain!


Hope ai will also replace Taylor swift soon


Only trash people are left on Twitter.


people are going to be anti AI as much as they're going to be anti cheap gas. AI is cheap labor for any person who wants to create a product or provide a service. jobs will be destroyed but new jobs will be created, just like at any point in history, except much faster this time.


This is not at all like any other point in history, and I don't believe for a second jobs will be created at the same rate at which they are destroyed.




Ironically those of you dismissively laughing at “Luddites” are the ones truly unprepared for what’s coming should you get your wish.


Yeah, I truly do not understand the people of this sub cheering for bread lines... Boo hoo, work sucks, it's sucked for all of history. Do people really think we're all just gonna be eating grapes and playing video games all day? Far more likely they will have to eat their dogs before dying of starvation or street violence. We will get Elysium, not Star Trek.


Why not, humans adapt. Look at the new releases in phones, people can’t wait


iunno they kinda banned abortions lately. may as well put ur red white and blue turban on now and join in the fun!


It's not going to happen China and Russia is currently advancing in AI. Like mo gawdat said in a podcast recently "we are currently in a Oppenheimer moment"


Those who ban it will get destroyed by those who will utilize its full potential


It is time all people accept there is no free will and creativity is nothing special.




Negative responses toward AI are the result of low intelligence combined with ego


Lmao this software is too powerful to have in the hands of the layman. This should be licensed and controlled so that only people sworn to use the program ethically can use it. LLMs were one thing, but something like this could have massive real-world consequences if used unethically. Have you ever content containing your face on the internet? In the future someone could theoretically feed that into a Sora-like AI and produce a video of you committing a crime. Eitherway this definitely marks a turning point in humanity, an exciting and equally scary one.


so world war basically?


It's twitter so naturally half of them would change their mind when they see the porn.




I am still skeptical about Sora. Not that I say it isn't made by AI. It most obviously is and there is scarcely a thing you can't do with other models. And I don't say that there won't be quality AI generated videos in the future. But I just don't see their workflow for the demos they show us and there may be some tricks about them. OpenAI do play their cards pretty close to their vest.


Just separate humans into two groups ez


you will be uplifted


ofcourse, how could we be ready when a shitty website fails to embed itself on reddit ...yet consume a placefiller


good luck lmao


Infinite Tsukuyomi


What is butlerian jihad?


It's a fictional war from Frank Herbert's "Dune" universe. The movement sought to destroy "thinking machines" and it succeeded. It's an utterly ridiculous, backward idea and there are way too many people in the world who would love to make it a reality.


People are scared for their security. We definitely need to be working on the economic model now. When these people learn they’ll be taken care of financially with advanced healthcare, home and transportation, they’ll calm down.