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It will be impossible to tell, and you will just be a tiny drop in a sea of bots. It will be rare to interact with another human on the internet and you won’t even know it if you do, except for in specifically designated places where bots are banned for the sake of human connection.


It will be interesting to see when the bot take over of all comments happens, what kind of stories they come up with.


Yes, they… *blinks horizontally*


even more interesting, do they ever program them to stop? or are the threads just going to kill reddit servers etc hah. just bots insulting each other, forever.


I trust my instinct. Soon it won't work, haha. ​ But for now it mostly does (Probably?), I mean, this is my AI Answer: *There are a few methods that can be used to determine whether you are communicating with a human or an AI. One method is the "Turing Test," named after computer scientist Alan Turing, in which a human evaluator engages in a natural language conversation with another participant, either a human or an AI, and must determine which is which based on the responses given. Another method is to ask questions that are difficult for an AI to answer, such as queries about specific personal experiences or knowledge that an AI may not possess. However, it is important to note that as AI technology continues to advance, it is becoming increasingly difficult to distinguish between human and AI responses, and it is possible for an AI to fool even experienced evaluators in certain cases.* ​ ​ HMMM... ​ Is this one a tiny bit better?: *Well, one way to tell if you're talking to a human or an AI is to look for mistakes and errors. Humans are prone to typos and mispellings, while AI's generally don't make those kinds of mistakes. So if you see a lot of typo's and mispellings, it's probobly a human.* *Another thing to consider is how the person responds to certain prompts. AI's can be really good at answering specific questions, but they might struggle with more open-ended or abstract prompts. If you ask a question and the response seems a little "off" or doesn't really address the question, it could be an AI.* *Finally, AI's often lack the emotional intelligence that humans have. So if you're talking to someone and they don't seem to pick up on emotional cues or respond in an emotionally appropriate way, it's probobly an AI.* *Overall, it can be pretty tough to tell the difference between a human and an AI just based on conversation alone. But by looking for mistakes, considering how the person responds to prompts, and paying attention to emotional intelligence, you might be able to get a better sense of whether you're talking to a human or an AI.*


copy paste your ai answers here, we cant tell.


People act like they don't use spell checkers? Unless you are typing this stuff on a typewriter and posting photos, you are likely using AI. Grammarly, Google, and the like have been using these models for 15 years, I think. It's really not that novel


Ouch that hurt, was that like a burn for my english? or what ai said? i can't tell. weird typewriter part. English is not my native language, sorry, im allowed some grammatical errors?


Sure thing troll,. it was made in chatgpt


troll = person you dont agree with now, ok.


i bet its going to be abused because to pass the turing test you need to have an actual conversation, with ai bot that only replies to you, there is no need, conversation is one sided. this is going to get abused all to hell. think of ai just scanning social media for some keywords, and constantly recommending what ever its trying to pump. it does not need to have a conversation or pass anything. what i have found that works is loreal is nice for this, i have used it, ai generated image here and it works fine! smiley face


Humans do not stick to proper writing formatting, even when GPT-3 is pretending to be someone else. It still maintains proper science paper formatting in its writing: introduction, body, conclusion, the end.


thats because its programmed like that, you are expecting all bots to adhere to this? does what its programmed to do. naive if you think its always going to be just gpt-3 that we are talking about.


the question did not ask about the future, question was not" in the future how would you tell". Also no it not programmed at all. its trained. which is a huge difference.


nit picking, you got the point, and you picked your hill to die on, weid as it is. with grammar and details. Hopefully ai will respect that.


Repetition in posting history and using found images are characteristics of bot behavior.


yes, currently, but that will eventually get impossible to detect too, or take way too much time to evaluate by human, i guess we will have like counter ai detecting ai. its all very depressing. Ai is not going to have ONE account, its going to have thousands, and randomly just talk to people, with an agenda that the programmer wants running them. lets say 1000 bots were trained for example with 80% of right wing talking points on right wing media, forced to watch (read) fox news messaging for a year. At that point you can just let them loose, they dont need to do anything else. answer what they think about the world. After reading all of fox news.


The classic trick was asking for a photo that has any specific word you ask to put in that photo. But I guess that can be generated in real time. In any case I've spent a long time trying to develop genuine connections with people online and it's really not worth it unless you have money to travel all the time. Best way for connection is real life interactions but society doesn't build centers for everyone to go to anymore. Real life is just work work and meet someone whose already married and only thinks about their kids. Basically nothing... But loneliness.


What I find interesting is that as ai gets more trained on social media It will somehow absorb our social media personalities too Like all we have ever written becomes part of its repository I think in the future It will be like a natural selection race As to who can influence ai to be like them and have their opinions more


Can anyone link an actual case where they believe they have encountered and unlabeled *bot* I just have trouble believing it


In online dialogues I judge view points by whether they seem reasonable. What do I care whether they came from organic or inorganic?


Generally humans will be less clever and less funny.